

单词 等于

等于 adjective ()

tantamount adj

等于 ()

be tantamount to



not equal ≠


approximately equal to

External sources (not reviewed)

等于是落实可持续发展问题世界首脑会议和约翰内斯堡执 行计划,以及寻求实现有关的千年发展目标。
This will also represent a follow-up to the World Summit for Sustainable Development and the Johannesburg Plan of Implementation as well as the pursuit of the relevant Millennium Development Goals.
[...] 的食品平衡表数据是指“用于消费的普通食物”,有许多原因(例如家庭的废 弃物)其等于平均食物摄入量或平均食物消费量。
Food Balance Sheet data calculated by FAO refer to “average food available for consumption”, which, for a number
of reasons (for example, waste at the household
[...] level), is not equal to average food [...]
intake or average food consumption.
有些委员同意特别报告员的论断,即为其官员援引豁免的国家,如果以该 官员被控的行为属官方性质为由,那么该国 等于 承 认 这种行为是国家本身的行 为,但这样做不一定是说承认它对这种行为承担作为国际不法行为的责任。
Some members agreed with the assertion by the Special Rapporteur that the State which invokes immunity of its official on the grounds that the act with which that official was charged was of an official nature was acknowledging that such act was an act of the State itself; by doing so, however, it was not necessarily acknowledging its responsibility for that act as an internationally wrongful act.
接受戒毒治疗的人数等于需要 (或想要)接受治 疗的人数,因为接受治疗的人数可能因治疗机构的能力而受到限制。
The number of people who receive treatment for drug
[...] dependence is not equivalent to the number of people who need (or want) [...]
treatment, as the number
of individuals in treatment may be limited by the capacity of treatment services.
就业等于工作 的活动,意指在爱沙尼亚境内从事的工作, 或像一个雇员根据雇用合同或在公共服务中奉派从爱沙尼亚前往国外;根据 [...]
雇用合同,服务合同,授权协议或义务法规定提供其他服务的合同,在爱沙 尼亚从事的工作;作为独资业主人爱沙尼亚开展的活动;如果本人的学习暂
The employment and activity equal to work means work [...]
performed in Estonia or as an employee sent from Estonia on assignment
abroad on the basis of an employment contract or in public service; work performed in Estonia based on a contract of employment, contract for services, authorisation agreement or contract under the law of obligations for the provision of other services; activity in Estonia as a sole proprietor; daytime or full-time study in an educational institution if the person’s studies are suspended or concluded; and performance of conscript service obligation.
下列人员不需事先就业或从等于工 作的活动:在登记失业之前的十二个 月期间,身为父母或监护人,至少有 [...]
180 天抚养 18 岁以下中度、重度和极重度 残疾的孩子,8 岁以下的孩子或 8 岁至在学校读完一年级的孩子的失业人员;在 登记失业之前的十二个月期间至少
180 天接受住院治疗的人,护理病人的人;长 期无法工作的人,老年人,或接受《残疾人社会福利法》或《社会福利法》规定 的照顾者津贴的人,因为宣布长期无法工作而失业的人,在监押的人,在狱中或 拘留所服刑的人。
Previous employment or
[...] engagement in an activity equal to work is not required [...]
of an unemployed person who, for at least
180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed raised, as a parent or a guardian, a child of up to 18 years of age with a moderate, severe or profound disability, a child under 8 years of age or a child of 8 years of age until the child completed year one at school; or of a person who, for at least 180 days during the twelve months prior to registration as unemployed was under in-patient treatment, cared for a sick person, a person who is permanently incapacitated for work or an elderly person, or received a caregiver’s allowance under the Social Benefits for Disabled Persons Act or under the Social Welfare Act, was unemployed due to declaration as permanently incapacitated for work, or held in custody or served a sentence in a prison or house of detention.
连续两次操作脉冲之间的等待时 等于 已 设 定的延迟时间 T1 或 T2。
The waiting time between 2 consecutive [...]
switching pulses corresponds to the set delay time T1 or T2.
关于废除死刑的建议,根据修订的联邦刑法,死刑只用于极端严重的罪 行,实际上已极少执行死刑等于在 事实上暂停死刑。
With regard to recommendations to abolish the death penalty, pursuant to the revised federal criminal code, the death penalty was only applied for exceptionally grave crimes, and actual executions rarely occurred, amounting to a de facto moratorium.
但是,接纳提出 保留的国家或国际组织等于接受 其保留。
However, the admission of the State or
the international organization which is the author of
[...] the reservation is tantamount to the acceptance [...]
of that reservation.
严重关切包括东耶路撒冷在内巴勒斯坦被占领土内,特别是在加沙地带的难 民营中的巴勒斯坦难民生活条件极其艰难,原因是以色列继续实行实际 等于封 锁 的长期关闭措施以及严厉的经济和流动限制,并于 2008 年 12 月至 2009 年 1 月在加沙地带采取军事行动,尤其是给包括妇女和儿童在内巴勒斯坦平民造成大 量的伤亡,巴勒斯坦人的住宅、财产、关键基础设施和包括医院、学校和联合国 设施在内的公共机构广遭破坏和损毁,平民在境内流离失所
Gravely concerned about the extremely difficult living conditions being faced by the Palestine refugees in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, including East Jerusalem, particularly in the refugee camps in the Gaza Strip, as a result of the continuing prolonged Israeli closures and severe economic and movement restrictions that in effect amount to a blockade and the militar y operations in the Gaza Strip between December 2008 and January 2009, which caused extensive loss of life and injur y, particularly among Palestinian civilians, including children and women; widespread damage and destruction to Palestinian homes, properties, vital infrastructure and public institutions, including hospitals, schools and United Nations facilities; and internal displacement of civilians
在有些情况下,对 于无力支付专利品出售商定价的潜在消费者和用户,专利保护 等于 剥 夺 了他们使用发明 创造的权力,但专利制度的目的正是为人们提供这些权力。
In some cases, protection means that potential consumers or users, who are unable to pay the prices charged by IP owners, are deprived of access to the innovations the IP system is intended to make available.
如果内存已满,将无法打印表格;内存可用空 间至少等于正在执行的表格的大小。
If the memory is full, the form will not print; available space in the memory must be at least the size of the form being executed.
(c) 在任何认股权证所代表的所有或任何认购权获行使时,与获行使认股
权有关的股份面额,应与该认股权证持有人在行使认股权证所代表认 购权(或在部份行使认购权的情况下,则为有关的部份,视属何情况
[...] 而定)时所须支付的现金金额相等,此外,行使认购权的认股权证持 有人就该等认购权将获配发面额 等于 下 列 两项之差的额外入账列为 缴足股份
(c) upon the exercise of all or any of the subscription rights represented by any warrant, the relevant subscription rights shall be exercisable in respect of a nominal amount of shares equal to the amount in cash which the holder of such warrant is required to pay on exercise of the subscription rights represented thereby (or, as the case may be the relevant portion thereof in the event of a partial exercise of the subscription rights) and, in addition, there shall be allotted in respect of such subscription rights to the
exercising warrantholder, credited as fully paid, such additional nominal
[...] amount of shares as is equal to the difference between
提交人声称,事 实上,如其来文和其他不成功的申请者的证据所示,登记制度过于广泛地授予登 记官员酌处权实际等于给予 了他们不受约束的酌处权,他们会毫不迟疑地利用 该权力根据其意愿随时拒绝登记申请。
The author claims that, in effect, as his communication and testimonies of the other unsuccessful applicants show, the overbroad grant of discretion to registration officials by the registration regime amounts in practice to a grant to them of unfettered discretion, which they employ without hesitation, to reject registration applications as and when they like.
我们要强调下述事实,即:谈判是在“统一的整体做法”大原则下进行的, 这个原则就是“如果没有商定一切事项 等于 什 么都没有商定”。
We underscore the fact that negotiations are being conducted under the
overriding principle of the “integrated whole
[...] approach”, which means that “nothing [...]
is agreed unless everything is agreed”.
委员会注意到,提交人申辩说由于司法 系统缺乏独立性,自己无法在科特迪瓦获得实际有效的补救办法;他本人自出狱 伊始便受到治安机构某些人员的威胁;这些威胁使他无法诉诸于司法,更何况这 样做等于向当 局暴露自己,也就是给自己带来生命危险;最终,提交人不得不 逃到摩洛哥,在那里获得难民身份。
The Committee notes the author’s argument that legal remedies in Côte d’Ivoire are in fact not available due to the lack of independence of the judiciary, that he has been personally threatened since he left prison by members of the security forces, that those threats prevented him from taking the matter to court as such action would draw the attention of the authorities and therefore endanger his life, and that the author consequently had to flee to Morocco, where he was granted refugee status.
世界卫生组织的骨质疏松症国际诊断标准是腰椎、股骨颈、或全髋、前臂1/3处的 T 值 等于 或 小 于-2.5。
Based on the measurement by a bone densitometer of lumbar vertebrae, hip and 1/3 of the forearm, the
World Health Organization's international diagnostic criteria for osteoporosis is a T
[...] score of less than or equal to -2.5.
有些成员反对这种改动,因为《联合国示范公约》主要 关系到处于不同发展水平国家之间的条约,因此,删除与此相关的措 等于 抹煞 了公约的作用。
Some members objected to such a change on the grounds that the United Nations Model Convention was relevant mainly to treaties between countries at different levels of development, and therefore to remove that reference would do a disservice to the Convention.
本节所述差别 待遇的例子只是示范性的,不代表出于相关禁止理由的所有可能的歧视性待遇, 也不代表得出最后结论认为:这种差别待遇 等于 每 一种情况下的歧视。
The examples of differential treatment presented in this section are merely illustrative and they are not intended to represent the full scope of possible discriminatory treatment under the relevant prohibited ground, nor a conclusive finding that such differential treatment will amount to discrimination in every situation.
安装了有间隙的介质时,该距等于 物 理 标签长度加上一个 间隙、凹槽或洞(一个间隙、凹槽或洞的边缘到下一个间隙、凹槽或洞的 [...]
With gapped media
[...] installed, the distance equals the physical label [...]
length plus one gap, notch, or hole (trailing edge of
one gap, notch, or hole to the trailing edge of the next gap, notch, or hole).
如果一名竞选者通过在实名制选举团中赢得最高票数而获得的授权数于 或等于分派 工作结束时的应得数目,该竞选者将保留其候选人赢取的授权,在第 [...]
If the number of mandates obtained by an electoral competitor by winning in
uninominal colleges the highest number of
[...] votes is higher or equal to the due number [...]
of mandates after the assigning process,
that electoral competitor will keep the mandates won by its candidates without gaining other mandates in the second stage.
等于是对 所有在加沙生活的人的集体 惩罚,是违反国际法的剥夺基本人权行为。
t]his amounts to a collective punishment of all those living in Gaza and is a denial of basic human rights in contravention of international law.
第四阶段工作组在 A/C.5/52/39 号文件所载报告中,审查了第三阶段报告公 布的标准,并建议对单一敌对行动或被迫放弃造成主要装备损失或损坏的赔偿必 须达到损失总等于或超 过 25 万美元(依据通用公平市价)的门槛,而因秘书处 安排的运输导致的主要装备损失或损坏必须超过装备通用公平市价的 10%。
In its report contained in document A/C.5/52/39, the Phase IV Working Group reviewed the rates published in the phase III report and recommended that reimbursement of loss or damage of major equipment resulting from a single hostile action or forced abandonment had to meet a threshold of $250,000 (based on generic fair market value) and that loss or damage of major equipment resulting from transportation arranged by the Secretariat had to be more than 10 per cent of the generic fair market value of the equipment.
仅仅因为恐怖主义分子利用平民作为掩护 就不采取行动等于公开邀请世界上每一个恐怖主义 集团在医院或幼儿园里安营扎寨。
Failure to act simply because terrorists are using civilians as cover would broadcast an invitation to every terrorist group in the world to set up shop inside a hospital or a kindergarten.
在该皇家法令第 51 条中还有如下规定:“对于残障程度被鉴定为 于等 于 33%的残障学生,以及由于个人残障而有永久特殊教育需求的学生,且在其前 一阶段的学校教育中已明确了使其教育正常化所需的资源及辅助,应为这类学生 在高校教育中保留 5%的名额。
In addition, article 51 of the same royal decree contains the following provision: "Five per cent of available places shall be reserved for students recognized as suffering from a degree of disability equal to or exceeding 33 per cent and those with permanent special education needs arising from personal disabilities who during their previous schooling have required resources and support in order to achieve a normal educational standard.
字母数字字符串的长度必等于或小于分配给长度参数 (L) 的值。
The length of the alphanumeric
[...] string must be equal to or less than [...]
the value assigned to the length (L) parameter.
如果食品添加剂新用量用于更广泛的食品类别,其最大用量 于 和 等于 已 经 列 入食品添加剂通用标准的食品大类各分类中的那些用量,则更广泛食品类别的 [...]
If the new use of a food additive is for a broader food
category and at a maximum use level
[...] that is higher than or equal to those in the [...]
sub-categories of the broad food category
that are already listed in the General Standard for Food Additives, then the new use in the broader food category supersedes the already-listed provisions.
继大会采用基于工作地点差价调整数机制的国际法院法官的新的薪酬制度 (2008 年 4 月 3 日第 62/547 号决定)后,第十九次缔约国会议于 2009
年 6 月 26 日决定:自 2009 年 7 月 1 日起,法庭法官年基薪净额为 161
[...] 681 美元,相应的 工作地点差价调整数乘等于基薪 净额的百分之一,并酌情适用汉堡的工作地点 [...]
薪酬的报告(A/62/538)第 77 段提出的工作地点差价调整数机制。
Following the adoption by the General Assembly of a new system of remuneration for judges of the International Court of Justice (decision 62/547 of 3 April 2008) based on the post adjustment mechanism, the nineteenth Meeting of States Parties decided on 26 June 2009 to set the annual net base salary of the members of the Tribunal at $161,681 as of 1
July 2009, with a corresponding post
[...] adjustment multiplier equal to 1 per cent of the [...]
net base salary, to which would be applied
the post adjustment multiplier for Hamburg, as appropriate, taking into account the post adjustment mechanism as proposed by the Secretary-General in paragraph 77 of his report on conditions of service and compensation for officials other than Secretariat officials (A/62/538).1 21.
本标准适用于以点燃式发动机或压燃式发动机为动力,最大设计车速 于 或 等于 50 km/h 的轻型 汽车的环境标志产品认证。
This standard is applicable to the certification of environmental labeling products ── light-duty vehicles powered by ignited engine or compressed combustion engine with maximum designed speed no less than 50 km/h.
这一法律的适用对象中也包括社会保险体系内的自主就业人员,这些自主 就业的残疾人员为了享有领取退休金的权利,需要证明其实际工作时间不少于法 律规定的可领取退休金的最短年限(目前规定是 15 年),且在该工作时间内一直 身患法律认可的残疾,残疾程度 于等于 45%,而在此期间该人员是处于工作状 态或类似工作的状态。
The decree applies to self-employed workers, and employees who are members of any social security scheme, who can prove that they have during their working lives actually worked for the equivalent of the minimum period required for entitlement to a retirement pension (15 years) and who are suffering from any of the disabilities listed in the text, provided that during the whole of that period they have suffered from a disability of 45 per cent or more and are in employment or the equivalent thereof.




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