单词 | 粪蛆 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 粪蛆 —muckwormSee also:粪—dung 蛆—maggot
一般而言,如果能做到這兩方面的話,即使環境有很大問題, 也不容易感染蠅蛆病的。 legco.gov.hk | Generally speaking, if people can observe these, they will not be [...] infected with myiasis easily even though [...]the environment is not satisfactory. legco.gov.hk |
我想請問局 長,有否具體措施令在醫院留醫的長者不會感染 蠅 蛆 病? legco.gov.hk | May I ask the Secretary whether specific measures have been implemented to ensure that the hospitalized elderly will not be infected? legco.gov.hk |
此外,就香港發生的蠅蛆病病例,有否資料統計過,究竟香港哪一個區 [...] 域發病較多? legco.gov.hk | Besides, [...] regarding cases of myiasis in Hong Kong, [...]has the Government compiled any statistics to show which particular district has a rate of incidence? legco.gov.hk |
如果可能, 做粪便显 微镜检查和培养,这有助于确定腹泻 原因。 thewpca.org | If stool microscopy and culture is possible, it may help to determine the cause. thewpca.org |
此外,用于轮垦的土地可以通过动物和鸟类 的粪便恢复其失去的肥力。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, lands used for shifting cultivation may regain lost fertility from the excreta and urine of animals and birds. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們在這方面其實已有緊密跟進,如果有任何 [...] 事情發生,我們一定有專業人士到老人院視察,看看它們有何問題,以及教 導那些照顧長者的人如何處理和預防 蠅 蛆 病。 legco.gov.hk | Should any incident occur, we will send professionals to [...] inspect the institutions in order to determine the problem and advise the carers on how to deal [...] with and prevent myiasis. legco.gov.hk |
因為如果一名健康的人經常清洗其口腔及傷口,特別是 [...] 把傷口包紮及掩蓋着的話,蒼蠅能在其傷口產卵而引起 蠅 蛆 病 的 可能性會相 當低。 legco.gov.hk | If a healthy person has his mouth and wound always cleansed, particularly has his [...] wound dressed and covered, the chances of eggs being laid by flies on his wound [...] resulting in myiasis will be very slim. legco.gov.hk |
联科行动将采取若干特派团支助举措:包括实施一项新技术,以增加卫星网 [...] 络吞吐量,并减少使用的卫星调制解调器数量;为联科行动人员安全制定一项综 [...] 合安全管理制度;建立一个中央人员数据库,更好地管理人员流动;引进环保废 水处理系统;根据科特迪瓦环境法规, 将 粪 便 收 集和处理外包给一个私人承包商; 在智器(移动电话,全球定位系统导航器)上安装互动地图,以及在没有银行设施 [...] 的地方,利用银行服务提供现金每月为在该地区的人员发放津贴,而不是用联科 行动的工具运送。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNOCI will implement a number of mission support initiatives, including the implementation of a new technology to increase the throughput on the satellite network and reduce the number of satellite modems in use; the development of an integrated security management system for the security of the Operation’s personnel; the creation of a central repository of personnel data for better management of personnel movement; the introduction of an environmentally friendly wastewater treatment [...] system; the outsourcing of the [...] collection and disposal of septic waste to a private [...]contractor in accordance with the environmental [...]regulations of Côte d’Ivoire; the deployment of interactive maps on smart devices (mobile phones, Global Positioning System navigators); and the use of banking services to deliver cash for the payment of monthly allowances to personnel in the regions where there are no banking facilities, instead of its transport by UNOCI means. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過,在基層的社區,特別是鄉郊地區,面積比較廣闊,政府又如何進 行宣傳,令長者可接收預防蠅蛆病的 信息? legco.gov.hk | However, for the grass-roots community, in particular the rural areas which are relatively [...] vast, how can the Government conduct publicity to ensure the message of [...] prevention of myiasis is received by [...]the elderly? legco.gov.hk |
衞生防護中心又會透過新聞稿,向公眾公布經查明的 蠅 蛆 病 個 案,藉此 增加市民對此病的認識及加強預防意識。 legco.gov.hk | The CHP will also inform the public of the [...] investigated cases of myiasis through press [...]releases, with a view to enhancing public [...]awareness and knowledge about the condition and its prevention. legco.gov.hk |
产生差异的主要原因是如下各项所需资源减少:(a) 建筑事务,原因是多年 期项目接近完成以及混合行动采取利用本身资源和军力增强手段的战略;(b) 设 备购置,主要原因是 2011/12 年度期间计划采购所有水罐和化粪池 、 电气设备、 战地防御设备、发电机、净水设备和预制设施,2012/13 年度期间不再需要为此 编列经费;(c) 给部队和警察派遣国政府的特遣队所属自我维持装备偿款,原因 是根据当地实有的装备计算偿款,并对建制警察部队费用估计数适用了 16%的较 高延迟部署率,而 2011/12 年度期间的延迟部署率是 10%。 daccess-ods.un.org | The variance is attributable primarily to reduced requirements with respect to: (a) construction services owing to the near completion of the multi-year projects and the Operation’s strategy to engage in-house resources and military enablers; (b) acquisition of equipment, owing mainly to the planned procurement of all water and septic tanks, electrical equipment, field defence equipment, generators, water purification equipment and prefabricated facilities in 2011/12, for which no provision was made in the 2012/13 period; (c) reimbursement of troop- and policecontributing Governments for contingent-owned self-sustainment equipment, based on actual equipment on the ground and reflecting the application of a higher delayed deployment factor of 16 per cent to the cost estimates for formed police units, as compared with a 10 per cent factor for the 2011/12 period. daccess-ods.un.org |
不過,最重要的是,我剛才也 提出,蠅蛆病最 重要的預防方法是注重個人衞生及妥善處理傷口,這反而是 [...] 最重要的因素。 legco.gov.hk | However, most importantly, as I just said, the best [...] precaution against myiasis is personal [...]hygiene and proper treatment of wounds. legco.gov.hk |
此外,衞生防護中心會向食物環境衞 生署(“食環署”)和漁農自然護理署(“漁護署”)發出通報,以便各部 門作出適當的跟進;同時,會向安老院員工發出指引,提醒他們留意院友有 否出現蠅蛆病的病徵,並盡快安排不適的院友就醫。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, the CHP will also notify the Food and Environmental Hygiene Department (FEHD) and the Agriculture, Fisheries and Conservation Department (AFCD) to take appropriate follow-up action on the case. legco.gov.hk |
蠅蛆病可 影響任何人,但體弱 和缺乏自理能力的長者感染此病的機會一般較其他人高。 legco.gov.hk | Myiasis could infect anybody, [...] but frail or elderly people who cannot look after themselves tend to have a relatively high chance of infection. legco.gov.hk |
政府有否就某一個較多的區域作出特別措施,以防止 蠅 蛆 病? legco.gov.hk | Has the Government taken any special preventive measure against the disease in any particular worst-hit district? legco.gov.hk |
此外,現時透過公眾教育和宣傳,可有更多人防止 蠅 蛆 病 的 發生。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, through public education and publicity, more people will join the [...] effort in the prevention of myiasis. legco.gov.hk |
经常有人在现场为低收入家 庭提供卫生服务,有多种行为者参与提供这种服务,这些活动涉及到从建设、维 护和排空厕所和化粪池到 与公共设施的管理和销售有关的诸如清洁剂和肥皂的一 系列产品。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sanitation for low-income households is often provided on site and multiple actors are involved, with activities ranging from constructing, maintaining and emptying latrines and septic tanks to managing public facilities and selling related products such as cleaners and soap. daccess-ods.un.org |
政府有否研究過地理環境和如何做好防止 蠅蛆 病爆發的工作? legco.gov.hk | Has the Government studied the geographic location and what should be done to [...] prevent the outbreak of myiasis? legco.gov.hk |
蛆蟲的進食行為會嚴重損害寄主身體的組織, 導致機能失調、皮膚受損,以及繼發性感染。 legco.gov.hk | Feeding activity of the maggots may cause serious [...] tissue damage, resulting in loss of function, injury to the skin, and secondary infection. legco.gov.hk |
在 2003 年至 2006 年(截至昨天 12 月 5 [...] 日)間,衞生署轄下的衞生防 護中心每年接獲蠅蛆病個 案的呈報分別為 9、8、6 和 [...]14 宗。 legco.gov.hk | From 2003 and 2006 (as of 5 December), there were nine, eight, six and [...] 14 cases of myiasis respectively [...]reported to the Centre for Health Protection [...](CHP) of the Department of Health (DH). legco.gov.hk |
在接獲蠅蛆病呈 報後,衞生防護中心會就個案進行流行病學調查,包括 與患者及其照顧者會面,以搜集資料,並到患者的居所實地視察,檢查個人 及環境衞生因素。 legco.gov.hk | A site visit to the place where the patient lives will also be conducted to examine personal and environmental hygiene factors. legco.gov.hk |
另一方面,他們的口腔有時候也會有問題,例如他們根本不能把口 合上或未能每天保持口腔衞生,這些情況也可能會令他們感染 蠅 蛆 病。 legco.gov.hk | For instance, some of them cannot keep their mouth shut or keep their mouth clean on a daily basis. legco.gov.hk |
劉皇發議員:主席女士,據報,蠅蛆 病 感 染個案自本年 1 月至今已有 11 [...] 宗,比去年全年只有 6 宗大幅增加,而患者多屬缺乏自理能力的長者。 legco.gov.hk | MR LAU WONG-FAT (in Cantonese): Madam President, it [...] has been reported that there have been 11 [...] cases of human myiasis since January [...]this year, representing a significant increase [...]over last year's mere six cases, and most of those infected were elderly persons incapable of self-care. legco.gov.hk |
此外,衞生署長者健康外展隊伍 為安老院舍員工提供預防蠅蛆病的 健康教育工作,特別是有關個人護理方面 [...] 的知識,亦會因應院舍的個別需要,加強員工在口腔護理、傷口護理等方面 的培訓。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, the Visiting Health Teams (VHTs) of the DH's [...] Elderly Health Service also provide health [...] education on myiasis to staff of [...]elderly homes, with particular emphasis on personal care. legco.gov.hk |
最重要的是,我們沒有發覺有一間院舍發生多於 1 宗蠅蛆病,這證明我們一 旦發覺有蠅蛆病, 便會進行一些工作,令有關工作人員對 蠅 蛆 病 有 較深認 識,所以不容易有第二宗個案發生。 legco.gov.hk | This shows that as soon as myiasis has been detected, efforts will be made to enhance the relevant staff's knowledge of the disease. legco.gov.hk |