单词 | 管胞 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 管胞 —tracheid (botany)See also:胞—placenta • womb • born of the same parents
不 规 则 凹 [...] 陷 是 存 在 的 , 但 只 在 晚 材 管 胞 的 最 后几排。 wrcea.cn | Sporadic pitting is present but only in the [...] last few rows of latewood tracheids. wrcea.org |
Ko b aya s h i (1985) 用一台扫描 [...] 电子显微镜研究了塌陷木材的解剖结 构 , 并 发 现了压碎的管胞和变形了的 晚材。 wrcea.cn | Kobayashi (1985) studied the anatomical structure of collapsed wood using a scanning electron microscope and [...] found crushed tracheids and distorted [...]latewood. wrcea.org |
皮膚的質素及色澤,直接受遍佈皮膚不同位置的黑色素、 血 管 細 胞 、 氧 化血紅素、膠原蛋白等影響,而它們對激光的吸收反應也不盡相同。 webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk | The quality and color of the skin are directly affected [...] by melanin, vascular cells, oxidation of [...]hemoglobin and collagen locating at different parts of the skin. webdemo.smartinfo.com.hk |
山桑子萃取物(Bilberry Extract)具有保护眼睛微血管细胞作用 ,且能增进夜视能力。 goodlifenutritionhouse.com | Bilberry extract strengthens blood [...] vessels and capillaries and possibly improves [...]night vision. goodlifenutritionhouse.com |
据发表在11月21日刊《美国医学会杂志》上的一项研究披露, 尽 管胞 二 磷 胆碱已经在近60个国家中被批准用于治疗创伤性脑损伤(TBI),但在一个包括有超过1200名罹患TBI的参与者的随机化的试验中,使用胞二磷胆碱没有给患者带来功能和认知状态的改善。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Although approved for use for treating traumatic brain injury (TBI) in nearly 60 countries, use of citicoline in a randomized [...] trial that included [...]more than 1,200 participants with TBI did not result in improvement in functional and cognitive status, according to a study appearing in the Nov. 21 issue of JAMA. chinese.eurekalert.org |
感染小量中華肝吸 蟲可能全無症狀或只出現輕微症狀,但感染大量中華肝吸蟲則會令患者受到長期嚴重感 染,引致食慾不振、腹瀉和發燒,亦會造成膽管梗阻和肝硬化,嚴重者可造成慢性黃疸, 繼而較容易出現膽管癌(由膽管細胞引 致 的癌症)。 cfs.gov.hk | Light infections might cause mild or no symptoms while infection of large numbers would cause intense infection for long duration and result in loss of appetite, diarrhoea and fever. cfs.gov.hk |
酶解分离7天龄小鼠睾丸的曲细精管,将获得的 小 管 内 细 胞 置 于 SACS培养系统的上层培养,SACS培养系统上层含有加了FCS的RPMI培养基。 asiaandro.com | Seminiferous tubules from testes of 7-day-old mice were enzymatically dissociated, and intratubular cells were cultured [...] in the upper layer [...]of the SACS in RPMI medium supplemented with fetal calf serum (FCS). asiaandro.com |
淋巴管被癌细胞堵塞后症状才开始出现;乳房通常发红、肿胀和发热。 cmn.beyondtheshock.com | Symptoms begin to appear [...] when the lymph vessels become blocked by the cancer cells; the [...]breast typically becomes red, swollen, and warm. beyondtheshock.com |
神经管畸形与细胞凋亡 有关,目前已发现存在着多条丝裂原活化蛋白激酶信号转导通路可激活细胞凋亡通路。 chinese.eurekalert.org | Neural tube defects are related to cell [...] apoptosis. At present, there have been mitogen activated protein kinase singal transduction [...]pathways that can activate cell apoptosis pathway. chinese.eurekalert.org |
我们”自我组织再生”做法中,其中一个例子如 血 管 生 成 ,胎盘洐生 细 胞 能 促 进新 血 管 的 形 成。 hongkongstemcell.com | One example of our “Self-Tissue Regeneration” [...] approach is angiogenesis, in which PLX cells promote the growth of new blood vessels from pre-existing [...]vessels. hongkongstemcell.com |
多年来,医学上相信,在血管生成 中,作为 细 胞 膜 蛋 白的 血 管 内 皮 增殖因子受体被发现有10-20倍过剩量,对于新血管的构筑是很重要的。 tohoku.ac.jp | It was believed that 10- to 20-fold overexpression of VFGF-R, one of [...] the cell membrane proteins, is important for the formation of vasculature. tohoku.ac.jp |
食物及衞生局局長:主席,現時,國際間眼科醫生一般使用兩種 血管 內皮細胞生長因子抑制劑治療濕性老年黃斑病變,分別為“雷珠單抗 [...] (樂明睛)”及 “貝伐珠單抗(安維汀)”( 1) 。 legco.gov.hk | SECRETARY FOR FOOD AND HEALTH (in Chinese): [...] President, there are two vascular endothelial growth [...]factor inhibitors commonly used by ophthalmologists [...]worldwide to treat wet AMD, namely Ranibizumab (Lucentis) and Bevacizumab (Avastin)(1) . legco.gov.hk |
放射治療:主要分為兩種:體外放射治療是指儀器針對部位發放輻射;體內放射治療是指將含有放射性物質的針、金屬線或 導 管 植 入癌 細 胞 周 邊 或當中。 hsbc.com.hk | Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in [...] needles, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer. hsbc.com.hk |
根据Forrester然而,这样的内容管理方法让位给更详细 的 管 制 措 施,在 细 胞 水 平 的审计电子表格,可以锁定潜在的逻辑,甚至回滚特定细胞的变化。 infosum.net | According to Forrester [...] however, such content management approaches are giving [...]way to more granular controls which audit [...]spreadsheets at the cell level, can lock the underlying logic, and even roll back specific cell changes. infosum.net |
放射治疗:主要分为两种:体外放射治疗是指仪器针对部位发放辐射;体内放射治疗是指将含有放射性物质的针、金属线或 导 管 植 入癌 细 胞 周 边 或当中。 hsbc.com.hk | Internal radiation therapy uses a radioactive substance sealed in [...] needles, wires, or catheters that are placed directly into or near the cancer. hsbc.com.hk |
葡萄糖通过位于血脑屏障上的毛细血 管 内 皮 细 胞 膜 上的 GLU T-1转运入脑。 giblinlab.org | The clinical signature of GLUT1DS is the presence of hypoglycorrhachia and low cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) lactate concentration in the absence of hypoglycemia. giblinlab.org |
品牌荟萃最尖端的技术及精湛的美学造诣,率先提出「肌肤细胞思维理论」,成功研创新一代护肤系列,有效 地 管 理 每个 细 胞 的 一 生,调节细胞体质,缔造「闪耀细胞」,成就「自发光芒美肌」,矢志为所有女性创造经得起岁月考验的隽永丽质,将美丽升华到极致。 sogo.com.hk | A fusion of the most sophisticated technology and refined aesthetics, Clé de Peau Beauté newly founded the Neuro Skin Theory, the [...] very inspiration for the new [...] generation of skincare that manages the whole life cycle [...]of every cell and optimizes the conditions [...]for producing 'Illuminating Cells'. sogo.com.hk |
这一研究团队目前正重点建设综合干 细 胞 库 ,在 试 管 中 用 诱导多能干 细 胞 疗 法模拟人类疾病治疗,并在移植前从遗传学角度预测胚胎的存活率。 australiachina.com.au | The team is now focusing on developing comprehensive stem cell banks, induced pluripotential stem [...] cell therapy to model [...] an individual’s disease in a test tube, and genetically predicting the success [...]of an embryo before implantation. australiachina.com.au |
吸煙人士:遍佈支氣管邊緣的細胞表 面 有數以百萬計的微小茸毛(纖毛),這些茸毛以海浪的拍打方式清除氣道中的正常分泌物,但煙草等刺激物令纖毛失去活動能力,因而令分泌物積聚。 hongkongbankfoundation.org | Smokers: Millions of microscopic hairs (cilia) cover the [...] surface of the cells lining your bronchial tubes. The hairs beat in [...]a wave-like fashion to clear [...]your airways of normal secretions, but irritants such as tobacco smoke paralyze the cilia, causing secretions to accumulate. hongkongbankfoundation.org |
游離基是於新陳代謝過程中產生的份子,能氧化 及破壞細胞,是癌症及血管硬化 栓塞形成的其中一個過程。 school.eatsmart.gov.hk | They can [...] oxidise and destroy cells, which is one of the steps in the development of cancer, loss of elasticity and blockage of blood vascular. school.eatsmart.gov.hk |
肝素是一种硫酸化的天然黏多糖类物质,具有很强的负电荷,广泛存在于人和哺乳动物组织中,具有抗凝血作用,肝素由紧靠 血 管 的 肥大 细 胞 产 生 ,常以蛋白聚糖单位的形式存在,其化学结构由右旋葡萄糖醛酸和右旋葡萄糖胺交替连接而成,分子量分布5000~30000,平均分子量20000。 heparin.cn | Heparin is a sulfated nature glycosaminoglycan of mixed [...] composition, released by mast cells and [...] by blood basophiles in many tissues of human body and [...]mammal body, and having potent anticoagulant [...]properties, existing in the form of proteoglycan unit, and its chemical structure formed by connection of D-glucopyranuronic acid and D-glucosamine by turns, molecular weight distribution 5000~30000, average molecular weight 20000. heparin.cn |
尿液中有較微量的血清白蛋白,不能由傳統的尿液測紙得知,是糖尿病腎病變的早期現像,同時亦顯示 血 管 內 壁 細 胞 功 能 有問題,病者患上心髒及血管病的機會增大。 hksh.com | The presence of serum albumin in urine but the concentration is not able to be detected by usual strip test. hksh.com |
因为腹腔积气已被暗示过会导致套管 部 位 的癌 细 胞 播 种 , 腹壁牵开器可以用来避免这种并发症的发生: 有实验比较过开腹手术, [...] 腹腔镜灌气和腹壁牵开术发现使用牵开器发生癌细胞播种的机率较低.这种实验发现从来没有受到临床观察所证实. websurg.com | Since the pneumoperitoneum has been implicated in the [...] seeding of cancerous cells to trocar ports, abdominal [...]wall retractors could be of use in preventing [...]such a complication: an experimental study comparing the effects of laparotomy, laparoscopy with insufflation and parietal retraction has demonstrated a lower incidence of seeding with retractor use. websurg.com |
虽然该协议使用人肺微血管内皮细胞 用 凝 血酶,它可以是广义在哺乳动物和非哺乳动物的细胞和组织中具有不同刺激物或抑制剂,或在细胞或组织之间的健康状态来比较转录处理的档案中转录和疾病状态。 jove.com | Although this protocol uses human [...] pulmonary microvascular endothelial cells treated with [...]thrombin, it can be generalized to profile [...]transcriptomes in both mammalian and non-mammalian cells and in tissues treated with different stimuli or inhibitors, or to compare transcriptomes in cells or tissues between a healthy state and a disease state. jove.com |
死亡的主要原因是:恶性疟疾、非镰状 细 胞 性 贫 血、心 血 管 病 、高血压 病、脑膜炎、其他消化系统疾病、急性呼吸道感染、非出血性腹泻、外伤、营养 不良。 daccess-ods.un.org | The main causes of death are: malaria, anaemia (not including sickle-cell anaemia), cardiovascular diseases, hypertension-related diseases, meningitis, digestive diseases, acute respiratory infections, non-bloody diarrhoea, injuries and malnutrition. daccess-ods.un.org |