

单词 筛糠

See also:


filter n


External sources (not reviewed)

例子包括沾麵糠或炸 漿的冷凍小生蝦,以及沾麵糠或炸 漿的冷凍或急凍魚柳、魚塊及魚條(手 指魚)。
Examples include: frozen raw breaded or batter-coated shrimp; and frozen or quick-frozen breaded or battercoated fish fillets, fish portions and fish sticks (fish fingers).
一些会员国建议,旗舰计划筛选和 认定应更加审慎,有些发言者觉得旗舰计划应限制为每个 [...]
Several Member States
[...] suggested a more deliberate selection [...]
and designation of flagship programmes and some speakers felt
that flagships should be limited to one per Major Programme.
例子包括冷凍的漢堡碎肉餅、 沾麵糠或炸漿的冷凍雞條。
Examples include: frozen hamburger patties; frozen breaded or battered chicken fingers.
对于技术“转让”涉及筛 选、参考、调整乃至知识交流,社会环境至关重要。
The social context is essential in filtering, referral, adaptation, and – ultimately – the exchange of knowledge involved in the “transfer” of technology.
一些代表团表示,应从表 3 里删除糠油里“其他脱甲基甾醇”含量,油脂委员 会出于下列原因而进行了重新考虑:对 糠 油 的 真实性来说,这不是一个重要的身份特 征,表里提及的特定脱甲基甾醇已作了适当确定;分析方法很复杂,而且参考资料不易 获得,这些就造成了一些困难,尤其是对发展中国家;从一项研究里似乎觉得可在糠 油里发现低含量的其他脱甲基甾醇。
Some delegations expressed the view that the
level of “other
[...] desmethylsterols” in rice bran oil should be deleted from Table 3 and reconsidered by the Committee on Fats and Oils (CCFO) for the following reasons: it was not a significant identity characteristic for the authenticity of rice bran oil, which was adequately determined by the specific desmethylsterols mentioned in the Table; the methods of analysis were complex and the reference materials were not easily available, which created difficulties especially for developing countries; and, as it appeared from a study that low levels of other desmethylsterols could be found in rice bran oil, the “ND” level [...]
included in the current Table was not adequate.
为了防治非传染病,我国采取了以下行动措施: 1992 年设立癌症登记册;2005
年批准《烟草控制框 架公约》;2006 年国民议会通过烟草控制法;2007 年
[...] 颁布了对影响女性的癌症实行免费治疗的法令;开展筛查和治疗癌症的工作;与国际原子能机构合作, [...]
建立了国家抗癌中心;国民议会通过有关设立官方管 理机构即所谓的国家抗癌中心的立法;以及起草了国
To fight against NCDs, my country has taken the following operational measures: the establishment of a cancer registry, in 1992; the ratification of the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, in 2005; the adoption by the National Assembly of a law on tobacco control, in 2006; a decree providing free
treatment of cancers affecting women, in
[...] 2007; campaigns to screen for and treat cancer; [...]
the construction, in partnership with
the International Atomic Energy Agency, of a national centre to combat cancer; the adoption by the National Assembly of legislation relating to the creation of an official administrative agency known as the national centre for the fight against cancer; and the drafting of a national strategic plan for the prevention of and the fight against NCDs.
如果是進行有輻射的工作,便肯定會致癌,所以 現時已清楚列明了 51 種職業病,例如處理糠、修理木材家具等工作均存 在這種危險。
We have therefore clearly specified 51 occupational diseases which bear such risks, for instance, those relating to the processing and repairing of saw dust and wooden furniture.
继 2008 年内部监督事务厅审计之后,并根据特别委员会的 请求,秘书长建议在现有资源范围内设立一 筛 选 和招聘科, 以加强对会员国遵守标准的质量控制和监督。
Following a 2008 audit by the Office of Internal Oversight Services, and the request of the Special Committee, the Secretary-General has proposed to establish, within existing resources, a selection and recruitment section to strengthen quality control and oversee Member States’ compliance with standards.
它还感到遗憾的是,没有能够减轻残疾和防止残 疾进一步发展的聋儿早筛查方案。
It further regrets the lack of early detection programmes of deafness for children in order to minimize and prevent further disabilities.
该晚会包 括一场小组讨论筛选一 部讲述有自闭症儿童家庭 生活的以色列电视剧。
The evening had included a panel
[...] discussion and a screening of an Israeli [...]
television series depicting the life of a family with an autistic child.
参与该项目的瓦克专家们主要研究软木聚合物复合材料(CPC)、木材聚合物复合材料(WPC)、皮革聚合物复合材料(LPC)以及剑麻、椰子和 糠 等 天 然纤维。
WACKER experts involved in NFC are mainly studying cork polymer composites (CPC), wood polymer composites (WPC), leather polymer composites (LPC) as well as natural fibers such as sisal, coconut and rice husks.
在此期间,HBI主席Benedict S. Maniscalco博士主持了一个全球心血管联盟圆桌会议,与会人员就一个全球性联盟中的心脏中心的目标进行了讨论,以制定出能够覆盖各类心血管疾病 筛 查 、 预防、后续治疗与教育项目,让尽可能多的患者从中受益。
In conjunction with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) 2012 expo in Chicago, March 24 - 27, HBI Chairman Dr. Benedict S. Maniscalco hosted a GCA roundtable session and discussed its goal of heart centers in a global alliance to develop screening, prevention, follow-up care and education programs covering the spectrum of cardiovascular disease to make the most impact and reach the greatest number of patients.
[...] 丙烷和丁烷的可靠来源和供应净化设备,如分 筛 选 器 、提供制冷剂装罐设施的必要设备 充气秤,以便在制冷剂罐中混合丙烷和异丁烷、储存设备和安全措施以及利益攸关方和技 [...]
It is foreseen to identify a reliable source of pure propane and
butane, supplying purifying equipment
[...] such as molecular sieves, provide a gas-filling [...]
scale to allow mixing of propane
and iso-butane in refrigerant cylinders, the necessary equipment to operate refrigerant bottling facilities, equipment for storage and safety measures as well as the necessary training for stakeholders and technicians.
研究機構RTI對椰子深具信心,又獲得比爾及梅琳達蓋茨基金會贊助,致力開發低成本廢水過濾系統,以處理開發中國家衛生不佳問題,這項新技術的神奇關鍵在於 糠 , 亦即椰子移除外殼後留下的粉末,可用來分離與淨化水中的有機質。
The new technology’s magic ingredient is cocopeat – the
dust that remains after the husks are removed
[...] from coconuts, which can be used [...]
to separate and purify organic material in the water.
富含可溶性纤维的食物包括燕麦、大麦、蚕豆、豌豆、 糠 、 小 米、苹果酱和浆果。
Foods high in soluble fiber include oats,
[...] barley, beans, peas, rice bran, millet, applesauce, [...]
and berries
特定植物油标准修订草案 特定植物油标准修订草案 特定植物油标准修订草案
[...] 特定植物油标准修订草案: :: :纳入米 纳入米 纳入米 纳入糠油 糠油 糠油 糠油14 34.
Draft Amendment to the Standard for Named
[...] Vegetable Oils: Inclusion of Rice Bran Oil14 34.
北京绿色金可精选了马来西亚的非转基因棕榈果实和日本的非转基因 糠 油 , 生产我们的专利产品——Ginnovay®棕榈和糙米生育三烯酚。
BGG uses specially selectednon-GMO palm fruit from
[...] Malysia and non-GMO rice bran oil from Japan to [...]
produce its proprietary line of Ginnovay® Tocotrienols.
预计他们将继续在这个项 目上进行合作,特别筛选项 目的参与人员和建立帮助开展协调工作的国家“项目实施机 构”。
Their collaboration on the project is expected to continue, particularly in the selection of project participants and the establishment of national “project implementation agencies” that will assist in coordination.
筛选的 名册概念 的依据是:战略性的工作人员规化、使用通用空缺通 知、在不同职业类设立专家组、在整个秘书处采用中 [...]
The concept of pre-screened rosters was based [...]
on strategic workforce planning, the use of generic vacancy announcements,
the creation of expert groups in the various occupational groups, the use of central review bodies throughout the Secretariat and an upstreamed clearance process.
根据我上一次报告所述的联刚特派团支持刚果民主共和国武装力量的政策, 以及联刚特派团和刚果民主共和国武装力量于 2009 年 12 月 17 日签署的联合作战 指令,联刚特派团开始与刚果民主共和国武装力量进行联合规划 筛 选 并 核准了 18 个营的指挥官,刚果民主共和国武装力量指定这些指挥官参加“Amani Leo”行 动的联合作战,并由特派团提供航空运输、燃料、医疗和伤亡人员后送以及口粮等 后勤支援。
In accordance with the MONUC policy regarding support to FARDC, outlined in my last report, and the joint operational directive signed by MONUC and FARDC on 17 December 2009, MONUC initiated joint planning with FARDC and screened and cleared the commanders of 18 battalions designated by FARDC to participate in joint operations under operation Amani Leo and receive logistical support from the Mission including air transportation, fuel and medical and casualties evacuation, and food rations.
糠一大優點在於相當耐久,每半年才需更換一次,且每天成本不到兩美分,就足以供應單人所需用水;此外,污泥可分解用過的 糠 , 產 生具有養分的土壤添加物,能促進水土保持,也對保水有益;過濾裝置體積很小,故很適合高人口的都會區。
What’s more, the used cocopeat can be composted with tank sludge, creating a soil additive with nutrients which boost its water retention – a bonus for water conservation efforts.
3.17 代表團察悉 ,英國政府雖 然 建 議 " 交 通 燈 "
營養標 籤 適用於某 些 食物,包括即 食 膳 食、薄餅、 漢 堡 包、香腸 、 批 、
[...] 餡餅、 蛋 批 、 沾 麵糠 及 重 組加工的 肉 類 產 [...]
品 (例如炸雞塊 )及 穀 類 早 餐 等,但 現正使用 這類標籤 的食品還 包括糕 點
、 甜 品、餅乾、 麵 包 產 品、煮 食 醬油、 預 先 製成的 沙 律 、 湯 、飲品、烘焙食品、脆片、 熟肉、 鮮 肉 及家禽 。
3.17 The delegation notes that, while the "Traffic Light" nutrition labelling is recommended to be applied to foods such as ready meals,
pizzas, burgers, sausages, pies, pasties,
[...] quiches, breaded and formed meat products [...]
e.g. chicken nuggets and breakfast cereals,
it is also being used on cakes, desserts, biscuits, bread products, cooking sauces, prepared salads, soups, drinks, oven baked products, crisps, cooked meats, fresh meat and poultry in the UK.
叶柄1-2.3厘米;叶片矩形,卵状椭圆形,或者椭圆形, 6-12 * 3.5-7 厘米,背面无毛,或在脉上很少具粗 糠 绒 毛 层,正面无毛,粗糙,基部圆形或宽圆形的,次脉5-7 对,细脉密网状,两面突出。
Petiole 1-2.3 cm; leaf blade rectangular, ovate-elliptic, or elliptic, 6-12 × 3.5-7 cm, abaxially glabrous, or rarely with brown short tomentum on veins, adaxially glabrous, asperous, base rounded or broadly orbicular, margin shallowly serrate, apex acuminate; secondary veins 5-7 pairs, veinlets densely netted, prominent on both surfaces.
其它与之等同的像征有通过他的赎罪祭,聚会得到了洁净,或在末日,真正的信徒的聚会将在麦子 糠 ( 或 棉羊与山羊)分开的时候显明出来。
Other allegorical equivalents may be the purifying of the assembly through his atoning sacrifice or the revelation of the true Assembly of believers in the end when the wheat and chaff (or sheep and goats) are separated.
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[...] 指导值适用于有关核事故或放射性事故的情况,不是为了用于在国家一级 筛 选 进 行 例行监测,可采用其它现有国际公约来防止受污染食物的分配。
The Representative also clarified that the Guideline Level applied to situations related to nuclear accidents or radiological events and were not meant for
use in routine monitoring conducted at
[...] national level for screening and that other [...]
existing international conventions could
be applied to prevent distributions of contaminated foods.
用于产妇、新生儿和儿童健康和营养计划。这一计划将为农村保健机构配备 安全分娩和基础新生筛查方 面的最新医疗设备,由经过培训的医护人员提供服 务。
This programme will equip rural health units
with up-to-date medical equipment for safe birthing and
[...] essential newborn screening by trained [...]
health service providers.
根据双方达成的协议,COARE将负责对双肾上腺皮质激素样激酶1(DCLK1)在癌症干细胞增殖分化过程中的作用开展开创性研究,包括相关 筛 查 试 剂和技术。
Under terms of this agreement, COARE contributes its pioneering research on the role of Doublecortin-like Kinase 1 (DCLK1) in proliferation and differentiation of CSC including relevant screening reagents and know-how.




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