单词 | 简直 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 简直 —simplyless common: practically • at all
在其他国家,问题可能出在机构独立性方 [...] 面――如果法庭办公室与可能卷入非法枪击事件的警察有关联,那么警察若想藏 匿或操纵证据简直易如反掌。 daccess-ods.un.org | In other countries, the problem may be one of institutional independence – if the forensics office is not independent from [...] police who may have been involved in an unlawful [...] shooting, it can be all too easy for police [...]to hide or manipulate evidence. daccess-ods.un.org |
有一 种看法认为,采矿业的社会效益,特别是外国公司采矿所带来的社会效益,同私 人利润相比简直微不足道。 daccess-ods.un.org | The social benefits of mining, in particular by foreign companies, are perceived as insignificant when compared with private profits. daccess-ods.un.org |
这方面的营养信息从没有比如今更加容易被人们所理解;这样的信 息 简直 就 在我们的指尖上。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Nutrition information on how to eat healthy has never been more accessible than today; literally, the information is right at our fingertips. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
宏宜:这个决定是在我们被安排一起之后的仅仅几个月 时间,简直像做梦一样。 nipponproject.com | Hiroki: Well it was decided after only being together for a month, so it was like a dream. nipponproject.com |
此外,以色列最近袭击一个 人道主义援助车队简直就是 一种国家海盗行为。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, Israel’s recent invasion of a humanitarian aid convoy had been an act of State piracy. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于 和平大学规模小,预算非常有限,建立退休制度所面临的挑战对于和平大学来说 简直是高不可攀。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since the University is small and has a limited budget, the challenge of creating a retirement system has proved simply too costly. daccess-ods.un.org |
将使用 geniSYS 220 的成本与此类工作在停机期间所花费的成千上万美元费用相比,我们的服务 费 简直 是 微 乎其微。 hydratight.com | When you compare the cost of using geniSYS 220 to the hundreds of thousands of dollars such work could take in machine downtime, our service charges become pretty insignificant. hydratight.com |
如此单纯的想法,在亚洲国家简直是 频 临绝种了。 4tern.com | Most New Zealanders are straight forward and not [...] complicated to understand. 4tern.com |
The阴间仍是最常用的词的一般理解居留权离开等待复活,这有居留权的义奖励和惩罚恶人不同部门,在参考了后者,有 时 简直 相 当 于阴间地狱。 mb-soft.com | The word Sheol is still most commonly understood of the general abode of the departed awaiting the resurrection, this abode having different divisions for the reward of [...] the righteous and the punishment of the wicked; in reference to the latter, [...] Sheol is sometimes simply equivalent to hell. mb-soft.com |
解释得妙极了”;“这简直是一 份行政工作傻瓜指南或工具,信息和知识十分完整,这 些问题,干行政的经常想问却有时候不敢问。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The explanations are fantastic”; “It’s like an IDIOT’S GUIDE or TOOL for AOs, with thorough information and knowledge that AOs often want to ask but are sometimes afraid to ask”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
无论您在哪里,Jabra Speak™ 510+ UC 便携式统一通信免提电话都能让您提高效率并全神贯注,有了它, 您 简直 可 以 把任何地方变成会议室。 jabra.cn | Increase productivity and stay focused wherever you are with Jabra Speak™ 510+ UC, a portable unified communications speakerphone that gives you the power to literally turn any room into a conference room. jabra.com |
我们在岸上时船舱里臭气 熏天,简直令人 无法忍受,在里面待一会儿都很 危险,我们当中的一些人得到允许,留在甲板上 呼吸新鲜空气,但是,现在由于整艘船装的满满 当当,简直就是一场噩梦。 daccess-ods.un.org | The stench of the hold while we were on the [...] coast was so intolerably [...] loathsome, that it was dangerous to remain there for any time, and some of us had been permitted to stay on the deck for the fresh air; but now that the whole ship’s cargo were confined together, it became absolutely pestilential. daccess-ods.un.org |
与其他 Bang & Olufsen 扬声器相比,BeoLab 5 [...] 的体积也许并不算小,但与它发出的强劲声音相比,其尺 寸 简直 微 乎 其微。 bang-olufsen.com | The BeoLab 5 may not appear small compared [...] with other Bang & Olufsen loudspeakers, but [...] its physical size is in fact negligible [...]when compared to the sound it delivers. bang-olufsen.com |
这项工作在车间外极难进行,或者 简直 无 法 完成。 hydratight.com | This work is extremely difficult or simply unachievable outside the workshop. hydratight.com |
Nha La Com Nieu”( 陶锅饭叶编家) 简直是国内国外旅游者每当来到 VUNG TAU 海市时的一个理想地点。 vnnavi.com.vn | Nha La Com Nieu is actually an ideal destination for all domestic and foreign tourists in the coatal city of Vung Tau. vnnavi.com.vn |
即便在最佳情况下,大多数震后的恢 复都是富于挑战性的,而对于一个冲突后国家来说, 这简直是不可能的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Most earthquake recovery is challenging in the best of circumstances, but becomes almost impossible in a post-conflict country. daccess-ods.un.org |
准时安全地上班、上学、购物 如今,生机勃勃迈向现代化的大都市如果没有短途公共交 通 简直 令 人 无法想象。 voith.com | Without public transport systems, modern pulsating metropolises would be unthinkable. voith.com |
马德修米达所在村里的一位长者克里帕.辛度.普拉丹(Kripa Sindhu Pradhan)说:“这简直无法想象。 unicef.org | I have not seen such destruction like this in my life," said Kripa Sindhu Pradhan, an older man from Madhumita's village. unicef.org |
他称赞了秘书处起草的文件的质量,秘书 处 简直 创 造了一项奇迹,它在 这么短暂的时间内不仅将这种数据提供给大家,而且使所有的人一目了然和明白无误。 unesdoc.unesco.org | He commended the quality of the documents drawn up by the Secretariat who accomplished a veritable tour de force by making this data not only available but also legible and understandable by all in such a short amount of time. unesdoc.unesco.org |
Cprriere della Sera日报称,让普通司机驾驶玛莎拉蒂Quattroporte总裁系列运动 版 简直 如 同 犯罪。 maserati.com.cn | Letting the driver behind the wheel of the Maserati Quattroporte Sport GT S would be a crime for the Corriere della Sera. maserati.it |
这种视觉效果简直就是 廉价版的好莱坞式 3D 画面。 nvidia.cn | The visual effect is more than simply cheap Hollywood-style 3D flash. nvidia.com |
天气太热,说实话,吃饭简直就是 一种受罪,不吃吧,对胃不好,如果养成不良的饮食习惯,对自己的后半辈子可是不负责任的表现,炎炎夏日,吃什么最好吗? bbs.snige.com | When i try and log in to my proper [...] account,I cant,It says quot;You do not have permission to view thisquot; or something [...]and wont let me go on any pages? bbs.snige.com |
来自No Doubt的单曲“Settle Down”于去年夏天发布,片中来自时尚潮人格温·史蒂芬妮(Gwen Stefani)腕上的时尚腕表简直让人 无法忽视。 iontime.ch | The song “Settle Down” by No Doubt was released last summer and it’s impossible to ignore the fashion watch on the wrist of style icon Gwen Stefani. iontime.ch |
韦斯切斯特的教育顾问、一个高三学生的父亲Will [...] Goodman写道:“在我们参观麻省理工学院时,Quad2Quad的停车提示功能对我们来 说 简直 就 是 救星,因为我们都知道获得停车许可需要浪费很长的时间。 tipschina.gov.cn | Quad2Quad's parking [...] alerts were a lifesaver for us when visiting [...]MIT because we knew to allow for the extra time we would [...]need to secure the parking permit. tipschina.gov.cn |
采用了一眼就能认出的 18K 玫瑰金桶形表壳,这款手表简直是一件真正的艺术品。 hk.ashford.com | With the instantly recognizable barrel tonneau shaped case in 18kt rose gold; this watch is a true work of art. ashford.com |
我 当时非常紧张,简直不敢向前看。 nipponproject.com | At first I was so nervous that I couldn’t even look forward. nipponproject.com |
对某些人而言,考核简直就是 神经摧残或极为不舒服的体验,原因在于他们感觉自己将被置于聚光灯下,不得不根据公司的预期接受评估。 robertwalters.cn | Appraisals can be a nerve wrecking or uncomfortable experience for some people, as they may feel they are being thrown under the spotlight and evaluated against their company’s expectations. robertwalters.cn |
烛台模式进行了研究,因为在十八世纪,但一个庸俗的形式经营 , 简直 是 不带偏见或确认不遵守标准的关注。 zh-cn.iniciantenabolsa.com | The candlesticks patterns are studied since the eighteenth century, but a debased form of operating them is simply paying attention to standards without bias or confirmations that are not observed. en.iniciantenabolsa.com |
有人说,在英格兰,“足球是一个有趣的、古老的游戏”--埃弗顿的哈日卡里承认5分钟内输掉3个进球,如此之 快 简直 令 人 难以置信。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | It’s said in England that ‘football can be a funny old game’ – Everton’s 5minutes of Hari-Kari to concede 3 goals so quickly was unbelievable. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
积家的空气钟简直改变 的我的人生…他们自己出品空气钟新款的时候已让我难以抗拒了,而现在他们竟敢和爱马仕以及Les Cristalleries de Saint-Louis强强联手打造如此臻品。 iontime.ch | Jaeger-LeCoultre really makes my life difficult with their Atmos clocks … It’s hard enough to resist JLC, when they launch Atmos novelties on their own – but how dare you team up with Hermès and Les Cristalleries de Saint-Louis to create such a beauty? iontime.ch |