单词 | 管路 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 管路 noun —pipeline n管路 —conduit • piping (for water, oil, etc)
应在 A 组份和 B 组份流量计上游的供料管路上 安装流体调节器,以保证正确的压力控制并尽量减少泵 脉冲。 gww.graco.com | To obtain proper pressure control and minimize pump pulsation, [...] install a fluid regulator on the A and B supply lines upstream of [...]the meters. gww.graco.com |
为确保系统安全制动能力,应附加一套独立的制动系统以确保当系 统存在管路损失 时车辆或机器仍能安全制动。 sauer-danfoss.com | You must provide a braking system, redundant to the hydrostatic transmission, sufficient to stop and hold the vehicle or machine in the event of hydrostatic drive power loss. sauer-danfoss.com |
之后他 [...] 在建筑部门工作,负责承接规划任务,比如高层和地下土木工程项目、建筑制图、 道路和下水道以及供水管路规划等。 reports.wacker.com | He later worked in the Construction department where he [...] took on planning tasks such as civil engineering measures, drafting, and [...] the planning of roads, channels and water pipes. reports.wacker.com |
将平衡阀安装在油缸上或油缸附近,如果液 压 管路 损 坏 时,提供最大负载保持的 保护。 comatrol.com | Locate counterbalance valves at or near the actuator to provide maximum load holding protection in [...] the event of hydraulic line failure. comatrol.com |
附有這種標誌的產品已符合加拿大國家 水 管管路 規範 (NPCC) 的規定,可於加拿大安裝使用。 ul.com | Products with this type of Mark have been evaluated [...] to the National Plumbing Code of Canada [...](NPCC) are suitable for installation in Canada. ul.com |
管路一及管路二的 流速可透過轉換筏互換,從而確保所有機具移動的安全及便捷。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | This guarantees a secure and convenient control of all implement movements. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
管路上的 安装:拉断阀必须安装在两根长度至 少为500毫米(20英寸)软管之间的两端(车辆 和加气机)。 staubli.com | In-line mounting: the break-away must be installed between 2 hoses of 500 mm (20 [...] inches) min. length on both sides (vehicle and dispenser). staubli.com |
所有管路不得横跨有载分接开关开 关头,以避免妨碍维护作业。 highvolt.de | The pipes [...] should not be installed above the on-load [...]tap-changer head so that maintenance work is not hindered. highvolt.de |
1992-1993 年 – 天然气营销供应主管,路易斯 安那州拉斐特市 – 管理专业团队,负责 [...] 洽谈天然气采购和在 ARCO 和第三方工厂的加工协议和新油井向市场的连接,以及 管理专有气体容量通过天然气营销集团的有效销售。 millerandlents.com | 1992-1993 - Gas Marketing Supply Director, [...] Lafayette, Louisiana - Managed a professional [...]staff responsible for negotiating gas purchase [...]and processing agreements at ARCO and thirdparty gas plants, new well connections to markets, and managing proprietary gas volumes for effective sale by the Gas Marketing Group. millerandlents.com |
因此,铝管和解决方案是用于加热器,如R744或二氧化碳气体冷却器以及蒸发器、内置式热交换器和连 接 管路 的 最 佳选择。 hydro.com | Available in customized dimensions, the aluminium tubes and solutions are therefore the optimal choice for heat [...] exchangers, such as R744 – or, carbon dioxide-based - gas coolers and evaporators, internal heat [...] exchangers, and connection lines. hydro.com |
代斯米的非自吸式泵产品可以安装引液设备,确保吸 入管 路的排空。 desmi.com | Non-selfpriming DESMI pumps are available with built-on priming devices which ensure [...] the evacuation of the suction line. desmi.com |
二零一一年上半年的盈利能力受到澳元升值及高維修成本的影響,部分由1HPAL高 壓 管路 於 二 零一零年五月故障後接獲臨時保險金19百萬澳元所 [...] 抵銷。 glencore.com | partially offset by the receipt [...] of an interim insurance payment of AUD 19 million arising from the Train 1 [...] HPAL autoclave pipeline failure in May 2010. glencore.com |
憑 藉在管路產品認證領域 75 年的經驗,UL 飲用水產品認證計畫為管路相關產品的製造商提供一站式的認證服務。 ul.com | With over 75 years of experience [...] in certifying plumbing products, UL's drinking water product certification program offers one-stop certification services to manufacturers of plumbing-related products. ul.com |
海德鲁铝业精密管材部门现在向用户推出了一套完整的优化铝管,此类铝管用于热交换器、空 调 管路 和 R744移动空调和商业制冷系统的内置式热交换器。 hydro.com | Hydro Aluminium Precision Tubing is now offering customers a [...] complete range of optimized [...] aluminium tubes for heat exchangers, air-conditioning lines and internal [...]heat exchangers for [...]use in R744-based mobile air-conditioning and commercial refrigeration systems. hydro.com |
该类机型为履带行走,采用先导控制、电—液传动,液压系统采用开式回路设计,美国“伊顿”技术“H”型接 头 管路 连 接 ,液压油冷却方式为强制式风冷,系统油温低,能有效保证液压元件的工作稳定性,整机可靠性高。 mayastar.com.cn | This machine is crawler travelling, adopts pilot control, Electro-hydraulic Transmission, the hydraulic system adopt open loop design, [...] American Eaton [...] technology, H shape pipeline connecting, The cooling style of hydraulic oil is forced-air cooling, the [...]system oil temperature [...]is low, which can efficiently guarantee the hydraulic parts to work stably, it is very durable machine. mayastar.com.cn |
这种管路开发的优势在于无需弯管工具,简单便捷的直管长途运输和良好的技术性能。 schaeffler.cn | The outstanding benefits of this [...] technology include dispensing [...]with the requirement for bending tools, simple transportation [...]over long distances and its good technical performance. schaeffler.com |
在这些行业中,HPGR的应用范围很广,从粗研磨(如在AG循 环 管路 中 的65mm(2.5")直径的超大鹅卵石)到在团矿料制备中终磨成Blaine值高达<100μm的材料。 zs.weirminerals.com | In these industries, the application of HPGR ranges from coarse grinding, e.g. the grinding [...] of 65mm (2.5") size excess pebbles in AG [...] circulation loops, to final grinding [...]of <100μm material to high Blaine values in [...]the preparation of pellet feed. weirminerals.com |
样品的分散或稀释是由是由系统组件控制的,即注射体积、流动速度 及 管路 的 长 度和直径。 foss.cn | The dispersion or dilution of the [...] sample zone is controlled by the system components, i.e. injected volume, flow rates and [...] length and diameter of the tubing. foss.nl |
但隨著地鐵系統不斷發展,每天持續載運數百萬旅客,犧牲地理距離的真正代價日益顯著, 儘 管路 線 蜿 蜒,貝克依然使用直線呈現;各站之間在地圖上幾乎等距,可是有些車站其實極為相近,導致許多乘客習慣換乘路線才抵達目的地,卻不知道步行其實更快,或是搭乘在地圖上看似最短的路線,實則並非最便捷的選項。 thisbigcity.net | Beck used straight lines in place of the [...] city’s snaking routes, and almost equidistant [...]spacing between stations when some [...]are strangely close to one another. The end result is that many London Underground users change lines to reach their destination when walking would be much quicker, or take routes that appear shortest on the map, but in fact aren’t the most speedy option. thisbigcity.net |
把彎頭組件重新連接到呼吸管路,然後按住彎頭側邊卡榫並把其 推入面罩,即可把連接好的彎頭組件和呼 吸 管路 連 接 到面罩上。 resmed.com | Replace the elbow assembly into the air tubing and attach the combined elbow assembly and air tubing to the mask by pressing the side-tabs and pushing [...] into the mask. resmed.com |
除每天与GHS化学品打交道的生产人员与实验室员工外,还包括制定操作指令的安全负责人,甚至那些给容器 、 管路 或 装置做标记的员工也必须熟悉和掌握新的标识系统。 reports.wacker.com | It impacts not only production and laboratory workers (who handle GHS-labeled chemicals on a daily basis), but also safety officers (who prepare SOPs). reports.wacker.com |
通过计算机的仿真,舍弗勒能够在研发的早期阶段 对 管路 的 静 态性能(踏板和分离行程特性)和动态性能(踏板在低温条件下的回位速度,踏板振动)进行优化。 schaeffler.cn | Lines are optimized very early on [...] in the development phase in terms of their static behavior (pedal and release travel characteristics) [...]and dynamic behavior (pedal return speed in cold conditions, pedal vibration) using computer simulation techniques. schaeffler.com |
压降的来源有多种,例如泄漏、过滤器和吸附式干燥机堵塞、冷冻式干燥机 和 管路 系 统 中的腐蚀、再生气体消耗和管网效率低下(如管径变小、阀门和古怪 的 管路 设 计 )。 csinstrument.com | Sources of pressure drop are for example leaks, blocked filters and [...] desiccant dryers, [...] corrosion in fridge dryers and piping system, purge air consumption and network inefficiencies such as reductions, valves and twisted piping. csinstrument.com |
請連絡您的網路管理 員,以取得必要的網路資訊。 garminasus.com | Contact your network administrator to obtain the [...] necessary information for your network. garminasus.com |
此外,还必须和公路管理部 门联系,以便该地 区能与公路连接。 paiz.gov.pl | Furthermore, connection to the public road must be agreed [...] with the office managing the roads. paiz.gov.pl |
曲径通幽—亚洲》是由挪威设计和建筑基金(Norsk Form)、挪威公共道路管理局 以及挪威国家旅 游 路 线 管 理 局 共同开展的一个大型项目。 norway.org.cn | DETOUR ASIA is a collaboration between Norsk Form – Foundation for Design [...] and Architecture in Norway and the [...] Norwegian Public Roads Administration through the National Tourist Routes in Norway. norway.cn |
代理主席女士,要提高道路管理及 使用效率,還有很多其他方法,例如政府以及 大型工商機構可以為居住在同㆒㆞區的政府官員及公司管理㆟員安排專車接送㆖㆘ 班,使他們放棄使用私家車,又或者在㆞底設置公用設施管道,減少掘路工程阻礙交 [...] 通,以及在㆞鐵及九廣鐵路沿線適當㆞點增設停車場,鼓勵市民盡量使用兩鐵往返交 通繁忙㆞區等等。 legco.gov.hk | Madam Deputy, there are many other [...] means to improve the management and the efficiency in utilizing roads. For example, [...]the Government and the [...]large businesses may arrange special vehicles to take government officials and the managerial staff of these companies living in the same district to and from work, so that they will give up using private cars, or shared ducts may be laid underground for various public utilities to reduce the disruption to traffic as a result of road openings, and more carparks may be constructed at suitable locations along the Mass Transit Railway and Kowloon-Canton Railway lines so as to encourage the public to take the mass carriers for travelling to and from areas with busy traffic. legco.gov.hk |
5.2.2 在 投 標 過 程中,道路管理服 務 (彼 得 伯 勒 )有限公司根據 道路 使用者使用兩 類 汽 車 (即 長度在5.2米 以上的長身 車 (主 要 是重型貨車 ) 及長度在5.2米 以下的短 身 車 )時 , 每輛車 行 駛 每 公 里 的基礎,以及每 個級別的交通流 量水平,建議收費水平。 legco.gov.hk | 5.2.2 Toll rates were proposed by RMS during the bidding process, on the basis of toll rates per vehicle km travelled by road users for two categories of vehicles, i.e. long vehicles over 5.2 m (primarily heavy goods vehicles) and short vehicles less than 5.2 m, and the level of traffic in each band. legco.gov.hk |
这次会议着重强调应确定劳 [...] 动密集型基础设施项目的优先次序,使用地方原料,奉行鼓励投资的政策,并在 [...] 实施方案时对冲突有敏感认识;在项目完成后的初期阶段下放 公 路管 理 权;区域 一体化,这能够有助于发展跨国铁路、区域电信联接,并共享能源;顾及长期可 [...]持续性,包括发展政府和地方进行管理和维护的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | . This meeting highlighted the need to: prioritize infrastructure projects that are labour-intensive and use local materials, policies that encourage investments, and [...] conflict sensitivity in programme [...] execution; decentralize road management at an earlier phase, [...]after the completion of projects; [...]promote regional integration, which could help develop transnational railways, regional telecommunications connections and energy sharing; and take long-term sustainability into consideration, including through the development of government and local capacities for management and maintenance. daccess-ods.un.org |