

单词 等差



arithmetic progression


arithmetic series (such as 2+4+6+8+...)

See also:

differ from
make a mistake
fall short of

External sources (not reviewed)

如Glencore所佔可識別資產淨額份額的公平值超過已轉 讓代價,則等差額將 立即於損益表內確認。
If the fair value attributable to Glencore’s share of the
identifiable net assets exceeds the consideration
[...] transferred, the difference is immediately recognised [...]
in the statement of income.
若該等事項之最終稅務結果與最初記錄之金額不同,等差額將 影響作出該等決定期間之所得稅及遞延稅項撥備。
Where the final tax outcome of these matters is
different from the amounts that were initially
[...] recorded, such differences will impact the [...]
income tax and deferred tax provisions
in the period in which such determination is made.
倘 錄 得 有 別 於 原 來 估
[...] 計 的 專 利 權 費 開 支,等 差 異 將 影 響 產 生 專 利 權 開 [...]
支 的 期 間 的 收 益 表。
Where the royalty expenses incurred are different from the original
[...] estimate, such difference would impact the [...]
income statement in the period in which
the royalty expenses are incurred.
一旦期望與 最初估計有異,等差異將 影響存貨的賬面值並可能導致於有關估計變動的期間撇銷存貨。
Where expectation is different from an
[...] original estimate, the difference will impact the carrying [...]
values of inventories and may
result in write-downs of inventories in the period in which such estimates have been changed.
各国政府特别是在存在巨大两性 等差 异 的最不发达国家应在高等教育和 工作场所实现两性平等,以及从事科技工作的妇女晋升方面发挥积极作用。
Governments, particularly in the least developed countries,
[...] where large gender disparities exist, should [...]
play a positive role in achieving gender
equality in higher education and in the workplace and making career advancement possible for women working in science and technology.
(a) 通过对位于薪金表中点的工作人员(例如
[...] P-4)适用推算出的 3 200 美元 并适用专业人员薪金表的现有行 等差 额 ,得出居家津贴办法 1 的数额。
(a) HOME 1 is arrived at by applying the calculated amount of $3,200 to staff at
the mid-point of the salary scale (i.e., P-4) and applying
[...] the existing grade differentials of the Professional [...]
pay scale.
(b) 現時哪 些
[...] 鄉村所採用的規定與鄉議局發出的相 關指引 有差 異 ;該等 差 異 的 詳情為 何 ;有否 評估該等 規定有否 [...]
違反《 基 本法》及香港法例中保障公民有平等機 會及權利參 與政治 事 務的條文;若 評定該等 規定為違反有關法例,政府會否
及 曾 否 因而拒絕確認有關選舉的結 果 ; 若 當局曾 經 拒絕作出確 認 , 詳情為 何 ?
(b) of the villages adopting rules that are different from those laid down in the relevant guidelines
issued by the Heung Yee Kuk at present;
[...] the details of such differences; whether it has assessed [...]
if such rules are in breach of
those provisions stipulated in the Basic Law and the laws of Hong Kong which safeguard the citizens' equal opportunities and rights to participate in political affairs; where such rules are assessed to be in breach of the relevant laws, whether the Government would hence refuse or has already refused to endorse the results of such elections; if it has refused such endorsement, the details of that?
(cc) 緊隨有關行使後,須全數繳足新增股份面額的認購權 儲備進賬額應予以資本化,用於全數繳足須隨即向可 行使認股權證持有人分配並入賬列作繳足股款的股 份的該等新增面額;及 (iv) 倘任何認股權證所指的認購權獲行使時,認購權儲備的進 賬額不足以全數繳足可行使認股權證持有人有權獲得相 等於上述等差額的新增股份面額,則董事應運用當時或 其後成為可供作此用途的任何溢利或儲備(以法律准許或 不禁止者為限,包括股份溢價賬),直至繳足該等新增股 份面額及按上述分配為止,在此之前,不得就當時本公司 已發行繳足股份支付或作出股息或其他分派。
(iv) if upon the exercise of the subscription rights represented by any warrant the amount standing to the credit of the Subscription Right Reserve is not sufficient to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares equal to such shortfall as aforesaid to which the exercising warrantholder is entitled, the Directors shall apply any profits or reserves then or thereafter becoming available (including, to the extent permitted or not prohibited by law, share premium account) for such purpose until such additional nominal amount of shares is paid up and allotted as aforesaid and until then no dividend or other distribution shall be paid or made on the fully paid shares of the Company then in issue.
尽管发生了严重的经济和金融危机,但有人企图 通过不人道的新自由主义政策来振兴这种制度,这些 政策加深了全世界的不等差距。
Despite the grave economic and financial crisis,
attempts are made to resuscitate the system through inhumane neoliberal policies
[...] that deepen the inequality gap in the world.
針對內地與香港交易所在結算交 收、A股與H股的互通、市場監管及法律制 等差 異 , 尋求中長遠期 目標的相容,建立兩地互通平台,讓兩地的投資者可以跨境直接購買 [...]
Focusing on the articulation between the Mainland and Hong Kong in transaction
settlements and trading in A-shares and
[...] H-shares, as well as the differences in market regulation [...]
and the legal systems of the two
places, the authorities should strive to seek common medium-to-long-term goals, and establish a platform bridging the two places to enable investors of both places to directly purchase across the boundary securities products of both places, thereby creating more favourable conditions for the financial industry of Hong Kong.
(a) 大廈設施(包括辦事處、實驗室及 辦公地等) - 差餉;租金; 翻新;以及運作、修理及保養開 支。
(a) building facilities (including office, laboratory, accommodation) - rates; rental; renovation; and operation, repair and maintenance expenses.
我们要强调,我们重视各国国家元首和政府首脑 在联合国通过的具有历史意义的《千年宣言》(第 55/2
[...] 号决议),他们藉此承担集体责任挑战,作出了缩小 不等差距的承诺,这种不平等就像是一个人类尊严 [...]
被剥夺的深渊,把较贫穷国家与更幸运的国家分隔开 来。
We wish to stress the importance that we attach to the historic Millennium Declaration (resolution 55/2), adopted by heads of State and Government here at the United Nations and by which they assumed, as a challenge of
collective responsibility, the promise of
[...] closing the gap of inequality that, like [...]
a deep abyss of denied human dignity, separates
the poorer countries from the more fortunate.
(d) 从根本上消除影响儿童,特别是失学儿童的各种不 等 、 差 距 和不同形 式的排斥和歧视,为此采取各种方式,包括拟定和实施包容性教育以及界定有针 [...]
对性的、积极的战略、政策和方案(包括跨部门办法),提高儿童的入学率、在学 率、参与程度和学业成绩,从而增强教育的可获性和包容性;在这方面,应作出
进一步的跨部门努力,以降低尤其是贫困学生的辍学率、复读率和不及格率,并 努力消除教育方面的性别差距
(d) Addressing the root
[...] causes of the inequalities, disparities and diverse forms [...]
of exclusion and discrimination affecting
children, particularly out-of-school children, including by enhancing enrolment, retention, participation and achievement of children, by developing and operationalizing an inclusive education and defining targeted, proactive strategies, policies and programmes, including cross-sectoral approaches, to promote accessibility and inclusion.
本集團 按是否須繳付額外稅項之估計,就預期稅務事宜確
[...] 認負債,如此等事宜之最終稅務結果與當初記錄之 金額有所不同,則等差額將 會影響當期稅項及遞 延稅項撥備。
Where the final tax outcome of these matters is
different from the amounts that were initially
[...] recorded, such differences will impact the [...]
current and deferred tax provisions in
the period in which such determination is made.
[...] 容許確認來自未動用稅務虧損的遞延稅項資產時,會採用相同標準,即倘 等差 異 與 同一稅務機關 及同一課稅實體有關,並預期在可動用稅務虧損的期間內撥回,方會計及在內。
The same criteria are adopted when determining whether existing taxable temporary differences support the recognition of deferred tax
assets arising from unused tax
[...] losses, that is, those differences are taken into account [...]
if they relate to the same taxation
authority and the same taxable entity, and are expected to reverse in a period, or periods, in which the tax loss can be utilised.
目前依然 在设法解决因目前的金融危机、自然灾害、资金不足和道路安全 差等因 素造成的种种困难。
Challenges due to the impact of the current financial crisis, natural disasters, insufficient funds and road safety were still being addressed.
限制曲线可以由测试结果中自动产生,包括使用标准的变化、应用抖动、移动平均曲线、插入底值或其他运算 法则来增加有用差等。
This is accomplished by exploiting the standard variations,
[...] adding meaningful tolerances by applying jitter, [...]
shifting the average curve, inserting a floor and other algorithms.
根据协议,我们可以提供其他差等 级 的 非标准轴承。
We can provide the tolerances of the non-standardised [...]
bearings by agreement.
这些缺陷造成的后果是过渡联邦政府的安全部队无法夺取或巩固阵地,索马 里公众对他们的表现评价差等等。
The consequences of these deficiencies include an inability of the security forces of the
Transitional Federal Government to take and hold
[...] ground, and very poor public perceptions [...]
of their performance by the Somali public.
恒 生 之 ETF 」 基 金 單 位 的 市 價 可 受 交 易 所 中 市 場 供 求 、 該 等 基 金 單 位 之 流 通 量 及 買 賣差 等 因 素 影 響 , 而 高 於 或 低 於 其 每 基 金 單 位 的 資 產 淨 值 。 而 「 恒 生 之 ETF 」 基 金 單 位 市 價 亦 將 會 於 交 易 日 內 不 斷 波 動 。
The market price of a Hang Seng's ETF Unit could be higher or lower than its Net Asset Value ("NAV") per Unit due to market demand and supply, liquidity and scale of trading spread in the secondary market and will fluctuate during the trading day.
这要求理解诸如置信区间、18 与普通行政记录和统计调查有关的抽样误 差和差等概念
This requires, for example, understanding concepts such as confidence interval,18 sampling errors and bias associated with common administrative records and statistical surveys.
这些包括非毛利人与毛利人之间差 异, 《威坦哲条约》在国内立法中的地位,家庭暴力,机会 等 , 毛 利人在刑事司法 制度中比例过高,以及批准新西兰尚未成为缔约国的人权条约问题。
These included the social disparities between non-Maori and Maori; the status of the Treaty of Waitangi in domestic legislation; family violence; equality of opportunity; [...]
of Maori in the criminal justice system; and ratification of human rights treaties to which New Zealand was not party.
这些经费包括各类开支,如:运作经费(电脑、 差等 ) 、人员经费(临时资 助)和干预经费(津贴)。
These funds cover various types of expenditure: operating
[...] costs (IT, travel, etc.), staff costs (temporary [...]
assistance) and operational funds (subventions).
网络战略提出了不同情况下(同一单位的办公室之间、不同单位之间、 工作人员差等)所 适用的技术解决方案把教科文组织网络系统、因特网、固定和移动电话 网络,视频会议等结合起来使用。
The network strategy contemplates different technical solutions adapted to each situation (communication between offices in the same unit,
between remote units,
[...] for staff on mission, etc.) by the combined use of the UNESCO network, the Internet, the fixed and mobile telephone networks, videoconference, etc. ADM/DIT is to issue [...]
guidelines to help
staff, including in the field, to make the most knowledgeable decisions as to the best and most cost-effective communication technology to use in each case according to need.
显示的公差是ISO最常用的差等级, 另有简便的孔和轴的图对等级进行说明。
Tolerances are shown for the most commonly used ISO tolerance classes, and [...]
convenient graphs illustrate these classes by bore and shaft.
[...] 不容易透過校外的筆試作評估(原因包括受制於考試時間、題目類型、可 使用的工具及考生能力的差等)。
However, quite a number of the learning objectives in the curriculum, particularly those in the skills and attitude domains, cannot be readily assessed in external written examinations for
various reasons (e.g. limited time, limited question types, the tools available, the
[...] wide ability range of candidates).
如果您希望在最低成本下提高生产效率和产品质量,来自圣戈班磨料磨具的NORTON和WINTER品牌砂轮能完全满足用户的诸多要求:提高磨削效率,增加材料去除率,延长砂轮使用寿命,更好的刃口品质及降低工具成品 差等。
If you want to deliver the best productivity and product quality with minimum costs, then NORTON and WINTER grinding wheels from Saint-Gobain can easily meet your needs by improving grinding rata, increasing elimination rate of materials,
expanding the service life of grinding wheels, better quality of cutting edge
[...] and the reduced tolerance for finished products.
(欧盟) 政府应当寻求(JZ 、欧盟、77 国集团和中国) 新的途径应当探索新的途径 (JZ 、欧盟、77 国集团和中国) ,帮助处理许多发展中国家尤其是内陆发展中国家 面临的难以消除的挑战,包括运输和交易成本高、投资水平低、贸易便利化不 足,以及缺乏规章、运输服务效率低下和连接状 差等。
Governments should examine (JZ, EU, G77&CHINA) New approaches should be explored (JZ, EU, G77&CHINA) to help tackle persistent challenges facing many developing countries, especially LLDCs, including high transport and commercial transaction costs, low-level of investment, trade facilitation, in some cases, absence of regulations, inefficient transport services, and low connectivity.
至於傳媒報導方面,民意研究計劃一向主張傳媒在報導民意調查時應該同時提供有關調查的基本資料,如調查的對象、日期、樣本數目、是否隨機抽樣、回應比率、抽樣 差等。
Regarding media coverage of these surveys, POP has advocated for quite a long time that when covering opinion surveys, the media should follow the rules of minimum disclosure, whereby key information like target population, dates of
fieldwork, sample size, whether the sample was drawn randomly, response rate, and
[...] sampling errors should also be reported.




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