

单词 粗的


粗糙的 adj

coarse adj

粗俗的 adj

vulgar adj
commonBE adj

(言行)粗俗的 adj

coarse adj

粗野的 adj

tough adj

(质地)粗糙的 adj

coarse adj

粗陋的 adj

crude adj

事物的粗大浓密部分 n

thick n

See also:

thick (for cylindrical objects)

External sources (not reviewed)

如果可以辨别出漂浮层前缘的特征是厚实的油 层,则应在地图上以粗的线条 将其标示出来, 并在随附的报告中提到这一点。
If the thick oil characterising the leading edge of a slick can be identified, it should be denoted by a heavier line on maps and referenced in accompanying reports.
你如有發作後會粗的歷史 ﹐告訴你身邊的人﹐以便他們知道怎樣應對及不會設法約束你。
If you have a history of being aggressive after a seizure, tell the people around you, so they will know how to react and not try to restrain you.
由于很难取得建筑许可证以扩大和改善现有的学校和建新校,以容纳 C 区的学生人数,不适当的建筑结构,包括帐篷、窝棚 粗 糙 的 水 泥 结构都被用作 学校;而在东耶路撒冷,由于欠缺 1 000 个教室以上,每年都有大量巴勒斯坦儿 童被剥夺了在耶路撒冷市和以色列教育部开设的市立学校入学的机会。
Inadequate structures, including tents, shacks and crude cement structures, are being used as schools owing to the difficulties in obtaining building permits needed to expand and upgrade existing schools and build new ones to accommodate the student population in area C, while in East Jerusalem, each year large numbers of Palestinian children are denied admission in the municipal schools run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Education owing to a shortage of over 1,000 classrooms.
厌倦了所有wonderlandians的粗暴和的古 怪,爱丽丝放弃她的追求白兔决定回家,但迷失在Tulgey木。
Fed up with all the
[...] wonderlandians’ rudeness and wackiness, Alice [...]
abandons her pursuit of the White Rabbit and decides to
go home, but gets lost in the Tulgey Wood.
15-64 岁这一年龄组别男的粗死亡 率仍然是女性的两 倍多。
Men’s crude death rates in the age [...]
groups 15-64 continue to be more than twice as high as for women.
再者,机的粗细度对布料的损坏有 较大的影响,毫无疑问,生产前要进 行测试,找出合的机针粗细度
In addition, needle size
[...] has a big influence on material damages. It goes without saying; tests with the requested needle size should be done before starting production.
作为认证西北地区钻石生产商,DIL有资格购买西北地区钻石生产商向西北地区钻石切割和抛光业务出 的 1 0 % 粗 钻 产量中的一部分。
As an ANDM, DIL is qualified to purchase a portion of
[...] the 10% of NWT rough diamond production [...]
offered by NWT diamond producers to NWT
cutting and polishing operations.
鱼粉是将鱼或部分鱼体研磨和干燥后获 的粗 粉 , 由整鱼、鱼的残余物或加 工产生的其他副产品制作而成。
Fishmeal is the crude flour obtained [...]
after milling and drying fish or fish parts, and it is produced from whole fish, fish
remains or other fish by-products resulting from processing.
但是,普京先生一定清楚地知道:所有这些图谋都将无疾而终,无论是格鲁 吉亚还是国际社会都不会接受建立在对国际法准则和原 的粗 暴 侵 犯基础上的 “新现实”和种族清洗的结果。
Mr. Putin must, however, be well aware that all these attempts will lead nowhere, and that neither Georgia nor the international community will ever accept any “new reality” based upon the gross violation of the norms and principles of international law and the outcomes of ethnic cleansing.
在工作状态下,高速电机通过传动装置带动立式传动轴转动,物料通过设在选粉机室上部的进料口进入选粉室内,再通过设置在中粗粉收集锥的上下两锥体之间和通粉管道落在撒料盘上,撒料盘随立式传动轴转动,物料在惯性离心力的作用下,向四周均匀撒出,分散的物料在外接风机通过进风口进入选粉室的高速气流作用下,物料 的粗 重 颗粒受到惯性离心力的作用被甩向选粉室的内壁面。
In the working status, high speed motor drives the vertical shaft rotation through gearing, material goes into powder selecting room through feeding port set on the upper of powder selecting machine chamber, and falls on the spreading plate through flux powder pipe and the space between the up cone and the down cone set in the coarse powder collecting cone, and spreading plate rotates follows vertical shaft, material is scattered around uniformly under the action of inertial centrifugal force, the scattered material in the external fan goes into powder selecting room under
the action of high speed airflow through
[...] air intake, the coarse particles in material [...]
is thrown to the powder selecting
chamber inner wall under the action of inertia centrifugal force.
[...] 洛可木,庭院的路由石灰石铺成,这些都是为了给人们带来一个真正的考古遗 的粗 糙 挡 土墙 和临时搭建的感觉。
A restricted pallet of materials and simple details, with walls of poured concrete, interior walls clad in iroko wood, and
limestone paving for the courtyards, are
[...] intended to evoke the rough retaining walls [...]
and temporary structures of an archaeological site.
当缔约国有意识地对非故意传播艾滋病毒者施加刑事制裁时,或者通过不 能实现其法律的的粗略起 草的立法漫不经心地对这些人施加刑事制裁,健康权 在没有刑法或者公共卫生等正当理由之下遭到了侵犯。
Where States deliberately impose criminal sanctions on individuals who do not intend to transmit HIV, or inadvertently do so through broadly drafted legislation that fails to achieve its legitimate aims, the right to health is infringed with little justification in terms of the criminal law or public health.
[...] 近50年的历史,VACUUBRAND可提供 一系列全的粗真空 及较高真空的真空获 得、测量和控制产品,广泛应用于实验室 中。
Today, more than 50 years after the first BRAND vacuum pump, VACUUBRAND offers the most comprehensive
family of products for generating, measuring and
[...] regulating vacuum for rough and fine vacuum [...]
applications in the laboratory.
生物柴油制造过程中产的粗甘油 可能会受到生物柴油、中间化学品或生物柴油制造过程中产生的废品的污染。
Crude glycerin from biodiesel manufacturing [...]
may be contaminated with the biodiesel, its intermediary chemicals, and/or waste
products from the biodiesel manufacturing process.
由Huston领导的路博润小组在调查这一问题时得到了惊人的结论,即在所研究的较低粘度条件下,轴承故障的测试结果往往不是由添加剂导致的,更多是由部 的粗 糙 度 造成的。
Investigating the issue, a Lubrizol team led by Huston came to the surprise conclusion that at the low viscosities under study, the test results in
terms of bearing failure were not governed by the additives but, more than anything
[...] else, by the roughness of the parts.
除了最新版本的“功能CAM”,“Delcam公司的SolidWorks”和“電源檢查”的重點是 “PowerMILL的2013的“粗加工戰略與”漩渦“和”機械DNA“的新技術。
In addition to the latest versions of "Feature CAM", "Delcam for
SolidWorks" and "Power Inspect" the focus is
[...] on "Powermill 2013"Roughing strategy with the" [...]
Vortex "and the new technology" Machine DNA ".
足底筋膜炎是指足底跟骨伸延至脚 的粗 厚 纤维组织 (即筋膜)发炎,患者会感到痛楚,然而此症状是会自行痊愈的。
A painful condition of the foot caused by
[...] inflammation of the thick tough, fibrous [...]
band of tissue (fascia) connecting the
heel bone to the base of the toes.
政府當局當時所披的粗略財政數據,無法令小組委員會相信 信託基金每年所得的經常回報,足以支付核心文化藝術設施及 [...]
The rough financial data released [...]
by the Administration at that time failed to convince the Subcommittee that the recurrent
annual return of the trust fund would be enough to cover the recurrent and capital expenditure for the long-term operation and maintenance of CACF and other communal facilities.
过去几年,阿塞拜疆军事预算成倍增加(2012 年国防预算为 34.7 亿美元), 而且阿塞拜疆领导人持续使用咄咄逼人的反亚美尼 的粗 暴 言 辞,这也加大了 二国之间的差距,加剧了南高加索地区紧张局势,并严重破坏了旨在和平解决 现有问题、特别是纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫地区冲突的谈判进程。
The manifold increase of Azerbaijan’s military budget over the last years (the defence budget for 2012 is $3.47 billion) and the persistent aggressive and harsh anti-Armenian rhetoric of the Azerbaijani leadership also increase the gap between the two nations, heighten the tension in the region of the South Caucasus and seriously undermine the negotiation process aimed at the peaceful settlement of existing problems, particularly the Nagorno Karabakh conflict.
必须将对妇的粗暴侵 害纳入将触发赔偿的不法行为清单,这是因为,同 样的暴力行为可能对男子和妇女造成不同伤害,而且可能对来自不同文化少数民 族的妇女和女童产生不同伤害。
The inclusion of gross violations against women in the list of wrongdoings that will trigger reparations has to be underpinned by the notion that the same violations may entail different harms for men and women, but also for women and girls from cultural minorities.
因 此 , 中的 粗 鋼 產 量 增 速 不 會 很 高 , 但 總 產 量 仍 將 維 持 在 一 個 高 的 水 平 上 , 將 繼續支 撐 鐵 礦 石 市 場 的 未 來 需 求 。
Accordingly, the rateofgrowthofcrudesteeloutputinChina may not reach a high level, but the aggregate output will still maintains at a high level, which will in turn be the continuous support for the future demand for the iron ores market.
此外,应该指出的是,业主在施工前进的 粗略预 算研究并不能代替业主在施工前应进行的预算研究。
It is further to be noted that the budget studies drawn up by the architectural and engineering team in its preliminary project outline do not replace those that clients have to conduct beforehand in their programme.
(b) 一名參與者在介紹另一名參與者加入該項計劃之時或之 後的任何時間收取報酬,而報酬( 不論全部或部分) 並非 按其本人或該另一名參與者所實際銷售的或透過該另一 名參與者而實際銷售的貨品或服務的公平市值而計的 ( 粗體字以示強調,為後來加上) 。
(b) a participant receives a reward on, or at any time after, the introduction into the scheme by him of another participant which reward is based, whether wholly or in part, otherwise than on the fair market value of goods or services actually sold by him or by or through that other participant (emphasis added).
雖然西九文化的資 本粗略計 算相等於西九文化區可供出售的用地的預計土 地收益,零售/飲食/娛樂設施的租金收入,將會是保持西九 [...]
While the capital costs for WKCD is roughly equal to the estimated [...]
land revenue from the WKCD site available for disposal,
the rental proceeds from the RDE facilities would be the main source of income for keeping WKCD financially sustainable.




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