

单词 类推



and so on
in a similar fashion

External sources (not reviewed)

为确保消防安全,第一层展位必须自行配置悬挂式 6 公斤干粉灭火器,20m2 配置一个,20~30 m2 配置两个,以类推。
For the concerning of fire fighting, the exhibitor must deploy hanging fire extinguisher of 6kg by himself, one for 20m2 and two for 20-30m2 , and so on.
初信的门徒也受训去作聚会或群体中的带领人,并立刻训练其他领袖,其他领袖再去训练其他领袖,……以 类推。
Emerging disciples are trained to be leaders in the congregation and in the community, and to train immediately other leaders who will train other leaders.
例如:台湾人学习马来西亚料理,马来西亚人学习台湾、日本料理,如 类推。
For example, Taiwanese would learn Malaysia cuisine, Malaysian would learn Taiwan or Japan cuisine.
如果选择器是 ID,规则就会添加到 ID 表中;如果选择器是类,规则就会添加到类表中,依 类推。
If the selector is an id, the rule will be added to the id map, if it's a class it will be added to the class map etc.
虽然不能正式适用于前南斯拉夫在 1991-1992 年期间发生的解 体过程,但考虑到前南斯拉夫早在
1980 年就同意接受《维也纳公约》约束 这一事实,以及南斯拉夫联盟共和国自
[...] 1992 年 4 月起就是该公约缔约国, 通类推维也 纳条约法公约第 18 条,就不会想到,一个以通知加入的方式 [...]
家,会在某个独特情况中采取不符合公约第 34 条所载规则的行动,而在大 量其他情况中则采取完全符合该规则的行动。
Although not formally applicable to the process of the dissolution of the former Yugoslavia, which occurred in the 1991–1992 period, in light of the fact that the former Yugoslavia consented to be bound by the Vienna Convention already in 1980, and the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been a contracting State to that
Convention since April 1992, one
[...] would not expect, by analogy to article 18 of [...]
the Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties,
a State which, through notification of its accession, expresses its consent to be considered as bound by the Vienna Convention on Succession of States in Respect of Treaties to act in a singular case inconsistently with the rule contained in article 34 of that Convention, while in a great number of other cases to acting in full conformity with that rule.
换言之,如果定义了四个图像,则值 0、4、8 等将显示第一个 图像,值 1、5、9 等将显示第二个图像,依类推。
In other words, if four images are defined, values of 0, 4, 8 etc. will display the first image, values of 1, 5, 9 etc. will display the second image and so on.
在对某一提案提出 了两项或两项以上修正案时,会议应先表决主席认为内容实质与原提案相 去最远的修正案,再表决与原提案次远的修正案,依 类推 , 直 至所有修 正案均付诸表决为止。
When two or more amendments to a proposal are moved, the Meeting shall first vote on the amendment deemed by the chairperson to be furthest removed in substance from the original proposal, and then on the amendment next furthest removed therefrom and so on, until all the amendments have been put to the vote.
读取所有选定的条形码类型的同时,它们 将被分配到内部占位符上,如 BC1、 BC2、 BC3 等 (以类推,对于页面上的 所有条形码)。
As each of the selected bar code types are read, they are assigned to internal placeholders such as BC1, BC2, BC3, etc. for as many bar codes that are found on the page.
虽 然国家对国际不法行为的责任条款在考虑解除不法性的情况、国际责任的内容、
[...] 或援引一国国际责任时,并没有具体提及国际组织,但这些条款可以 类推方 式 ,适用于一个责任国和国际组织之间的关系。
Although the articles on the responsibility of States for internationally wrongful acts do not mention international organizations when considering circumstances precluding wrongfulness, the content of international responsibility or the invocation of the
international responsibility of a State, they may
[...] be applied by analogy also to the relation [...]
between a responsible State and an international organization.
委员会在第五 十五次会议上批准了关于类推迟提 交的年度付款的决定,建议在本次会议上也通过同样 的决定。
At its 55th Meeting the Committee had
approved decisions
[...] addressing three types of delayed submission of annual tranches and the same decisions were recommended at [...]
the present Meeting.
[...] 试图向合同中指明的地址之一发送通知但不可能做到,这就是通 类推 适用 《仲裁法》第 5(a)条的原因,从而使该省高级法院对该条是否符合宪法产生了 [...]
The question of constitutionality had arisen because the intention had been to send a notification to one of the addresses indicated in the contract, but that had not been possible, which was why
article 5 (a) of the Arbitration Act had
[...] been applied by analogy, thus giving rise [...]
to the doubt in the Provincial High Court
as to whether it was constitutional.
如果我们从 A 画格开始转换(通常的起始点),那么视场的序列就是 2:3:2:3 以类推,但是我们通常称之为 3:2。
If we look at the transfer starting on an A-frame (the usual start point), the sequence reads 2:3:2:3 and so on.
根据在武装冲突期 间适用的“军事需要”概类推拟订 ,“行动需要”的概念适用于联合国部队的 [...]
非军事活动,作为解除部队在执行部队任务过程中一般行动所造成的财产损失或 损害的赔偿责任的情况。
Drawn by analogy from the concept [...]
of “military necessity” applicable in times of armed conflict, the concept of “operational
necessity” applies to the non-military activities of the United Nations force, as a circumstance precluding liability for property loss or damage caused in the ordinary conduct of the operation and in pursuit of the force mandate.
除了位被反转之外,位数字字段位 0 读取最有意义的 位,数组的第一个元素则作为最有意义的位的源,依类推,其余与上面的相同。
Bit Array Big Endian As above, except that the bits are reversed, with a Bit Number field of Bit 0 accessing the most significant bit, and with the first element of an array being sourced from the most significant bit downwards.
现实战略情境中的可用信息类似于战 类推 法 所 需信息。
The amount of information available in many strategic situations is similar to the
[...] information required to draw analogies.
类推,在 世界贸易组织争端解决程序中纳入补偿机制可使多 边贸易规则的执行更为公正。
Analogously, the inclusion of [...]
compensatory mechanisms in the World Trade Organization dispute settlement process could introduce
greater justice into the enforcement of multilateral trading rules.
如果你没有延长事务就返回到了事件循环,那么事务将会变得不活跃,依 类推。
If you return to the event loop without extending the transaction then it will become inactive, and so on.
此外,这也使得 2011 年国家预算以及以类推 2012 年临时筹资可能会在波斯尼亚和黑塞哥维那宪法 [...]
In addition, it leaves both the 2011 State
[...] budget and, by extrapolation, temporary financing [...]
for 2012 open to challenges
before the Bosnia and Herzegovina Constitutional Court.
若要为两台充电速度设置为 50% 的 Pro-8a 供电,则需要一部 6000 瓦汽油发电 机,以类推。
To supply two Pro-8a generators at 50% recharge speed setting requires one 6000W petrol-electric generator etc.
热电偶分配无法 使用复制功能)缺省设置为热电偶 1 与加热器 1 匹配,依类推。
(You are not able to use the COPY function for thermocouple assignments) The default setting is thermocouple 1 matched up to heater 1 and so on.
交互式运动是一项之一的类推广, 瑞安卡梅伦说,为兵高级营销经理。
The interactive campaign is
[...] a one-of-a-kind promotion, says Ryan Cameron, [...]
senior marketing manager for Bing.
其第1 条明确限制罪刑法定原则,事实可受
[...] 刑事处罚,以作出事实之时,其之前之法律已叙述该事实且表明其为可科刑者为 限;事实可受刑事处罚,以作出事实之时,其之前之法律已叙述该事实且表明其 为可科刑者为限;不容许类推将一 事实定为犯罪或订定一危险性状态,亦不容 许类推确定 与一犯罪或危险性状态相应之刑罚或保安处分。
These principles are also enshrined in the CCM, which article 1, on the principle of legality, explicitly entails (a) the principle of nullum crimen sine lege, nulla poena sine lege in its both aspects of ex post fact prohibition: no fact, either by action or by omission, may be deemed to constitute a criminal offence unless provided for and punished by a preexisting law; and no security measure shall be
applied to cases of perilousness, unless its conditions were determined by law previous to its
[...] fulfilment, as well as (b) its corollary principle, i.e., the prohibition of using analogy to qualify an act as criminal, [...]
define a case of perilousness, or to determine a penalty or a corresponding security measure.
之后, 国家排序清单中第二个数字依类推。
Then the procedure is identical for the next numbers in the national order list.
根据可在网上实施的服务数量,每家网站最多可获得28分(一项服务得一分,两项服务得两 分,三项服务得三分,依类推至28项或更多服务则可得28分)。
Each site then qualifies for up to 28 points based on the number of online services executable on that site (one point for one service, two points for two services, three points for three services and on up to 28 points for 28 or more services).
品牌个性维度架构通过在品牌性与人性之间建 类推 , 实 现对品牌性格特征的描述。
It is a model to describe the profile of a
[...] brand by using an analogy with a human being.
2004 年,朝鲜民主主义人民共和国修订了《刑法》,删除了允许 类推解 释 的规定,并纳入了法无明文不为罪原则。
In 2004, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea revised
its Criminal Code, deleting provisions that
[...] allowed for analogical interpretations, [...]
and accommodated the principle of nullum crimen sine lege.
根据一位专家的经验,将一个 新的创业人通过辅 导 成为出口商需要 五 年 的 努 力,每 辅 导 一位出口商 用一年时间,这样 五 年 就 有 五 家出口商 , 六 年 六 家, 顺类推。
In the experience of one expert, the coaching of a new entrepreneur to become an exporter took five years of engagement with one year of coaching per exporter, so as to have five exporters in five years, six in six years, etc. He concluded that direct donor financing to SME might not be appropriate.
2009 年联合国公共服务奖颁给 4 个类别:(a) 第 1 类:提高公共服务的透明 度、问责制和顺应民需;(b) 第 2 类:改进服务的提供;(c) 第 3 类:通过创新 机制培养参与决策;(d) 第 4 类:推进政府知识管理。
The 2009 United Nations Public Service Awards were given in four categories: (a) category 1: improving transparency, accountability and responsiveness in public service; (b) category 2:
improving the delivery of
[...] services; (c) category 3: fostering participation in policymaking decisions through innovative mechanisms; and (d) category 4: advancing knowledge management [...]
in Government.
以上关于提供股东资料(证明)的规定也适用于作为客户股东之股东的法人实体,并以 类推 , 对于每一个法人实体,提供客户按照本条款规定说明的股东的证明中所载信息,直至客户提供每个法人实体的最终个人股东信息。
The provision given above on providing
information (a certificate) about shareholders
[...] shall also consistently apply to legal [...]
entities that are shareholders of the
Client’s shareholders, etc., to each legal entity, information about which is specified in certificates of shareholders that the Client presents in accordance with this subclause, until the Client provides information about ultimate individual shareholders with regard to each legal entity
如果有需要的话,你可以在页码的前后分别输入“第”和“页”,如果是一页分成了三栏,那么它的域代码应该分别设置为“{ ={ PAGE }*3-2 }”、“{ ={ PAGE }*3-1 }”和“{ ={ PAGE }*3 }”,依类推,可 以设置分为n栏的页码。
If necessary, you can enter the page number of the before and after the "s" and "page", if it is a divided into three columns, then its respective field code should be set to "(= (PAGE) * 3 -2 }","{ = (PAGE) * 3-1) "and" (= (PAGE) * 3) ", and so on, you can set the page is divided into n columns.




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