

单词 筑路

See also:

five-string lute

External sources (not reviewed)

估计大规模的基础设施项目的发展,例 筑路 和 港 口建设,及 其他石油工业的基础设施建设,将能够创造大量的工作。
It is also estimated that the development of large-scale infrastructure
[...] projects, such as roads and ports, as well [...]
as other infrastructures related to the
oil industry, will create a substantial number of jobs.
1993年美国政府所资助的战略性公路研究项目(SHRP) 筑路 业 大 规模引入了流变学测量。
Measuring rheological properties was
[...] introduced in large scale to the paving industry by the U.S. Government funded Strategic Highway Research Program [...]
(SHRP) in 1993.
欧盟驻科法治团发表了一项公报,说明 调查与几项投标有关,这些投标与 2007-2009 期间在科索筑路有关
EULEX issued a communiqué stating that the
investigation was in connection with several tenders related to
[...] the construction of roads in Kosovo in the period [...]
他们喜欢 玩有曲柄和操纵杆等大部件的卡车,尤其是运泥车 筑路 机 械 上的部件。
They enjoy playing with trucks that
[...] have large parts such as cranks and levers, especially on earth-moving trucks and road machinery.
最近“勒紧裤腰带”似乎已经成为了全美国 筑路 商 新千年的流行语。
Belt tightening” seems to be the buzzword of the
[...] new millennium for road builders all across [...]
America these days.
这为当地妇女创造了 600 劳动天数:筛选用筑路的河道砂石。
This resulted in 600 labour days for local women: screening
[...] river gravel for road construction.
如果在混合后, 材料将要用于道路建设,务必使 筑路 设 备 压紧。
If, after mixing, the material is to be
[...] utilised in road construction, compaction using road building equipment [...]
is essential.
特别报告员继续收到可靠消息称,克伦邦与钦邦军方人员向村民强行征 税、没收庄稼牲畜、强迫村筑路、 运 送物资并承担其他任务。
The Special Rapporteur continues to receive reliable information according to which members of the military in Kayin State and Chin State arbitrarily tax
villagers, confiscate crops and livestock and force
[...] villagers to construct roads, work as porters and [...]
fulfil other duties.
尽管有些少数的所谓的“ 矿井破坏”,但是在这样的矿区上 筑 建 筑、 修路甚至建设整个城市都是可能的。
Despite some limited, so called, ‘mine damages’ on the surface, it is possible to
[...] construct buildings, roads and even entire cities [...]
above such mines.
联合国海地稳定特派团 开展的减少社区暴力方案,联合国利比里亚特派团管 理的雇佣 75 000
[...] 利比里亚人,其中三分之一是前战 斗人员筑路计划,都是实例,说明了在任务规定内 [...]
将特派团的资金用于审慎确定的方案,具有极大的潜 在作用。
Examples such as the community violence reduction programme carried out by the
United Nations Stabilization Mission in
[...] Haiti, and a road-building scheme managed [...]
by the United Nations Mission in Liberia
that employed 75,000 Liberians, a third of them ex-combatants, are illustrations of the enormous potential value of using mission funds for carefully targeted programmes within the mandate.
可 靠 性 ,性 能 ,交 货 拥有50多年的行业经验,经由客户现场
[...] 测试和使用检验,萨澳-丹佛斯已经被公 认为农业机械、建筑机械筑路机、 物料 搬运机、砍伐机械、草皮护理、风扇驱动 [...]
With over 50 years of industry experience verified by customer testing and field use, Sauer-Danfoss
has proven to be the leader in agriculture,
[...] construction, road building, material [...]
handling, forestry, turf care, fan drive,
and other special purpose applications.
在大多 数情况下,项目厅直接管筑路工程 ;在其他情况下则提供技术咨询,例如在萨 尔瓦多改善受飓风和洪水破坏的交通基础设施的一个开发计划署项目。
In most cases UNOPS directly managed the road construction work; [...]
in others it supplied technical advice. This was the case,
for example, in El Salvador for a UNDP project to improve transport infrastructure damaged by storms and floods.
建成环境指的是用于支持人类活动的人造的(对应于天然的)资源和基础设施,例如筑 物、道路、公园以及其他福利设施。
The built environment refers to human-made (versus
natural) resources and infrastructure designed to support human activity,
[...] such as buildings, roads, parks, and other amenities.
[...] 在建筑部门工作,负责承接规划任务,比如高层和地下土木工程项目、 筑 制 图路和下水道以及供水管路规划等。
He later worked in the Construction department where he
took on planning tasks such as civil engineering measures, drafting,
[...] and the planning of roads, channels and water pipes.
2009 年,土地事务、建筑、大地测量和制图管理局建议政府在 路 、 交 通、筑和城市发展部设立全国地名委员会,但被否决。
In 2009, the Administration proposed that the Government establish a
national council for geographic names
[...] under the Ministry of Roads, Transportation, Construction [...]
and Urban Development, but the proposal was rejected.
土地事务、建筑、大地测量和制图管理局成立于 2008 年,由路、交通、筑和城 市发展部下属的三个不同机构合并而成,即:土地管理局、建筑和公用 [...]
The Administration was established in 2008
by merging three different agencies
[...] under the Ministry of Roads, Transportation, Construction [...]
and Urban Development: the
Land Administration Authority, the Construction and Public Utilities Authority and the State Administration of Geodesy and Cartography.
该国亦十分重视建立公私伙伴关系。该国政府 已按照建造-经营-转让的模式,把在 AH4 号路的一个路段修筑一 条 机动车道的合同授予了一家国际公司。
Great attention was also being given to PPPs, and the Government had awarded a
contract to an international company
[...] to construct a motorway on a segment of AH4 on a build-operate-transfer [...]
(BOT) basis.
在和平时期开展活动时,各国应当采取一切适当的措施,使自己的行为符合保护文化 遗产的要求,尤其是符合 1972 年《保护世界文化和自然遗产公约》、1956 年《关于国际考 古发掘原则的建议书》、1968 年《关于保护公共或私人工程危及的文化财产的建议书》、 1972 年《关于在国家一级保护文化和自然遗产的建议书》和 1976 年《关于保护历史或传统筑群及 其在现代生活中的作用的建议书》所确定的原则和宗旨。
When conducting peacetime activities, States should take all appropriate measures to conduct them in such a manner as to protect cultural heritage and, in particular, in conformity with the principles and objectives of the 1972 Convention for the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, of the 1956 Recommendation on International Principles Applicable to Archaeological Excavations, the 1968 Recommendation concerning the Preservation of Cultural Property Endangered by Public or Private Works, the 1972 Recommendation concerning the Protection, at National Level, of the Cultural and Natural Heritage and the 1976 Recommendation concerning the Safeguarding and Contemporary Role of Historic Areas.
随后,奥地利、比利时、保加利亚、克罗地亚、塞 路 斯 、 捷克共和国、丹 麦、爱沙尼亚、芬兰、法国、德国、希腊、匈牙利、冰岛、爱尔兰、意大利、拉 [...]
脱维亚、立陶宛、卢森堡、马耳他、荷兰、波兰、葡萄牙、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐 克、斯洛文尼亚、西班牙、瑞士和美利坚合众国加入为提案国。
Subsequently, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria,
[...] Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, [...]
Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany,
Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America joined the sponsors.
这对筑木工 的技能标 准与培训课程正在接受同行审查,瓦工技术标准也在制定之中,其目的是为抗震 筑 提 供更 好的熟练劳动力。
Skills standards and training
[...] curricula for building carpentry is undergoing peer review and the skills standards for block masonry are being developed to produce a better-skilled labour force for earthquake-resistant building purposes.
任何人如在任何巴士或西北路車 輛或 鐵 路 處 所任何部分之內或之上拾獲任何物品或物 體,須在切實可行的範圍內盡快將該物品或物體交予人員;除人員外,任何人不得將遺失或遺留 在任何巴士或西北路車輛或鐵路處 所 任何部分的財物,移離任何巴士或西北 路 車 輛或 鐵 路處 所 任何部分,但目的為在切實可行範圍內盡快將該財物交予人員則屬例外;而就拾獲者與公司之 間而言,拾獲的所有物品或物體均須當作由公司所管有。
Every person who
[...] finds any article or object in or upon any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises shall hand over the same to an official as soon as is practicable and no person other than an official shall remove from any bus or vehicle of the North-west Railway or any part of the railway premises any property lost or left behind [...]
therein, save for the
purpose of handing over the same as soon as is practicable to an official and all articles or objects so found shall as between the finder and the Corporation be deemed to be in the possession of the Corporation.
此外,提议 将一个当地雇员员额改叙为本国干事职等设施管理干事,负责非洲经委会设施管
[...] 理方面的技术文件、设计准备和行政支持,并为照明、供暖、通风和空调系统以 及筑相关 安装提供所需价值评估工程(同上,第 18A.117 段)。
In addition, it is proposed to reclassify one Local level post to the National Officer level for a Facilities Management Officer to provide technical documentation, design preparation and administrative support in the management of ECA facilities, and to provide the required value engineering for the
lighting, the heating, ventilation and air
[...] conditioning, and architectural-related installations [...]
(ibid., para. 18A.117).
在摩洛哥王国政府出台的 e-摩洛哥国家战略的框架内,办事处支持经济和一般事
[...] 务部在电子政务领域实施的计划,并且资助了一张摩洛哥地方电子政务 路 线 图,目 的是清查摩洛哥的地方电子政务倡议,研究和分析其他国家的类似建议以及分析和概 [...]
As part of the e-Morocco national strategy, drawn up by the Government of Morocco, the Rabat Office is providing support to the programmes being implemented by the Minister of Economic and
General Affairs in the field of e-government, and
[...] has funded a roadmap on local governance [...]
in Morocco with a view to collecting
information on all local e-govenance initiatives in the country, identifying and analysing similar programmes in other countries, and analysing and summarizing the strengths and weaknesses of those initiatives.
若干代表团赞扬秘书处纪录并促进各方交流了在以下诸领域的良好做 法和国家经验:扩大公共交通运输、实行绿色 筑 、 采 用 3R 办法(减少、 再使用、再循环)战略、进行可持续的城市规划、实行固体废物管理、注重 供水、下水处理、以及以采用参与式办法实行城市管理、推动公私营伙伴关 系和市政金融等。
Several delegations commended the secretariat for documenting and sharing good practices and country experiences in eco-city development, promotion of public transportation, green buildings, 3R (reduce, reuse, recycle) strategies, sustainable urban planning, solid waste management, water supply, sewerage, participatory approaches to urban management, promotion of public-private partnerships and municipal finance.
咨询委员会获悉,出现这种增长的部分原因是更多办事处搬到联 合国筑群里 ,预期下一个两年期提供的公共服务将增长高达 20%。
The Committee was informed that this increase was partly due to the move of additional offices into the United Nations complex and that an increase of up to 20 per cent in the level of common services provided was anticipated for the next biennium.
有鑒於廣深港高鐵涉及公帑達669億元, 而在近期公布的港大民意調查中,卻顯示 59%市民自稱對整個高鐵項目認識'好少'或 '幾少',顯示大部分市民均不瞭解廣深港高 鐵的內容及對社會影響,本人現按照《財 務委員會會議程序》第37A段,動議要求政 府擱置廣深港高速路撥款 ,並以獨立機 構的民調評估市民對廣深港高速路 的認 知程度,在確定大部分香港市民均清楚明 白廣深港高鐵的內容及對社會構成的影響 後才重新申請撥款。
As the Guangzhou–Shenzhen–Hong Kong Express Rail Link (XRL) involves $66.9 billion of public funds and the findings of the Public Opinion Programme of the University of Hong Kong published recently show that 59% of the respondents said they knew 'very little' or 'quite little' about the entire XRL project, indicating that most people do not understand the substance and social impact of the XRL, I now move under paragraph 37A of the FC Procedure to demand that the Government shelve the funding proposals of the XRL and assess the public awareness of the XRL with an opinion poll conducted by an independent organization, and re-submit the funding proposals after having ascertained that the majority of the people of Hong Kong clearly understand the substance of the XRL and its impact on the society.




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