

单词 篡贼

See also:




extremely adv


seize v

External sources (not reviewed)

像说明中国不应武力解决南海 问题这样的温和意见则被称作卖贼 的 言 论。
Moderate opinions, such as explaining why China should not take the South China Sea by force, have been interpreted as traitor’s opinions.
任何屋主都不会允许贼的疯狂掠夺,任何国家的任何军队都不会允许战争 贩子对其不可侵犯的领海发起先发制人的攻击。
There is no house owner who will allow a robber to go on a rampage and no army of any country who will allow warmongers to make a pre-emptive attack on its inviolable territorial waters.
此外,将努力加大工作力度,以期通过 减少社区暴力方案解决社区和境内流离失所者营地中的 贼 活 动 和犯罪问题。
In addition, efforts will be intensified with a view to addressing banditry and crimes in communities and internally displaced person camps through the community violence reduction programme.
罗恩接收赫敏,邓布利多的Deluminator,副本的吟游诗人Beedle的故事,和哈利,他曾经陷入了魁地奇比赛的第一个金色 贼。
Ron receives Dumbledore’s Deluminator, Hermione, a copy of The Tales of Beedle the Bard, and Harry the first Golden Snitch that he ever caught in a Quidditch match.
化学和物篡改 以 下方法禁用: 为改变兴奋剂控制所收集样品的完整性和合法性 篡 改 或企 图 篡 改 样 品。
Tampering, or attempting to tamper, in order to alter the integrity and validity of Samples collected in Doping Controls.
[...] 况下,根据《卢旺达宪法》和其他法律文书,将任篡改或否认 1994 年对图西族犯下了灭绝种族罪这一 [...]
The Government of Rwanda will of course continue to ensure that, without prejudice or favour, any individual who engages
in revisionism or denial of the 1994 genocide
[...] perpetrated against the Tutsi be [...]
brought to justice in accordance with the Rwandan
Constitution and other legal instruments.
關於第二個問題 ,事務委員會不 贊 同 政府當 局 的 看 法,並要求 當局重 新 考慮應 否把普通法中有關賄賂的 罪 行篡 為成文法則。
On the latter point, the panel disagreed and requested the Administration to reconsider whether the common law offence of bribery should be codified.
联合声明中对伊朗伊斯兰共和国提出的指控是 篡 改 事 实真相的又一事例, 为某些政治和经济权力集团的利益,在中东地区扩大其霸权主义政策,并转移美 [...]
Those accusatory
[...] allegations raised against the Islamic Republic [...]
of Iran in the joint statement are yet another example
of misrepresentation of the realities on the ground in the interest of certain circles of political and economic power to further their hegemonic policies in the Middle East region, and also a deception tactic to avert the attention of United States citizens from many unfruitful and failed policies at the domestic and foreign levels.
教育統籌局局長:主席女士,首 先,我 想 清清楚楚說 明,我 十 分 反 對 , 極 力 反 對 , 完全反 對日本政篡 改 歷史, 歷史是 很重要 的 。
SECRETARY FOR EDUCATION AND MANPOWER (in Cantonese): Madam President, first, I wish to make it very clear that I am very much against, utterly against and totally against the distortion of history made by the Japanese Government, for history is very important.
法庭的档案应该移交给 卢旺达,原因是,对我们来说,这些记录是我们历史 的一部分,对于保留对于灭绝种族罪的记忆事关重
[...] 大,并将起到重要的作用,教育后代警惕否认 篡改 发生了种族灭绝事件这一事实的行为。
The archives of the Tribunal should be transferred to Rwanda because, for us, those records constitute an integral part of our history, are vital to the preservation of the memory of the
genocide and will play a critical role in educating future
[...] generations to guard against genocide denial [...]
and revisionism.
这方面的事实实在太多,阿塞拜疆代表团 随时准备向感兴趣的会员国介绍,其中我只想回顾早先经亚美尼亚常驻代表请求 分发的一份文件(A/63/781-S/2009/156),其中 2008 年 11 月 2 日三国首脑签署 的《亚美尼亚共和国、阿塞拜疆共和国和俄罗斯联邦的联合声明》的标题和内容 被亚美尼亚宣传机器以特有的方式进行 篡 改 (见 阿塞拜疆在 A/64/475S/2009/508 号文件的附件中所作评论,第 9 段和第 10 段)。
Among numerous facts in this regard, which the delegation of Azerbaijan is ready to share with interested Member States, suffice it to recall one of the earlier documents circulated at the request of the Permanent Representative of Armenia (A/63/781-S/2009/156), in which the title and content of the “Joint Declaration of the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Russian Federation” signed on 2 November 2008 by the Heads of three States, were distorted in a manner so characteristic of Armenia’s propaganda (see the comments made in this regard by Azerbaijan in document A/64/475-S/2009/508, annex, paras. 9 and 10).
按照纽伦 堡法庭的裁定,那些活动已经构成了战争罪和危害人 类罪,现在推翻这些裁定等同篡改 历 史。
Those events had constituted war crimes and crimes against humanity, as determined by the Nuremberg Tribunal, and to refute them now would be tantamount to rewriting history.
公民也不会面临两阶段的过程:先是剥夺国 籍,然后应用第13 条所设想的驱逐外国人的程序。委员会在关于Stewart 诉加拿 大案3 的意见中,在提及这一剥夺国籍问题后,指出了不应被允许的为绕过第 12条第4 款的保护篡改国籍法的其他类型的做法,例如,“自己国籍的国家 被并入或转到另一个国家实体而国籍被否认的人”的情况,和可能是“被任意剥 夺了获得所居住的国家的国籍的权利的无国籍人士”的情况。
In its Views in Stewart v. Canada,3 after mentioning this problem of denationalization, the Committee identified other types of manipulation of nationality law that should not be permitted to circumvent the protection of article 12, paragraph 4, such as cases “of individuals whose country of nationality has been incorporated into or transferred to another national entity whose nationality is being denied them,” and possibly “stateless persons arbitrarily deprived of the right to acquire the nationality of the country of such residence.
该摄像机的录制和播放均可通过宽带有效传输,让您可查看更多地点的更多场景画面,凭借成熟的运动检测、智能视频内容分析和新型 篡 改 技 术,DinionHD摄像机成为商店、学校或体育馆等场所安防摄像机的理想选择。
Recording and streaming is bandwidth-efficient, so you can run more units in more places, and sophisticated motion detection, smart video content analysis and new tamper-proofing technology make the DinionHD the obvious choice for any security camera application, be it a store, school or stadium.
秘书处这样篡夺了 会员国的正当作用;这不可接受。
In so doing the
[...] Secretariat had usurped the rightful [...]
role of Member States; that was unacceptable.
若因任何原因使網際網路部份無法如所預期正常運作,包括遭電腦病毒感染、bugs、竄改、未經授權的侵入、詐騙、技術疏失、或其他非USANA所能掌控的原因,因而玷污或影響本挑戰賽的管理、安全、公平、誠信、或正當性時,USANA有權依其判斷取消任何於登錄過程中進 篡 改 的個人之資格,並保留取消、終止、修改、或擱置本挑戰賽的權利。
If for any reason the Internet portion of the program is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or any other causes beyond the control of USANA which corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity, or proper conduct of this challenge, USANA reserves the right,
at its sole discretion, to disqualify any
[...] individual who tampers with the entry [...]
process, and to cancel, terminate, modify, or suspend the challenge.
a) 和平或战争时代的敌对或战争行为,包括阻击、抗击或防卫实际、迫近或预期的攻击; b) 和平或战争时代使用原子裂变或放射性武力的战争武器; c) 暴动、叛乱、革命、内战篡夺权 力,或者政府当局为阻击、抗击或防卫这类事情发生所采取的行动,检疫或海关条例规定的查封或毁灭, [...]
d) 在重新占有或者交还保险车辆之后发生;或者 e) 在美国或加拿大境外发生。
Any loss resulting from total loss to the covered vehicle caused by or resulting from any of the following causes are specifically excluded: a) hostile or warlike action in time of peace or war, including action in
hindering, combating,
[...] or defending against actual, impending or expected attack; b) any weapon of war employing atomic [...]
fission or radioactive
force, whether in time of peace or war; c) insurrection, rebellion, revolution, civil war, usurped power, or action taken by governmental authority in hindering, combating or defending against such occurrence, seizure or destruction under quarantine or customs regulations, seizure or confiscation by order of any government or public authority, risks of contraband or illegal transportation or trade; d) occurring after covered vehicle has been repossessed or placed in repossession; or e) occurring outside of the United States or Canada.
[...] 中級(Medium)的保證等級,適合應用於有惡意使用者會截取篡改資 訊、並較第二級危險之網路環境,傳送的資訊可包 [...]
Level 3 Medium assurance level appropriate for applications in internet environment with comparatively higher
risk than level 2 that the vicious user can
[...] intercept or temper information [...]
and the delivered information could include online transaction of money.
防范小组委员会曾与多 位负责人以及被剥夺自由人员会面并获得一些信息,经过对这些信息进行分析, 防范小组委员会得出结论,有些时候警察人员可能 篡 改 登 记内容,而更多时候 登记内容与被捕者提供的情况对应不上。
After analysing the information obtained in the interviews with the various authorities, and with detainees themselves, the Subcommittee concluded that the records may on occasion have been altered by police officers, and that the information given by detainees frequently did not match what was given in the registers.
保护保管链能确保样本不 会面临任何有意或无意的物篡改、 交叉污染或 任何其它更改的风险。
Protecting the chain of custody ensures that the samples are not exposed to any risk of physical tampering, cross-contamination or any other alteration, whether intentional or not.
这样的解释是有争议的,可以很难预测资产价格的行为,加上有数据 篡 改 ”披露年度资产负债表和损益表(DRE)的公司分析工作的可能性,因为有几个例子在最近几年。
Such interpretations are controversial and can hardly predict the behavior of asset
prices, plus there is the possibility of
[...] working with data "doctored" disclosed in [...]
the balance sheets and income statements
for the year (DRE) of the companies analyzed, as have several examples in recent years.
任何导致 此种请离的行为均应报告给检查机构,并可根据《条例》 第 2.5 条篡改或企图篡改兴 奋剂控制过程中的任何环 节”被视为违反反兴奋剂规则。
Any behavior resulting in removal should be reported to the Testing Authority and may be considered anti–doping rule violation in accordance with Article 2.5 of the Code, “Tampering, or Attempting to tamper, with any part of Doping Control”.
任何软件保护技术的主要功能是:检测盗版行为(破解密码或 篡 改 软 件);这些破解密码 篡 改 软 件的行为将使被保护的软件降级到无检测状态,软件保护技术还要防止这种降级情况的发生。
The chief functions of any software protection technique can be determined as detection of pirate attempts to decipher or tamper software, protection against such attempts and alteration of software to ensure that it functionality degrades in an undetectable manner if the protection fails.
与会者认为该小组应设立一个区域分 支机构,负责以下三个方面事情:制订区域青年就业战略; 篡 青 年 就业政策和 良好做法简编;提出区域青年就业方案,其主要特点是鼓励政府、雇主和工人的 组织以及青年人之间建立合作网络。
The participants felt that the panel should have a regional chapter, which would be responsible for three things: formulating a regional youth employment strategy; compiling a compendium of youth employment policies and good practices; and proposing a regional youth employment programme, a central feature of which would be to encourage the creation of cooperation networks among Governments, employer and worker organizations and young people themselves.
第四級 高級(High)的保證等級,適合應用於潛在威脅很高之網路環 境、或資訊篡改後 復原的代價很高,傳送的資訊包括高金 額的線上交易或極機密的文件。
Level 4 High assurance level appropriate for applications in internet environment with very high risk of potential threat or a very high restoration price after information is being tempered, and the delivered information includes high value online transaction or extremely confidential documents.
对投标书“安全性”、“完整性”和“保密性”的要 求,意在确保所提交投标书中的内容不会被更改、添加 篡 改 (“安全性”和 “完全性”),而且在规定的公开开标时间之前不能调取这些信息,在开标之后 则只能由经授权人员按照有关规则仅为规定目的而调取这些信息(“保密性”)。
The requirements for “security”, “integrity” and “confidentiality” of tenders are intended to ensure that the information in presented tenders cannot be altered, added to or manipulated (“security” and “integrity”), and that it cannot be accessed until the time specified for public opening and thereafter only by authorized persons and only for prescribed purposes, and according to the rules (“confidentiality”).




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