单词 | 粗犷 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 粗犷 adjective —rough adj粗犷 —boorish • uninhibited • rude 粗犷 adverb —straightforward adjSee also:粗 adj—rough adj • coarse adj • crude adj • thick adj 粗—rude • vulgar • unfinished • thick (for cylindrical objects) 犷—boorish • uncouth
该岛自然风光粗犷美丽 ,具有珍稀野生动 植物和历史遗址,例如拿破仑墓,预计都将吸引游客。 daccess-ods.un.org | The rugged natural beauty of the Territory, [...] its rare wildlife and historic sites, such as Napoleon’s tomb, are expected to attract visitors. daccess-ods.un.org |
请尝试一下滑冰之旅 — 即使您不特别喜欢这种活动,滑冰是一种独特体验芬 兰 粗犷 自 然 美的方式。 visitfinland.com | Give tour skating a try – even [...] if you don’t get hooked for life, skating on frozen waters is a unique way to [...] experience Finland’s rugged natural beauty. visitfinland.com |
异国风情和粗犷美感 是 Bulgari (Bvlgari) 手表独特的要素,加之瑞士手表的精确运行,全世界的钟表鉴赏家都无法抵挡其产品的魅力。 hk.ashford.com | This exotic and bold aesthetic is a [...] distinct element in Bulgari (Bvlgari) watches and coupled with Swiss precision movements [...]makes their product irresistible to watch connoisseurs all over the world. ashford.com |
手工上釉的铂金表盘和引人注目的陀飞轮彰显 出 粗犷 的 气 质。 hk.ashford.com | A hand-enameled platinum dial and striking tourbillion offer [...] an exceptionally bold statement. ashford.com |
48 毫米的表壳也凸显出 Breitling [...] Bentley Motors 手表的品牌特质,彰显粗犷大气的设计风格而又不失 Breitling [...]手表和 Bentley 汽车所特有的古典优雅神韵。 hk.ashford.com | The 48 mm case is also a very obvious signature of [...] Breitling Bentley Motors watches and adds to [...] its masculinity and rugged styling while still [...]classy and elegant as are all Breitling [...]watches and Bentley automobiles. ashford.com |
尽管这款男士手链看似粗犷,佩 戴起来却十分轻盈舒适。 hk.ashford.com | Despite its robust size, this men's bracelet is lightweight and comfortable. ashford.com |
该系列拥有优雅的双色款式,也有更 粗犷 、 更 具运动气息的橡胶表带款式。 hk.ashford.com | The line offers an elegant two tone [...] version or a more rugged and sporty one with [...]the option of a rubber strap. ashford.com |
回到墨西哥后,我继续着该系列的创作,画的是大幅面,因此需要充裕的准备时间,得先用一层又一层清漆涂刷纸面,随后用一支大画笔来作画,从而勾勒出这种与人类最接近的动物的简单 而 粗犷 的 姿 态。 shanghaibiennale.org | I continued with the series after returning to Mexico in a large format that requires preparation time, priming the sheets with varnish paint, [...] layer after layer, and then using a broom to draw on them, [...] with the simple and rough gestures of our [...]closest relatives. shanghaibiennale.org |
图尔库群岛是粗犷的,没有受到外界骚扰的大自然,其中隐藏了一些令人惊喜的优美小地方,您可以放松的打一轮高尔夫球,浸泡温泉或享受美食。 visitfinland.com | The Turku [...] Archipelago is all about rugged untouched nature, [...]but it also hides surprising oases where you can relax with [...]a round of golf, a spa visit or satisfy the gourmand in you. visitfinland.com |
Huoratron ,一队接近十年演奏粗犷电子 音乐的乐队,将在今年年初发布大家期待已久的首张专辑。 visitfinland.com | Huoratron, a group that [...] has performed rougher electronic noise [...]for nearly a decade, will release its awaited debut album in the beginning of the year. visitfinland.com |
在纺织材料学中,亚麻的原纤维是可以高达几千支,而它又在实际上可以在不同的分离条件下,以几百支的状态出现,而原纤维本身的长度,有从1-150毫米的巨大差异,有不同的工艺条件,既可以生产 出 粗犷 豪 放 的品种,也可以制成细簿紧密的品种。 shiranlinen.com | In materials science in the textile, flax fiber is the original support can be as high as several thousand, but in practice it can be separated in different conditions, the emergence of hundreds of state support, and the length of the original fiber itself, from 1 - 150 mm of the great [...] differences, there are different conditions, can produce a [...] variety Haofang rough, you can close [...]the book to make small species. shiranlinen.com |
零壹城市建筑事务所的空间设计,试图在与空间功能吻合的职业建筑设计 和 粗犷 的 原有非职业设计之间,创造一种辩证的对立关系。 chinese-architects.com | The design attempts to create the dialectical effect of architecture professionalism as the program is, and the non-professionalism in architecture. chinese-architects.com |
西海岸乡村地区的美景就像一出波澜壮阔的史诗画卷,跌宕起伏的景致让人为之赞叹,而萧肃 的 粗犷 美 感 更发人深思。 discoverireland.com | What really impresses about this region is its variety. discoverireland.com |
您可选择时髦诱人,结合黑色小牛皮与熠熠生辉的水晶网布的Intervalle 手镯﹔揉合都市风格与粗犷质感 ,且融入黑色陶瓷元素、透明水晶和 Pointiage® 低温陶瓷技术的时尚扣环手链﹔又或是在金属尖刺装饰末端镶嵌了水晶的前卫手镯 Style。 brand.swarovski.com | For the wrist, there is the sleek black calfskin and glistening Crystal Mesh “Intervalle” bangle; the on-trend, urban-looking chunky chain bracelet with its black ceramic links and clear crystal Pointiage®; and the edgy appeal of the “Style” bangle’s crystal-tipped metallic points. brand.swarovski.com |
赫尔辛基市中心的拉普兰餐厅,您可以找到一点北 方 粗犷 自 然 的神秘气氛。 visitfinland.com | At the Lappish restaurant Saaga you will [...] find a slice of the rugged nature and magic [...]atmosphere of Lapland in the heart of Helsinki. visitfinland.com |
他们的手表既有粗犷的运 动风格,也有优雅精致的款式。 hk.ashford.com | They include sporty rugged styles as well as [...] elegant and refined models. ashford.com |
Caravelle [...] 手表还针对运动爱好者推出了多款外观更 为 粗犷 的 运 动手表,同时还别出心裁地打造出更为精致典雅的服饰腕表。 hk.ashford.com | Caravelle watches also offer various sports [...] watches with a more rugged look for the active [...]men in our lives as well as more sleek [...]dress timepieces for their professional alter egos. ashford.com |
飞利浦认为男人们需要一个结构结实耐用,设计男性 化 粗犷 的 工 具来解决成堆的熨衣问题。 labbrand.com | Philips felt that men wanted a more robust, heavy-duty tool to tackle hampers of laundry, with a larger grip and more masculine design. labbrand.com |
坐船游瓦尔肯群岛,可以前往有"小群岛"之称的瓦爾索群岛 [...] (Valassaaret/Valsörarne),那是建有灯塔的老领航站,其间有自然路径穿越岛上飞舞着蝴蝶和蜻蜓 的 粗犷 荒 野 和森林。 visitfinland.com | Boat trips head for the ‘mini-archipelago’ of Valsörarna (Valassaaret in Finnish), site of an old [...] pilot station and lighthouse, where a [...] nature trail traverses rugged heaths and forests, [...]teeming with dragonflies and butterflies. visitfinland.com |
由于很难取得建筑许可证以扩大和改善现有的学校和建新校,以容纳 C 区的学生人数,不适当的建筑结构,包括帐篷、窝棚 和 粗 糙 的水泥结构都被用作 学校;而在东耶路撒冷,由于欠缺 1 000 个教室以上,每年都有大量巴勒斯坦儿 童被剥夺了在耶路撒冷市和以色列教育部开设的市立学校入学的机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | Inadequate structures, including tents, shacks and crude cement structures, are being used as schools owing to the difficulties in obtaining building permits needed to expand and upgrade existing schools and build new ones to accommodate the student population in area C, while in East Jerusalem, each year large numbers of Palestinian children are denied admission in the municipal schools run by the Jerusalem municipality and the Israeli Ministry of Education owing to a shortage of over 1,000 classrooms. daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 進行下列全部或任何業務,即:棉紡及併條;亞麻、大麻 及 粗 麻 紡 紗;亞麻布生產;亞麻、 大麻、粗麻及 毛料紡紗;紡紗商務;絨料生產;漂染及生產硫酸鹽及漂染物料;以及購買、 梳織、製作、紡織、染製及交易亞麻、大麻 、 粗 麻 、 毛料、棉質、絲質及其他纖維物質;以 及編織或以其他方式生產、買賣及交易亞麻布、布匹及其他貨品及布料(不論是織布、絨 布、夾層布或起圈布);以及供電。 cre.com.hk | (b) To carry on all or any of the businesses following: Namely, cotton spinners and doublers, flax, hemp, and jute spinners, linen manufacturers, flax, hemp, jute, and woollen spinners, yarn merchants, worsted stuff manufacturers, bleachers and dyers, and makers of vitriol, bleaching and dyeing materials, and to purchase, comb, prepare, spin, dye, and deal in flax, hemp, jute, wool, cotton, silk, and other fibrous substances, and to weave or otherwise manufacture, buy and sell and deal in linen, cloth, and other goods and fabrics, whether textile, felted, netted, or looped, and to supply power. cre.com.hk |
(b) 一名參與者在介紹另一名參與者加入該項計劃之時或之 後的任何時間收取報酬,而報酬( 不論全部或部分) 並非 按其本人或該另一名參與者所實際銷售的或透過該另一 名參與者而實際銷售的貨品或服務的公平市值而計算的 ( 粗體字以示強調,為後來加上) 。 legco.gov.hk | (b) a participant receives a reward on, or at any time after, the introduction into the scheme by him of another participant which reward is based, whether wholly or in part, otherwise than on the fair market value of goods or services actually sold by him or by or through that other participant (emphasis added). legco.gov.hk |
雖然西九文化區的資 本成本粗略計 算相等於西九文化區可供出售的用地的預計土 地收益,零售/飲食/娛樂設施的租金收入,將會是保持西九 [...] 文化區在財政上可持續營運的主要收入來源。 legco.gov.hk | While the capital [...] costs for WKCD is roughly equal to the estimated [...]land revenue from the WKCD site available for disposal, [...]the rental proceeds from the RDE facilities would be the main source of income for keeping WKCD financially sustainable. legco.gov.hk |