

单词 第四章

See also:

第四 adj



chapter n
section n
order n
regulation n
seal n
badge n

movement (of symphony)
surname Zhang

External sources (not reviewed)

文件 E/ESCAP/66/2 在第四章中重 点 介绍了这些政策选项,并着重强调了亚太经社会在通过宣传推广绿色增长 [...]
[...] E/ESCAP/66/2, Section IV, highlights some [...]
of these policy options and emphasizes the role that ESCAP plays in supporting
national Governments by advocating the green growth development approach.
在关于建立中东无核武器区的第 65/42 号决议第 10 段中,大会请秘书长依 照第 46/30 号决议第 7
段的规定,并考虑到该地区演变中的局势,继续与该地区 各国和其他有关国家进行协商,并就秘书长 1990 年 10 月
[...] 10 日(A/45/435)的报 告所附研究报告第三第四章所载 的措施或其他有关措施征求这些国家的意见, [...]
By paragraph 10 of its resolution 65/42, on the establishment of a nuclearweapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to continue to pursue consultations with the States of the region and other concerned States, in accordance with paragraph 7 of its resolution 46/30 and taking into account the evolving situation in the region, and to seek from
those States their views on the
[...] measures outlined in chapters III and IV of the study [...]
annexed to the report of the Secretary-General
of 10 October 1990 (A/45/435) or other relevant measures, in order to move towards the establishment of a nuclearweapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East.
在该项决议中,大会还决定第一周期审议《联合国反腐败公约》1 第三章(定罪 和执法)第四章(国 际合作)的实施情况,第二周期审议《公约》第二章 [...]
In the same resolution, the Conference also decided
to review during the first cycle the
[...] implementation of chapters III (Criminalization [...]
and law enforcement) and IV (International
cooperation) of the United Nations Convention against Corruption1 and during the second cycle the implementation of chapters II (Preventive measures) and V (Asset recovery) of the Convention.
本协第四章境内流离失所者和难民的赔偿与回归规 定了赔偿财产和援助难民完全融入社区的原则和流程,其中包括恢复他们的土地 财产权,补偿他们因冲突而遭受的损害和损失。
Chapter IV on Compensation, Return of IDPS and Refugees in this Agreement sets out principles [...]
and processes for restitution
of property and assistance for the full integration of the returnees into their communities, including restoring their rights to land property and compensating them for the damages and losses caused by the conflict.
最后,特别报告员第四章中提 出了一些结论和建议,供所有利益攸关方考 虑。
Finally, in chapter IV, the Special Rapporteur [...]
formulates her conclusions and recommendations for consideration by all stakeholders.
2003 年 3 月 28
[...] 日第 154-XV 号《劳动法第四章“罢工”以及 2000 年 7 月 [...]
7 日第 1129-XIV 号《工会法》第 22 条“组织和参加会议的权利”对 罢工权作了规定,其目的是保护工会成员的权利和工会的权利。
The right to be on strike is
[...] provided for in Chapter IV – Strike of [...]
the Labour Code, No. 154-XV from 28 March 2003 and article
22 “right to organise and participate at meetings” of the Law on trade unions No. 1129-XIV from 07.07.2000, developed with the purpose to protect the rights of the members of a trade union and the rights of the trade unions.
尼日利亚联邦共和国宪法》(1999 年)第四章规定增进和保护以下基本权 利 : [...]
生 命 权、人类尊严权、个人自由权、接受公平审理的权利、享 有 私 人和家庭 生活的权利、思想、 良心和宗教自由权、言论和新闻自由权、和平集会和结 社的 权利、行动自由权、不受歧视的权利、在尼日利亚任何
地方购买和 拥 有 不 动产的 权利、在确 定政府出于公共目的强制购买的有利于大众 的任何 动产或不动产的权 益方面立即获得 赔偿和诉诸司法的权利、诉诸法律的权利,包括贫困公民获 得 法 律和资金援助的权利等。
Chapter IV of the Constitution of the [...]
Federal Republic of Nigeria (1999) provides for the promotion and protection of the
following fundamental rights: right to life; right to dignity of human person; right to personal liberty; right to fair hearing; right to private and family life; right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; right to freedom of expression and the press; right to peaceful assembly and association; right to freedom of movement; right to freedom from discrimination; right to acquire and own immovable property anywhere in Nigeria; right to prompt compensation and of access to justice for determination of interest in any movable or immovable property compulsorily acquired by government for public purposes in the best interest of the public; right of access to justice, including legal and financial aid to indigent citizens, etc.
这样便可进一步审议关于结论第四章修订 版,包括对可能拟订法律小组委员会、和平利用外层空间委员会或 [...]
That would enable further consideration
[...] of the revised chapter IV on conclusions, [...]
including the discussion on the possible
development of recommendations of the Legal Subcommittee, the Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space or the General Assembly.
秘书长第四章中提 请大会注意可能产生财务 影响或影响本组织利益的问题:希望继续适用前联合 [...]
国行政法庭的判例、秘书长酌处权的范围、统一争议 法庭的诉讼程序,以及关于争议法庭和上诉法庭规约 和程序规则的解释问题。
In chapter IV, the Secretary-General [...]
drew the Assembly’s attention to issues that might have financial implications or affect
the interests of the Organization: the desire for continuity in the application of jurisprudence of the former United Nations Administrative Tribunal; the scope of the Secretary-General’s discretion; harmonization of proceedings before the Dispute Tribunal; and issues regarding the interpretation of the statutes and rules of procedure of the Dispute and Appeals Tribunals.
(f) 会议室文件:㈠关于投标书的评审的比较,以及利用采购推进工业、
[...] 社会和环境政策(A/CN.9/WG.I/XV/CRP.2);以及㈡载有关于经修订 第四章和 为 第一章增添一项条文的提议(A/CN.9/XLII/CRP.2)。
(f) Conference room papers: (i) on the evaluation and comparison of tenders and the use of procurement to promote industrial, social and environmental policies
(A/CN.9/WG.I/XV/CRP.2); and (ii) containing proposals
[...] for revised chapter IV and an additional provision for chapter I (A/CN.9/XLII/CRP.2).
正如本报第四章所述 ,这意味着我们更 加重视国家间的知识和信息交流、直接应缔约方会议的要求进行信息分析、南南 [...]
As can be
[...] seen in the previous chapter IV of this report, [...]
this means a larger emphasis being placed on knowledge and information
exchanges among countries, information analysis in direct response to COP requirements, South–South cooperation platforms, etc., with a focus on strategic programme advisory services and information dissemination activities.
突尼斯代表团在提醒《公约第四章 已 明 确确定了缔约方的权利及义务的同时,认为最好是 不要进入细节,由委员会确定重点条款。
The delegation of
[...] Tunisia, recalling the clarity with which section IV of the Convention [...]
defined the rights and obligations
of the Parties, felt that it was preferable to avoid going into detail, and to leave the Committee to define the priority articles.
[...] 示欢迎,但提请注意秘书长有关人力资源管理改革问 题的报告(A/63/282)第四章 B 节,特别是报告有关地 域代表性和性别均衡问题的第 [...]
54 段和 57 段之间的矛 盾;在 16 个会员国无人在联合国任职,17 个会员国 在联合国任职人数偏低的情况下,却依然从一个任职 人数偏高的会员国甄选候选人是不公平的。
While welcoming the efforts made by the Secretary-General in that
connection, his delegation
[...] drew attention to chapter IV B of the SecretaryGeneral’s [...]
report on human resources management reform (A/63/282), and in particular to a contradiction between paragraphs 54 and 57 of the report
concerning geographical representation and gender balance; it was not fair for candidates to be selected from an overrepresented Member State while there were 16 unrepresented and 17 underrepresented Member States.
4.4.1 主幹道天橋方案及與隧道方案的比較載列於在提交共建維
[...] 港委員會轄下灣仔發展計劃第二期檢討小組委員會關於主 幹道可行走線及優化海濱研究的報告(附件 G) 第四章 內。
4.4.1 The Trunk Road flyover option
and the comparison with the tunnel
[...] option are presented in Chapter 4 of the HEC Report [...]
on Trunk Road Alignments and Harbour-front Enhancement (Annex G).
在第十七届会议上,缔约方会议通过了第2/CP.17 号决定,其中第四章和 附 件六述及资金问题,并进一步确定了常设委员会的作用和职能及其组成和工作 [...]
At its seventeenth session, the
COP adopted decision 2/CP.17, which
[...] addresses finance in chapter IV and annex VI [...]
and further defines the roles and functions
of the Standing Committee as well as its composition and working modalities.
第四 章將詳 細探討各個合理可行方案,並就所需的填海範圍, [...]
Chapter 4 examines in more [...]
detail feasible and reasonable options in respect of the degree to which they serve to meet the
overriding public need, and in terms of their extent of reclamation.
2008 年工作方案的重点是起草联合国全系统的道德守则(如上 第四章 A 节 所述),对各成员机构保护工作人员不受报复的政策进行比较,以便予以统一, [...]
The work programme for 2008 focused on drafting the
United Nations system-wide code of
[...] ethics (described in chapter IV, section A, above), [...]
comparing the protection against retaliation
policies of its members with a view to harmonization, and reviewing existing ethics training programmes.
另外,在第 1 次会议上,筹备委员会根据共同主席(大韩民国)的提议,批准 成立以下联络小组:联络小组 1,负责审查 2012 年联合国可持续发展大会召开前
[...] 的筹备工作,包括组织和程序事项(见下 第四章 ) ; 以 及联络小组 2,负责审查 持发大会议事规则草案(见下文第五章)。
Also at its 1st meeting, upon the proposal of the Co-Chair (Republic of Korea), the Preparatory Committee approved the establishment of the following contact groups: Contact Group 1, on the review of the preparatory process, including organizational and procedural matters, leading up to the United
Nations Conference on Sustainable
[...] Development in 2012 (see chapter IV below); and Contact [...]
Group 2, on the review of the draft
rules of procedure for the Conference (see chapter V below).
行动计划――包括各年的主题及活动细节―― 则载第四章,具有灵活性,以应对不断变化的环境。
The plan of action, with details of
the themes and activities for each year,
[...] is contained in chapter IV to provide flexibility [...]
and responsiveness to changing contexts.
1979 年《中华人民共和国环境保护法(试行 ) 》 第四章 明 确 赋予环境保护部门(EPBs)环境监 [...]
测,调查、了解当前环境质量以及未来变化趋势的责任,以及提出环境质量改进措施 (《中华人 民共和国环境保护法(试行)》,1979)。
Chapter 4 of the 1979 PRC Environmental [...]
Protection Law (for trial implementation) explicitly granted the environmental protection
bureaus (EPBs) the responsibilities of environmental monitoring, surveying and making sense of the current state of environmental quality and future trends of changes, and recommending measures for improving environmental quality (PRC Environmental Protection Law (for trial implementation) 1979).
6.1.2 除非申請機構獲得本指南第 6.1.3 段所 述的豁免,否則申請機構須完全符合 本指第四章所列的申請資格,其申 請方會獲創意智優計劃審核委員會和 政府考慮。
6.1.2 Unless an exception is
[...] granted (paragraph 6.1.3), an application must satisfy all requirements set out in Chapter IV (Eligibility) [...]
in order to be eligible
for consideration by the CSI Vetting Committee and the Government.
例如,可以设想与国家对国际不法行为的责任条款第一部 第四章 中 所 提及 之情况类似的情况。24 这样国际组织便可因下述理由被追究责任:援助或协助 [...]
另一组织或国家从事一种不法行为;或者指挥和控制另一组织或国家从事这种行 为;或胁迫另一组织或国家从事一种在没有胁迫的情况下仍会是国际不法行为的 行为。
One may envisage, for example, cases analogous to
[...] those referred to in Chapter IV of Part One of [...]
the articles on the responsibility of
States for internationally wrongful acts.24 An international organization may thus be held responsible if it aids or assists another organization or a State in committing an internationally wrongful act, or if it directs and controls another organization or a State in that commission, or else if it coerces another organization or a State to commit an act that would be, but for the coercion, an internationally wrongful act.
为此,阿拉伯联合酋长国政府于 1987 年颁布了第 3
[...] 号联邦法,即《刑法典》,其中第一部分(构成公共威胁的罪 行 ) 第四章 (攻 击 公共交通和公用设施)第 288 条规定:“任何人凡攻击飞机或船舶以图 [...]
对其进行占有或占有飞机或船舶上的全部或部分货物,或袭击飞机或船 舶上的一名或多名乘客,或不必要地改变飞机或船舶航向的,处以终身 监禁”。
For this purpose, the Government of the United Arab Emirates issued Federal Law 3, 1987 - the Penal Code, which in
part 1 (Crimes
[...] constituting public danger), chapter 4 (Attacks Against [...]
Public Transport and Utilities), article 288 stipulated that “Any person,
who attacks an aircraft or a ship for the purpose of taking possession thereof or whole or part of goods carried thereon, or assaulted one or more of its passengers or diverted its direction unnecessarily shall be sentenced to life imprisonment”.
請大家 就本諮詢文件,尤 其是第章 和 第四章,提出建議和意 見,以便 我們能 在 充分考慮有 關 意見後,就跟 進工作作出決 定,然 後 展 開 薪酬水平調查的實際調查工作。
We look forward to receiving your suggestions and comments on this consultation paper, in particular Section 3 and Section 4 therein, so that we can take them fully into account in making a decision on the way forward before embarking on the field work of the pay level survey.
工作组详细审查了报告草稿,评估了第二章所载的国家空间立法概览的结 构和正确性,全面分析第四章中的 结论草案,还确定了工作组报告最后定稿 的程序。
The Working Group conducted a detailed review of the draft report by assessing the structure and validity of the overview of national
space legislation contained
[...] in chapter II, conducting a thorough analysis of the draft set of conclusions in chapter IV and determining [...]
the process of finalizing
the report of the Working Group.
在许多版本的mishnah,就算是早期的,如1492年的那不勒斯,1559年和里瓦,以及在考虑到巴比伦犹太法典 第四章第 十 一届论文,其中不属于米示拿的版本最多,已添加(可比的光泽在塔木德维尔纳版,第87B条)。
In many editions of the Mishnah, even early ones like those of Naples 1492, and of Riva 1559, as well as
in most of the editions of the
[...] Babylonian Talmud, a fourth chapter to the eleventh [...]
treatise, which does not belong to the
Mishnah, has been added (comp. the gloss in the Wilna edition of the Talmud, p. 87b).
[...] 結束時,每有需要,執法機關的該分 組( 第四章第4.9段 所述 者 ) 及通訊服務供應商亦須提供截取行動的資料,作為覆核、 [...]
Towards the end of the report period, information on interceptions was also
required from the Team of the LEAs (referred to
[...] in paragraph 4.9 of Chapter 4) and from CSPs, [...]
whenever necessary, to provide another
source for counterchecking, clarification and verification purposes.
实施情况审议过程的第一周期将覆盖《公约》第三章(定罪和执法)第四章(国 际合作),这两章均包括与检察职能直接关联的规定,因此第一周期 与检察机关具有关系。
The first cycle of the process of
[...] implementation will cover chapters III (criminalization and law enforcement) and IV (international [...]
cooperation) of the
Convention, which include provisions directly linked to prosecution functions, and is thus of relevance to prosecution services.
第四章中所 指出,将联合国向年轻专业人员提 供的薪金和津贴同共同制度以外的其他国际组织相比较,包括货币基金组织、世 [...]
界银行或世界贸易组织或经济合作与发展组织或欧洲联盟(欧盟)等区域组织,更不 用说私营部门,无疑会表明,联合国系统在为了吸引和挽留优秀的年轻专业人员
As noted in chapter IV, a comparison [...]
of salaries and benefits offered to young professionals by the United Nations with
those offered by other international organizations not part of the common system, including IMF, the World Bank or the World Trade Organization, or by regional organizations such as the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development or the European Union (EU), not to mention the private sector, would certainly show that the United Nations system is at some disadvantage in terms of what it can offer to the bright young professionals it wants to attract and retain.
(b) 一个气候技术中心和网络,负责通过提供技术援助和培训支持和加速
[...] 向发展中国家缔约方推广有助于缓解和适应的无害环境技术,其全面职权范围和 组成载第四章,其 模式将由缔约方会议第十七届会议通过。
(b) A Climate Technology Centre and Network to support and accelerate the diffusion and transfer of environmentally sound technologies for mitigation and adaptation to developing country Parties through the provision of technical assistance and
training with its full mandate and composition
[...] as elaborated in chapter IV and its modalities [...]
to be adopted by the Conference of
the Parties at its seventeenth session.




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