

单词 类书

External sources (not reviewed)

类书籍的 价格超出了大部分学生的购买能力。
The prices of such books are beyond the [...]
means of most students.
程序和证据规则》因此载有针对类书 面证据的具体规则。
The Rules of Procedure and Evidence thus include specific
[...] rules for various categories of written evidence.
该馆自1952年对公众开放,在这里,不仅可以找到像牛顿这样的大家所撰写的经典著作,而且,您还可以借阅到最新出版的专 类书 籍。
The collection – which has been open to the public since1952  – includes classics by masters such as Isaac Newton as well as specialized literature of modern times.
经修订的版本是用来作为圣经基础的“ 类书 籍 , 重心蒙特菲奥里居读,”伦敦,1896年,1901年。
The Revised Version is used as a
[...] basis for such books as CG Montefiore's [...]
"Bible for Home Reading," London, 1896, 1901.
触摸型书籍非常像上述 因果关类书籍, 很能吸引此阶段的幼儿,因为这些书可以和小孩产生常规书籍做不到的 互动。
Tactile books much like the cause/effect books described [...]
above are appealing for this age group because children can interact
with the book in ways not possible with regular books.
每年购置类书籍,包 括系列出版物的费用不断变动,相关费用特别是运费通常也相当可观。
The annual
[...] cost of acquiring such materials, including [...]
serial publications, fluctuates and the associated costs, particularly
for shipping, are often quite significant.
出版了一本面向成人读者的介绍教科文组织的书籍 (英文和法文)、若干种面向儿童读者的 类书籍 (英文、法文和西班牙文),两种面向青年的只读光 盘(法文)。
Publication of book on UNESCO for adults (English and French) and another for children (English, French and Spanish) and two CD-ROMs for young users, in French.
柯达出版解决方案能简化短版和长版图书生产,提供 类书 目 管理、印前和数码印刷方案,进而优化供应链,实现可持续发展并降低成本,帮助出版商和印刷商在多变的行业环境中稳操胜券。
Kodak’s publishing solutions optimize the manufacturing supply chain by streamlining short- and long-run book production with [...]
a broad portfolio
of title management, prepress and digital print solutions that drive sustainability and cost savings to help publishers and printer thrive in the face of a transforming industry.
[...] 照公平免费的原则,让所有犯人都能按照自己的意愿参加监狱内的工作以及文教 活动,并且设立图书室,充足购置娱乐类和教 类书 籍 供 犯人使用。
It further recommends that all prisoners be given access to work opportunities and educational and cultural activities, on an equal
basis and free of charge, and that a library adequately stocked with educational
[...] and recreational books be made available.
13.2 未经WGSN授权签字人事先书面同意(无正当理 由,WGSN不应拒绝或拖延给予类书面 同 意),客 户不得分配、转授或以其他方式转让其协议权利或义 务。
13.2 The Client may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of its rights or obligations under the Agreement without the prior written agreement of a WGSN Authorised Signatory, which shall not be unreasonably withheld or delayed.
第14步:出现提示时,选择根据 书类 型 自动把证书放置在证书存储器中。
Step 14 : When prompted, choose to automatically place the Certificates in the Certificate Stores based on the type of the Certificate.
委员会应和宗旨与《公约》及其第一项 《议定书》及本《议书》类似的 各种国际的 及各国的政府及非政府组织进行合作。
The Committee shall cooperate with international and national governmental and
non-governmental organizations having
[...] objectives similar to those of the Convention, its First Protocol and this Protocol.
本书及其书类所述的内容不能成为合同条款的一部分,也不能对已达成的协定、约定或关系进行修改 或变更。
This manual and other documents attached to the product do not constitute a contract, and will not affect any existing agreements or commitments.
公司已通过IS09001质量体系认证,欧洲CE认证,并荣获了物料输送机,特种设备检验 书类 型 和 质量监督检验中心。
The company has passed IS09001 quality system certification, CE certification in Europe, and won the
Center for Quality Supervision and Inspection of material handling
[...] machines, test certificate type of special [...]
地球之友”自 1972 年起已列入名册。委员会因此决定,要求非 政府组织“地球之友”向 2011 年续会提交报告,以便根据理事会 1996/31 号决 议第 61(c)段酌情更改其地类别,并请 书 处 向 该组织澄清,该组织是否更改 了名称。
The Committee consequently decided to request a report from the non-governmental organization Friends of the Earth for its 2011 resumed session, with a view to considering the recommendation of the
reclassification of
[...] its status as it deems appropriate, in accordance with paragraph 61 (c) of Council resolution 1996/31, and requested the Secretariat to clarify [...]
from the organization if it had changed its name.
使用模糊逻辑来选择更正建议:使用印 书类 似 的 问号匹配来为错误拼写的单词智能选择更正。
Using fuzzy logic for selecting suggestions: intelligent suggesting for misspelled
[...] words using typographic books like?
[...] 须指出,一般来说,在当地法院不能直接援引国际人权法律文书,而必须首先由 格林纳达议会颁布国内法,将类国 际 法律 书 纳 入 国内法体系。
It was noted, however, that international human rights instruments could not generally be invoked directly before local courts; rather, domestic
legislation must first be enacted by the Parliament of Grenada in order
[...] to incorporate such instruments into the legal system.
这是为了最早的米示拿得起老师既是他们的决定规范和文本为他们 书类 和 论述,从而维护了教学的统一性。
This earliest Mishnah was intended to
afford the teachers both a norm for their
[...] decisions and a text-book for their classes [...]
and discourses, and thus to preserve the uniformity of teaching.
13 个职类主管 人员中的每个人都将继续负责审查申请,确定由专题专家 (即专家组)进一步评估的候选人,担任其负责范围内的专家组的 书 并 合并专家 组的结论和面试报告以提交外地中央审查机构,监测其分管的职 类 职 位在外地 行动中的在职率,管理其分管的名册,编制外地行动方案主管人短名单并确定何 时应进行外联活动,以处理名册中存在的差距,特别是性别均衡和地域代表性方 面的差距,确定外地在职工作人员的流动机会,以便工作人员在相关工作地点之 间轮调。
Each of the 13 Occupational Group Managers would continue the responsibilities for reviewing applications, identifying candidates for further assessment by subject matter experts, that is, expert panels, serving as Secretary for the expert panel under his or her purview and consolidating findings and interview reports from the panel for presentation to the Field Central Review Bodies, monitoring incumbency rates in the field operations for positions in his or her occupational group, [...]
managing his or
her assigned roster, developing shortlists for programme managers in the field operations and determining when outreach activities should be conducted to address gaps in the roster, especially in gender and geographic representation, and determining the mobility opportunities for staff members currently serving in the field so as to rotate staff among relevant duty stations.
考试的手续是、书类的审查等 ②适性检查 ③知识的确认 ④技能的确认。
The procedure of the exam is Documentary examination, Aptitude test, Confirmation of knowledge and Confirmation of driving skills.
如果国家出于任何原因没有达到消除《蒙特利尔议 书 》 附件 A(第类)所 列物 质的各项目标,或没有遵守本协定,则国家同意该国将无权按照资金拨付时间表得到资金。
Should the Country, for any reason, not meet the Targets for the elimination of the Substances in Annex A (Group I) of the Montreal Protocol or otherwise does not comply with this Agreement, then the Country agrees that it will not be entitled to the Funding in accordance with the Funding Approval Schedule.
CNNIC 可信网络服务中心随着业务的发展可能会扩展产品线,包括颁发 的书类型。
With the development of business, CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center may extend its production line,
[...] including issued certificate type.
我的第二个保留意见是,法院把在联合国科索沃临时行政当局特派团(科索 沃特派团)主持下订立的《宪法框架》列入据以评估 2008 年 2 月 17 日科索沃宣 布独立是否合法问题的适用的国际法律 书类 别。
My second reservation relates to the inclusion by the Court of the Constitutional Framework established under the auspices of the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) in the category of the applicable international legal instruments under which the legality of the declaration of independence of Kosovo of 17 February 2008 is to be assessed.
在 2011 年《示 范法》中,两阶段招标只有两项使用条件(借鉴 1994 年版本第 19 条第(1)款(a) 项和(d)项),竞争性谈判只有三项使用条件(借鉴 1994 年版本第 19 条第(1)款 (c)项和第(2)款),而且每一种征求建 书类 型 采 购程序都可以按一套不同使用 条件加以使用,这一点在下文作进一步解释。
In the 2011 Model Law, there are only two conditions for the use of two-stage tendering (they drew on 1994 paragraph (1)(a) and (d)), there are only three conditions for the use of competitive negotiations (they drew on 1994 paragraph (1)(c) and paragraph (2)) and each request-for-proposals type of proceedings can be used under a distinct set of conditions, as explained further below.
贸易法委员会的法定任务是考 虑委员会成员国代表团的意见和制定基于共识的法律 书 , 类 似 贸 易法委员会 这样的机构提出关于小额金融监管的实用的指导意见,可能会证明对于监管制 度不完善、可用于考虑颁布小额金融法规所涉问题的资源又较少的国家具有很 大的价值。
Pragmatic guidance on microfinance regulation from
[...] an institution such as UNCITRAL which is legitimated by considering the input from its Commission’s member State delegates and creating consensus-oriented legal instruments could prove [...]
highly valuable for countries
with less developed regulatory regimes and fewer resources to allocate to consideration of the issues involved in enacting microfinance legislation.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和 书 馆 作 为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制订儿童和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 [...]
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the
preservation of digital heritage, including
[...] archives and libraries as a component [...]
of the “Memory of the World Programme”;
to develop media education programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the outcomes of the World Summit on the Information Society.
[...] 该国的建设和发展作出积极贡献得不到承认;没有按种族或族裔分列的定性和 定量的类数据 ;贫困、获得教育、公共服务和就业机会不平等,以及在行政 [...]
治和体制决策进程中代表不足,以及葡萄牙缺少针对非洲人后裔或其他少数群 体的具体措施或扶持行动政策。
During their visit, the Working Group found that the challenges faced by people of African descent in Portugal related mainly to their lack of recognition as a specific group in the national policy and legal framework; the lack of recognition of their positive contribution throughout history to the construction and development of
the country; the lack of qualitative and
[...] quantitative disaggregated data by racial [...]
or ethnic origin; the existence of a circle
of poverty, unequal access to education, public services, employment, as well as discrimination in the administration and functioning of the justice system; existence of racial profiling and police violence; underrepresentation in political and institutional decision-making processes, as well as the lack of special measures or affirmative action policies in Portugal for people of African descent or other minorities.
预算文 件第 29C.35 段列出这一构成部分下将交付的产出,其中包括:提供范围广泛的 旨在建立和维持本组织领导及管理能力的培训方案;增进方案管理人员和负有行
[...] 政管理职责的工作人员的人力和财政资源管理专门知识;提高 书 处 工 作人员的 信息技术技能;建立和强化语文能力;支持职业发展和提高实务技能。
The outputs to be delivered under this component are set out in paragraph 29C.35 of the budget document, and include the provision of a wide array of training programmes designed to build and sustain the Organization’s leadership and managerial capacity; improve the human and financial resources management expertise of programme managers and staff with administrative
responsibilities; upgrade the information technology
[...] skills of Secretariat staff; build [...]
and strengthen linguistic capabilities; and
support career development and upgrade substantive skills.
大会在同一决议第五节第 11 段中请书长寻 求更加有效的战略,及时填补 所有工作地点现有和未来的语文员额空缺,表示注意到 书 长 关于会议时地分配 办法的报告(A/63/119 和 Corr.1)第 92 段,又请书长尽早举行该段提及的语文 工作人员竞争性征聘考试和 2009 年后的其他考试,以便及时填补所有工作地点 现有和未来的语文员额空缺,并向大会第六十四届会议通报这方面的努力。
In section V, paragraph 11, of the same
[...] resolution, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to seek a more effective strategy to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, took note of paragraph 92 of the report of the Secretary-General on the pattern of conferences (A/63/119 and Corr.1), and also requested the Secretary-General to hold the [...]
competitive examinations
for the recruitment of language staff referred to in that paragraph, as well as other examinations beyond 2009, well in advance so as to fill current and future language post vacancies at all duty stations in a timely manner, and to inform the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session of efforts in that regard.
此外,如上文第 2 段所述,根据大会第 63/266 号 决议,书长已 在他的报告中列入 2010-2011 两年期特别政治任务预算 总额的预测数据,他估计可能高达约 1 148 739 700 美元,比 2010-2011 两年期拟议方案预算中的特别政治任务经费多出 319 811 300 美元(见 A/64/349,第 78 段和附件三)。
Furthermore, as noted in paragraph 2 above, pursuant to General Assembly resolution 63/266, the Secretary-General has included in his report a projection of the total budget for special political missions for the biennium 2010–2011, which he estimates could amount to some $1,148,739,700, or $319,811,300 more than the provision for special political missions in the proposed programme budget for the biennium 2010–2011 (see A/64/349, para. 78 and annex III).




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