

单词 米兰



FC Internazionale Milano (football club)


FC Internazionale Milano (football club)


FC Internazionale Milano (football club)

See also:

surname Lan

External sources (not reviewed)

10,000 buyers flock to
[...] the city of Milan twice a year during the Milan Fashion Showroom: [...]
the heart of Made in Italy and
of the Italian fashion system beats hard during these showrooms days.
伯爵米兰“Cr eative Academy”国际高等设计学校建立合作关系,共同为年轻设计师提供珠宝、制表和配饰工艺领域的应用艺术专业课程。
We collaborate with the Creative Academy, an international
[...] design school in Milan, offering young [...]
designers specific applied arts courses in
the areas of jewellery, watchmaking and accessories.
米兰仲裁 员俱乐部提交从两个会员处收到的对《贸易法委员会仲裁规则》修订 [...]
The Milan Club of Arbitrators [...]
submits comments it received from two of its members on the draft revised UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules.
报告覆盖范围包括亚太地区、曼 谷、巴塞罗那、柏林、北京、布里斯班、布里斯托尔、 布鲁塞尔、布达佩斯、伦敦中心区、成都、重庆、大连、
[...] 胡志明市、雅加达、香港、印度、日本、吉隆坡、卢森 堡、马德里、曼彻斯特、墨尔本 米兰 、 南 京、纽卡斯 尔、巴黎、波兰、布拉格、青岛、罗马、首尔、上海、 [...]
沉阳、深圳、新加坡、斯德哥尔摩、悉尼、台北、天津、 乌克兰、华沙、武汉、西安。
Coverage includes Asia Pacific, Bangkok, Beijing, Berlin, Brisbane, Bristol, Brussels, Budapest, Central London, Chengdu, Chongqing, Dalian, Edinburgh, Europe, Frankfurt, Glasgow, Guangzhou, Hangzhou, Ho Chi Minh City, Hong Kong, India, Jakarta, Japan, Kuala Lumpur,
Luxembourg, Madrid,
[...] Manchester, Melbourne, Milan, Nanjing, Newcastle, Paris, Poland, Prague, Qingdao, [...]
Rome, Seoul, Shanghai,
Shenyang, Shenzhen, Singapore, Stockholm, Sydney, Taipei, Tianjin, Ukraine, Warsaw, Wuhan, Xian.
国际合作:在瑞士的支持下举办《公约》40 周年的活动;与国际刑警组织(2010 年 2 月联合举办有关非法贩运的会议,充实被盗作品数据库,引起对财产清单的关注)、国际博
物馆理事会(拟定海地和柬埔寨的红色名录,日内瓦 Barbier-Mueller 博物馆向坦桑尼亚联合 共和国归还 Makonde 面具)与毒品和犯罪问题办事处合作;加强与国际拍卖公司的关系;
[...] 加强与学术机构的合作(日内瓦艺术法律中心、墨西哥统一法中心 米兰 大 学 和巴黎大 学)。
Fortieth anniversary of the Convention with the support of Switzerland; cooperation with INTERPOL (joint meeting on trafficking in February 2010, contribution to the Stolen Works of Art Database, raising awareness of inventories), with the International Council of Museums (ICOM) (preparation of the ICOM Red Lists for Haiti and Cambodia, restitution of the Makonde Mask by the Barbier-Mueller Museum, Geneva, to the United Republic of Tanzania) and with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) strengthening relations with international auction houses; strengthening cooperation with
academic institutions (the Geneva Art-Law Centre, the Mexican Centre of Uniform Law and the
[...] Universities of Milan and Paris).
[...] 官和易卜拉欣-卡斯滕斯法官),为一个半职空缺推荐了两名候选人(库桑法官米兰法官 )并为一个审案空缺推荐了三名候选人(查普曼法官、约恩森法官和吕西 [...]
For the Dispute Tribunal, it recommended two candidates for the full-time vacancy (Judges Chapman and Ebrahim-Carstens), two
candidates for the half-time vacancy
[...] (Judges Cousin and Meeran) and three candidates [...]
for the ad litem vacancy (Judges Chapman, Joensen and Lussick).
在大学和教科文组织论坛--大学与遗产网络的框架内,在 2003 年 10 月举行的“世界遗 产--面向未来:世界遗产保护和大学教育国际研讨会”上,提出了为日本 Tsukuba 大学开设
世界遗产课程编写教学大纲的计划;2003 年 11 月在西班牙的 La Laguna 大学举行了第八届
[...] 教科文组织--大学和遗产的自然遗产国际研讨会,其题目为:发展,可持续性及伦理,会议 提出为意大米兰大学 农业工程研究所编写具有民族风格的农村世界遗产教学大纲的计划。
Within the framework of Universities and Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage network, the preparation of a curriculum on World Heritage Studies at Tsukuba University, Japan, was initiated in October 2003 at the International Symposium “World Heritage: Stepping towards the future: Protection of the World Heritage and University Education”; the eighth International Seminar of Forum UNESCO – University and Heritage was held in November 2003 at the University of La Laguna, Spain on “World Natural Heritage: Development, Sustainability and Ethics” and the preparation of a curriculum on
vernacular and rural World Heritage at
[...] the University of Milan, Italy, at the [...]
Institute of Engineering Agronomy was initiated.
d) 在对《律师业务法》、《律师业务保障和律师的社会保护法》,以及 《刑事诉讼法》、《行政责任法典》进行修订和补充的基础上对律师业务体系进 行改革,这有助于保证在刑事诉讼中起诉和辩护诉讼权的平等,采用 米兰 达规 则》民主制度,确定阻碍律师活动的责任。
(d) Through amendments and supplements to the Legal Counsel Act, the Legal Practice and Lawyers’ Defence (Safeguards) Act, the Code of Criminal Procedure and the Code of Administrative Responsibility, the legal profession has been reformed to better balance the procedural rights of the prosecution and the defence, introduce the democratic institution of Miranda rights and make it an offence to obstruct the work of lawyers.
但是,约翰金口和西里尔亚历山大(见拜占庭帝国)希腊父亲potently影响了犹太人民的命运一样 米兰 主 教刘汉铨(约340-397)。
But the Greek fathers John Chrysostom and Cyril of
Alexandria (see Byzantine Empire) potently affected the fate of the Jewish people, as did
[...] Bishop Ambrose of Milan (c. 340-397).
此外,就在首脑会议召开的前几天, 米兰 举 行 了 一次公私论坛,在罗马举行了一次议会间会议和一次民间社会论坛,20 [...]
为讨论提 供了各方观点和投入。
Additionally, in the days just
before the Summit, a private-sector forum
[...] was convened in Milan, and both an inter-parliamentary [...]
meeting and a civil society
forum20 were convened in Rome, to provide their views and input for the discussions.
WAI的作品、研究和写作在杂志、期刊上发表,其中包括纽约和柏林的Pin-Up杂志,鹿特丹的城市规划杂志MONU,奥斯陆的Condition杂志,阿姆斯特丹的Mark杂志和Pop Up
[...] City杂志,Horizonte杂志在魏玛米兰的 Do mus杂志以及Studio杂志,DPR-巴塞罗那杂志在巴塞罗那,以及亚伯达的On [...]
WAI’s work, research and writings have been published in magazines and journals around the world including Pin-Up Magazine in New York and Berlin, MONU Magazine on Urbanism in Rotterdam, Conditions Magazine in Oslo, Mark Magazine and the Pop Up City in Amsterdam, Horizonte
Magazine in Weimar, Domus Magazine and
[...] Studio Magazine in Milan, DPR-Barcelona in [...]
Barcelona, and On Site Journal in Alberta, among others.
[...] 的最主要的人员之一是 Ghirmai Okbe,此人住米兰,是伊萨亚斯·阿费沃 基总统的亲信,曾在意大利担任解阵/人阵的财务人员和情报人员达近 [...]
30 年。
According to former officials of the Government of Eritrea who have first-hand knowledge of these networks, one of the most important
such facilitators is Ghirmai Okbe, an
[...] Eritrean resident in Milan and close associate [...]
of President Isaias Afwerki who has served
as a financial and intelligence agent in Italy for EPLF/PFDJ for approximately 30 years.
公司总部位于意大利厄尔巴岛上的托斯卡纳,在世界著名的 Genesi 工业区中,培育着来米兰的创造力以及技术产品,那里也是众所周知的意大利最高效的制表工厂。
The company headquarters is based in Tuscany on the island of Elba where the
creativity is fostered and some technical
[...] production done in Milan within the world [...]
famous Genesi industrial facility, universally
known as the most efficient watch making factory in Italy.
本书备有英语、法语、西语、德语、意语、俄语以及简体中文等多语译本,可在皇家橡树系列问世40周年全球巡回展览现场或纽约 米兰 、 巴黎、北京、新加坡及迪拜等任何一家巡回城市中的著名书局购得。
The book is translated in seven languages (English, French, Spanish, German, Italian, Russian and simplified Chinese) and available to purchase at the Royal Oak 40th anniversary exhibitions around the world as well as a well-known bookstore in each of the touring cities: New York, Milan, Paris, Beijing, Singapore & Dubai.
Edgar Davids曾征战74场国际比赛,曾为阿贾克斯 、 A C 米兰 、 尤文图斯、巴塞罗那俱乐部、国 米兰 、 托 特纳姆热刺等球队效力,他表示:“最近四个月的经历与众不同,我在虎牌啤酒街头球王争霸赛中亲眼目睹了最为精彩的‘现场’街头足球比赛,也与如此多才华横溢的球员进行了交流。
Edgar Davids, who has 74 international caps to his name and has played
for renowned teams
[...] including AFC Ajax, AC Milan, Juventus, FC Barcelona, Inter Milan and Tottenham Hotspur, [...]
said, "The last four
months have been an exceptional experience as I have seen first-hand some of the most exciting 'live' street football action at Tiger Street Football competitions and interacted with so many talented players.
共同主席唐·麦凯(新西兰)和米兰·贾 亚 · 米 塔 尔班(毛里求斯)以与各代表 团进行的协商和 2011 年 3 月 9 日在联合国总部举行的非正式筹备会议为基础, 拟订了协商进程第十二次会议的讨论形式(见附件一),并提出了会议的临时议程 (见附件二)。
On the basis of consultations with delegations and of an informal preparatory meeting held at United Nations Headquarters on 9 March 2011, the co-Chairs, Don MacKay (New Zealand) and Milan Jaya Meetarbhan (Mauritius), developed a format for the discussions at the twelfth meeting of the Consultative Process (see annex I) and are proposing a provisional agenda for the meeting (see annex II).
2013年,江诗丹顿与法国国立工艺学院(INMA)将再度联手,在巴黎 米兰 、 伦敦和日内瓦举办新一届欧洲艺术手工业开放日。
Vacheron Constantin is working with l’Institut National des Métiers d’Art (INMA -
Arts and Crafts French
[...] National Institute) once again for the 2013 event, which will take place in Paris as well as Milan, [...]
London and Geneva.
397. 从以往来看,人阵在北美和欧洲收取的款项中至少有一部分是通过厄
[...] 立特里亚驻意大利使馆传送的,该使馆的账户设 米兰 和 罗马的意大利联合信 贷银行。
Historically, at least some of the PFDJ funds collected in North America and Europe have
been routed through the Eritrean embassy in Italy, whose accounts are held at
[...] Unicredit Banca di Roma in Milan and Rome.
Abu Omar
[...] 为埃及人,2003年2月17 日在光天化日之下 被中央情报局特工米兰街头绑架。
Italy, for its role in the abduction and rendition of Hassan Mustafa Osama Nasr
(also known as Abu Omar), an Egyptian kidnapped by CIA
[...] agents on a street in Milan in broad daylight [...]
on 17 February 2003.
从执行制片人:克里斯梅莱丹德里(霍顿奇遇记,冰期),并具有声音的全明星喜剧的演员阵容,包括贾森谢格尔,拉塞尔 · 布 兰 德 , 米兰 达 ·科 斯格罗夫和朱莉·安德鲁斯,卑鄙的我是“rousingly的有趣的,发自内心的和富有想象力的“(皮特·哈蒙德,年度票房杂志)。
From executive producer Chris Meledandri (Horton Hears a Who, Ice Age), and featuring the voices of an all-star comedic cast, including Jason Segel, Russell Brand, Miranda Cosgrove and Julie Andrews, Despicable Me is “rousingly funny, heartfelt and imaginative” (Pete Hammond, Boxoffice Magazine).
至于该集团的其它品牌,包括自有和获授权许可的品牌,法拉蒂还提到,Moschino Cheap & Chic将参加二月举行的伦敦时装周(见1月11的
[...] MFF报道),Alberta Ferretti最近米兰举行 的时装秀上推出了半高定时装,刘凌和孙大为担任卡夏尔(Cacharel)创意总监后即将推出的第二个系列,以及由Aeffe生产的Cédric [...] [...]
As for the group’s other owned brands and licences, Ferretti was keen to mention the presence of Moschino Cheap & Chic at London Fashion Week in February (see
MFF of 11 January), the recent Alberta
[...] Ferretti event in Milan with the presentation [...]
of the demi-couture offerings, Ling
Liu and Dawei Sun’s forthcoming second collection as the creative directors of Cacharel, and the debut on 28 February in Paris of Cédric Charlier’s first collection, which will be manufactured by Aeffe.
另外,旅客可选择乘坐头等车厢或标准车厢, 米兰 至 罗 马的Frecciarossa直达列车甚至有五种服务方案可供选择,包括:二等标准车厢、二等高级车厢、一等商务车厢、一等商务安静车厢或一等商务休息车厢。
Plus there's the option to travel in first or standard
class, or even five service options to choose
[...] from on non-stop Milan to Rome Frecciarossa [...]
trains including: 2nd Standard Class,
2nd Premium Class, 1st Business Class, 1st Business Quiet Class or 1st Business Lounge Class.
美国政府在意大利法院未就美国 特工人员被指控劫持涉嫌参与恐怖活动和别名叫 Abu Omar 的 Italy Nasr Osama Mustafa Hassan 而提起的刑事诉讼案中援引豁免权 (见 2009 年 11 月 4 日米兰法庭 第四刑事科判决书, 其中包括美国领事馆一些工作人员在内的 23 名前中情局雇员被缺席判决。
The U.S. Government did not invoke immunity before the Italian court relative to the criminal case in which U.S. Secret Service personnel were accused of abducting in Italy Nasr Osama Mustafa Hassan, suspected of involvement in terrorist activity and known as Abu Omar.
1972年取得维也纳美术学院硕士学位,随即在茵斯布鲁克展出其作品,并跻身意大利艺术界,先后在罗马奥地利文化研究所 米兰 商 人 画廊(Il Mercante)成功展出其大作。
By the time he graduated, Weiler had already begun to exhibit his art; he established contacts in Italy, and
presented his works at the Austrian Institute of Culture (Kulturforum) in Rome as well as
[...] the “Il Mercante” gallery in Milan.
正如新网站上所显示,思迈特产品目前安装在五大洲的一些最重要和最负盛名的建筑物上,例如,德国的斯图加特机场、伦敦的皇家法院(英国)、南京的紫峰大厦(中国)、香港的国际商会大厦、滨海湾金融中心(新加坡) 米兰 的 伦巴第大区(意大利)、悉尼的SRA卡希尔高速公路(澳大利亚),多哈的剪影塔(卡塔尔)、孟买的安迪利亚大厦(印度)和纽约的世界贸易中心(美国)。
As the new website shows, Sematic products are nowadays installed in some of the most important and prestigious buildings over the 5 continents, such as for example Stuttgart airport in Germany, the Royal Courts of Justice in London (UK), the Zifeng Tower of Nanjing (China), the ICC Tower in Hong Kong,
Marina Bay Financial Centre in Singapore,
[...] Regione Lombardia in Milan (Italy), the SRA [...]
Cahill Expressway in Sydney (Australia),
the Silhouette Tower in Doha (Qatar), the Antilia Building in Mumbai (India) and the World Trade Center in New York (USA).
卢森堡位于欧洲十字路口,这一 战略优势位置能直通欧洲最重要的城
[...] 市:巴黎(火车只需2小时15分钟)、伦 敦、阿姆斯特丹、布鲁塞尔、柏林、苏黎 世米兰和日内瓦。
Luxembourg benefits from a strategic position at the crossroads of Europe, with direct routes to the
most important European cities: Paris (just 2h15 by train), London, Amsterdam,
[...] Brussels, Berlin, Zurich, Milan and Geneva.
2008 年:(a)由全国社会防护中心组织、意大利伦巴第区承办,与联合国毒品和犯 罪问题办公室合作,米兰拍摄 影片“贸易”;(b) 全国社会防护中心与国际社 会学协会法律社会学研究委员会合作,在意大 米兰 和 科 摩召开的关于“危险社 会中的法律与正义”的国际会议;(c)在维也纳召开的预防犯罪和刑事司法委员会 第十七届会议;(d)全国社会防护中心和咨询委员会与联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公 [...]
协调会议;(e)全国社会防护中心和咨询委员会与联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室合 作,在库马约尔召开的关于“涉及艺术品和古董的有组织犯罪”的国际会议。
(a) Screening in Milan of the film “Trade”, organized by the Centro Nazionale and hosted by the region of Lombardy, Italy, in
collaboration with the United
[...] Nations Office on Drugs and Crime; (b) international conference on “Law and justice in the risk society”, organized by the Centro Nazionale, in collaboration with the Research [...]
Committee on Sociology
of Law of the International Sociological Association, and held in Milan and Como, Italy; (c) seventeenth session of the Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice, held in Vienna; (d) 12th coordination meeting of the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Programme Network of institutes, organized by the Centro Nazionale and the Advisory Council in Courmayeur; (e) international conference on “Organized crime in art and antiquities”, organized by the Centro Nazionale and the Advisory Council, in collaboration with the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime, and held in Courmayeur.




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