单词 | 箱子 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 箱子noun—boxn(often used)boxesplless common: casen cratespl chestn lockboxn 箱子noun, plural—moldspl箱子—suitcase trunk Examples:黑箱子—black box (aviation), (systems theory) 电子信箱—e-mail address electronic mailbox See also:箱n—boxn chestn 箱—trunk
专家 组认为,存在装有催泪弹的箱子,很可能违反了禁运规定,鼓励塞内加尔政府确 保对其提供信息的要求作出充分答复。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group considers that [...] the presenceof boxescontaining teargas grenades [...]is likely to be a breach of the embargo and [...]encourages the Government of Senegal to ensure a full response to its requests for information. daccess-ods.un.org |
该部门的官员拒绝亲自接受申诉,解释说部长特别 [...] 指令中规定了提交个人申诉的程序,按照程序申诉应放置在大楼门厅的箱子里。daccess-ods.un.org | The officer of the department refused to accept the complaint in person, explaining that the Minister’s special regulation set an [...] order for submission of individual complaints, whereby complaints should [...] be placedin the boxatthe building’s [...]entry hall. daccess-ods.un.org |
审议组同意俄罗斯联邦提出的一项请求,即把放有亚洲国家组和东欧 国家组名签的箱子混在一起进行抽签选出其在同一地理区域的审议缔约国。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group agreed to a request by the Russian [...] Federation to mix the boxescontaining thelots [...]of the Group of Asian States and the Group [...]of Eastern European States in drawing its reviewing State party from the same geographical region. daccess-ods.un.org |
一辆货车装满了装有Plumpy’nut营养糊的红色箱子,运往加纳普维尔特地区的诊所,那里的母亲们抱着孩子在安静地排着队。 unicef.org | One truck [...] was loadedwithred boxes of Plumpy’nut and [...]sent to the Canape Vert clinic, where mothers stood quietly in line, [...]gently cradling their children. unicef.org |
这样能够自动控制流量阀和计量泵,或者在肉制品生产中,根据含量不同筛选单个的箱子用于不同的目的。 foss.cn | This allows automatic control of regulating valves and dosing pumps [...] or, in the case of meat production, by [...] sorting individual boxesofmeatfor different [...]purposes based on their registered content. foss.nl |
一个关键是给购买者在购买的时候,仅此键打开箱子,将在一年後。 zh.horloger-paris.com | A key is given to the purchaser at the time of purchase, only [...] this key opens the boxwhich will be given [...]a year later. en.horloger-paris.com |
如果柜子和箱子都装有空调,有可能很快形成不必要的水分,可导致腐蚀,故障和电气系统的故障。 zh-tw.developmentscout.com | If cabinets andboxes are air-conditioned, [...] there may soon form unwanted moisture that can lead to corrosion, malfunctions [...]and failures of electrical systems. en.developmentscout.com |
(d) 武器状况:一个完整的系统需要好几个部件,而这些部件不是装在同一 个货箱里边;例如,就在利比亚发现的SA-7b而言,发射架与发射管及电池就是 分放在不同的箱子里。 daccess-ods.un.org | (d) State of weapon: A complete system requires several component parts that do not come together in the same crate; [...] for example, for the [...] SA-7b foundin Libya,a gripstock willnotbe delivered in the samebox as launch tubes [...]and batteries. daccess-ods.un.org |
在卸货之后,当可以接触到箱子的各个表面时,对货物进行检查。 highvolt.de | The checks must take place after [...] unloading when the crate can beaccessed [...]from all sides. highvolt.de |
拟议在一般事务人员(其他职等)一级设立一个新的一般临时人员职位,负 责处理所收到维和记录,以及大约 10 000 英尺长的积压记录(仍然使用纸张), [...] 而且依然需要劳力密集、直接动手并经常重复处理,如:将箱子从货盘移到货架; 重新包装;对照清单查看内容,贴加条形码,整理要处置的记录等。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is proposed that 1 new general temporary assistance position be established at the General Service (Other level) to handle incoming peacekeeping records as well as the accumulated backlog of 10,000 linear feet (which remain paper-based) and require labour-intensive, [...] hands-on and often repetitive [...] processing suchas: moving boxesfrom pallets to shelving; [...]reboxing; checking contents against [...]lists, applying barcodes, preparing records for disposal etc. The Section also retrieves peacekeeping records as needed for Secretariat offices. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,密封的箱子可能是最具革命性的发现,有助于房屋和制表打破某些限制自由和发明,顺便说一句,在钟表历史上最有名的打一些手腕。 zh.horloger-paris.com | However, thesealing of boxes was probably the [...] most revolutionary discovery that has helped to houses and watchmakers to [...]break free of certain constraints and to invent, incidentally, some of the most famous hits in the history of watches wrist. en.horloger-paris.com |
在隔间里是一个小箱子,里面有一个自动机的图纸副本,以及与其他许多图纸。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | In the compartment is asmall chestcontaining a copy [...] of the automaton’s drawing, along with many other drawings. seekcartoon.com |
这个项目把一些小游戏(扫雷,贪吃蛇,推箱子)当作Eclipse的插件,为开发工作提供娱乐活动。 javakaiyuan.com | The project some games ( [...] Minesweeper, Snake , Sokoban) as Eclipse [...]plug-ins , provide recreational activities for the development . javakaiyuan.com |
古巴朗姆酒、特别是头号品牌“哈瓦那俱乐部”无法进入美国市场,意 味着销售至少减少 220 万箱子朗姆酒,按 2009 年哈瓦那国际俱乐部的 [...] 平均销售价格计算,造成经济损失 8 700 万美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The lack of access for Cuban rums to the United States market, in particular for the market leader, Havana Club, [...] means there was a sales shortfall of at [...] least 2.2 millioncases of rum, which, [...]at the average 2009 invoice price for Havana [...]Club International, is an economic loss of about US$ 87,300,000. daccess-ods.un.org |
康诺利说,如果使用安全带而不是一个箱子运送您的宠物,座椅上可涵盖很容易地移除和清洗的东西,像一个旧的毯子,是一个好主意。 hkcarworld.com | If you use a [...] harness insteadof a crateto transport your [...]pet, covering the seats with something that can be easily removed [...]and washed, like an old blanket, is a good idea, Connolly said. hkcarworld.com |
推箱子游戏的目的是将所有箱子移到标记 为 "X" 的位置。 thetranslatorstore.com | The object of Sokobanis to move all the chips to the places marked with "X". thetranslatorstore.com |
隔音服务器机柜放在一个箱子里,允许随时随地进行IT部署,能够节省空间、成本和部署时间。 apc.com | A soundproofed [...] server room in a box which allows for [...]IT deployment wherever and whenever it is needed, saving space, cost and deployment time. apc.com |
狗的主人一直都把它关在一个箱子中,它整天都生活在那里面,一直在 叫,让邻居们非常烦恼。 spca.org.tw | The owner has been [...] shutting the dog in a box, whereit lives [...]all day while the work, crying and distressing the neighbors. spca.org.tw |
利用柯达不断创建的多功能采集解决方案,您将可以在打开箱 子的那天起立即准备就绪进行生产型扫描。 graphics.kodak.com | With the most versatile capture solution Kodak [...] has ever built, you’ll be ready for production scanning the day youopen the box. graphics.kodak.com |
使用我们的聚丙烯树脂、低密度聚乙烯和丙烯基弹性体生产盖帽和密封件、DVD盒、滚塑式瓶、箱子、盆、桶、容器以及其他更多产品。 exxonmobilchemical.com | Rely on our polypropylene resins, LDPE, HDPE and [...] propylene-based elastomers for caps and closures, DVD cases, [...] rotomolded bottles,bins,tubs, buckets and [...]containers, and more. exxonmobilchemical.com |
小型货车是很受欢迎,因为你可以把箱子在回来的路上,”彼得森说。 hkcarworld.com | Minivans are really popular [...] because youcanputcrates in the wayback," [...]Peterson said. hkcarworld.com |
Arnault以运送红酒的箱子造成整整一面木架墙,然後在每个小格中摆放可爱的随身饰物、气味怡人的蜡烛,与及各式各样的精致文具 — 而它们全都是Arnault在世界各地游历时所发掘的个性品牌。 think-silly.com | Inside the shop are walls made ofred wine wooden carts, displaying accessories, scented candles and stationery, all sourced by Arnault travelling around the world. think-silly.com |
战略风险管理可不是像点箱子任务那么简单, 需要很大的投入。 12manage.com | SRM isnot a box-checkingexercise: [...] there are substantial costs and efforts involved to SRM. 12manage.com |
林业产品 在柬埔寨的重要性在于,作为木材 满足普 通 消费(为 家 具 和 建筑提供木材)、 为 工 业 [...] 提供木材(为 火车轨道 、 火 柴 、 木 板和箱子等提供木材)、作为 燃材和生产木炭。 daccess-ods.un.org | The importance of the forest products in Cambodia is to offer woods for common consumption (woods for furniture and construction), woods [...] for industry (woods for train tracks, [...] matches, boards andboxes andso on and so [...]forth), woods for burning and for making coal. daccess-ods.un.org |
对烟花部件批次的认证程序与 [...] 普通烟花成品的程序一样,也是在 每个箱子贴上防伪标贴,只是标贴 编号加上字母“C”作为识别记 [...]号.管理 / 操作程序. afsl.org | Missile Components. Missile Components consist of the motor tube with [...] fuse inserted, designed to be assembled into a finished missile by the [...] attachment of nose coneand/ or bases [...]to the tube. afsl.org |
Oke 等人(1999)对孟买儿童游戏的研究指出了儿童使用空间和材料的方式,使用的材 [...] 料包括“塑料袋、瓶子、吊环、木板、破椰子壳、空罐头盒和空箱子、针线、纸片、糖或巧 克力包装等。”尽管儿童会从事烦人的家务,或从事地方的经济生产,他们仍旧能够找到某 [...]种游戏方式(Katz [...]2004),即使在做像“一个儿童帮她妈妈洗车或洗衣服这样很无聊的事情的 时候,儿童也会玩水,用手或脚拍水”(Oke et al 1999: 212)。 ipaworld.org | s(1999) study of children’s play in Mumbai notes the ways in which children appropriate space and materials including ‘plastic bags, [...] bottles, rings, wooden planks, [...] broken coconut shells, empty tins and boxes, thread/string, [...]scraps of paper, candy/chocolate [...]wrappers, etc.’ Even though children may be engaged in domestic chores, or contributing to local economic production, they will still find some way of playing (Katz 2004 ), even in something as apparently mundane as a ‘child helping her mother wash vessels or clothes lingers during the task at hand, playing with the water, splashing it with her hands or feet’ (Oke et al. 1999: 212). ipaworld.org |
我的疏忽,会导致箱子不能完美的盖上。 4tern.com | My mistake [...] will cause the box is unable to close. 4tern.com |
我们坚信,对于结账系统和“零售基础的反转 售货机 (RBRVM)”以及相应的后台装置(用 于瓶子、易拉罐和箱子回收再利用或循环使 用),我们的解决方案是您的最佳选择。 interroll.com | We strongly believe that our solutions are the best you can get for your checkout systems and Retail Based Reversed Vending Machines(RBRVM) and the corresponding backroom installations, used for returning bottles, cans and cases for reuse or recycling. interroll.com |
海卓泰特新型 geniSYS 220 铣床在便携式 CNC [...] 机器上提供无可比拟的铣削和螺纹加工功能。geniSYS 安装在封闭的箱子中,其中包括三个主要组件: [...]动力机柜、3D 铣床、CNC 控制装置和各种附件。 hydratight.com | The new geniSYS 220 from Hydratight offers unsurpassed milling and threading on a portable CNC [...] machine. geniSYS comes ready to work all [...] enclosed in agang box consisting of three [...]main assemblies: the power cabinet, 3D [...]Mill, CNC Control Unit and a variety of accessories. hydratight.com |
4.6 如客户去世,本行将依从客户之合法遗产代理人之指示,持有客户帐户之结存本息,以及 持有客户存於本行之各种证券、契据、箱子、包裹、当中物品以至各种财产;但如主管当 局提出反对,则须先遵从主管当局之指示。 hncb.com.hk | 4.6 Subject to any claim or objection on the part of the competent authority, we may hold upon client’s death any credit balance of any of the Account and any securities, deeds boxes, parcels and their contents, and property of any description held in client’s name to the order of client’s legal personal representative(s) without prejudice to any right we may have in respect thereof, arising out of any lien, charge, pledge, set-off, counterclaim or otherwise whatsoever and take any step or legal proceedings for the account of and at the expense of your personal estate which we may in our absolute discretion deem desirable in view of any claim by any person other than your legal personal representative(s). hncb.com.hk |