单词 | 简约主义者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 简约主义者 noun —minimalist nSee also:简约 n—simplicity n • minimalism n 简约—concise • abbreviated • sketchy 主义 n—nationalism n • socialist n • militarism n • imperialism n 主义—ideology • -ism
塔什干国际会议是筹备世界水论坛的一个重要阶段,来自 32 个国家的 350 多名专家、杰出科学家、环境保护 主义者 和 水 资源管理专家,以及 大约 30 个 有 影响力的国际组织和金融机构的代表出席了会议,其中包括联合国及其各个机 [...] 构、世界水事理事会、全球水事伙伴关系、世界银行、亚洲开发银行、欧洲经济 [...] 委员会、国际挽救咸海基金、美国国际开发署、国际排灌委员会、国际大坝委员 会和其他机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international conference in Tashkent, which marked an important stage in the [...] preparations for the [...] World Water Forum, was attended by more than 350 experts, prominent scientists, [...]environmentalists and [...]water management specialists from 32 countries, as well as representatives of some 30 influential international organizations and financial institutions, including the United Nations and its agencies, the World Water Council, the Global Water Partnership, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the Economic Commission for Europe, the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the International Commission on Irrigation and Drainage, the International Commission on Large Dams and other bodies. daccess-ods.un.org |
在联合国儿童基金会纽约总部拍摄并讨论的纪录片电影《革命的乐 观 主义者 》 讲 述的就是这些勇士的故事。 unicef.org | Their stories are captured in the film The Revolutionary Optimists, which was screened and discussed at UNICEF New York headquarters. unicef.org |
这款极具现代感的Altiplano腕表是 简约主义 的 巅峰之作,伯爵以此将微型机械技术推向极致,在超薄腕表领域缔造了两项全新记录:由于装配微型摆陀,机芯厚度仅2.35毫米,为现今市场上最纤薄的自动上链机械机芯,而腕表厚度亦仅为5.25毫米,为同类腕表中最为纤薄的表款。 piaget.com.cn | In a resolutely minimalistic spirit reflected [...] by the highly contemporary dimensions of the Altiplano, Piaget continues to [...]push back the limits of micromechanics by achieving two new records in the field of ultra-thin watches: thanks to its micro-rotor principle, that of the thinnest self-winding mechanical movement on the market measuring just 2.35 mm thick; and that of the thinnest watch in its category, with a thickness of 5.25 mm. en.piaget.com |
关于仇恨言论,1965 年《消除一切形式种族歧视国际公约 》 (大 会第 2106(XX) 号决议,附件)第 4 条呼吁公约缔约国宣布凡传播以种族优越或仇恨为依据之思 想,煽动种族歧视以及对任何种族或属于另一肤色或民族本源之人群实施强暴行 为或煽动此种行为者,及凡对种族 主义者 之 活动给予任何协助者,包括提供经费 在内,概为犯罪行为,依法惩处。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to hate speech, article 4 of the 1965 International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (General Assembly resolution 2106 (XX), annex) calls on States parties to the Convention to declare as an offence punishable by law all dissemination of ideas based on racial superiority [...] or hatred, incitement to racial discrimination, as well as all acts of violence or incitement to such acts against any race or group of persons of another colour or ethnic origin, and also the provision of any [...]assistance to racist activities, including the financing thereof. daccess-ods.un.org |
一些国家作出了相当大的努力,对最不发 达国家产品实行简单和 透明的原产地规则,但其他严重的贸易障碍依然存在,包 括有悖世界贸易组织规则和义务的非关税壁垒,还有就是供应方面的 制 约 因 素 , 特别是缺乏基础设施和现代技术,以及能源不足。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some countries have or made considerable efforts [...] to implement simple and transparent rules of origin for least developed country products, but other serious obstacles to trade remain, including non-tariff barriers that are inconsistent with World Trade Organization rules and obligations and supply-side constraints, [...]in particular lack of infrastructure [...]and modern technologies and energy deficiency. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会成员商定,以下做 法有利于其工作:精简主席的开场白;继续利用视 频会议提供外地最新情况;通过减少对发 言 者 名单 的使用,举行更为灵活和互动的磋商,同时假定并 不是所有安理会成员都要就所有问题发言,而且应 更有效地利用“其他事项”这一议题来讨论当前关 注的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Council members agreed that it [...] would be beneficial to the Council’s work to streamline introductions made by the presidency, to continue the use of videoconferences [...]to provide updates [...]from the field, and to hold more flexible and interactive consultations, including by reducing the use of speakers’ lists, assuming that not all Council members may wish to speak on all issues, and making better use of “Other matters” to discuss issues of current concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
从法律上讲,被发现违反《条约》义 务 的 国家不能 简单地 以退出《条约》来放弃其责任,这是毫无疑 问的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Legally, it was clear that States found to be in [...] violation of their treaty obligations should not be able to abdicate [...]their [...]responsibility by simply withdrawing from the Treaty. daccess-ods.un.org |
不扩散核武器条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会满意地注意到,联合国大会题为 《建立中亚无核武器区》的第 61/88 号和第 63/63 号决议欢迎签署《中亚无核武 器区条约》, 强调建立中亚无核武器区是一个重要步骤,有助于加强核不扩散机 制,促进在和平利用核能以及受辐射污染影响领土的环境恢复方面的合作,加强 区域和国际和平与安全,而且能有效协助打击国际恐 怖 主义 , 防止核材料和核技 术落入非国家行为者、主要是 恐怖分子之手。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 2010 Review Conference of the parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons notes with satisfaction that the General Assembly in its resolutions 61/88 and 63/63, entitled “Establishment of a nuclearweapon-free zone in [...] Central Asia”, welcomes the [...] signing of the Treaty on a Nuclear-Weapon-Free Zone in Central Asia, stressing that the establishment of such a zone constitutes an important step towards strengthening the nuclear non-proliferation regime, promoting cooperation in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy and in the environmental rehabilitation of territories affected by radioactive contamination, and enhancing regional and international peace and security and is an effective contribution to combating international terrorism and preventing nuclear materials and technologies from falling into the hands of non-State actors, primarily terrorists. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会进一步建议缔约国坚 决打击极端主义组织的各种活动,包括其在因特网上 的活动,并采取教育和提高认识的措施,防止和劝阻青年同情者参与极 端 主义者 组织与运动。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee further recommends that the State party resolutely counter the activities [...] of extremist organizations including on the internet and adopt educational and awareness-raising measures to prevent and discourage the involvement of young sympathizers in extremist organizations and movements. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们认为必须继续努力合理安排欧安组织机构的活动,包括其访问团、制定 《宪章》、精简人道主义活动 和非政府组织的参与、协调民主制度和人权办公室 [...] 观察全国选举的统一规则,促进宽容和非歧视以及反对当今欧洲的新纳粹主义的 表现。 daccess-ods.un.org | We believe that we must continue the efforts to rationalize the activities of OSCE [...] institutions, including its missions, [...] develop its Charter, streamline its humanitarian efforts and [...]the involvement of non-governmental [...]organizations, coordinate unified rules for national elections observation for the Office of Democratic Institutions and Human Rights, promote tolerance and non-discrimination and oppose manifestations of neo-Nazism in contemporary Europe. daccess-ods.un.org |
木塑门:木塑材料用于装饰业普通消 费 者 知 晓度稍低、款式多 为 简约 为 主 、 发达城市接受较高、内地城市稍低;PVC门:PVC塑料容易老化,变色,胶水脱环保落较严重;钢木门:门套为多层板,且表面处理的贴膜太容易脱落、门的造型过于呆板、冷轧板氧化快;实木门:因是天然木材容易受气候影响、指接处容易开裂、且价格高昂;实木复合门:因是天然木材容易受气候影响、过多使用胶水;免漆门:基材大多使用回收料,不环保、造型过于呆板,花纹不清晰,基本属淘汰产品。 sydoors.com | Wood-plastic doors: wood-plastic materials [...] used for the decoration [...] industry ordinary consumers know lower, style is simple, developed cities to [...]accept a higher, lower [...]mainland cities; PVC doors: PVC plastic easy to aging, discoloration, glue off the environmental compared to a serious fall; steel doors: Door plywood, and surface treatment of the film is too easy to fall off, the shape of the door is too dull, cold-rolled plate oxidation fast; solid wood door: because natural wood is easily affected by climate, means then at the easy to crack, and the high price; wood composite doors: natural wood is vulnerable to climate impacts, excessive use of glue; Paint the door: the substrate is mostly the use of recycled material, is not environmentally friendly, too rigid shape, the pattern is not clear, basic is a phase-out product. sydoors.com |
富于简约主义风格 ,能够为用户打造展现 个性的空间。 hansgrohe.com.cn | As a minimalist classic, it gives [...] people the space to develop their own personalities. hansgrohe.hr |
在 2009 年 3 月 18 日第 27 次会议上,主席简单介 绍了在议程项目 6 下审 议普遍定期审议结果的模式如下:相关国家至多有 20 分钟提出意见;成员国、观 察员国和联合国各机构至多有 20 分钟对审议结果提出意见,在此期间理事会成员 国可发言 3 分钟,观察员可发言 2 分钟;利益攸关方至多有 20 分钟对审议结果发 表一般性评论,在此期间每位发言者 可 发言 2 分钟。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the 27th meeting, on 18 [...] March 2009, the President outlined the modalities for the consideration of the outcomes of Universal Periodic Review under item 6, which would be the State concerned would have up to 20 minutes to present its views; member States, observer States and United Nations agencies would have up to 20 minutes to express their views on the outcome of the review, during which 3 minutes would be allocated for members of the Council and 2 minutes for observers; stakeholders would have up to 20 minutes to make general comments on the outcome of the review, during which 2 minutes would be allocated for each speaker. daccess-ods.un.org |
作为赤足和极简主义鞋品的领导者, VIBRAM中国将要和出版商联合推出中文简体版。 vibramfivefingers.cn | As the barefoot and minimalist shoe leader, VIBRAM® China [...] is going to cooperate with the publish house for Chinese version publication. vibramfivefingers.cn |
监察组得到的证据和证词,包括 付款记录、目击者约谈、有关海上和航空运输的记录都表明,厄立特里亚对索 马里武装反对派团体的支持不局限在政治和人 道 主义 方 面。 daccess-ods.un.org | Evidence and testimony obtained by the Monitoring Group, including records of [...] financial payments, [...] interviews with eyewitnesses and data relating to maritime and aviation movements, all indicate that Eritrean support for Somali armed opposition groups is not limited to the political or humanitarian dimensions. daccess-ods.un.org |
为协助 各国对付针对粮食生产的恐怖主义而 开 展的活动包括:(a) 进行关于食品安全、 动植物健康问题的能力建设(培训班、各种项目),包括促进风险分析和加强基层 能力,以确保国家能够监测、诊断、报告和应对病虫害和疾病的爆发;(b) 食品 标准法典委员会和国际植物保护公约 制 定有关标准;(c) 设立一个食物链管理框 架以便对跨界动植物病虫害和疾病造成的食物链危机、粮食安全威胁和紧急情 况,以及对核放射性威胁级紧急情况,进行预防、预警、防备和应对工作;组织 国际论坛讨论与粮食和农业相关的生物风险管理问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Specific activities that assisted countries in [...] relation to terrorism targeted at food products included: (a) capacity-building (training courses, projects) concerning food safety, animal and plant health, including promotion of risk analyses and developing base-level capacity to ensure national ability to monitor, diagnose, report and respond to pest and disease outbreaks; (b) the standard setting work of the Codex Alimentarius Commission and the International Plant Protection Convention; (c) the establishment [...]of a Food Chain Crisis [...]Management Framework for prevention, early warning, preparedness and response to food chain crises caused by transboundary animal and plant pests and diseases, food safety threats and emergencies, as well as nuclear and radiological threats and emergencies; and the organization of international forums to discuss biological risk management in relation to food and agriculture. daccess-ods.un.org |
尼日利 亚还指出,它面临的主要困 难是未爆弹药,这一事实反映出《 公 约 》 在 确保受影 响国家不仅处理地雷还要处理其他战争遗留爆炸物方面 意 义 非 凡。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nigeria also noted that the fact that the main challenge faced by Nigeria concerned unexploded ordnance points to how valuable this Convention is in ensuring that not only landmines [...] are dealt with by [...]affected countries, but that all other explosive remnants of war are dealt with. daccess-ods.un.org |
不带任何多余曲线的简约主义正是达丽 丝经典系列所体现的现代派经典设计,为您打造纯粹素雅的浴室风格。 hansgrohe.com.cn | Minimalist, without superfluous curves, it is a modern design classic that defines the style in [...] your bathroom with its pure and unadorned beauty. hansgrohe.co.uk |
这次磋商还为工作组提供了机会,向参 加 者简 要 介 绍了拟订一项规范、监管 和监测私营军事和安保公司公约草案 的进展情况,并征求参加者对此种 公 约 的内 容和范畴的意见和评论。 daccess-ods.un.org | Original: English The consultation provided an [...] opportunity for the [...] Working Group to brief participants on progress towards developing a draft convention on the regulation, oversight and monitoring of private military and security companies and to seek their views and comments on the content and scope of such a convention. daccess-ods.un.org |
主席简要提 到秘书处关于这个议题的文件(CLT-10/CONF/204/2),并强调 《第二议定书》第 11 条第 5 款规定缔约方可 以在六十天期限内提交要求给予重点保护的申 请,以及《委员会议事规则》第 34 条规定委员会会议工作文件的分发时限为六个星期。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He briefly referred to the Secretariat’s document on this issue (CLT-10/CONF/204/2) and then stressed the sixty-day deadline set forth in Article 11(5) of the Second Protocol providing for the possibility of Parties to submit representations [...] regarding [...]requests for the granting of enhanced protection, and Rule 34 of the Rules of Procedure of the Committee concerning the six-week deadline for the distribution of working documents for Committee meetings. unesdoc.unesco.org |
提高了有关国家在研究、教育和培训方面以及在促使妇女更多参与民主进程方面的能 力,具体做法是对以下活动提供了支持:a) 2002 年 2 月 15 日--19 [...] 日在内罗毕举办的“促 [...] 进”大湖地区“刚果人相互对话”的内罗毕(肯尼亚)讲习班;b) 2002 年 9 月 17 日--22 日 在法国图卢兹举办的第三次法语男女平 等 主义者 国 际讨论会,c) 2003 年 3 月在智利圣地亚 哥的智利大学社会科学学院设立了性别平等研究教席;d) 2003 年 [...] 7 月为乌干达的律师和法 官举办了能力培养讲习班,具体办法是将国际人权标准用于判决对妇女施暴案件。 unesdoc.unesco.org | National capacity was strengthened in research, education and training, and in increasing women’s participation in democratic processes through support to: (a) the Nairobi (Kenya) Workshop on “Engendering the Inter-Congolese Dialogue” in the Great Lakes region, Nairobi, from 15 to 19 February 2002; (b) the Third [...] International Colloquium on [...] French-language feminist studies, Toulouse, France, from 17 to 22 September 2002; (c) the creation of UNESCO Chair on Gender Studies, [...]Faculty of Social Sciences, [...]University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, March 2003; (d) capacity-building workshop for Ugandan lawyers and judges on applying international human rights standards in adjudicating cases of gender-based violence against women, July 2003. unesdoc.unesco.org |
事实是,许多国家尚未充分实施《日内瓦四公约》及其附加议定书或其 他国际人道主义法条约规定的条约义 务 ,将其纳入国内法。 daccess-ods.un.org | The fact is, many States have not fully [...] implemented their treaty obligations, under the Geneva Conventions and [...]their Additional Protocols, or other IHL treaties, into their domestic legal order. daccess-ods.un.org |
在第 35 款(安全和安保)下拟改叙 10 个员额(4 个从 P-5 到 D-1,6 个从 P-3 到 P-4),主要是由于 有必要(a) 为支持总部安全和安保部的领导提供一个强大的管理框架;(b) 拟议将政策规划 和协调股与合规、评价和监测股合并成总部新的合规和政策事务处;(c) 准确反映对联合国 日内瓦各房地 1 730 名工作人员、代表、到访贵宾和其他来访者的全面安全和安保责任;以 及(d) 支持内罗毕办事处大院人员大幅度增加,吉吉里大院内的工作人员约为 3 100 人,平均 每年来访者约为 170 000 人。 daccess-ods.un.org | The proposed reclassification of 10 posts (4 P-5 to D-1 and 6 P-3 to P-4) [...] under section 35, Safety [...] and security, relates primarily to (a) the need to provide for a strong management framework within which to support the leadership of the Department of Safety and Security at Headquarters, (b) the proposed merging of the Policy Planning and Coordination Unit and the Compliance, Evaluation and Monitoring Unit into the new Compliance and Policy Service at Headquarters, (c) the need to accurately reflect the full scope of responsibilities for the safety and security of about 1,730 staff, delegates, visiting dignitaries and other visitors to United Nations locations in Geneva, and (d) the need to support the significant increase in the population of the Nairobi complex to approximately 3,100 staff within the perimeter of the Gigiri compound and an average of 170,000 visitors each year. daccess-ods.un.org |
安理会成员一致认为,若能精简主 席的 介绍内容,继续利用并更多地利用视频会议提 供实地的最新情况,提高磋商的灵活性和互动性, 包括少用发言者名单 ,因为并非所有安理会成员都 愿意就所有问题发表讲话,这对安理会的工作是有 利的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Council members agreed that it would be [...] beneficial to the [...] Council’s work to streamline introductions made by the presidency, to continue and expand the use of videoconferences to provide updates from the field, and to hold more flexible and interactive consultations, including by reducing the use of speakers’ lists, assuming [...]that not all Council [...]members may wish to speak on all issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
伊朗总统重复一些反犹太的经过理论以及诋毁的言论,包括“两次世界大战 都是犹太复国主义者策划 的……[犹太复 国 主义者 ] 为 全人类带来严重的伤害和 苦难长达 2 000 多年”。 daccess-ods.un.org | Iran’s President repeated a number of anti-Semitic conspiracy theories and slurs, including that “the two world wars were designed by Zionists ... [who] have been inflicting very heavy damage and suffering on the whole of humanity for over 2,000 years”. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于韩国的民族主义者热衷 于鼓吹延边曾是古国 高句丽(Koguryo)( 公 [...] 元 前 57 年~公元后 668 年)的一部分,中 国当局对境内的朝鲜民族主义情绪非常警惕。 crisisgroup.org | Given that [...] South Korean nationalists love to stress [...]that the Yanbian was once a part of the ancient Korean kingdom of Koguryo [...](57 BC to AD 668), Chinese authorities remain vigilant about Korean nationalism within China’s borders. crisisgroup.org |
本产品在英特尔平台上的重大改进与Ligos公司专有的创新性软件以及硬件设计相结合,使本产品成 为 简约 、 可 靠的备选方案,它重新 定 义 了 服 务提供商过去一直被迫面对的性价比折衷。 evget.com | Combining dramatic improvements in the Intel platform with Ligos’ own innovative software and hardware design, [...] MediaRig Encoder SD is the [...] compact, reliable alternative that redefines the cost vs. performance tradeoff [...]that service providers [...]have traditionally been forced to address. evget.com |
认为“哲学教学”的概念把哲学教育的过 程 简约 为 其 中的一个维度,忽略了受教 育 者也 是 一个人,而不只是一个毫无知觉的信息收件箱的实际。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Considering that “philosophy teaching” reduces the educational process to one of its dimensions, forgetting that the beneficiary of the education is also a person and not a mere empty recipient receiving information. unesdoc.unesco.org |
主席回顾说,第 41/1 号决定规定,“将有关缔约方大 会第十五届会议第 XV/48 号决定 的问题列入执行委员会第四十二次会议的议程”,并指出,今后有必要改进和 精 简主 任 的任 命程序。 multilateralfund.org | The Chair, recalling that Decision 41/1 had included the provision “To place the issue of [...] Decision XV/48 [...] of the Fifteenth Meeting of the Parties on the agenda of the Executive Committee for its 42nd Meeting”, noted that there was a need to improve and streamline, for the future, the process of [...]appointment of the Chief Officer. multilateralfund.org |