

单词 策展人

See also:

策展 n

curation n

展人 n

curator n

External sources (not reviewed)

局方亦會擬備指引,避策 展人在購買藝術作品時可能會出現的任何利益衝突。
Guidelines would also be drawn up to avoid any possible conflict of
[...] interest of curators in purchasing artworks.
孟买实验策展人David van der Leer表示:“我们希望宝马古根海姆孟买实验室的活动能够不断让传统博物馆观众以外的更多人参与进来。
Our hope for the programming of the BMW Guggenheim Lab Mumbai is
[...] to continue to expand participation beyond [...]
the traditional museum audience," said
Mumbai Lab Curator David van der Leer.
在加入新美术馆之前,她是洛杉矶的加州艺术剧院画廊的创 人 和 策展人 ( 20 03-2007)。
Before joining the New Museum, Joo was the founding director and curator of the Gallery at REDCAT in Los Angeles (2003–07).
這方案保留現有博物館系統的優點,包括:(a)健全的行政系統,有效的 監察與制衡,保策展人員的專業操守和誠信;(b)為公務員提供職業保障和長遠 [...]
的事業發展;(c)穩定的經費來源;(d)官方地位有助與海外博物館/機構進行交流 和建立夥伴關係;(e)有利博物館平衡地履行核心功能,包括購藏、復修、研究和 教育的工作。
The option would retain those merits of exiting museums system, including (a) the sophisticated administrative
system with effective checks and
[...] balances to safeguard curatorial professionalism [...]
and integrity, (b) job security and long-term
career development for civil service staff, (c) stable funding source, (d) official status would facilitate exchange and partnership with overseas museums/organizations; (e) more conducive to a balanced discharge of museum’s core functions in acquisition, conservation, research and education.
許教授獲選為2008 年第十一屆威尼斯國際建築雙年展香港館的首 策展人 , 是 許李嚴建築師事務有限公司西九龍文化區發展(2009-2011)概念規劃的顧問。
He was selected as Lead Curator for the 11th International Architecture Exhibition of Venice Biennale Hong Kong Pavilion in 2008 and was consultant to Rocco Design Architects Ltd for the conceptual master plan design of the West Kowloon Cultural District Development (2009-2011).
在国家的话题上,我想引用1998年的第24届圣保罗双年展画册里的一段话(这届双年展主要探讨的就是“国家代表”的议题),这段话引自加拿 策展人 乔 恩 ·涂普尔(Jon Tupper)在画册中发表的文章,他写道:“一个艺术家的作品不可能代表一个国家的当代艺术实践。
In the realm of nations, I quote the epigraph taken from the 24th Bienal de São Paulo (1998) catalogue dedicated to the segment of “National Representations”, a passage extracted from the text by the Canadian curator, Jon Tupper published in that volume: “It is impossible to represent a nation’s contemporary art activity through the work of one artist”.
展覽之開幕典禮於今晚(12月11日)成功舉行,出席嘉賓包括香港特別行政區政務司司長林鄭月娥女士, GBS, JP、西九文化區管理局行政總裁連納智先生, CBE, AM、匯豐私人銀行私人匯財策劃環球主管環球私人銀行北亞區行政總裁韋浩廉先生、香港藝術中心名譽主席及藝術節目委員會主席包陪麗女士,
BBS、香港藝術中心監督團主席梁國輝先生、The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong
[...] Arts Centre主席李徐子淇女士、客策展人 陳 維 德先生、香港藝術中心總幹事林淑儀女士,及部份參與是次展覽的藝術家/代表:N‧S‧哈夏先生、劉建華先生、阿迪提亞‧諾瓦里先生、「垂直潛水艇」創團成員許文綺小姐、草間彌生代表日本東京大田藝廊總監高倉功高倉功先生、吳鋌灝先生。
Mrs. Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, GBS, JP, The Chief Secretary for Administration, Mr. Michael Lynch, CBE, AM, Chief Executive Officer, West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Mr. Bernard Rennell, CEO North Asia, Global Private Banking, Global Head, Private Wealth Solutions, HSBC Private Bank, Ms. Cissy Pao Pui Lai, BBS, Honorary President and Chairman, Arts Programme Committee, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mr. Nelson Leong, Chairman, Board of
Governors, Hong Kong Arts Centre, Mrs. Cathy Lee,
[...] Chairperson, The FRIENDS of the Hong Kong [...]
Arts Centre, Guest Curator Mr. Eugene
Tan, Ms. Connie Lam, Executive Director, Hong Kong Arts Centre, as well as some of the participating artists Mr. NS Harsha, Mr. Liu Jianhua, Mr. Aditya Novali, Ms. Fiona Koh of Vertical Submarine, Representative of Ms. Yayoi Kusama Mr. Isao Takakura, Chief Director of Kusama Studio and Mr. Roy Ng Ting-ho.
先生藝術作品的重要性,還探討他身 策展人 與 教育工作者對藝術的 影響。
Beyond the significance of his artistic
[...] practice, these exhibitions will also explore [...]
Chabet’s influence as a curator and educator.
承蒙挪威难民理事会向教科文组织借调人员,项目经理/博物 策展人 已 经确定人选,签订 聘用协议,并将确保项目最后阶段的落实,协调和领导博物馆馆藏及其布置的视听制作。
Thanks to the Norwegian Refugee Council secondment scheme with UNESCO, the project manager/curator of the museum has been selected and recruited and will manage the implementation of the final phase of the project, coordinate and lead the audio-visual production of the museum’s contents and its installation.
北京芳草地展览馆荣幸宣布,我们将于2013年3月24日推出,由国际著 策展人 巫 鸿 先生策划的“图•寓言”王鲁炎个展。
Beijing Parkview Green Exhibition Hall is pleased to announce the opening of Wang Luyan’s solo exhibition “Diagramming Allegory” on March 24, 2013.
她的作品曾在意大利展博物馆“Anniottanta”秀中展示,在德国的芭芭拉总奇奇·史密斯的纽约个展回顾美国艺术画廊展览, 策展人 南 希 ·斯佩罗策划,2010年在巴黎参展 策 划 人 卡罗麦考密克和亚伦玫瑰霍利所罗门画廊个展“都市人”。
Her work has been exhibited in Italy in a museum show “Anniottanta”, in
Germany at the Barbara
[...] Gross gallery curated by Kiki Smith, in New York in a solo show reviewed in Art in America, shows curated by Nancy Spero, “City Folks” curated by Carlo Mc [...]
Cormick and Aaron Rose
at Holly Solomon Gallery, in Paris in a solo show in 2010.
我们机构中的少数人从事咨询研究和行政交流,艺术参与者里面包括了艺术家 策展人 和 学 者,艺术老师 以及一些设计师,他们都基于基础项目进行再创造并且指导实施;另外还有一些非艺术领域的专家,他们在新项目的概念化和发展时期起着十分重要的作用。
Our “hub” consists of a handful of people who conduct research and administer communications; arts
practitioners including
[...] artists, curators, art writers and scholars, art teachers, and designers who collaborate on a project by project [...]
basis, breathing creative
life into each project and guiding implementation; and experts in fields outside of art who play a crucial role in the conceptualization and development of new projects and programs.
策展人和艺 术历史学家汤姆·沃尔夫邀请我在巴德学院讲述我的艺术家图书项目。
The curator and art historian Tom Wolf invited me to show my artists book projects at Bard College.
他有着20年国家级摄影机构带头人、10年成功独 策展人 的 经 验,策划的展览在世界各地展出,包括澳大利亚、孟加拉、加拿大、中国、法国、德国、印度、意大利、韩国、荷兰、新加坡、西班牙、台湾、泰国、英国等,同世界上近50个国家的艺术家建立了良好的合作关系。
With 20 years’ experience heading national arts initiatives and a further 10 years as a successful independent, he has presented curatorial projects in many parts of the world including Australia, Bangladesh, Canada, China, France, Germany, India, Italy, Korea, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Taiwan, Thailand and UK, and has worked with artists from over 50 countries globally.
我不肯定Fabrice Bousteau是否開創了一個影響深遠的策展模式 — 又或者正好相反 — 他其實是發明了一個以展覽為媒介的創作形式;不過,Bousteau對 策展人 權 力 的高度自覺,以及敢於挑戰傳統展覽模式的勇氣,也著實給予世人一個前所未見的觀展經驗。
Either way, I want to point out that Bousteau shown much awareness of the power of being a curator and used it to challenge the existing system, therefore making this exhibition a truly memorable one.
奧沙亦與多位備受推崇的國際藝評家 策展人 緊 密 合作, 籌劃及推廣探討當代議題相關的展覽和項目。
The gallery also works closely with international critics and curators to present exhibitions and projects that address themes and issues relevant to our times.
根据纽策展人法兰 克林,席梦斯为巴斯奇亚画册编辑的年表中提到1983年的记事:"…巴斯奇亚开始和欣赏其作品的《访谈》杂志编辑佩妮约会,透漏鲍威尔的引介,巴斯奇亚和《访谈》杂志发行人安迪接触更为密切。
According to the price index for basquiat's works over the last 6years ,an of US$100in Basa works in 1997would have the of US$195 by 2002.
为了更好的展现高端品牌在家居设计中的应用,国际家居装饰艺术展邀 策展人 叶 美 英小姐与之前为“外滩18号”以及“淮海路796号”等高端奢华地标的意大利设计团队KOKAISTUDIOS打造名为“Art of Lavish Living”的主题展,用欧洲贵族家中传承和必备的书桌这一概念,展现众多高端品牌在生活中各方面的应用,让观众仿佛进入一个个藏宝盒,亲自体验高端生活态度和富有品味的生活艺术。
In order to better showcase the application of high-end brands in home décor, IHDD has invited curator Jully Ye and KOKAISTUDIOS, the Italian design team behind luxuriant Shanghai landmarks like Bund 18 and 796 Middle Huaihai Road, to produce the “Art of Lavish Living” showcase.
同時,季女士個人亦不倦地支持藝術活動,曾出任多項具影響力的藝術展覽 策展人 , 包括於上海美術館舉行之法國藝術家 <卡特林四十年回顧展> 。
At the same time, Ms Kwai also tirelessly supports art activities.
此活動分為兩部份,由新加坡國立大學美術 策展人 及 現 時PS IAR的參與者Shabbir Hussain [...]
Asia Art Archive and Para Site co-present ‘Camping and Tramping through the Colonial Archive’, a two-part programme
by Shabbir Hussain Mustafa, Curator, National University of
[...] Singapore (NUS) Museum and current participant [...]
of the PS IAR.
无名站”首先在Warmun艺术中心(东金伯利区域的当地艺术中心)展开驻留项目(6月21日-30日),届时所有参与的艺术家、作家 策展人 会 共 同商讨、展开项目的主题,并通过对话和工作坊等方式为当地社区贡献资源。
No-Name Station begins with a residency at Warmun Art Centre (21 – 30 June) – an Indigenous arts centre in the East Kimberley region – where all participating artists, writers and curators will work together to discuss and develop the project’s themes and contribute to the local community through talks and workshops.
除展覽之外,《暖屋》將備有一本圖文並茂的展覽場刊,包 策展人 文 章 及四位參展藝術家的專訪,分別由加州藝術期刊《Artweek》總編輯Berin Golonu、2004年悉尼雙展策展人及作 者Sophie O’Brien、駐溫哥華及紐約獨策展人 陳 浩揚(David Ho Yeung CHAN)訪問及執筆。
Housewarming will be accompanied by an exhibition catalog, containing an essay by the
curator and four interviews with the
[...] artists conducted by Berin Golonu, editor-in-chief of the California art journal Artweek, Sophie O’Brien, a curator and writer working for the 2004 Sydney Biennale and David Ho Yeung Chan, an independent curator based in Vancouver and New York.
但大多数活动涉策展人的博 物馆管理培训而不是国际合作。
The yet to be approved UNESCO field presence and the need to have a multidisciplinary team will have significant impact on the Human Resources Strategy.
巴斯奇亚的运气愈来愈好,1982年参加国 策展人 欧 利 瓦策划的意大利、美国超前卫画家联展,先后入选惠特尼双年展、德国档大展,开始和安迪.渥荷往来及合作,一位女画商提供空间让他创作大幅作品 。
Basquiat began to collaborate with Andy Warhol during this pe- riod and a woman art deaer provided him with space to create large works.
在不同的国家和地区策展人以艺 术家提供的模型为基础,与当地的艺术机构 策展人 、 艺术家一起进行完成作品的创作。
The artwork takes the form of a model built by the artist that the curators have taken to the location.
作為長期關注中國建築及廢墟文化的藝術家,2012年應天齊以《世紀遺痕與未來空間》為主題,受邀於第13屆威尼斯建築雙年展舉辦個展,由中國著名批評家 策展人 王 林、荷蘭著名獨 策展人 卡 琳 •德容(Karlyn De Jongh)及莎拉•戈爾德(Sarah Gold)共同策劃,其作品的學術價值在國際範圍備受肯定,成為中國首度受邀參加威尼斯建築雙年展舉辦個展的華人藝術家,應天齊為該展覽創作的《囚》、《磚魂》、《黑室之二》大型裝置作品、《自訴》、《廢墟之殤》等影像作品,將於4月27日完美歸來,呈現于亞洲藝術中心(北京)——《廢墟之殤-威尼斯建築雙年展歸來》,藝術家應天齊又特為此次歸來展創作全新「日記裝置」及材料繪畫作品,既延續又有別於威尼斯建築雙年展的呈現,將帶給我們更多的思考。
As an artist who has paid keen attention to China¡¦s architecture and ruins culture for a long time, Ying Tianqi taking the theme Traces of Centuries and Future Steps, was invited to the 13th Venice International Architecture Biennale to hold a solo exhibition which was planned by the famous critic, curator Wang Lin, Dutch independent curator Karlyn De Jongh and Sarah Gold in 2012.
白盒子艺术馆学术委员会囊括了当下艺术界最重要的数十位专家学者、艺术家、收藏家、评论家 策展人 、 经纪人,他们有瑞士前驻华大使,全球最大的中国当代艺术收藏家乌利-希克(Uli Sigg);中国当代艺术最重要的评论家和策划人费大为;国际知名独 策展人 顾 振 清;著 策展人 、 批 评家与艺术史家,中国美术学院副教授吕澎;北京今日美术馆馆长,兼《东方艺术》系列杂志主编张子康;中央美术学院人文学院副院长赵力;独 策展人 、 著 名美术评论家冯博一;著名当代艺术家、中央美术学院雕塑系主任、教授隋建国;台北当代艺术馆馆长,威尼斯双年展台湾 策展人 石 瑞仁;上海外滩美术馆馆长赖香玲。
White box art museum academic committee include the art worlds most important dozens of experts and scholars,
artists, collectors,
[...] critics and curators, agent, they have before ambassador to Switzerland, the worlds largest Chinese contemporary art collectors Uli Sigg; The most important Chinese contemporary art critics and planners FeiDaWei; International well-known independent curator GuZhenQing; Famous critics and curators and art historian, China LvPeng associate professor at college of fine arts; Beijing today art museum curator, and the Oriental art series ZhangZiKang magazine; The central academy of fine arts, vice President of the humanities college ZhaoLi; Independent curator, famous art critics feng boyi; Famous contemporary artists, the central academy of fine arts, director of the sculpture [...]
SuiJianGuo professor
我們還要感謝我們的策展團隊,特別是鄭勝天這位西方世界中最受敬重的中國當代藝 策展人 , 他們幫助溫哥華雙年展將“迷人笑者”帶到溫哥華,并不斷幫助我們結識亞洲最高水平的藝術家。
We also thank our curatorial team, notably Zheng
Shengtian, one of the most
[...] respected curators in the Western world of Chinese contemporary art, who helped the Vancouver Biennale bring A-maze-ing [...]
Laughter to the
city and continues to help us reach the highest caliber of artists throughout Asia.
在Art Unlimited的場刊中讀策展人Simon Lamuniere對群展的理解,雖然不是甚麼新鮮論調,但當自己置身展覽中正懊惱著四周的滋擾時,這話聽來卻如雷貫耳,倏地明瞭自己的偏執 ─ 觀賞裝置作品最有趣之處是你必須把現場環境一併接收,不如電影般在一片漆黑中讓你沉溺暢泳,過於計較所謂作品原貌也是徒然。
Although Art Basel is often considered as overly commercial by the art industry, but personally I feel that being able to witness such work like ‘Lament for the Children’ already makes this trip worthwhile.
Gertrude当代艺术中心、伊比利亚当代艺术中心和Warmun艺术中心三方协作,将来自澳大利亚和中国的十位视觉艺术家、一位作家和六 策展人 纳 入 进来;项目还包括三个当代艺术展,一个群体驻留项目和一个重要出版计划及2010至2011年间在中国和澳大利亚几个不同地点的公众项目。
A collaborative endeavour between Gertrude Contemporary (Melbourne), Warmun Arts Centre (Turkey Creek, WA), and Iberia Center for Contemporary Art (Beijing), this multi-faceted program of events
involves contributions by 10 visual artists, 1
[...] writer, and 6 curators from Australia [...]
and China; and will encompass three contemporary
art exhibitions, a group residency, a major publication and public programs across several locations in Australia and China in 2010-11.




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