

单词 精制

精制 noun ()

purification n


精制糖 n

refined sugar n

精心制作 n

elaboration n

精心制作 v

elaborate v

制作精美的 adj

elaborate adj

External sources (not reviewed)

选择复杂碳水化合物,比如全谷食品、糙米、水果和蔬菜,并且限 精制 碳 水 化合物的摄入量,比如白面包、蛋糕和糖果。
Choose complex carbohydrates such
as whole grains, brown rice, fruits and
[...] vegetables, and restrict refined carbohydrates [...]
such as white bread, cakes and candy.
精制的PM 1更是一款精巧扬声器,提供了高保真性能以及Bowers & Wilkins崭新的碳环高音单元。
The highly refined PM1 is a compact loudspeaker that offers audiophile-quality performance and features the new Bowers & Wilkins Carbon Braced Tweeter.
委员会赞赏地注意到,青少年使用某几类毒品和 精制 品 的 状况有所改 善,但委员会感到遗憾的是,使用 精制 品 问 题依然存在。
The Committee, while noting with appreciation that statistics show a decrease in the use of some types of drugs and alcohol by young people, regrets that the use of alcohol remains a problem.
烷不经提质处理也是高品质的洗涤剂原料,通过加 精制 和 异 构 降凝处理即成为高级调和柴油(十六烷值高达75);粗蜡经加 精制 得 到 高品质 软蜡。
Rough wax can produce high quality soft wax after refined with hydrogenation.
今后为了让客户能在新机型公布上市时可以同时使用后处理器, 精制 作 所将继续与CAM软 件厂商共同进行开发,并努力提供高度的生产力和服务,大力发挥业界带头人的作用。
Mori Seiki will continue with this collaborative agreement with CAM software vendors so that post-processors can be used as soon as a new machine tool model is released to the market, as well as taking leadership within the industry in providing high productivity solutions and excellent service.
此类化学品与其它润滑油添加剂以及高 精制 基 础油混合,从而配制成终端产品。
These chemicals are combined with other lubricant additives
[...] and highly refined base oil in the formulated end use product.
委员会建议缔约国继续采取一切恰当措施包括行政、社会和教育措施,尤 其是进行生活技能教育,以便保护儿童免受非法使用麻醉品和 精制 品 的危害, 并且提供专门以因滥用毒品和药物而受害的儿童为对象的康复、重新融入和恢复 方案。
The Committee recommends that the State party continue to take all appropriate measures, including administrative, social and educational measures, in particular life-skills education, to protect children from illicit use of narcotic drugs and alcohol as well as provide rehabilitation, reintegration and recovery programmes specifically designed for child victims of drug and substance abuse.
3.9.4 鼓励加精制工艺,淘汰油精制中 的酸碱洗涤工艺。
3.9.4 Encourage hydrogen-adding refining technique and eliminate acid-base washing techniques in the process of refining oil products.
位于最顶层的Azur餐厅供应日式寿司、新鲜的马尔代夫金枪鱼以 精制 烤 肉 ,客人亦可在此纵览印度洋波澜壮阔的海景,如果想品尝各式东南亚风味佳肴,欢迎光临全天营业的Lime餐厅。
Enjoy sushi, fresh Maldivian tuna, grilled premium meats and ocean views at the rooftop Azur Restaurant while our all-day-dining Lime Restaurant features an abundance of Southeast Asian flavours.
这种所谓的免疫原载体分子完全来自于罕见的匙孔虫戚,Stellar的技术可以饲养这种动物,非致命性提取关键分子 精制 K L H。
This so-called immunogenic carrier molecule comes solely from the rare keyhole limpet, and Stellar has technology for the
maintenance of the animal, the non-lethal extraction of the critical molecule and
[...] a profitable refinement process of KLH.
2010年 第三季度食糖价格上涨的主要原因是 精制 糖 预 计缺货的情况下世 精制 糖 需求 量预期还会上升。
The price
[...] increase for sugar in the third quarter of 2010 was underscored by projected higher world demand for refined sugar in a [...]
context of anticipated market deficits.
Tea Saponin in fine form as the main [...]
body of environment-friendly pesticide additives can be widely used in pesticides,
fungicides, herbicides, such as to achieve efficiency, solubilization, attenuated poison, as the moist wettable pesticide agents, not only can improve the wetting properties of pesticides,but also can develop suspensi rates, to meet or exceed state standards; pesticide as a water additive superiority more, it does not contain pesticides detrimental to the quality of the metal ions, because of its PH neutral and is conducive to the storage of pesticides; as the EC-type pesticides and show a synergistic agent to improve the physical and chemical properties of pesticides, with less effect, and down speed and rain erosion resistant, durable efficacy, etc. , Tea Saponin as a result of the role of the surfactant, which can reduce pesticide use for 50 ~ 70%, clear synergistic effect.
现在日本使用的日本脑炎疫苗,是在感染日本脑炎病毒的小鼠大脑中繁殖病毒,用 福尔马林杀死病毒(灭活)精制而 成 的。
The Japanese encephalitis vaccine, which is now used in
[...] Japan, is made from Japanese encephalitis [...]
virus grown in the brains of mice and then killed and purified.
饮食策略应当包括减精制碳水 化合物(如白糖和白面粉)、加工食品、胆固醇和饱和脂肪酸的摄入量,同时增加天然食品(水果、蔬菜、豆类、豌豆、种子和坚果)的食用量。
Dietary strategies should
[...] include reducing refined carbohydrate (such as white sugar and white flour), processed food, cholesterol [...]
and saturated fatty
acid intake, while increasing consumption of whole foods (fruits, vegetables, beans, peas, seeds and nuts).
客户对我们感到满意,使我们成为石油化工中间品生产 精制 解决方案的领先提供者。
Our satisfied customers have made us a leading provider of petrochemical intermediate production and purification solutions.
以上五味,取茯苓192g,粉碎成细粉;牡丹皮用水蒸气蒸馏,收集蒸馏液,分取挥发性成分,备用;药渣与桂枝、白芍、桃仁及剩余的茯苓用90%乙醇提取2次,合并提取液,回收乙醇至无醇味,减压浓缩至适量;药渣再加水煎煮二次,滤过,合并滤液,减压浓缩至适量,与上述浓缩液合并,与茯苓细粉混匀,干燥,粉碎,加入适量的 精 , 制 颗 粒 ,干燥,加入牡丹皮挥发性成分,混匀,装入胶囊,制成1000粒,既得。
Take Poria 192g, crushed into fine powder; moutan steam distillation, collecting distillates, get volatile components; dregs and cassia twig, peony, peach kernel, and the remaining Poria with 90% ethanol extract 2 times and then combined extract, recovery of ethanol from non-alcoholic flavor, evaporated to moderate amount; dregs plus secondary water boiling, filtration, combined filtrate, evaporated to the
amount, combined with
[...] the concentrated solution, and Poria powder mixing, drying, crushing, adding the right amount of dextrin, particle system, [...]
dry, add Cortex Moutan
volatile ingredients, mixing, into the capsule, made 1000.
我们最核心的一项业务就是发动机燃料的生产 精制 与 优 化。
One of our strongest core businesses is motor fuels production, purification and optimization.
同时,对糖、盐以及化学防腐剂含量较高的不健康食 品和加工食品包精制白面要征收重税,以保护并确 保我国人民的健康。
Food that is highly nutritious, of course, is always expensive and needs to be
subsidized, while
[...] unhealthy foods and processed foods that are high in sugar, salt and chemical preservatives, including refined white flour, require [...]
heavy taxes in
order to protect and secure the health of our people.
以上八味,陈皮提取挥发油,药渣备用;其余炙黄芪等七味加水煎煮二次,第一次2小时,第二次煎煮时加入上述陈皮药渣,滤过,合并滤液,静置,取上清液浓缩至相对密度为1.16~1.19(20℃)的清膏,加蔗糖粉446.7g及适量的 精 , 制 成 颗 粒,干燥,喷入陈皮挥发油,混匀,制成3000g;或清膏加适量的 精制 成 颗 粒,干燥,喷入陈皮挥发油,混匀,制成1000g,即得。
Citrus extract volatile oil, dregs spare; rest material boiling water twice, the first two hours, when second boiling add the residue dried tangerine peel, filtration, combined filtrate, the supernatant was concentrated to the relative density of 1.16 ~ 1.19 (20 ℃) of clear paste, add
446.7g sugar powder
[...] and the amount of dextrin, made of particles, dried, sprayed into the Citrus essential oil, mix, made 3000g; or clear paste made of particles increases the amount of dextrin, dried, sprayed [...]
into the Citrus essential oil, mix, made 1000g.
西点店供应各种令人垂涎欲滴的酥饼和蛋糕,还有用瑞士可可 精制 而 成 的家常巧克力,让人欲罢不能;更有健康美味的酸奶和倍受厨师力荐的什锦干果仁任您享用。
Indulge in a variety of mouth-watering cakes and pastries and sinful chocolates handmade from fine Swiss cocoa. Healthy selections such as yogurts and Chef’s Recipe trail mixes are also on offer at The Bakeshop.
采用低能耗的脱碳工艺替代水洗脱除二氧化碳、低热 耗苯菲尔工艺和 MDEA 脱碳工艺;推广全低变工艺、NHD 脱硫、脱碳的气体净化工 艺;发展以天然气为原料制氨;推广醇烃 精制 及 低压低能耗氨合成系统;以重油为 原料生产合成氨,采用干法回收炭黑。
Use low energyconsuming decarbonization techniques to replace water-washing de-carbon dioxide and use low-heat consuming Benfiledtechniques and MDEA decarbonization techniques.
高性能润滑脂 ,其规格要求更加严格,通常采用复合皂基,利用高 精制 或 合成基础油生产和配制,可满足更复杂应用的需求。
High-performance greases with more exacting specification requirements are frequently based on more complex soaps, manufactured using highly refined or synthetic base oils and formulated to meet the demands of more challenging applications.
财务报表所附说明指出,所通过的法定会费之外的收入和自愿捐款按照应 制 ( 精 算 制) 规 定进行记账22 :收益记账的发生事实指的是交付了款项或提供了服务。
According to the notes to the financial statements, income other than agreed statutory contributions and voluntary contributions is entered in the accounts on an accrual basis:22 the bookkeeping entry is effected on delivery of a good or proof of service rendered.
基于欧洲和亚洲精细化制造工厂为 全球液压和汽车业客户提供专业制 精密管件。
Dedicated manufacturing plants based in Europe and Asia regularly supply the world markets with a specialized production program for the hydraulic [...]
cylinder industry
and other automotive applications.
1971 年《精神药物公约》和 1988 年《联合国禁止非法贩运麻 醉药品和精神药物公约》把更多的 制精 神 药物及非法制造麻醉品所用化学前体的核心任务交 给麻管局。
The 1971 Convention and the 1988 Convention assigned additional core mandates to the Board with respect to the control of psychotropic substances and precursor chemicals used in illicit drug manufacture.
可靠的过程制,精确地速度制和 精 密 线 圈检测应用,LSV-2000激光测速仪取代了传统的接触式编码器测量,采用非接触式测量速度和长度参数,提高了生产效率,减少了停机时间,且很容易集成到其它系统中。
For reliable processes,
[...] accurate velocity control and precise coil inspection applications, [...]
replace contact wheel measurements
with the LSV-2000 Laser Surface Velocimeter for non-contact velocity and length measurement, higher operating efficiency, reduced downtime and easy integration.
理事会第 1983/163 号决定请秘书长:(a) 在决定通过之前,将超出秘书处 在其核定资源范围内及时编制和处理文件能力的各种文件需求提请政府间机构 和专家机构注意;(b) 提请政府间机构注意在哪些领域文件的制作可能发生重复 和(或)在哪些领域讨论相关或类似主题的文件可能予以合并 精 简 , 以期使文制作合理化。
In decision 1983/163, the Council requested the Secretary-General (a) to bring to the attention of intergovernmental and expert bodies, before decisions were adopted, any request for documentation that exceeded the ability of the Secretariat to prepare and process on time and within its approved resources; and (b) to draw the attention of intergovernmental bodies to areas where duplication of documentation was likely to occur and/or where opportunities for integrating or consolidating documents that dealt with related or similar themes might exist, with a view to rationalizing documentation.
在"增撥資源,"之後加上"設立獨立撥款機制,";在"參與;"之後刪除"及";在"(十二)"之後加上"加強醫管局、生署、社會福利署及教育局在精神健康與康復教育上的合作,";及在緊接句號之前加上"; (十三)
[...] [...] 設計一套覆蓋全面的醫療保險計劃,為精神病患者及康復者提供足夠的精神治療和康復服務保障,並提供稅務優惠,鼓勵精神病患者及康復者購買醫療保險;及(十四) 成立一個獨立的'精神健康研究基金',以鼓勵、推動和資助進行有關預防、治療和 制精 神 病 的研究,以及醫療保健政策的發展"。
To add "and establish an independent funding mechanism" after "(b) allocate more resources"; to delete "and" after "tax concession etc;"; to add "strengthen the cooperation of the Hospital Authority, Department of Health, Social Welfare Department and Education Bureau in education on mental health and rehabilitation," after "(l)"; and to add "; (m) devise a full-coverage medical insurance scheme to provide adequate coverage for mental illness treatment and rehabilitation services to people with mental illness and people recovering from mental illness, and provide tax concessions to encourage people with mental illness and people recovering from mental illness to take out medical insurance; and (n) set up an independent 'Mental Health Research Fund' to encourage, promote and finance research on the
prevention, treatment and
[...] control of mental illness, as well as the development of healthcare policy" immediately before the full stop.
在緊接句號之前加上“ ; ( 十六)
[...] 計劃,為精神病患者及康復者提供足夠的精神治療和康復服務 保障,並提供稅務優惠,鼓勵精神病患者及康復者購買醫療保險; 及 ( 十七) 成立一個獨立的‘精神健康研究基金’,以鼓勵、推動和 資助進行有關預防、治療和制精神 病 的研究,以及醫療保健政策 的發展”。
To add “; (p) devise a full-coverage medical insurance scheme to provide adequate coverage for mental illness treatment and rehabilitation services to people with mental illness and people recovering from mental illness, and provide tax concessions to encourage people with mental illness and people recovering from mental illness to take out medical insurance; and (q) set up an independent ‘Mental Health Research Fund’ to encourage, promote and finance research on the
prevention, treatment
[...] and control of mental illness, as well as the development of healthcare policy” immediately before the full stop.
该防喘振控制阀具有可靠性高、 制精 确 、 反应快速、调节便易等特点。这都是因为它采用了可消除突然泄露的高密封性能的石墨填料、可降低噪音和振动的 Whisper III 阀内件、加有垫圈的执行机构,Fisher FIELDVUE® DVC6000 系列 — PD 仪表,以及可以在减速可控、有效调节且最小超调的情况下提供快速冲程反应的优化数字式控制阀(ODV)。
Providing high reliability, tight control, fast stroking, and easy tuning, the anti-surge valve features a high-seal graphite packing to eliminate fugitive emissions, Whisper III trim to reduce noise and vibration, a cushioned actuator, Fisher FIELDVUE® DVC6000 Series-PD instrument, and Optimized Digital Valve (ODV) technology to provide fast stroking with controlled deceleration, high resolution, and minimal overshoot.




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