

单词 等效百万吨当量

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External sources (not reviewed)

农业部门每年生产百万吨的可 以被用于制造沼气的粪肥和泥 等 农 业有 机废弃物。
Every year, the agriculture sector produces millions of tons of organic waste, such as manure and [...]
slurry, which could be used to produce biogas.
由于当前伊 拉 克特殊局势的影响,过去三年氟氯化碳消 量在 10 至 12 ODP 吨不等。
CFC consumption over the last three years ranged from 10 to 12 ODP tonnes, which is due to the special situation prevailing in Iraq.
如果建筑物采用效的外墙外保温系统,每年可减少 8 0 0 0 万吨 二 氧 化碳排 量 , 这 相 当 于 德 国全年排放量的十分之一。
Giving a building effective insulation based on EIFS could save 80 million metric tons of CO2 emissions a year – that’s [...]
10 percent of Germany’s total emissions.
当几万美元就能发动几次大 的袭击,百万美元的效用则 极为可观。
When major attacks can be put together for tens of thousands of dollars, $1 million dollars goes [...]
a very long way.
摘要根据发展和改革委员会六部委联合下发,“半导体照明的意见能源产业》、文件2015,半导体照明工业总产值节约30%的年平均增长率;市场占有率逐年增加,功能灯背光液晶显示器的20%上升到50%、园林装饰及其他产品的市场份额的70%以上 , 有 效 提 升 自主创新能力的企业、大型MOCVD设备、关键原材料,超过70%的芯片,局部的上游芯片规模3 - 5家厂家;工业集中显著增加,用自己的品牌,一个更大的市场的中坚 量 的 影 响在10龙头企业,初步建立标准为半导体照明系统,完成年度节能400亿千瓦时以上 , 相 当 于 减 4 0 0 0 万吨 的 二 氧化碳排放。
According to Development and Reform Commission jointly issued by six ministries, "the views of the semiconductor lighting energy industry", file 2015, the semiconductor lighting industrial output value of saving 30% average annual growth rate; market share increase year by year, functional lighting 20% of LCD backlight up to 50%, and landscape decorations and other products for more than
70% market share;
[...] significantly enhance the ability of independent innovation of enterprises, large-scale MOCVD equipment, the key raw materials, and more than 70% of the chip, the localized upstream chip scale 3-5 home manufacturers; industry concentration significantly increased, with their own brand, the backbone of a larger market impact of 10 leading enterprises around; initially established standards for semiconductor lighting system; achieve annual energy saving 40 billion kwh, equivalent to less 40 million tons of carbon dioxide [...]
2004 至 2009 年,公共机构通过政府采购服务购买 的产品使二氧化碳排量减少了约 200 万吨,经济效益总额约为 2 700 万美元。
The products that public institutions purchased through the public procurement service from 2004 to 2009 were found to have
reduced emissions by
[...] approximately 2 million tons of carbon dioxide, with economic benefits totalling some $27 million.
根据比较慎重的预测,要想把 CO2 的等效密度稳 定百万分之 450(以符合把全球变暖稳定在比工业化前的温度高 2℃的目标), 到本世纪中叶,矿物燃料量要减少 80%。
equivalent concentrations to be stabilized at 450 parts per million (consistent with the target of stabilizing global warming at a 2° C temperature increase from pre-industrial levels), [...]
the use of fossil fuels would need to drop by 80 per cent by mid-century.
此外,印度还启动了一个雄心勃勃的“执行、实现、交易”机制,旨在鼓励 国内 700 个最耗费能源的单位提高能效率,并在这一过程中帮助减少印度的温 室气体排放量,在 2014/15 年以前每年减排 2 500 万吨二氧化碳当量。
In addition, India has already launched an ambitious “Perform, Achieve and Trade” mechanism, which is intended to encourage 700 of the country’s most
[...] [...] energy-intensive units to become more energyefficient and in the process help reduce India’s greenhouse gas emissions by 25 million tons of carbon dioxide equivalent per [...]
year by 2014/15.
按照目前的设想,液化项目的设计允许多达四条模块化液化天然气 (LNG) 生产线,每条线的额定量约 4.5 百万吨/年。
As currently contemplated, the Liquefaction Project is
being designed and permitted for up to four modular LNG trains, each with a
[...] nominal capacity of approximately 4.5 mtpa.
使用STWA的应用石油技术可以节省数亿美元的能源消耗,每年减少 百万吨 的 温 室气体排放,帮助行业实现国务院提出的到2015年将 效 提 高 16%的目标,因此STWA的应用石油技术将对中国输油管道行业产生重大影响。
AOT(TM) has the potential to impact the Chinese oil
pipeline industry by creating
[...] hundreds of millions of dollars worth of energy savings, reducing greenhouse gas emissions by millions of tons each year, [...]
and helping industry
meet the demands set by the State Council of boosting efficiency 16% by 2015.
例如,加拿大的皮利角国家公园每 年 吸 引
[...] 超 过 200,000 名 游 客 和 观 鸟 者 ( Parks Canada,2007 年),每年还当地带来了百万美 元的额外收益(Hvenegaard 等,1989 年)。
For example, Point Pelee National Park in Canada annually attracts over 200,000 visitors and
birdwatchers (Parks
[...] Canada 2007), who bring millions of dollars of additional revenue into the local area every year [...]
(Hvenegaard et al. 1989).
居民用水包括供暖每年排放大于另外 3500 万吨二氧化碳等当量的温 室气体,是供水行业 的 7 倍,占英国温室气体总量的 5%以上。
Domestic water use (including water
heating) contributes
[...] roughly another 35 million tonnes of greenhouses gases (CO e) per year. This is seven times as much as that emitted by the industry itself, and amounts to over 5% [...]
of total UK greenhouse gas emissions.
石油和天然气生产成员国的定义是,石油和天然气 量 ( 按 百万吨 油 当量 计 算)超过其石油和天 然气消量(按百万吨油当量计算 )的成员国。
Oil and gas producing Member States are defined as those Member
States whose oil and gas
[...] production (measured in millions of tons of oil equivalent) exceeds its oil and gas consumption (measured in millions of tons of oil equivalent).
2009 年,通过非政府 组织合作伙伴分发了共计 240 万吨粮食,占粮食当年分发粮食 量的 52%。
In 2009, a total of 2.4 million tons of food was distributed through NGO partners [...]
— 52 per cent of the total food distributed by WFP during the year.
美国代表表示,到 2050 年前,该提案将产生 100 千吨二氧化碳当量的 直 接气候惠益,而通过降低目前对全球升温潜能值较高的氢氟碳化合物的依赖 所节约的效将提高所产生的惠益。
The representative of the United
States said that the
[...] proposal would generate 100 gigatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents in direct climate benefits by 2050, while gains in energy efficiency through a reduction in the current [...]
reliance on high global-warming
potential HFCs would enhance the benefits generated.
巴拉圭报告缉获了以墨西哥为 目的地的麻黄碱,量从 40 公斤到 1 吨不等,智 利、德国和荷兰等国当局也通过表格 D 报告缉 获了以墨西哥为目的地的麻黄碱。
Seizures of
[...] ephedrine weighing between 40 kg and 1 ton destined for Mexico were reported by Paraguay and on form D by the authorities of Chile, [...]
Germany and the Netherlands.
例如,斯里兰卡家庭人均消费每增加一 百 分 点 的减效 益只 有孟加拉国的一半;另一方面,不 等 每 减 少一 百 分 点 贫困就会减少 0.58 个百分点,而等情况孟加拉国仅为 0.47 个百分点。
In Sri Lanka, for example, a 1 per cent increase in household consumption
per capita
[...] would reduce poverty by only about half as much as it would in Bangladesh; on the other hand, a 1 per cent decrease in inequality would reduce poverty by 0.58 percentage point compared [...]
with only 0.47 percentage point in Bangladesh.
事实证明,绝大多数应用该材料的设备均可承 受 1 百万吨 重 量 而 不 需要更换任何部件。
A vast majority of applications have
[...] proven to exceed 1 million tons without the need [...]
for replacement parts.
试验大厅具有300KVA试验变压器和其它数套试验变压器及电老化试验装置、200kV直流高压发生器、长度达9.5米的试验油箱、瑞士Tettex公司的2809a精密 量 电 桥 、德国LDIC局部放电测试仪、WW系列振动试验机、高温恒温试验箱、恒温湿热试验箱和低温试验箱、线棒冷热循环试验装置等,为三峡、燃机、三 百万等 级 发 电机绝缘系统和VPI等重大科研项目起到了重要作用。
The Testing Hall is equipped with following devices: 300KVA testing transformer and several sets of other testing transformers, electric aging testing device, 200kV DC high voltage generator, 9.5m-long testing oil tank, Sweden Tettex 2809a precision measuring bridge, Germany LDIC local discharge tester, WW series vibration tester, high-temperature & constant-temperature testing chamber,
constant-temperature wet-hot testing chamber and
[...] low-temperature chamber, bar cold-hot cycle tester and so on, playing an important role in important scientific research projects, such as the Three Gorges project, gas turbine generator, three megawatt generator insulation systems and VPI.
研究得出结论说,土著妇女关于当 地 有 效 地 减 轻和适应气候变 化的措施的知识和经验可十分有助于以更可持续和注重两性 等 问 题 的方式制订 气候变化政策,研究还提出应在以下优先事项领域采取干预措施:(a) 在传统知识 系统内进行研究和采取行动;(b) 在气候变化对男子和妇女有不同影响的的问题 上推动提高两性平等意识;(c) [...]
进行替代生计能力建设;(d) 使妇女进一步参与 气候变化规划和治理进程。
The study concludes that indigenous women’s knowledge and experience of effective local mitigation and adaptation measures can highly contribute to more sustainable [...]
and gender-responsive climate change policies and
indicates as priority areas of intervention: (a) research and action in traditional knowledge systems; (b) advocacy for increasing gender sensitivity on the differential impacts of climate change on women and men; (c) capacity-building for alternative livelihoods; and (d) strengthening women’s participation in climate change planning and governance processes.
对于有关变相驱逐的第A条草案,他不一定反对将法文中的“变相驱逐” 短语改为在英文中词义当的“ 建设性的驱逐”,这可以在仲裁裁决中找到可靠 的来源,不过需要采等效的措 辞方式。
Concerning draft article A on disguised expulsion, he was not necessarily opposed to the replacement, in French, of the expression “disguised
expulsion” by an equivalent of
[...] the English expression “constructive expulsion”, which was well entrenched in arbitral awards, as long as the equivalent could be found.
代表团对外部安全和对监狱工作人员 在火等紧急情况下采取效和适当 行 动 的能力持有严重保留。
The delegation had serious reservations about the external security
and about the ability of
[...] the prison staff to take effective and appropriate action in case of [...]
an emergency, such as a fire.
世界的岩溶地区广阔无 垠,它们是十分脆弱的景观,需要加以细心呵护,以便为 百万 人 民维 持 当 地的 经济。
Karst areas covering vast areas of the
world are very fragile landscapes that need careful management in
[...] order to sustain local economies for millions of people.
当项目处于小试阶段,小时处量1至 2 吨 时 尚 可,但项目在进入产业化后,面对每小时几十吨乃至 百吨 刚 喷 出来的摄氏98度热物料需要快速冷却时,便超出了热喷放专家的专业范围。
When the project is in a small pilot phase, hour capacity 1-2 tons fashion can be, but the project after entering the industry, faced with hundreds of tons per hour, [...]
or even just tens of tons emitted by the hot 98 degrees
Celsius, the material needs of rapid cooling, Blow it out of the heat range of professional experts.
对于具有 150 万吨能力的多金属结核提 炼厂而言,工作组估计资本费用为 7.50 亿美元(资本支出),提炼费用为每公斤当量每公斤 3.9 美元,由此形成 2.50 亿美元业务支出。
For a 1.5 million-ton capacity polymetallic nodule processing plant, the group estimated capital cost at $750 million (capital expenditure) and the cost of processing at 3.9 dollars per kg of nickel equivalent, resulting [...]
in operating expenditure of $250 million.
2008年底《澳大利亚人报》评论说,“目前澳大利亚每出口 百吨 铁 矿 石,可买回的外国产计算机或大屏幕电视 量 至 少 是五年前的四倍”(Michael Stutchbury)。
As The Australian newspaper commented in
[...] late 2008, “One hundred tonnes of iron ore exported from Australia today can buy at least four times the amount of foreign-made [...]
computers or big-screen
TVs than it did five years ago” (Michael Stutchbury).
将天然气转化为液化天然气 (LNG) 可以使此能源在储存和运输时更具成 效 益 。 卡塔尔天然气公司欲扩建生产设施,在 2010 年底将 LNG 的年量从 1000 万吨提高到 4200 万吨。
Converting natural gas to liquefied natural gas (LNG)
[...] allows for cost-efficient storage and transport of this energy source and Qatargas wanted to expand its facilities to boost LNG production from 10 million tonnes annually to 42 million tonnes annually by [...]
the end of the decade.
在这方面,敦促各国通过各自国家法律框架确保宪法 等效 法 律包含重要 的儿童权利原则和保护措施,包括剥夺自由应仅作为最后手段,期限应为最短的当时间,确保儿童与成人分开监禁,女童与男童隔开;有效保护儿童免受残 忍、不人道或有辱人格的待遇或任何其他形式的暴力,包括作为惩罚、待遇或刑 罚形式的暴力。
In this light, States are urged, through their national
legal frameworks, to ensure that the
[...] Constitution, or its equivalent, contains key child rights principles and safeguards including the consideration of children’s deprivation of liberty only as a measure of last resort and for the shortest appropriate period of [...]
time, the separation of
children from adults, and of girls from boys; the effective protection of children from torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or any other form of violence, including as a form of punishment, treatment or sentencing.
据中国石油化工集团原国产化办公室主任王廷俊介绍,经过五年来的努力攻关,百万吨乙烯 百万吨 P T A 等 石 化 重大装备国产化实现了重大突破,一些过去一直依赖国外进口的重大设备开始立足国内,并且在大型石化醒目上推广应用。
According to China Petroleum & Chemical Group, the former director of the Office Wangting Jun localization introduced after
five years of research
[...] efforts, one million tons of ethylene and one million tons PTA and other petrochemical [...]
major equipment
to achieve a major breakthrough, some in the past has been dependent on foreign imports of major equipment start based on the domestic and eye-catching on in large petrochemical application.




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