

单词 管仲

See also:

surname Zhong
second amongst brothers
second month of a season

External sources (not reviewed)

作为活动内容之一,马来西亚心 管仲 裁 学会的RosliMohd Ali会长在座谈会上就马来西亚急性心肌梗塞患者的管理和治疗状况进行了说明。
During the symposium, Rosli Mohd Ali, Chairman of the
[...] Interventional Cardiovascular Society of Malaysia, [...]
explained the country's AMI registry
and the current treatment situation.
换言之,正如法院指出的,“该 管仲 裁 协 会使用其自己的签约仲裁人进行判 决,该协会根据其势力较大的客户的要求推举这些仲裁人”。
In other words, as the
[...] Court said, “the administrating arbitration association [...]
adjudicates using its own contracted arbitrators,
whom it has groomed itself at the request of its more powerful clients”.
以此为背景,大韩心管仲裁学 会推出了‘Raising Asia Standard(简称RAS)‘活动。
Against this backdrop, KSIC has launched 'Raising Asia Standard (RAS)' campaign.
正如该法院以往在其他判决中所判定 的,该管仲裁协会缺乏公正意味着仲裁协议无效。
As previously ruled in other judgements by the same Court, the
lack of impartiality on
[...] the part of the administering arbitration association [...]
meant that the arbitration agreement was invalid.
大韩心管仲裁学会在去年针对亚洲成员国家进行的问卷调查结果显示,对急性心肌梗塞患者的出院1年内死亡率进行监控的国家只有新加坡(Singapore Myocardial Infarction Registry)和马来西亚(National Heart Association of Malaysia)两个国家。
A survey of Asian member countries by KSIC last year showed that Singapore (Singapore Myocardial Infarction Registry) and Malaysia (National Heart Association of Malaysia) are the only countries that monitor one-year AMI mortality rates across the nation.
在首尔君悦大酒店召开的“Raising Asia Standard座谈会”上,大韩心管仲裁 学 会(会长:張桹洙)和大韩心脏学会(理事长: 吳東柱)就改善国内急性心肌梗塞治疗和树立亚洲地区的治疗标准提出了方案。
The Korean Society of Interventional Cardiology (KSIC, www.ksic.org) and the Korean Society of Cardiology (KSC) presented a roadmap to improve treatment results and establish an Asian treatment standard for AMI during a symposium titled 'Raising Asia Standard,' held yesterday in the Grand Hyatt Seoul, Korea.
大韩心管仲裁学 会的張桹洙会长表示:“RAS活动将成为改善国内急救医疗体系和提高包括心肌梗塞治疗的整个保健医疗质量的重要契机。
The RAS campaign will provide an opportunity to help streamline the emergency medical system and improve the quality of healthcare services across all AMI treatment areas in Korea," said KSIC Chairman Jang Yang-soo.
(c) 当事人也可选择只接受该机构提供的一种(或几种)特定服务,而不 是由该机构完管理仲裁程 序(见上文第 18 段,以及下文第 23-25 段)。
(c) That parties could also choose to have only a particular service (or services)
rendered by the institution
[...] without having the arbitral proceedings fully administered by the institution [...]
(see para. 18 above and paras. 23-25 below).
這些法定團體大部分屬諮詢、管、 仲 裁 /類似司法/上 訴或行政/管治團體,例如:廣播事務管理局、入境事務 [...]
審裁處、保護稀有動植物諮詢委員會和個人資料私隱專員 等
Many of them
[...] are advisory, regulatory, adjudicative [...]
/ quasi-judicial/ appellate or administrative / governing bodies such
as the Broadcasting Authority, the Immigration Tribunal, the Endangered Species Advisory Committee, Privacy Commissioner for Personal Data, etc.
管仲裁㆟已就 有關責 任 誰 屬,作出大部分對政府 有 利 的裁決,但承建商仍 可㆖訴,此宗 [...]
個 案 亦未算 了 結 , 因 此,政府仍 未能對承建商採取規管行動 。
Notwithstanding that the arbitrator has made awards [...]
on liability which were substantially in Government’s favour, these
awards were still subject to appeal by the contractor. As the case was not yet concluded following the arbitration awards, the Government was not yet in a position to take regulatory action against the contractor.
在這些機構當中,415個 並沒有從事經濟活動或只從事些微經濟活 動,大部分屬諮詢、管、仲裁/ 類似司法/上訴或行政/管治團 體,餘 下 的 160個法定團體所從事的經濟活動與提供主要公共服務或 與施行政府政策直接有關,涉及的範疇包括教育、醫療、社會福利、 公共房屋和推廣貿易等方面。
The remaining 160 are statutory bodies engaging in economic activities that are directly related to the provision of essential public services or the implementation of Government policy in such areas as education, healthcare, social welfare, public housing and trade promotion.
[...] 多种法律文化和争议类别中各方当事人的需要,一个衡量标准是有大量独立机 构除根据本机构规则进行程序之外,宣布愿意(并且确实在)根据《贸易法委 员仲裁规则》管理仲裁。
One measure of the success of the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules in achieving broad applicability and in demonstrating their ability to meet the needs of parties in a wide range of legal cultures and types of disputes has been the significant number of independent institutions that have declared
themselves willing to
[...] administer (and that do administer) arbitrations under the UNCITRAL [...]
Arbitration Rules, in addition to proceedings under their own rules.
如果完全由机管理仲裁程 序,则资金保管服务可进一步包括更密切地监测仲裁费用,特别是确保定期提交收费和 费用说明,并与仲裁庭协商且参照既定程序时间表计算进一步的预付款金额。
If the institution is fully administering the arbitral proceedings, then [...]
the fund-holding services may extend to more closely
monitoring the costs of the arbitration, in particular ensuring that fees-and-costs notes are regularly submitted and the level of further advances calculated, in consultation with the tribunal, and by reference to the established procedural timetable.
由一个国际争议解决机构担任中立实体的好处如下:(a) 这样的机构能提管理仲裁程 序各方面的现有专长;(b) 通过竞争性征聘方式选择这样的机构,能 体现存在争议的合同的商业性质;( c) 由一个外部机构管理仲裁可 以确保中立 实体与本组织无关,避免产生偏袒的看法。
The benefits of having an international dispute settlement institution as the neutral entity are the following: (a) such an institution would
provide access to
[...] existing expertise in administering all aspects of arbitration proceedings; (b) such an institution, selected through a competitive procurement exercise, would reflect the commercial nature of the underlying contract; and (c) having an outside institution administer the arbitration would de-link the [...]
neutral entity from
the Organization and eliminate any perception of partiality.
些法律程序為當事人準備案件及作其代表的費用,以 及為在監獄長/管或仲裁人席前面對有關紀律的 指控的囚犯、酌情及自動被判處終身監禁的犯人,以 及被拘留聽候英女皇發落的犯人(其案件已被轉介予 假釋委員會)擔任法律代表的費用;及 (c) 刑事罪行的法律代表服務,涵蓋在當事人出庭應訊前 為其擬備答辯書,並在法庭上作其法律代表的費用, 有關服務包括處理保釋、就裁判法院或巡迴刑事法院 的裁決或判刑( 或上訴法院的判決) 的上訴提供意見 等事項,及擬備上訴通知書本身的費用。
prepare a client's case and representation in certain proceedings in both magistrates' courts and the Crown Court, and representation for prisoners facing disciplinary charges before the prison governor/controller or adjudicator, discretionary and automatic lifers and those detained at the Queen's Pleasure whose cases are referred to the Parole Board; and (c) Representation for criminal offences, which covers the cost of a solicitor to prepare a client's defence before the client goes to court and to represent the client there, including dealing with issues such as bail, and advice on appeal against a verdict or sentence of magistrates' courts or the Crown Court (or a decision of the Court of Appeal) and preparing the notice of appeal itself.33 Eligibility for criminal legal aid services
政 府當局 確 認,草 擬 條 例草案第 9 條的政策 用意是倘 任何個別人士或機 關 ( 包括特區政 府或及 中 央 人民政府在特區設立的機 關 )因訂立 受 香港法律管 的仲裁協議 而 成 為協議 一 方,或在任何方面 涉 及 該協議,則經本 條 例草 案修訂的《仲裁 條 例 》 即對其 適用。
The Administration confirms that clause 9 is drafted with the policy intention in mind that the Ordinance, as amended by the Bill, would apply to any individual or organ including the SAR Government or any office set up in the SAR by the Central People's Government, as and when the party enters into or in any way becomes involved in an arbitration agreement that is subject to Hong Kong law.
本《规则》管辖该仲裁, 但本《规则》中的任何规则与该仲裁所适用 的且当事人不能偏离的法律规定有冲突的,以该法律规定为准。
These Rules shall govern the arbitration except that where [...]
any of these Rules is in conflict with a provision of the law
applicable to the arbitration from which the parties cannot derogate, that provision shall prevail.
国王作为国家元首,象征 着国家的统一和稳定,在对各机构 管 时 起 到 仲 裁 和 调节的作用,并且是西班牙 在国际关系中的最高代表。
He arbitrates and moderates the regular working of the institutions and assumes the highest representation of the Spanish State in international relations.
縱使管局無 權作仲栽, 若有證據顯示銀行的行事方式不恰當或顯然對客戶不公 平,金管局會向銀行表達其意見,並預期銀行會糾正有關情況。
While the HKMA does not generally arbitrate in customer disputes, [...]
if there is evidence that the bank has acted in a manner
that is improper or clearly unfair to the customer, the HKMA will make its views known to the bank and expect it to rectify the situation.
研究组首先进行了关于主席就国际法院和具有特 管 辖 权 的 仲 裁 法 庭的相 关判例编写的介绍性报告的剩余工作。
The Study Group first took up the remainder of the work on the introductory report prepared by its
Chairman on the relevant jurisprudence of the International
[...] Court of Justice and arbitral tribunals of ad hoc [...]
(ii) 在充分時間內執行閣下的任何指示,使吾等能夠就行使相關證券所附有的投票權或其他權利
[...] 作出必要安排。倘因行使這些權利須要支付有關費用,吾等以及吾等的任何有聯繫實體、機 構、管人或仲介均 無義務執行任何指示,除非及直至吾等收到所有必要款項。
(ii) act on any Instruction received from you in sufficient time to enable us to make the necessary arrangements as to the exercise of any voting or other rights attaching to or conferring on such Securities provided that if any payment or expense is required to be made or incurred in connection with such exercise,
neither us nor any of our associated
[...] entity, institution, custodian or intermediary shall [...]
be required to act on any Instruction
received from you unless and until we receive all amounts necessary to fund such exercise.
然 而,管局㆒般不仲裁銀 行與客戶之間的糾紛,同時亦無 權 要求認可機構向客戶作出賠償。
However, the HKMA does not generally arbitrate in customer disputes [...]
nor does it have any power to require AIs to pay compensation to customers.
任何争议、争执或请求,凡由于本合同而引起的或与之有关的,或由于 本合同的违反、终止或无效而引起的或与之有关的,均应按照《贸易法委 员会仲裁规则》,通过[机构名称]所 管 理 的 仲 裁 解 决。
Any dispute, controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this contract, or the breach, termination or
invalidity thereof, shall be
[...] settled by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules administered by [name of the [...]
研究组根据主席就国际法院和具有特 管 辖 权 的 仲 裁 法庭的相关判例编写 的介绍性报告,开始了本专题与嗣后协定和惯例有关的方面的工作。
The Study Group began its work on the aspects of the topic relating to subsequent agreements and practice, on the basis of an introductory report prepared by its Chairman on the relevant jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and arbitral tribunals of ad hoc jurisdiction.
仲裁庭的管理费用和仲裁员费用〔以及各方当事人的律师费、证人费用和另一方当事人的费用〕由〔各方当事人平均负担(注意:只 适用管理费用和仲裁员费用)或按下列方式由各方当事人分担(加入分担方法)或由仲裁庭在最终裁决中规定的一方或多方当事人 承担〕。
Fees and Costs – The fees and
[...] expenses of administration and of the members of the Arbitration Tribunal [and the parties’ expenses for attorneys’ fees, witness costs and other party expenses] shall be [borne equally by the parties (note: only applicable to fees and expenses of administration and arbitrators) OR divided between/among [...]
the parties
as follows (add method) OR paid by such party or parties as the Arbitration Tribunal shall fix in the final award].
该研究组首先通过审查报告中讨论经由随后的协议或实践而可能发生变动的 问题,以及随后的协议和实践对正式的修正程序之间的关系,以此完成了委员会 对于主席就国际法院和具有特管辖 权 的 仲 裁 法庭的相关判例而作的介绍性报告 之审议。
The Study Group first completed its consideration of the introductory report by its Chairman on the relevant jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice and of arbitral tribunals of ad hoc jurisdiction, by examining the section of the report which addressed the question of possible modifications of a treaty by subsequent agreements and practice as well as the relation of subsequent agreements and practice to formal amendment procedures.
至於曾隸屬證券及期貨管理局,而現時已由金融申訴 專員服務計管轄的金融服管理局 申訴 仲 裁 服務,由於證券及期管理局的裁決已是法律上的最終決定,該項服務主要是擔任仲裁人 的角色。
In the case of the Complaints and Arbitration Service of the Securities and Futures Authority (SFA) which the [...]
FOS has now taken over, its role was
mainly arbitration as the decisions of SFA were by law final.
鑒 於小額薪酬索償仲 裁 處在處理 勞 資 糾紛 案 件 方 面所涉的 費 用 較低, 所需的 時
間亦較短, 委 員會同時促請司法機 構
[...] 政 務長應 與勞工 處 商議,積極考慮調高 小額薪酬索仲 裁 處 的司管 轄 權 金 額 上 限 , 使仲 裁 處 能 接 手 處 理 更 多小額薪酬索償案 件,從而令 勞 [...]
資審裁 處 可 實 踐 原來的 目標,提供
一個簡 便 和不拘形式 的 途徑解決勞資 糾紛。
In view of the lower cost and shorter time incurred by the Minor Employment Claims Adjudication Board (MECAB) in
dealing with labour
[...] dispute cases, we also urge the Judiciary Administrator, in conjunction with the Labour Department, [...]
to actively consider
raising the financial limit of the MECAB's jurisdiction so that it can take over more minor employment claims, thereby enabling the Labour Tribunal to fulfil its original objective of providing a simple and informal means for resolving labour disputes.
各方当事人同意采取一切可能的措施,对本协议项下的任何争议以及任何和所有关于仲裁程序和裁决的资料严守机密,除非由于下列需 要或要求另作别论:(a)为保证一方当事人能适当地行使或执行其在本协议 仲 裁 庭 所做出的裁决项下的各项权利;或(b)适用法律或 任何证券交易所、管机构 的规定,或任何法院、任何其它 管 机 关或裁判庭的命令要求予以披露。
Confidentiality – The parties agree to use all possible measures to keep the existence of any dispute hereunder and any and all information concerning any arbitration proceedings and any award strictly confidential except (a) to the extent necessary to enable a party to properly exercise or enforce its rights under
this agreement or
[...] under any award rendered by the Arbitration Tribunal or (b) to the extent required by applicable law or by regulations of any stock exchange or regulatory authority or pursuant to any order [...]
of court or any
other competent authority or tribunal.
一 般法律事务司与法律顾问办公室一道,协助维护本组织在税收、进口与出口方面
[...] 的特权与豁免以及适用于本组织涉及维持和平行动的资产和人员豁免方面的特 权和豁免权;就本组织行政法的解释及在联合国维持和平行动中的适用以及工作 人员条例和细则、财务条例和细则以及相关政策和做法,包括相关的银行业务、 资产管和金 库业务政策和做法的解释和适用提供援助;提供法律援助,解决维 持和平行动中产生的复杂的索偿要求 仲 裁 和 其他诉讼,包括承包者的商业索偿 以及第三方关于财产损坏或损失和人身伤害或死亡的索赔。
In conjunction with the Office of the Legal Counsel, the Division assists in maintaining the privileges and immunities of the Organization with respect to the Organization’s tax and import and export exemptions and in connection with the immunities applicable to the Organization’s assets and personnel involved in United Nations peacekeeping operations; provides assistance regarding the interpretation and application of the Organization’s administrative law in peacekeeping operations and the interpretation and application of the Staff Regulations and Rules, the Financial Regulations and Rules and relevant policies and
[...] including those relating to banking, asset custody and treasury operations; affords legal support for the resolution of complex claims, arbitrations and other litigation arising in peacekeeping [...]
operations, including
commercial claims by contractors and claims by third parties for property damage or loss and personal injury or death.




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