

单词 简报

简报 ()



简报会 n

briefing session n

情况简报 n

fact sheet n

External sources (not reviewed)

或许有必要反思现 有的程序,以合并和简报告。
It may be necessary to rethink the existing process so that there could be more
[...] consolidation and streamlining of reports.
提醒媒体即 将发生事件的新简报被翻译成与事件相关的语言。
Media advisories, which alert the press to an upcoming event, are translated into those languages most relevant to the event.
价所分管的项目;监测和分析项目编制和执行情况,特别侧重管理安全部门改革 捐助者协调网站,并提供有关安全部门改革的宣传和培训;与刚果安全机构及其
[...] 监督机构、民间社会和弱势群体代表联络;参与评估政府发布的政策和文件;编 写立场文件、谈话要点、临时情报 告 和 简报。
The incumbent of the Security Sector Reform Officer (Coordination and Projects) post (P-3) would participate in the development, implementation and evaluation of assigned projects; monitor and analyse project development and implementation with a particular focus on management of the security sector reform donor coordination website and provision of security sector reform sensitization and training; liaise with Congolese security institutions and their oversight bodies, civil society and representatives of vulnerable groups; participate in the assessment of policies and
documents issued by the Government; and prepare position papers, talking points, ad
[...] hoc situation reports and briefing notes.
区域审查强调,为制定决策和编写脆弱性—— 复原力国家概况,必须加强国家数据和信息系统;为监测和评价目的,必须加强
[...] 可持续发展指标和数据库的制度化;必须支持将部门计划纳入国家可持续发展战 略的主流;并且,必须简报告要求,以减少有限人力资源的负荷。
The regional reviews highlighted the need to strengthen national data and information systems for decision-making and the development of vulnerability-resilience country profiles; strengthen the institutionalization of indicators and databases for sustainable development for monitoring and evaluation; support the mainstreaming of sector plans into
National Sustainable Development
[...] Strategies; and streamline reporting requirements to [...]
reduce the burden on human resources, which are limited.
在亚太地区,教科文组织曼谷办事 处继续作为该区域教育问题的信息和通信技术区域信息交流中心,教育信息和通信技术网络得到加 强,知名度也提高了,从网站的访问人数和电子新 简报 的 订阅人数的增加中就能看出这点。
In Asia and the Pacific, UNESCO Bangkok continues to function as a regional clearing house for ICTs in education in the region and the network for ICTs in education sectors has been strengthened and visibility increased as demonstrated by the increasing number of visitors to the website and the subscribers to the e-newsletter.
2 月 24 日至 26
[...] 日期间,全体工作组听取了有关以下议题 简报 : 全球外勤 支助战略;注重能力的方法;安全和安保以及安全风险管理模式;性别问题和儿 [...]
童保护;加强军事厅;统筹行动小组和综合特派团规划流程;维持和平与建设和 平的关系;安保部门的改革;解除武装、复员和重返社会;监测和监督技术;军
From 24 to 26 February, briefings were provided to [...]
the Working Group of the Whole on the following topics: global field
support strategy; capability driven approach; safety and security and the security risk management model; gender issues and child protection; strengthening the Office of Military Affairs; integrated operational teams and the integrated mission planning process; peacekeepingpeacebuilding nexus; security sector reform and disarmament, demobilization and reintegration; monitoring and surveillance technology; use of military helicopters; and human resources reform.
仇外心理和相关不容忍行为世界会议等世界会议,并参加了可持续发展委员会的会 议,包括:(a)
[...] 人权委员会第六十一届会议:分发了关于达尔富尔、哥伦比亚和东 帝汶局势简报和关于有罪不罚问题的决议;(b) [...]
其代表获得参加可持续发展委员 会 2005 年 4 月在纽约举行的会议的认可;(c) 人权委员会第六十二届会议;(d)
人 权理事会第四届特别会议;(e) 人权理事会 2008 年举行的第七届会议。
Delegates of the Council have participated in the meetings of the Human Rights Commission, world conferences such as the World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Intolerance and the sessions of the Commission on Sustainable Development, including:
(a) the sixtyfirst session of the Human
[...] Rights Commission: briefs on the situation [...]
in Darfur, Colombia and Timor-Leste and
a resolution on impunity were distributed; (b) representatives received accreditation to the session of the Commission on Sustainable Development that met in New York in April 2005; (c) sixty-second session of the Human Rights Commission; (d) fourth special session of the Human Rights Council; (e) seventh session of the Human Rights Council, 2008.
讨论的主要议题包括“一体行动”、 千年发展目标盘点、气候变化与发展以及关于海地地震 简报。
The main topics discussed included delivering as one,
stocktaking on the Millennium Development Goals, climate change and
[...] development, and a briefing on the Haiti earthquake.
欧洲联盟回顾,它无 法接受减少理事会会议次数、同时又不为理事会提供机会使之以有效的方式处于
[...] 紧急局势的那种审查方案,因为对于灵活的工作方式,例如非正式会议和情简 报会等无法达成一致意见。
The European Union recalled that it could not accept a review package that would have reduced the number of Council’s sessions while providing no opportunities for the Council to address emergency situations in an
effective way, as it was not possible to find consensus on flexible work formats, such
[...] as informal meetings and briefings.
危机组织此前其他一些报告包括,亚洲报告 N°174, 《缅甸:通向大选之路》,2009 年 8 月 20 日;亚洲报告 N°161, 《纳尔吉斯之后的缅甸:恢复救援关系正常化的时机已到》, 2008 年 10 月 20 日;亚简报 N°58,《缅甸:人道主义救援的 新威胁》,2006 年 12 月 8 日;亚简报 N°34 ,《缅甸:艾滋 病政策最新情况》,2004 年 12 月 16 日;亚洲报告 N°82,《 缅 甸:对边境地区的救援》,2004 年 9 月 9 日;亚洲报告 N°78, 《缅甸:制裁、交互往来或第三条出路?
Other previous Crisis Group reports include Asia Report N°174, Myanmar: Towards the Elections, 20 August 2009; Asia Report N°161, Burma/ Myanmar After Nargis: Time to Normalise Aid Relations, 20 October 2008; Asia Briefing N°58, Myanmar: New Threats to Humanitarian Aid, 8 December 2006; Asia Briefing N°34, Myanmar: Update on HIV/AIDS Policy, 16 December 2004; Asia Report N°82, Myanmar: Aid to the Border Areas, 9 September 2004; Asia Report N°78, Myanmar: Sanctions, Engagement or Another Way Forward?
2004 年 4 月 26 日;亚洲报告 N°52,《缅甸报告:少数民族政治》,2003 年 5 月 7 日;亚简报 N°21 ,《缅甸:武装力量的未来》,2002 年 9 月 27 日;亚简报 N°15,《缅甸:艾滋病危机》,2002 年 4 月 2 日;亚洲报告 N°32,《缅甸:人道主义救援政治》, 2002 年 4 月 2 日;亚洲报告 N°28,《缅甸:军政权眼中的世界》, 2001 年 12 月 7 日;亚洲报告 N°27,《缅甸:民间社会的作用》, 2001 年 12 月 6 日;亚洲报告 N°11,《缅甸:军政权到底有多 强大?
26 April 2004; Asia Report N°52, Myanmar Backgrounder: Ethnic Minority Politics, 7 May 2003; Asia Briefing N°21, Myanmar: The Future of the Armed Forces, 27 September 2002; Asia Briefing N°15, Myanmar: The HIV/AIDS Crisis, 2 April 2002; Asia Report N°32, Myanmar: The Politics of Humanitarian Aid, 2 April 2002; Asia Report N°28, Myanmar: The Military Regime’s View of the World, 7 December 2001; Asia Report N°27, Myanmar: The Role of Civil Society, 6 December 2001; Asia Report N°11, Burma/Myanmar: How Strong is the Military Regime?
对性别问题敏感的危机中健 康行简报。
Gender-sensitive briefings on health action [...]
in crises.
会议期间,全体工作组听取了有关以下议题的非正 简报 : 关 于改组维持和 平行动部和外勤支助部的全面报告;特派团规划(民事和军事);警务司审查;常 [...]
备警察能力报告;建设和平和早期恢复;特派团管理(特派团联合分析中心、联 合行动中心、联合后勤业务中心);工作组关于可部署的法治能力的报告;授权
During the course of the
[...] session, informal briefings were provided [...]
to the Working Group of the Whole on the following topics:
comprehensive report on the restructuring of the Departments of Peacekeeping Operations and Field Support; mission planning (civil and military); Police Division review; report on the Standing Police Capacity; peacebuilding and early recovery; mission management (Joint Mission Analysis Centre, Joint Operations Centre, Joint Logistics Operations Centre); report of the Working Group on the deployable rule of law capacity; implementation of mandated tasks; and technical monitoring.
这些机构还为从业人员和决策者推出了共计七份以行动为导向的新政简 报,内 容涉及农村就业和体面工作的关键问题。
The agencies also launched a set of seven new
[...] action-oriented policy briefs for practitioners [...]
and policymakers on key aspects of rural employment and decent work.
继 9 月 17 日达成建立一个由高级别指导小组
监督的联合拥有的过渡规划和实施机制的协议(见 S/2010/522,第 66 段)、11 月
[...] 10 日我的特别代表向部长会议做简报 之 后 ,总统于 11 月 25 日主持了过渡期高 [...]
Following the agreement of 17 September to establish a jointly owned transition planning and implementation mechanism to be overseen by a high-level
steering group (see S/2010/522, para. 66) and
[...] the 10 November briefing by my Special [...]
Representative to the Council of Ministers,
the President hosted, on 25 November, the first quarterly meeting of the High-Level Committee on Transition, attended by the Prime Minister and other Government representatives, the F-FDTL Commander and the General Commander of the national police, as well as my Special Representative, Deputy Special Representatives and senior management team.
关于联阿援助团。虽然咨询委员会不反对 2010
年进行的结构调整,以使该特派团一致处理安全理事 会第 1917(2010)号决议和秘书长关于阿富汗局势的
[...] 报告(A/64/872)中所列的经过调整的优先事项,以及简报告关 系和消除职能的重复,但委员会认为,持 续的结构调整造成不必要的注意力分散,不能集中于 [...]
所要求的任务交付,必须在某一时点找到平衡,巩固 局面。
With regard to UNAMA, while the Advisory Committee did not object to the structural reorganization undertaken in 2010, which should align the Mission’s response to the refocused priorities laid out in Security Council resolution 1917 (2010) and in the Secretary General’s report on
the situation in Afghanistan
[...] (A/64/872), as well as streamline reporting lines and eliminate [...]
duplication of functions, it
believed that continual restructuring exercises created unnecessary distraction and detracted from the required focus on mandate delivery.
简报通常 在专用区域(例如剧院和集合点),这次并不涉及所有的人员,船上的工作人员帮助乘客熟悉安全设备和过程。
The safety briefing is normally held [...]
in a dedicated area (usually the theatre or a Muster Station) and does not involve
all the crew, being conducted by a group of social hostesses and animators that helps guests to familiarise themselves with the safety equipment and procedures.
通过组织关于本区域重大贸易问题的研究、传播 政简报和工 作文件以及组织能力建设讲习班和讨论会,该网络成功召集 [...]
了来自本区域的大批的研究人员;产生了高质量的由需求推动的研究;加 强了本区域的研究能力,尤其是最不发达国家的研究能力;并在研究和决
Through the organization of research on the key
trade issues of the region, the
[...] dissemination of policy briefs and working papers [...]
and the organization of capacitybuilding
workshops and seminars, the Network has successfully convened a large number of researchers from across the region; produced high-quality demand-driven studies; enhanced the research capacity of the region, in particular that of the least developed countries; and forged a close linkage between research and policymaking.
简报旨在 为您提供关于2007年新制定的企业所得税法的进展方面的背景信息,并突出指出在中国投资应注意的重要事项。
This Newsletter aims at providing [...]
you with background information of the recent development of the new enterprise income
tax law during 2007, and highlighting key elements that you should be aware of when consider investing in China.
他针对咨询委员会的报告(A/63/526)就秘书长关 于道德操守办公室活动的报告所提的一些意见,指出:
[...] 道德操守办公室采取主动积极的行动——通 简报 会、 工作人员正常培训、道德操守训练和其他渠道——向工 [...]
Responding to some of the observations contained in the report of the Advisory Committee (A/63/526) regarding the Secretary-General’s reports on the activities of the Ethics Office, he pointed out that
the Ethics Office had been working
[...] proactively — through briefings, regular staff [...]
training, ethics training and other channels
— to clarify its mandates and functions to staff members.
(d) 协助各国促进其派驻联合国机构的代表团和派驻处理贸易法委员会相
[...] 关问题的其他国际机构的代表团之间的协调,例如在给常驻代表团的定 简报 中突出贸易法委员会工作与联合国其他机构、基金和方案的重合之处。
(d) Assist States in fostering coordination among their delegations in various United Nations and other international bodies dealing with issues
relevant to UNCITRAL, for example by
[...] highlighting in regular briefings for Permanent Missions [...]
areas of convergence of UNCITRAL
work with other United Nations bodies, funds and programmes.
例如,秘书处在非正式磋 商中提交简报或专 家讨论的成果草案可张贴到安 理会网站上。
For example, the briefing notes submitted [...]
by the Secretariat in informal consultations or the draft outcomes discussed by
experts could be posted on the Council website.
简报内容 包括玛泽的主要事实,及如何以「玛泽方式」重视人力资源谘询价值的协同。
This presentation will give you the key facts on Mazars, and how the Mazars Way values synergise with the values of PDC.
2010 年 9 月,秘 书长关于妇女参与建设和平的报告(S/2010/466)提供了更详细的建议,包括就与
[...] 和平协定条款有关的性别问题向谈判各方定期举 简报 会 ; 对事实证明能加强妇 女参与谈判团队的战略进行协调一致的投资;支持适合具体情况的机制,以便征 [...]
In September 2010, the Secretary-General’s report on women’s participation in peacebuilding (S/2010/466) provided more
elaborate recommendations, including
[...] setting up regular briefings for negotiating [...]
parties on gender issues relevant to peace
agreement provisions, a concerted investment in strategies that have proved to enhance women’s participation in negotiating teams, support to context-appropriate mechanisms for consultations with women’s civil society organizations, and efforts to ensure seats for women from civil society in international engagement meetings such as donor conferences.
(b) “性别和土著人问简报”:简报(第 1 -6 期)于 2010 年发布,概述了性 别平等观点在经济和社会发展、教育、文化、环境和人权领域之所以重要的原因。
(b) “Briefing Notes on Gender and Indigenous Peoples”: the briefing notes (No. 1-6), [...]
published in 2010, provide an overview
of why gender perspectives are important in the areas of economic and social development; education; culture; environment and human rights.
在执行局每届会议至少两周之前,秘书处应召开执行局不限成员名额的 非正式会议,以便简报临时议程项目所涵盖的事项。
At least two weeks before each session of the Executive Board, the secretariat shall convene an
informal open-ended meeting of the Board in
[...] order to provide a briefing on the matters [...]
to be covered under the items on the provisional agenda.
会议商定,森林合作 伙伴关系将致力于推进森林金融,并确认森林是一种多价值、多功能的资源;就
[...] 森林与气候变化问题开展进一步合作与协调;振兴森林合作伙伴关系 简报 告联 合倡议的工作;加强森林合作伙伴关系对森林执法和治理的支持;促进在与森林 [...]
The meeting agreed that CPF would work to advance forest finance and recognition of forests as a multivalue, multifunctional resource; further cooperation and coordination on forests and climate change;
revitalize the work of the CPF
[...] Joint Initiative on streamlining reporting; strengthen CPF [...]
support to forest law enforcement
and governance and promote effective use of science and technology in international forest-related processes.
他还报告了:执行关于简报告工 作的第 66/16 号决 定所取得的进展;对用作挤压聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料板料制造发泡剂的 HFO-1234ze 的评估; 以及开发计划署和工发组织提交的关于动员资源促进气候共同惠益的临时报告。
He also reported on progress on implementation of decision 66/16 on streamlining of progress reporting; the assessment [...]
of HFO-1234ze
as a blowing agent in the manufacture of extruded polystyrene foam boardstock; and the interim reports submitted by UNDP and UNIDO on resource mobilization for climate co-benefits.
[...] 发关于《公约》禁止规定的信息;编制武装部队训 简报 ; 在 军事院校分发《公 约》文本;使军事理论与《公约》相符;和向警察部队发出指令。
These measures include systematic dissemination of information regarding the Convention’s prohibitions to one’s
armed forces, the development of armed
[...] forces training bulletins, the distribution [...]
of the text of the Convention in military
academies, harmonizing military doctrine in accordance with the Convention’s obligations and directives issued to police forces.




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