

单词 管见



in my humble opinion [idiom.]

See also:

appear (to be sth)

External sources (not reviewed)

虽然许多通信可以通过电子邮件进行,但该办公室 工作人员必须通过视频和电话会议定期与 管见 面 和 沟通。
While much communication can be facilitated by e-mail, Office staff
[...] must periodically meet with the Chief [...]
and communicate with each other via video and teleconference.
若要更换管,见第 19 页的撞击器。
See Impingers, page 19, to replace throat.
根据客户要求,该解决方案可用于单组件及多同轴 管 (见 14 MCX + 2 SMA 连接器说明)。
In accordance with customer requirements, this
solution is available for single components as well as
[...] multicoaxial ducts (see illustration with 14 MCX + 2 [...]
SMA connectors).
应探讨就降低因森林砍伐和退化所产生的排放开展协同的机会,以加强旨在 实现减排的减缓措施的实施,并促进发展中国家的可持续森 管 理(见 E/CN.18/2008/2,第五节)。
Opportunities for synergies in the context of reduction of emissions from deforestation and forest degradation should be explored with a view to reinforcing the implementation of mitigation measures aimed at achieving
such reductions and the promotion
[...] of sustainable forest management in developing countries (see E/CN.18/2008/2, sect. V).
[...] 关于承认的决定涉及一外国“临时程序”或“临时指定”了外国破 管 理 人见第 2 条(a)和(d)项),法院应及时了解这些信息。
The court should be kept so informed when its decision on recognition concerns a foreign “interim
proceeding” or a foreign representative has been “appointed
[...] on an interim basis” (see article 2, subparagraphs [...]
(a) and (d)).
此外在 R
[...] 型有载分接开关中使用管接头 R 和 Q(在分接开关头上管接头位置见第 9 章和附录中的图 893 899)。
For this purpose use pipe connections R and Q for on-load
tap-changer type R (for position of pipe connections at the
[...] on-load tap-changer head see Chapter 9 and appendix, [...]
drawing 893 899).
[...] 详细规定了总部、区域和国家三级联合国系统行为者的职责和问责制,并加强驻 地协调员制度的管、参与和问责(见 E/2010/53)。
The management system delineates the responsibilities and accountabilities of United Nations system actors at the Headquarters,
regional and country levels and strengthens collegiality,
[...] participation and accountability in the system (see E/2010/53).
咨委会从秘书长的报告中注意到,项目 管理员的主要职责如下:就项目的全面管理提供协助和咨询 见 ; 管 理 第三方承 包者和咨询人、分析规划、设计和建设战略;设定职权范围;制定风险管理计划。
The Committee notes from the report of the Secretary-General that the main responsibilities of the project
manager are to assist and
[...] advise on the overall management of the project; manage the third-party [...]
contractors and consultants;
analyse planning, design and construction strategies; develop terms of reference; and develop a risk management plan.
最近,监察组获得可信信息和证据指称,一些阿法尔联阵部队最近在厄立特 里亚得到了东区军情局管“Ha tsaynet”中 校 (见 S/20 11/433,第 262(e)段和 第 274 段)和在红海南部地区活动的一名厄立特里亚军事情报官“Debesay”少校 支持下的收容和训练。
More recently the Monitoring Group has obtained credible information and evidence that some ARDUF
forces have recently
[...] been hosted and trained in Eritrea under the auspices of Lieutenant Colonel “Hatsaynet”, Chief of Military Intelligence for the Eastern Zone (see S/2011/433, paras. [...]
262 (e) and 274),
and Major “Debesay”, an Eritrean military intelligence officer active in the Southern Red Sea region.
关于哈龙库,加拿大政府提议分拨 40,000
[...] 美元,资助一项研究,调查与哈龙库存相 关的挑战,提出改进哈龙库的方法,以此取代环境规划署提议的哈龙库长 管 理 活动 (见 第 53 段)。
With respect to halon banks, the Government of Canada had proposed that US $40,000 be allocated to fund a study to investigate the challenges associated with halon banking and propose methods
for improving halon banks, in lieu of UNEP’s proposed
[...] activity for long-term management of halon banks (see paragraph 53).
另 一类别包括管理能力较低的国家和区域渔业,IUU捕鱼较为 见 , 渔 业 管 理 极 为复 杂和困难。
A further category includes national and
regional fisheries with low management capacity and widespread IUU fishing, commonly with complex
[...] fisheries and difficult management contexts.
许多国家已通过以下步骤应对非国家行为者非法贩运核生化武器及其运载 工具和相关材料的威胁:在装运物品前获取准确信息;建立风险评估系统,尤其
[...] 是涉及终端用户管制的系统;与企业建立自愿安排,鼓励其遵守法规,并在必要 时辅以立法管制措(另见第 89 和 90 段)。
Many States have responded to the threat of illicit trafficking in nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, their means of delivery and related materials posed by non-State actors by lodging accurate information prior to loading items for shipment; by establishing a risk assessment system, notably related to end-user controls; by using non-invasive technology or physical inspection of cargoes; and through voluntary arrangements with
business to encourage compliance backed by
[...] legislation and regulation as necessary (see also paragraphs [...]
89 and 90 below).
安装于开关头中供运行监控用的信号接点 (端子箱位管接头 Q 上见第 16 节,外形尺寸图 8996483D)必须接 至电动机构的相应接线端子(见图, 49 和相关电动机 构的接线图)。
The signaling contacts, installed in the on-load
tap-changer head for
[...] tap-change supervisory control during operation (terminal box at pipe connection Q, see section 16, dimension [...]
drawing 8996483D),
must be connected to the corresponding terminals of the motor drive unit (see Figure 49 and the connection diagram for the corresponding motor drive unit).
咨询专家小组给管局的咨询见是 , 各国政府提供的资料和关于苯乙酸的其他 现有资料都支持把该药物从《1988 年公约》表二转至表一的工作继续下去。
The advisory expert group advised the Board that the information provided by Governments and other information available on phenylacetic acid supported the continuation of the process for the rescheduling of that substance from Table II to Table I of the 1988 Convention.
事实上,这已成为一种见管理方式,用来缓和延迟启动招聘程序带来的不便或 高层人员想要保持难以取代的职能的意愿。
In practice, it has
[...] become a common mode of management that goes far beyond [...]
the desire to overcome staffing difficulties
owing to a delay in launching the recruitment process, or the supervisor’s wish to keep a staff member with skills that are difficult to replace.
凭借ADP的跨国实力,Avery Dennison拓展了其全球统一薪酬规范,将欧洲的另外19个国家和7,000名员工纳入其中,并进一步朝着它的全球人力资源转型战略目标推进——在整个企业实现全球 管 理 、 成本可 见 性 和薪酬数据可见性。
By leveraging ADP's multinational capabilities, Avery Dennison expanded its global payroll model to include an additional 19 countries and 7,000 employees across Europe, and progressed further toward its strategic goal of global HR transformation -- achieving global governance, cost predictability, and payroll data visibility across its enterprise.
黎巴嫩见伊朗尽管面对各类障 碍,在受教育权方面取得的成果。
It welcomed the results achieved regarding
[...] access to education, despite various obstacles.
(g) 通过对医疗工作的规划、协调、执行和监测,确保从事外勤业务的人员
[...] 身心健康;与人力资源管理厅合作,制定切实的医疗政策、学说和导则;监督维 持为外勤业务提供的医疗支助;对东道国和区域的医疗设施进行现场评估;提供 关于免疫接种和疾病预防法的咨询 见 ; 管 理 医用材料的系统合同
(g) Ensuring the health and well-being of members of field operations through medical planning, coordination, execution and monitoring; developing operational medical policies, doctrine and guidelines in collaboration with the Office of Human Resources Management; overseeing the maintenance of medical support for field operations; making on-site assessments of host nation
and regional medical
[...] facilities; advising on immunization and disease prophylaxis; and managing systems contracts [...]
for medical materiel
4.欣见管理国决定提供资金,在圣赫勒拿修建一个国际机场,包括一 切所需的基础设施,该机场定于 2011-2012 [...]
the decision by the administering Power to provide funding [...]
for the construction of an international airport on Saint Helena,
which is to become operational in 2011-2012, including all required infrastructure.
上诉法庭还负责审理对代表联合国工作人员养恤金联合委员会(养恤金联委会)的常设委员会以及那些已接受上诉法庭管辖权的机构和实体(各机构和实体名 见 “ 管 辖 权”一节)所作决定提出的上诉,并对其作出判决。
It also hears and passes judgment on appeals from decisions taken by the Standing Committee acting on behalf of the United Nations Joint Staff Pension Board (UNJSPB) and by those
agencies and entities that have accepted jurisdiction of the UNAT (for names of the
[...] agencies and entities see Jurisdiction).
见管道图表和插图 (第 36 页) 以了解泵用系统或 (第 41 页)表用系统说明。
See also the Tubing Chart and Diagrams, [...]
page 36 for pump-based systems or page 41 for meter-based systems.
自安理会于 2009 年
[...] 10 月就此项目召开最近的一 次辩论会(见 S/PV.6201)以来,管有所谓的“10 个 月暂停建造”的决定,但色列当局继续宣布在西岸尤 [...]
其是在东耶路撒冷建造数百个新定居住宅单位的计 划。
Since the most recent debate on this item, held
[...] in October 2009 (see S/PV.6201), and despite the socalled [...]
10-month moratorium, Israeli authorities
continue to announce plans to build hundreds upon hundreds of settlement units in the West Bank, particularly in East Jerusalem.
为了方便确认见管茎和管体都用颜色 和 数字代号。
Stems and bodies are color coded and numbered for easy identification.
这方面的更多资料,包 括申请研究金的具体办法,见管理 局 网站。
Further information, including details on how to apply, can be found on the Authority’s website.
最后,关于联合国妇女发展基金活动的见书(A/65/218)表明,管妇发基金的资金基数扩大 使其能够向更多的国家提供援助,但是很显然联合国 还远不能满足所有向其提出的有关促进性别平等的 援助申请,这也能促进妇女署的工作更为有力和高 效。
The note on the activities of the United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) (A/65/218) showed that, although UNIFEM [...]
had been able to stretch
its resources to enable it to provide support to a greater number of countries, it was clear that the demand for United Nations support on gender equality was way beyond the capacity to respond.
该方案可在单一用户界面,为数据中心经理提供从 IT 设备到电源、制冷及配套设施的 见管 控。
This complements Emerson Network Power’s power
[...] systems, energy management, and precision cooling [...]
solutions for data centers.
此外,为补充自愿捐款,海洋科学研究捐赠基金也为自愿信托基金垫款 195 000 美元(见下文 D 节),管设立 捐赠基金的目的明确不同,是为了支持发展中国家 [...]
的科学家参加海洋科学研究,而不是支持法律和技术委员会成员及财务委员会成 员出席这些机构的会议。
In addition, to supplement the voluntary contributions, the sum of US$ 195,000 has been advanced to the
voluntary trust fund from the
[...] Endowment Fund for Marine Scientific Research (see sect. D below), [...]
even though the Endowment Fund
is expressly established for the separate purpose of supporting the participation of developing country scientists in marine scientific research and not for the purpose of supporting the participation of members of the Legal and Technical Commission and Finance Committee in the meetings of those bodies.
一种不同的见是,某种管制度 的存在本身并不构成对债务人资产和事 务的控制或监督,特别是在监管者的权力局限于确保破产管理人正确履行职责 而不是监督特定破产程序的情况下。
A different view is that the existence of some regulatory regime does not, [...]
of itself, constitute control or supervision
of the assets and affairs of the debtor, particularly in cases where the regulator’s powers are restricted to ensuring that insolvency representatives perform their functions properly, as opposed to supervising particular insolvency proceedings.
与国际地质科学联合会和国际地球化学协会(IUGS/IAGC)全球地球化学基 线特设工作组合作,促进全球地球化学基线计划的实施,确保经费,并根据 外部顾问委员会确定的科学指导 见管 理 和协调这些活动。
(ii) Foster the implementation of global geochemical baselines programmes for securing funds, managing and coordinating these activities according to scientific guidelines determined by an external advisory committee cooperating with the IUGS/IAGC Task Group on Global Geochemical Baselines.




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