

单词 等价的

See also:

等价 adj

equal adj

等价 n

equivalence n

External sources (not reviewed)

面对某些否认妇女的生命 与男子的生命具有等价值的宗教 、文化或其他地方习俗时,必须严格实行对妇 [...]
The legal protection of women must be scrupulously [...]
applied in the face of religious, cultural or other local customs that
may resist the view that a woman’s life is of equal value to that of a man.
此方法尤其适用于 估算可直接制造或有人等价物的服 务 ,如海岸保 护或蓄水和水净化。
This method is
[...] particularly useful for valuing services that have direct manufactured or artificial equivalents, such as coastal [...]
protection or water storage and purification.
无论您在图形用户界面中创建的神经网络是多么的简单或者复杂,NeuroSolutions都能生 等价的 A N SI C++源码的神经网络—即使这些神经网络中以DLL的方式含有您自己设计的算法。
No matter how simple or complex of a network you create within the
graphical user interface, NeuroSolutions
[...] will generate the equivalent neural network [...]
in ANSI C++ source code -- even those networks
that contain your own algorithms implemented with DLLs!
如果费用从不同币种为单位的余额或交易中扣除,基于具体时间以及汇率的不同,作为欧元收取的费用会被兑换成与此货 等价的 数 额 (请见‘费用’目录——货币兑换费用)然后被扣除。
If fees are deducted from a balance or a transaction denominated in a different currency, the EUR fee amount will be converted into an equivalent fee in that other currency based on the Skrill (Moneybookers) wholesale exchange rates applicable at the time and available under the "Currency Conversion Fees" section of the "Fees" section and then deducted.
如果可执行码或目标码是以指定复制地点的方式来发布,那麽在同一地点提 等价的 原 始 码复制服务也可以算作原始码的发布,然而第三方并不需因此而负有必与目标码一起复制原始码的义务。
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place,
[...] then offering equivalent access to copy [...]
the source code from the same place counts
as distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
而针对 Eurex 交的等价合约 所要求的保证金——无论是日内头寸还是隔夜头寸,均为 [...]
14,237.50 欧元(2012 年 12 月更新的保证金要求)。
The equivalent contract traded on the [...]
Eurex will actually require a margin of €14,237.5 (margins updated December 2012)
whether it is held intraday or overnight.
河北钢铁集团有限公司也可以选择以与“普氏价格” 等的价 格 购 买额外的吨数,但是不享受这种折扣。
HBIS will also have the option to purchase additional
[...] tonnage at a price equal to the Platts Price, without [...]
any such discount.
场外零售外汇交易市场(“FOREX”)描述的是从个人或机构手中购买特定的币种,同时以 等的价 值 或 现在的汇率卖出另一个币种。
The off-exchange retail foreign currency market (“FOREX”) describes the purchase of a particular currency from an
individual or institution and the simultaneous sale of another
[...] currency at the equivalent value or current [...]
exchange rate.
其中应特别关注的研究成果,是构筑了在广泛的语言中能证明程 的等价 性 , 简单的且强有力的「环境双模仿」的理论。
One of notable achievements is the
establishment of an elementary and strong theory of environmental bisimilarity to
[...] prove program equivalence in various languages.
2008 年 9
[...] 月,执行局核准了开发署问责制框架和监督政策,其中强调开发 署对基于成果和风险的业绩管理以及对问责制和透明 等价 值 观 的 承 诺
In September 2008, the Executive Board approved the UNDP Accountability Framework and Oversight policy, which underscores UNDP’s
commitment to results-based and risk-based performance
[...] management, and to the values of accountability [...]
and transparency.
大会第三十五届会议在第 90 号决议中决定:“本基金的资金以美 元分摊和缴纳;通常以美元形式持有,但总干事经执行局同意,可按其认为必要的方式,改 变构成该基金的一种或几种货币,以保证基金的稳定和两种货币分算摊款法的顺利执行;如 同意这种改变,将在该基金项下设立一个适 的等价 兑 换账户,以记录转换的损益情况”。
these resources shall normally be held in United States dollars, but the Director-General shall have the right, with the agreement of the Executive Board, to alter the currency or currencies in which the Fund is held in such a manner as he deems necessary to ensure the stability of the Fund and the smooth functioning of the split-level assessment system; if such an alteration should be agreed, an appropriate exchange equalization account should be established within the Fund to record translation gains and losses on exchange”.
继已有的经济运作效率低下、价格垄断和腐败等问 题,基本必需品,如食物和能 等的价 格 上 涨又成了公 众极为担忧的新问题。
Of particular concern are the spiking prices in basic necessities such as food
and energy, which are compounded by already troubling inefficiencies in the
[...] economy, monopolistic pricing, and corruption.
[...] 的这些审议的同时,愿意表达其坚定不移的信念,即 爱好和平的国家以及那些以正义、自由和 等的价值 观为指导的国家绝不接受法院的政治化,也不接受其 偏离其成立的初衷。
In conclusion, the delegation of the Sudan, while participating in these deliberations on the report of the International Criminal Court, would like to express its deeply held belief that peace-loving
countries and countries that are
[...] guided by the values of justice, freedom and equality cannot accept [...]
the politicization of the Court
nor its deviation from the objective for which it was established.
Altera宣 称,与由基本算子构的等价数据 通路相 比,融合数据通路方法减少了50%的逻辑, 延时减小了50% [2]。
Altera claims that a fused datapath contains 50% less logic and 50% less latency than the equivalent datapath constructed out of elementary operators [2].
在这种情况下,安理会在发挥其作用时应更全面地处理需要推广促进和平与 安全的不同文化间对话问题,以克服偏见和敌视的看法,消除无知和仇外心理, 促进基于尊重、宽容、多样性、平等、正义、保护人权和法 等价 值 观 的 和 解文 化。
In this context, the Security Council in fulfilling its role should, more comprehensively, address the need to promote intercultural dialogue for peace and security in order to overcome prejudice and hostile perceptions, to combat ignorance and xenophobia, and to advance a
culture of
[...] reconciliation based on the values of respect, tolerance, diversity, equality, justice, protection of human rights and rule of law.
委员会仍然关切的是从事相同和 等价 值 工 作 的 男 女 人员的工资差距,而 且,在缔约国,这种工资差距一直在迅速扩大 委员会建议缔约国加倍努力消除长期存在的从事相同和 等价 值 工 作 的 男 女 人员 之间的巨大工资差距,特别是要确保切实执行现行法律,包括《劳工法》和《反 歧视法》,更多进行检查,实行为此目的规定的惩罚。
The Committee recommends that the State party
[...] redouble its efforts to eliminate the wide wage gaps that persist between men and women who perform equal work or work of equal value, in particular by ensuring the effective enforcement of existing laws, including the Labour Code and [...]
the Anti-Discrimination
Act, by carrying out more inspections and by applying the penalties established for that purpose.
因此,经济容易受到作为旅游主要市场的欧盟国家的经济 发展形势、南亚和中东地区安全局势及国际 价等 外 部因 素 的 影 响
The economy is thus vulnerable to such external factors as economic development in EU
countries that are the major markets for tourism, the security situation in South
[...] Asia and the Middle East, and to international fish prices.
苏丹要重申其对于热爱和平国家的坚定信心,这 些国家以真正实现公正和等的价值 观 为指导,决不 会接受以这种方式使司法政治化,也不会接受国际刑 [...]
The Sudan would like to reiterate its firm confidence in the
peace-loving nations that,
[...] guided by the values of true justice and equality, would never [...]
accept the politicization of justice
in that fashion, or the diversion of the International Criminal Court so far away from the objectives for which it was founded.
根据第27/2007 号法第7条第3 款,“西班牙语手语也可作为所有学生的选
[...] 修课列入这些中心的课程,以推动使用西班牙语手语的聋哑儿童、听障儿童和盲 聋儿童融入社会,并推动等的价值 观 以及对文化和语言多样性的尊重”。
According to article 7, paragraph 3, of Act 27/2007, “learning Spanish sign languages may also be included in the curriculum of these centres for all students as an optional subject, facilitating the social inclusion of deaf children, the hard of hearing and deaf-blind
children who use Spanish sign languages
[...] and promoting equality values and respect [...]
for cultural and linguistic diversity”.
会员”收到货物,并属于下列各项之一,不得退货或交换。 1)因“会员”的原因造成货物等的灭失或毁损(但,为了确认货物等内容造成包装的毁损时可以取消认购) 2)由于“会员”使用或部分消费,而造成货 等的价 值 明 显减少 3) 因时间经过,货等的价值明显减少,造成无法再销售 4) 可以复制为具有同一性能的货物时,造成其原件货物的包装 ③“会员”无论第一项和第二项的规定如何,货物等的内容不跟标记、广告内容一致,或不同于合同内容,自收到该货物起3个月之内,知道或可以知道其事实起30天之内,可以取消认购。
The member cannot request for return or exchange after reception of goods in the following cases. 1) where the member is responsible for loss or damage of goods (except in case where the member tears packaging in order to check contents) 2) where the value of goods is depreciated to a significant extent due to use or partial consumption of goods by the member 3) where the value of goods is depreciated to a significant extent over time as to make resale of the goods in question implausible 4) where goods can be replicated and packaging of original goods are damaged ③ Notwithstanding the Clause 1 and 2, the member can revoke an offer within 30 months from the date when he or she received goods or within 30 days from the date when he or she is or may aware of the fact that goods delivered are different from what is advertised or promoted or that contracts are not executed as promised.
在这个项目的框架内,开展了一项调查,以摸清雇主对两性 等的 认 识 , 对两性平等问题和对私营部门执行两性平等法规的态度;以了解欧盟成员国的私 营部门为了落实男女待遇平等原则,为了促进两性 等 所 用 的 准 则、方法和措施 的概况;拟订爱沙尼亚私营部门工人的准则,特别是拟订工资计算和工作 价标 准的准则 ,以消除男女之间的工资差距;以加深私营部门对有关法规的认识,增 进私营部门利用有关方式方法促进两性 等的 知 识 和技能,以创建一个私营部门 雇主和感兴趣团体的网络,传播有关促进两性 等的 信 息 、经验和最佳做法。
Within the framework of the project, a survey is carried out to find out the awareness of employers about gender equality, attitudes to the issue and implementation of gender equality legislation in the private sector; to receive an overview of the guidelines, methods and measures
used in the private sector of the EU
[...] member states to implement the principle of equal treatment of women and men and to promote gender equality; to draw up guidelines for the private sector workers in Estonia, inter alia for drafting the basic principles of wage calculation and criteria of work evaluation to eliminate the wage gap between women and men; to increase the private sector awareness of the relevant legislation and to improve their knowledge and skills in using the means and methods for promoting gender equality, and to create a network of private sector employers and interest groups to mediate information, experience and best practices on promoting gender equality.
对话的主要目的是为弥补对其它文明、文化和社会了解的不足,为开展建立在 普遍承的价值观 基础上的对话打下基础,并在对话的激励和推动下,开展教育、文化多样 性、遗产、科学、传播和媒等方面 的具体工作。
A principal objective of a dialogue is to bridge the gap in knowledge about other civilizations, cultures and societies, to lay the foundations for dialogue based on universally shared values and to undertake concrete activities, inspired and driven by dialogue, especially in the areas of education, cultural diversity and heritage, the sciences and communication and media.
拟设员额的任职者将与该司司长密切合作,负责按照成果管理制主 要原则协调、监测、分析和报告该司的活动,并确保遵守监测、报告和价等方面的要求;使该司活动和成就的能见度最大化;进行财务规划 和报告资源使用情况;进行分析和研究;建立与各科科长和其他内部和 外部有关各方的有效互动。
The incumbent of the proposed post will be responsible for coordinating, in close collaboration with the Director of the Division, the monitoring, analysis and reporting of the
Division’s activities and
[...] achievements in accordance with key results-based management principles, as well as for ensuring compliance with monitoring, reporting and evaluation requirements; [...]
maximizing the visibility
of the Division’s activities and achievements; carrying out financial planning and reporting resource use; conducting analysis and research; and establishing effective interaction with Chiefs of Section and other concerned parties both internally and externally.
其宗旨是帮助孩子们树立正的价值 观 ,例如,尊重生命、尊重规则和法律的 权威性,并了解其他与交通警察的职责、交通信号灯的作用、残疾人在道路交 通安全方面的权利和义等方面 相关的知识。
The aim is to teach children about the importance of values such as respect for life, established rules and legitimate authority, as well as about other aspects related to the functions of the traffic police, traffic lights, and the rights and duties of persons with disabilities in the area of road safety.
大会第三十二届会议决议 68 决定:“本基金的资金以美元分摊和支 付;通常以美元留存,但总干事经执行局同意,可按其认为必要的方式,改变构成该基金的 一种或多种货币,以保证基金的稳定和会费货币份额摊派法的顺利执行;如同意这种改变, 将在该基金项下设立一适的等价兑 换帐户,以记录转换收益和损失。
At its 32nd session the General Conference decided by resolution 68 that “the resources of the Fund shall be assessed and paid in United States dollars; these resources shall normally be held in United States dollars, but the Director-General shall have the right, with the agreement of the Executive Board, to alter the currency or currencies in which the Fund is held in such a manner as he deems necessary to ensure the stability of the Fund and the smooth functioning of the split-level assessment system; if such an alteration should be agreed, an appropriate exchange equalization account should be established within the Fund to record translation gains and losses on exchange”.
[...] 社会的未来关系,他们将据此寻求区域一体化与国际 合作,坚持国际正义、公民权利和遵守人道主义等 价值观 念,并确认他们遵守国际条约和与它国签的 协议,并通过与其它各国及各国人民的合作及与他们 的和平共存来保障国际和平与安全。
It also lays out future relations with the international community, whereby they
seek regional
[...] integration and international cooperation, upholding the values of international justice, citizenship and respect [...]
of humanitarian
law, and confirms their respect for international treaties and agreements with other States, ensuring international peace and security through cooperation with and peaceful coexistence among nations and peoples.
[...] 中需要关注的因素包括,是否有关于非司法补救的明确规定,人们是否知道这个 机制,它是否已经实际建立起来了,各方是否正在利用它,以及是否对人员进行 了利用它的培训并对它的性能 进行了 价等。
Elements to look out for in similar processes included whether there is explicit provision for non-judicial remedies; whether the people are aware of the mechanism; whether it has actually been constituted;
whether the parties are using it; and whether
[...] the personnel have been trained in using it and had their performance evaluated.




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