

单词 管治

管治 verb ()

govern v

See also:


research v
punish v

treat (a disease)
wipe out (a pest)
harness (a river)

External sources (not reviewed)

邁向未來,我們將會繼續維持 同樣嚴謹的企管治準則
Going forward, we will continue to maintain the same rigorous
[...] standards of corporate governance.
董事會將不時檢討本集團企管治架 構 的成效,用以評估是否需要作出任何修改,例 如將主席及行政總裁的角色區分等。
The Board continuously reviews the effectiveness of the
[...] Group’s corporate governance structure, in order [...]
to assess whether any changes, including
the separation of the roles of chairman and chief executive officer, are necessary.
我們將會繼續維持嚴謹的企管治及 披 露準則, 惟毋需負擔保持上市地位所產生的開支。
While we remain committed to a rigorous
[...] standard of corporate governance and disclosure, [...]
we will no longer incur the costs associated
with maintaining this listing.
本公司將繼往開來 竭力制定及採納符合本公司的最佳企 管治 規 則
It has and will continue to identify and adopt
[...] the best corporate governance practices appropriate [...]
to the Company.
110 身為本公司股東的任何法團,均可藉董事或其 管治 團 體 的決議或授權書, 授權其認為合適的人士作為其代表,出席本公司任何會議或本公司任何類別 [...]
股東會議;因此獲授權的人士有權代表其所代表的法團行使該法團的權力 (猶如其為本公司的個人股東),而若公司派代表出席,則視為已親身出席 任何會議。
110 Any corporation which is a member of
the Company may, by resolution of its
[...] directors or other governing body or by power [...]
of attorney, authorise such person as
it thinks fit to act as its representative at any meeting of the Company or of members of any class of shares of the Company and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation which he represents as that corporation could exercise if it were an individual member of the Company and where a corporation is so represented, it shall be treated as being present at any meeting in person.
[...] 既能提高股東的參與程度,亦能進一步提高企 管治 和 提升香港作為國際 金融中心的地位,因此我們已修訂《上市規則》,強制規定在所有股東大 [...]
We are of the view that the higher levels of shareholder participation brought about by voting by poll on
all resolutions will serve to further
[...] enhance corporate governance and Hong Kong’s [...]
standing as an international financial
centre and have amended the Rules to make voting by poll mandatory at all general meetings.
委員會亦監察本公司根據上市規則之規定實施企 管治 常 規 守則之守則 條文之進度。
The committee also monitored the
Company’s progress in implementing the cord
[...] provisions on corporate governance practices as required [...]
under the Listing Rules.
根據現有的《香港大學條例》,校董會名義上是大學的最 管治 機構,但實際上,根據大學的規程,校董會的角色其實只是一個諮詢 [...]
團體,可說是大學的最高諮詢團體,但真正負責管理大學的其實是校 務委員會。
Under the existing University of Hong Kong Ordinance, the Court is
[...] the supreme governing body in name [...]
but in practice, under the HKU Statutes, the
role of the Court is actually just an advisory body, or it can be considered as the supreme advisory body of the university, but it is actually the Council that is truly managing the university.
各组织应在对以下方面进行分析的基础上确定适当 管治 结 构 和机构风险 管理专管治能力 的程度:其活动的规模、复杂性和性质;固有的风险预测;风 险管理所设想的复杂程度;现有的风险管理专门知识和在现有结构中吸收消化额 [...]
The organizations should decide on the
[...] appropriate governance structure and degree of dedicated capacity for ERM governance based on an [...]
analysis of size, complexity
and the nature of their activities, inherent risk profile, degree of sophistication envisaged in risk management, available risk management expertise and the capacity to absorb the additional workload within existing structures.
在实施这管治结构 四年之后,仍然没有找到有效的方法,以便 应付主要管治挑战:如何平衡参与者的不同利益;推动举措在地方的发展;以 及在确保高质量参与和品牌管理的同时增加参与者的数量。
Four years after its introduction there are still no effective solutions in sight to the main governance challenges of how [...]
to balance participants’
diverse interests, promote local ownership of the initiative, and increase the number of participants while ensuring qualitative engagement and sound brand management.
管治 公司管治 公司管治 公司管治 本公司並無董事知悉任何資料足以合理地指出本公司在中期報告所述之會計期內任何時間, 未有遵守香港聯合交易所有限公司(「聯合交易所」)上市規則內之最佳應用守則。
None of the Directors of the Company is aware of any information that would reasonably indicate that the Company is not, or was not for any part of the accounting period covered by the interim report, in compliance with the Code of Best Practice as set out in the Listing Rules of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (“The Stock Exchange”).
其中包括:联合国关于冲突和自然资源问题最近的努力;经济合作和发展组织 ( 经合发组织) 和世界银行管治薄弱 地区和脆弱国家所开展的工作;冲突地区 [...]
钻石金伯利进程;或以下举措:安全和人权问题自愿原则;全球契约冲突地区 和高风险地区负责任的企业指南,或国际红十字委员会的企业和国际人道主义法 出版物。
They include recent efforts in the United Nations on conflict and natural resources; work by the Organization for Economic
Cooperation and Development (OECD) and the
[...] World Bank on weak governance zones and fragile [...]
States; the Kimberley Process on conflict
diamonds; or initiatives such as the Voluntary Principles on Security and Human Rights, the Guidance on Responsible Business in Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas of the Global Compact or the publication on business and international humanitarian law by the International Committee of the Red Cross.
內部審 核的職責為評估及提高風險管理、監控 管治 程 序 的效能。
The role of Internal Audit is to evaluate and improve the
[...] effectiveness of risk management, control, and governance processes.
(a) 属于本公司成员的任何法团可通过董事或其 管治 机 构 的决议,授权其认 为合适的人,作为其代表,出席本公司或本公司任何类别成员的会议,而 [...]
获授权的人应有权代表该法团行使该法团可以行使的权力,一如它是本公 司的个人成员般。
(a) Any corporation which is a Member of
the Company may by resolution of its
[...] directors or other governing body authorise [...]
such person as it 24 thinks fit to act as
its representative at any meeting of the Company or of any class of Members of the Company, and the person so authorised shall be entitled to exercise the same powers on behalf of the corporation which he represents as that corporation could exercise if it were an individual Member of the Company.
18 每 名 新 委 任 的 董 事 均 應 在 首 次 接 受 委 任 時 獲 得 全 面、正 式 兼 特 為 其 而 設 的 就 任 須 知,其 後 亦 應 獲 得 所 需 的 介 紹 及 專 業 發 展,以 確 保 他 們 對 本 公 司 的 運 作 及 業 務 均
有 適 當 的 理 解,以 及 完 全 知 道 本 身 在 法 規
[...] 及 普 通 法 、《 上 市 規 則 》、 適 用 的 法 律 規 定 及 其 他 監 管 規 定 以 及 本 公 司 的 業 務管 治 政 策 下 的 職 責 。
18 Every newly appointed director of the Company should receive a comprehensive, formal and tailored induction on the first occasion of his appointment, and subsequently such briefing and professional development as is necessary, to ensure that he has a proper understanding of the operations and business of the Company and that he is fully aware of his responsibilities under statute and common law, the Listing Rules,
applicable legal
[...] requirements and other regulatory requirements and the business and governance policies of the Company.
委員會尋求確保為本集團高級管理層提供的獎勵架 構不會因無心的不負責任行為而提高HSEC或企 管治 風 險
The Committee seeks to ensure that the
incentive structure for the
[...] Group’s senior management does not raise HSEC or governance risks by inadvertently [...]
motivating irresponsible behaviour.
[...] 服務,改變單向的資訊發放及提供下載資料服務模式,是提升政 管治水 平,以及公眾參與程度的關鍵要素。
Facilitation of e-government through more convenient access for all and providing more actual interactive services, rather than simply acting as a “one-way” disseminator of information and for
downloading Government information, is a key
[...] component for better governance and facilitation [...]
of participation by the public.
民法和刑法下的董事责任和准刑 法性质的被免除全都由国内管治, 这 样人们难以 弄清如何才能确定跨国界性质的责任。
The liabilities of directors under civil and criminal law and disqualification, which was quasi-criminal in nature, were all governed by domestic law so it was hard to see how it would be possible to determine liability on a transnational basis.
(b) 作為一家投資公司,並就此按任何條款(不論有條件或絕對)認購、收 購、持有、處置、出售、處理或交易由任何公司(不論註冊成立地點)或 由任何政府、主權管治者、 專員、公共組織或機關(最高級、市政級、 地方級或其他)通過最初認購、招標、購買、轉換、包銷、加入財團或透 過任何其他方式發行或擔保的股份、股額、債權證、債權股證、年金、票 據、按揭、債券、債務及證券、外匯、外幣存款及商品(不論是否繳足款 項),以及就有關事項於要求繳付。
(b) to act as an investment company and for that purpose to subscribe, acquire, hold, dispose, sell, deal in or trade upon any terms, whether conditionally or absolutely, shares, stock, debentures, debenture stock, annuities, notes, mortgages, bonds, obligations and securities, foreign exchange, foreign currency deposits and commodities, issued or guaranteed by any company wherever incorporated, or by any government, sovereign, ruler, commissioners, public body or authority, supreme, municipal, local or otherwise, by original subscription, tender, purchase, exchange, underwriting, participation in syndicates or in any other manner and whether or not fully paid up, and to meet calls thereon.
[...] 和整合,并商定,为促进可持续发展而开展的体制框架改革工作应以 缩小在所有三大支柱方面的差距和增强政 管治 为 目 标。
The Committee agreed, among other things, upon the need to improve balance and integration among the three pillars and that reforms to the institutional
framework for sustainable development should be aimed at filling the gaps
[...] and strengthening governance in all the three [...]
董事會章程乃基於良好之 企管治可增 強本公司之表現、創造股東價值及提高投資市場之信心而採納。
The Board Charter is adopted on the basis that
[...] strong corporate governance can add to the performance [...]
of the Company, create shareholder
value and engender the confidence of the investment market.
7.2 有 效 的 校 本 處 理 投 訴 機 制
[...] , 不 但 增 加 公 眾 對 本管 治 的 信 心 , 亦 可 避 免 公 眾 [...]
的 意 見 /查 詢 演 變 為 正 式 的 投 訴 , 或 不 必 要 地 提 升 到 教 育 局
或 其 他 政 府 部 門 /機 關 。
7.2 An effective school-based complaint handling
mechanism not only increases public
[...] confidence in school governance, but also prevents [...]
public opinions/inquiries from evolving
into formal complaints or unnecessarily escalating to EDB or other government departments/organisations.
美国于2002年颁布了萨班斯法案、香港联合交易所修订了上市规则中的公 管治 常 规 守则第C.2.1条的相关规定、日本发布了与内控相关的金融产品商业法。在中国,上海、深圳证券交易所均相继颁布了相关规定,要求上市公司在年度报告披露的同时,披露年度内部控制自我评估报告,并需由会计师事务所对公司的内部控制自我评估报告及其内部控制出具核实评价意见。
The U.S. Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, the
Code Provision C.2.1 of the Revised
[...] Code on Corporate Governance of the Stock Exchange [...]
of Hong Kong, the Japanese Financial
Instruments and Exchange Law on internal controls, and, recently, the Pronouncement on Enhancement of the Quality of Listed Companies endorsed by the State Council of China are complex pieces of legislations and regulations.
12.2 審核委員會須編寫給股東之報告,就其年內在任內之角色及 其所履責審核之季度( 如相關),半年度及年度結果及內
[...] 部監控系統之事務,以及其各項在原則闡明之其他職責作彙 報,並納入本公司之企管治報告內。
12.2 The Audit Committee shall compile a report to shareholders on its role and work performed by it during the year in discharging its responsibilities in its review of the quarterly (if relevant), half-yearly and annual results and system of
internal control, and its other duties set out in the Code, for inclusion in the
[...] Company's Corporate Governance Report.
2010 年肯尼亚宪法》进一步加强下拨资
[...] 源,规定分配固定比例的资源给每一个创建的下 管治 单 位 (县区)以及设置一个 平准基金,向边缘化地区提供更多的新资源。
The Kenya Constitution 2010 has further strengthened devolution of resources by setting a fixed proportion of development
resources to be allocated to each of the
[...] created devolved governance units (counties) [...]
as well as establishing an equalization
fund to provide more new resources to marginalized areas.
[...] Renaud又指出,为了应付对市区房屋的额外需求,中国要面对都市化所带来的三大挑战,包括:怎样建立适用于发展都市基础建设的财务机制;怎样制订有效的都 管治 及 管 理 制 度;以及怎样确保居于发展中城市的居民能享用服务和就业。
Besides meeting the extra demand for urban housing, Dr Renaud pointed out that urbanization poses three major challenges for China: how to develop suitable financial mechanisms for developing urban
infrastructure; how to develop effective
[...] systems of urban governance and management; and how to ensure [...]
residents of the growing cities
can enjoy access to services and employment.
[...] 非常脆弱——军队土崩瓦解、散乱的准军事部队几乎 失控或无管治、私 人和政府拥有大量武器弹药,并 且政府对警察和军队的控制不受信任和缺乏合法性。
Post-conflict societies are characterized by non-existent or very weak security mechanisms — armies in shambles, disorganized
paramilitary forces under little
[...] or no control, abundant arms and ammunition in private and [...]
Government possession, and lack
of trust in and legitimacy of Government control over police and military forces.
8.4 凡董事會不同意核數委員會對甄選、委任、辭任或罷免外聘核數師事
[...] 宜的意見,核數委員將安排於年報內之本公司企 管治 報 告 列載核數 委員會意見的闡述,以及董事會持不同意見的原因。
8.4 Where the Board disagrees with the Audit Committee’s view on the selection, appointment, resignation or dismissal of the external auditor, the
Audit Committee will arrange for the
[...] Company’s corporate governance report in the annual [...]
report to include an explanation
of the Audit Committee’s view and the reasons why the Board has taken a different view.
本 集 團 一 直 致 力 於 提 高 公 司管 治 水 平,通 過 從 嚴 地 實 踐 企管 治,努 力 提 升 企 業 價 值,確 保 公 司 的 長 期 持 續 發 展,增 加 股 東 長 遠 最 大 價 值。
The Group is dedicated to improving
[...] its corporate governance standards and strives to increase its enterprise value by adopting stringent corporate governance practices, [...]
with a view to ensuring
sustainable development and maximising value for its shareholders in the long term.
於 截 至 二 零 一二年 六 月 三 十 日 止 六 個 月 , 本 公 司 已 遵 守 創 業 板 上 市 規 則 之 企管 治 常 規 守 則 附 錄 15( 經 修 訂 及 於 二 零 一二年 四 月 一 日 生 效 )所 載 之 守 則 條 文(「 企管 治 守 則 條 文 」)以 及 先 前 所 載 之 企管 治 守 則 條 文 , 且 均 無 偏 離 有 關 條 文 。
For the six months ended 30 June 2012,
the Company has
[...] complied with the code provisions (the “CG Code Provisions”) set out in Appendix 15 of Code on Corporate Governance Practices of the GEM Listing Rules which was revised and took effect on 1 April 2012 as well as those of the former CG Code Provisions [...]
as set out therein
and there has been no deviation in relation thereto.




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