单词 | 策马 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 策马 —urge on a horse using a whip or spurs
根据政府政策,马耳他 的最长拘留期限为 18 个月。 daccess-ods.un.org | The maximum period of [...] detention in Malta is 18 months according to Government policy. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了更新国家环境政策,马耳他政府启动了一 项与环境所有方面有关的广泛公开磋商进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Government of Malta had initiated a [...] broad public consultation process concerning all aspects of the environment in order [...]to update the national environment policy. daccess-ods.un.org |
1990年,楚尔布里根退役后,在策马特 经 营酒店。 swissworld.org | He retired from competition in 1990 and is now runs a hotel in Zermatt. swissworld.org |
加强旨在消除儿童卖淫现象的现有政策和方案(土耳其);加强现有保 [...] 护儿童国家行动计划,特别是性剥削儿童受害者的预防、康复和重新 融入社会政策(马来西 亚);继续努力保护儿童权利,特别 是努力彻底 [...]根除童工现象(法国) daccess-ods.un.org | Strengthen existing policies and programmes aimed at eradicating child prostitution (Turkey); Strengthen the existing national plan of [...] action on the protection of children, in [...] particular on its policies in the prevention, [...]recovery and reintegration of children [...]victims of sexual exploitation (Malaysia); Continue its efforts to protect child rights, in particular in its attempt to completely eradicate child labour (France) daccess-ods.un.org |
这主要是由于马拉维将千年发展目标的全部内 容都纳入了作为我国最高发展政策的 《 马 拉 维 增长和 发展战略》,并且在制订这项战略时就考虑到所有各 [...] 项千年发展目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is largely because Malawi has [...] fully embraced the MDGs in the Malawi Growth and Development Strategy, which is our [...] main overarching policy for development. daccess-ods.un.org |
根据这项新政策指示,马尔代 夫将采取适足的缓解和适应措施,配以利用可 再生能源技术,减少国家的碳足迹,实现能源独立。 daccess-ods.un.org | Under this new policy direction, the Maldives would adopt [...] adequate mitigation and adaptation measures, coupled with the [...]utilisation of renewable energy technologies to reduce the country’s carbon-foot print and to achieve energy independence. daccess-ods.un.org |
这一节会议由联合国开发计划署民主治理小组 政 策 顾 问菲 尔·马泽扎主持。 daccess-ods.un.org | The session was [...] moderated by Phil Matsheza, Policy Adviser, UNDP Democratic [...]Governance Group. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,我们赞扬索马里问题 伦敦会议,该会议除其他外可推动国际社会采取协调 一致的对策,打击索马里沿 海海盗活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that regard, we commend the London Conference on [...] Somalia, which, among other things, may spur a coordinated international [...] response to fight piracy off the coast of Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
坎帕拉进程是在联合国索马里特派团(联索政治处)协助下,与海事组织和联 [...] 合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室合作建立的一个交流打击海盗信息和制定相关 政策 的索马里内 部论坛,它是就打击索马里海盗行为的各种措施加强信息交流的一个 [...]有效机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Kampala Process, an intra-Somali forum for the exchange of information on counter-piracy and policy [...] development, facilitated by the United Nations [...] Political Office for Somalia (UNPOS), in partnership [...]with IMO and the United Nations [...]Office on Drugs and Crime, has been an effective mechanism to enhance information sharing on measures to combat piracy in Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
鉴于联合国毒品和犯罪问题办公室(禁毒办)所 [...] 处理的问题与危地马拉政府面临的主要挑战之间存 在着重叠——这些问题也是我们优先 政 策 的 重 点— —危地马拉和 禁毒办同意探讨如何加强我们在关键 领域和安全问题上的合作,这些问题包括安全与发 [...]展、打击有组织犯罪、司法部门和监狱系统改革、打 [...]击贩毒、监测毒品种植园和另谋生路情况,以及打击 腐败和犯罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the overlap between the issues tackled by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and the main challenges facing the Government of [...] Guatemala, which are also the [...] focus of our priority policies, Guatemala and the UNODC agreed [...]to explore how to strengthen [...]our cooperation on critical areas and security matters, including security and development, the fight against organized crime, the reform of the justice sector and prison system, the fight against drug trafficking, the monitoring of drug plantations and the development of alternative livelihoods, and the fight against corruption and crime. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了强化巴拿马的人权政策, 进一步改善法治,巴拿马愿意 接受各成员国提出的建议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Panama looks forward to receiving the recommendations of the member States with a view to strengthening national human rights policies and the rule of law. daccess-ods.un.org |
我要提及,执行第 1540(2004)号决议,是马达加斯加的国家 政 策 — — 通过执 行《马达加 斯加行动计划》,这个计划是《预防和制止破坏公共程序安全国家计 划》的第 1 [...] 号承诺。 daccess-ods.un.org | I should like to point out that the implementation of resolution 1540 (2004) [...] has been [...] incorporated into Madagascar’s national policy through the implementation of the Madagascar [...]Action Plan, particularly [...]commitment 1, with the adoption of a national plan for the prevention and suppression of insecurity and breaches of public order. daccess-ods.un.org |
以后 还有两项投资政策审查,即危地马拉 和 前南斯拉夫 的 马 其 顿共和国的投资 政 策审 查,正处于不同的编写阶段。 daccess-ods.un.org | A further two IPRs, for Guatemala and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, are at various stages of preparation. daccess-ods.un.org |
从博萨诺被捕到其被移交给瑞士警方之间的许多事件,显示有明显和非常 严重的违反法国公共政策与实施罗马 条 约第 48 条产生的规则的情况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The various events between Bozano’s being apprehended and his being handed over to the Swiss police disclose manifest and very serious irregularities both [...] from the point of view [...] of French public policy ( ordre public ) and with regard to the rules resulting from application of Article 48 of the Treaty of Rome. daccess-ods.un.org |
安 理会为此强调,需要支持对那些非法资助 、 策 划 、 组织 索 马 里 沿海海盗袭击或非 法从中获益的人进行调查和起诉。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Council stressed in this context the need to support the investigation and the prosecution of those who illicitly finance, plan, organize or unlawfully profit from pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,小组还讨论了基金五年评价的初步结果,审查 了执行应急基金业绩和问责制框架的进展,讨论了若干 政 策 问 题 ,并与 索 马 里和肯尼亚人道主义国家工作队就其使用基金的情况进行了深入的讨论。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the Group discussed the preliminary findings of the five-year evaluation of the Fund, reviewed progress on the implementation of the performance and [...] accountability framework, [...] discussed a number of policy issues and held in-depth discussions with the Somalia and Kenya [...]humanitarian country teams on their use of the Fund. daccess-ods.un.org |
在纳入土著人民的公共政策方面,拟订和执行国家文化和运动政策以及国家 教育系统多文化和文化间方针,包括 2005-2012 年按《和平协定》框架促进土著 人民公共议程、国家促进危地马拉妇 女发展 政 策 和 危 地 马 拉 共处和消除歧视和种 族主义公共政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | The following public policies for the inclusion of indigenous peoples have been planned and are being implemented: national policies on culture and sport; multicultural and intercultural guidelines for the National Education System, including the Public Agenda concerning the Indigenous Peoples as part of [...] the Peace Agreements, [...] 2005-2012; the Policy for the Advancement and Development of Guatemalan Women; the public policy in favour of [...]co-existence and the elimination [...]of racism and racial discrimination in Guatemala. daccess-ods.un.org |
巴西的木材工业与森 林管理就是其中的实际案例:为处理生态足迹, 圣 保 罗 市 采 纳 了 一 项 关 于 使 用 经 认 证 木 材 的 政 策,该政策立即为亚马逊州 带来了积极影响。 teebweb.org | Examples exist from the timber industry and forest management in Brazil: in order to deal with its ecological footprint, [...] the city of Sao Paulo [...] has adopted a policy about using certified timber which is having an immediate positive impact on the Amazonas. teebweb.org |
在这方面,危地马拉通过了一系列与行使人权有关的政策和国家计划,例如: 《国家人权政策》及其《国家行动计划》、《关于人权的国家教育政策》、《预防青 年人暴力行为的政策》、《打击贩卖人口行为和全面保护受害者的公共政策》、《和 平共处及消除种族主义和种族歧视的公共 政 策 》 、 《推动危 地 马 拉 妇 女平等的国家 政策》等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Along the same lines, Guatemala has adopted a series of national policies and plans which have an impact on the exercise of human rights, which include the National Human Rights Policy and associated National Action Plan; the National Human Rights Education Policy; the Policy on the Prevention of Juvenile Violence; the Public Policy against Trafficking in Persons and on [...] Comprehensive Care for Victims; [...] the Public Policy for Peaceful Co-existence and the Elimination of Racism and Racial Discrimination; and the National Policy for Promoting Equality of Guatemalan Women. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2010 年 2 月 23 日在墨西哥普拉亚德尔卡门举行的题为“团结首脑 会议”的里约集团会议上,玻利维亚表示支持古巴反对经济侵略 政 策 , 要 求奥巴 马总统停止实施这一政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the Rio Group meeting (“Unity Summit”) held in Playa del Carmen, on 23 February 2010, it also expressed its [...] support for Cuba in [...] view of the fixed policy of economic aggression and requested President Obama to put an end to that policy. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们将继续奉行全面支持索马里的政 策 , 积极参与国 际社会为促进解决索马里局势而作的各种努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | We will continue to pursue a policy of comprehensive support to Somalia and [...] active participation in the efforts of the international [...]community to facilitate a solution to the Somali situation. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织支持非洲国家更新教育课程,增设创业教育、指导和咨询(马拉维和 科特迪瓦),开发非正规职业培训课程(莫桑比克),调动资金(刚果民主共和 国),并且提供其他政策咨询 (吉布提 、 马 达 加 斯加 和 马 拉 维 )。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Ÿ In Africa, UNESCO has supported the renewal of curriculum to cover entrepreneurship education, guidance and counselling (Malawi and Côte d’Ivoire), the development of nonformal vocational training curricula (Mozambique) and fund mobilization [...] (Democratic Republic of the Congo), and the Organization [...] has also provided other policy advice (Djibouti, Madagascar and Malawi). unesdoc.unesco.org |
国民政府已经着手对教育制度实行改革,目的是通过执行相关 政 策 来 提 高巴 拿马的教 育水平,具体来说就是:更新教学大纲,扩大受教育人口比例,新建学 校基础设施,增加在校生数量,以及向巴拿马家庭资助文具等学习必需品,以鼓 励人们坚持学业。 daccess-ods.un.org | A two-year timetable had been established for this review and, thanks to this decision, the Commission is now ahead of schedule. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会建议大会任命或重新任命冈萨雷斯·波塞 女士(阿根廷)、科瓦连科先生(俄罗斯联邦)、 金 策尔 先生(德国)、马泽莫 先生(津巴布韦)、穆希特先生(孟 加拉国)、奥坎达·奥瓦德先生(肯尼亚)、里帕斯奇 先生(美利坚合众国)和山田先生(日本)担任联合国 工作人员养恤金委员会成员,自 2009 年 1 月 1 日起 任期四年。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ms. González Posse (Argentina), Mr. Kovalenko (Russian Federation), Mr. Küntzle (Germany), Mr. Mazemo (Zimbabwe), Mr. Muhith (Bangladesh), Mr. Okanda Owade (Kenya), Mr. Repasch (United States of America) and Mr. Yamada (Japan) were recommended for appointment or reappointment to the United Nations Staff Pension Committee for a fouryear term beginning on 1 January 2009. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年论坛主席 Eduard Gnesa 大使宣布 2011 年论坛的最后辩论开始,与会 [...] 者还包括:瑞士联邦司法和警务部部长、联邦委员 [...] Simonetta Sommaruga 女士; 联合国主管政策协调和机构间事务助理秘书长 托 马 斯 ·施 特 尔 策 先 生 ;负责国际 移徙与发展问题的秘书长特别代表彼得·萨瑟兰爵士;代表全球移徙问题小组出 [...] 席会议的联合国教育、科学及文化组织(教科文组织)社会科学及人文科学部门 [...] 助理总干事 Pilar Alvarez-Laso 女士;以及,亚洲移徙论坛区域协调员兼 2011 年 论坛“民间社会日”主席 William Gois 先生。 daccess-ods.un.org | The 2011 Forum concluding debate was opened by the Chair of the 2011 Forum, Ambassador Eduard Gnesa, in the presence of the head of Switzerland’s Federal Department of Justice and [...] Police, Federal [...] Councillor Simonetta Sommaruga; the Assistant Secretary-General for Policy Coordination and [...]Inter-Agency Affairs; [...]the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration and Development, Peter Sutherland; the Assistant Director for the Social and Human Sciences, United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), Pilar Alvarez-Laso, representing the Global Migration Group; and the Regional Coordinator of the Migrant Forum in Asia and Chair of the 2011 Forum Civil Society Days, William Gois. daccess-ods.un.org |
与非法移民的国内方面有关 的马耳他政策有五项 原则:(a) 通 过 安 全 措 施边境控制维护国家利益;(b) [...] 充分尊重人权,公平、公正和人道地对待移民;(c) 为处理寻求庇护问题确定标准程序和做法;(d) 容纳寻求庇护者和融合保护对象; [...] (e) 迅速、尽可能多地驱离无资格享受国际保护的非法移民。 daccess-ods.un.org | Maltese policy in relation to the domestic [...] aspect of illegal migration is governed by five principles: (a) safeguarding [...]the national interest by means of security measures and border control; (b) fair, just and humane treatment of migrants in full respect of their Human Rights; (c) establishment of standard procedures and practices for dealing with asylum seekers; (d) inclusion of asylum seekers and integration of beneficiaries of protection; and (e) expeditious removal, as much as possible, of illegal migrants who are not eligible for international protection. daccess-ods.un.org |
联索政治处聘请的 3 名索马里政策顾问 加入了内务和国家 安全部,支持索马里警察部队在摩加迪沙收复地区减少犯罪,开展规划和恢复工 [...] 作,并建立各个委员会,以确保当地社区参与执行减少暴力和犯罪措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | Three Somali policy advisers recruited by [...] UNPOS joined the Ministry of the Interior and National Security to support the [...]Somali police force in crime reduction, planning and rehabilitation, as well as the establishment of the committees in recovered areas in Mogadishu, to ensure the participation of local communities in violence- and crime-mitigating measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
它尤其参与了关于“巴勒斯坦 [...] 文化项目及其未来战略”的一次研讨会(开罗,埃及,2003 年 7 月 24 [...] 日—26 日)的组织工 作,参与了“制定马拉维文化政策” 讲习班(2003 年 8 月 19 日—20 日)和“非洲发展新伙 [...]伴关系计划中的文化与发展”讲习班(阿比让,科特迪瓦,2003 [...]年 9 月 1 日—5 日)的工 作,筹备 2004 年的一次地区磋商会。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It took part in particular in the organization of a seminar on the “Palestinian Cultural Project and its Future Strategy” (Cairo, Egypt, 24-26 [...] July 2003), the workshop on the [...] “Formulation of Malawi’s Cultural Policy” (19-20 August [...]2003) and the workshop on “Culture [...]and development in the NEPAD programme” (Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, 1-5 September 2003), preparatory to a regional consultation in 2004. unesdoc.unesco.org |
一成员关切地指出, 再次为危地马拉政策设计 核准资金不符合执行委员会的准则,因为已经为淘汰甲基溴计划 核准资金,这些资金应该已经涵盖这些内容。 multilateralfund.org | One Member noted with concern that approving [...] additional funds for Guatemala for policy design would be inconsistent [...]with Executive Committee [...]guidelines, as funds for an MB phase-out plan had already been approved and should have included those elements. multilateralfund.org |
联合国秘书处经济和社会事务部助理秘书长 托 马 斯 ·施 特 尔 策 先 生 对与会者 表示欢迎,并解释说,在大会 2007 [...] 年 12 月 17 日第 62/98 号决议通过了该决议 附件载列的关于所有类型森林的无法律约束力文书之后,联合国森林论坛迈入了 一个新的时代。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mr. Thomas Stelzer, Assistant Secretary-General [...] in the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat, [...]welcomed participants and explained that the United Nations Forum on Forests was entering a new era, following the adoption by the General Assembly, in its resolution 62/98 of 17 December 2007, of the non-legally binding instrument on all types of forests, as contained in the annex to that resolution. daccess-ods.un.org |