

单词 第二高

See also:

第二 adv

second adv
secondly adv


number two

External sources (not reviewed)

这种做法可能损害招标的 完整性;(b) 由于受标人提供的价格低于经主
[...] 计长核准的评标分数最高的供应商的价格,合 同授予评标分第二高的供应商。
This practice can compromise the integrity of the bidding; (b) the contract was awarded to a vendor with the second highest evaluation score as
approved by the Controller because the awarded provided a lower price than the
[...] vendor with the highest evaluation score.
去年,在经合组织发展援助委员会国家中, 我国的官方发展援助金额增幅 第二高。
We recorded the second-largest increase in [...]
ODA volume among the OECD DAC countries last year.
布隆迪的 上议院或参议院中的妇女任职率在非洲最高(46%),在全世界 第二高。
Burundi had the highest level of representation of women in the upper house, or senate (46 per cent),
[...] in Africa and the second highest in the world.
除了传 播与信息部门,第 IV 组是所有计划部门中所占比第二高 的 地 区组,所占名额在 14%至 30% 之间,该组在教育部门所占比例最高(30% ),在自然科学和文化部门比例较低 (14%)。
Except in CI Sector,
[...] Group IV is the second largest regional group in all programme sectors, with a representation between 14% and 30%; its highest representation [...]
is in the
Education Sector (30%), and it is less represented in SC and CLT (14%).
拟 议合并资源 390 900 000 美元占 2012/13
[...] 年度维持和平特派团和非索特派团支助 办拟议资源的 5.6%,在过去五个预算周期中属 第二高 数 额
The proposed combined resources of $390,900,000 represent 5.6 per cent of the
proposed resources for peacekeeping missions and UNSOA
[...] for 2012/13, the second highest level in the past [...]
five budget cycles.
根據瑞士洛桑「管理發展研究所」於 2008 年出版的《世界競爭力年鑑》,成 本高昂對香港的競爭力極為不利,這是高住宅租金(在 55 個參與調查的經濟體 系中,香港排名第 53,第二高的住 宅租金)和高辦公室租金(香港排名第 45, 即第十一高辦公室租金)所導致的。
According to the World Competitiveness Yearbook 2008 published by the Lausanne-based Institute for Management Development, the major competitive disadvantage of Hong Kong was price, due to the high level of apartment rent (ranked 53 among 55 economies, i.e., the third highest apartment rent) and office rent (ranked 45, i.e. the eleventh highest office rent, among 55 economies).
去 年,整體訪 港 旅 客 有 1 550 萬 人 次,較 2002 年 只 輕
[...] 微 下 跌 6%, 並且是 歷 年第 二 高 的 訪 港 人 次 紀 錄。
Last year, the overall visitor arrivals stood at 15.5
million. This represents a slight decrease of 6% as compared with
[...] 2002, and is the second highest record over the years.
自一九九九年至 今,共有 19 幢政府建築物在本地認可的環境表現評估方法 中,取第二高或以 上的級別( 建築物名單載於附件 B ) ,當 中值得注意的例子包括北角政府合署、灣仔警察總部第三 期、長沙灣政府合署、廉政公署總部大樓,以及赤柱綜合 大樓。
Notable examples include North Point Government Offices, Wanchai Police Headquarters Phase III, Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, ICAC Headquarters and Stanley Municipal Services Building.
外交第二高级法 律顾问感谢那些预先提交问题的代表团,并说 ,以色 列 承认面 临许多问题,特别是那 些 需 要对多 项权利进行均衡的问题,没 [...]
有正确 的 答案,摆脱困境的最有效办法是分享经验和最佳做法。
The Senior Deputy Legal Adviser of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs [...]
thanked those delegations who submitted advance questions,
and stated that Israel recognizes that, in many of the issues it faces, especially those which require a balancing of rights, there are no right answers, and the most effective way of navigating the dilemmas is to share experience and best practices.
如中標者未能滿足 這項條件,政府可以向標價第二高 的 合 格投標者 (如有的話)發出有條件的中標通知。
If the successful tenderer fails to
fulfill this condition, the Government will be entitled to accept
[...] conditionally the second best conforming [...]
tender, if any.
加勒 比地区目前被官方认为是世界上艾滋病毒/艾滋病流行 第二高 的 地 区,但迄今为止教育部 门对艾滋病毒/艾滋病的影响进行的研究较少,也很少制定这方面的战略规划。
The Caribbean region is now officially
[...] recognized as having the second highest HIV/AIDS [...]
prevalence rate in the world and so far
relatively little research or strategic planning has been put forward on the impact of HIV/AIDS in the education sector.
高性能射流產生在分離第二高真空 ,並且很適合用於高速拾取和放置過程中由集成的吹斷。
The high-performance jet produced in a split second the high vacuum and [...]
is well suited by the integrated blow-off for use
in high-speed pick and place processes.
我感到不公平,如 果他們兩位都同樣高級,一位是最高級的,另一位 第二高 級 的 ,那麼,最 高級的那一位沒有負責任何範疇, 第二高 級 的 那一位也是沒有負責任何範 疇,但卻受到規範。
The responsibilities of the person of the highest rank are
not limited to one
[...] particular purview while the responsibilities of the second highest rank are not limited to one particular purview either, [...]
but the latter is subject to regulation.
最重要的是,东南亚和太平洋区域的艾滋病感染率全 第二高 ,约 127 万 年轻人感染了艾滋病毒。
On top of that, the South-East Asian and Pacific
[...] regions have the second highest HIV prevalence [...]
rates, with about 1.27 million young people living with HIV.
在 3 月下旬,苏丹人民解放运动作为其重组和改革进程的一部分,自 2008 年以来第一次召集了其位第二高的 政 治机关——即全国解放理事会会议。
Late in March, as part of its restructuring and
reform process, the SPLM
[...] convened its second-highest political organ, the National Liberation Council, for the first time since 2008.
[...] 果将借调的军官和警官以及该处级 第二高 的 文 职员额(P-5)调回纽约,则效率 [...]
Given the new direction of the Service, it would be far more effective
to return the seconded military and police officers and
[...] the Service’s second most senior civilian [...]
post (P-5) to New York.
目前草間彌生最貴的一件作品是完成於1959年的稀有大畫《編號2》(No.2),高度183公分、寬度274公分的白底黑色圓點畫作,2008年11月12日在紐約以579萬4,500元成交(約台幣2億元),買家是紐約曼哈頓的私人藝術顧問塞加勒(Philippe Ségalot),他專門經手高價位藝術品,這張畫創下在世女性藝術 第二高 價 的 紀錄。
The most expensive piece to date is one of her rare larger paintings, “No. 2” from 1959 (black dots on white canvas; 183× 274cm), which sold on Nov 12, 2008, in New York for US$ 5,794,500 (roughly NT$ 200 million).
白俄罗斯是独联体 国家人均国内生产总第二高国家,也是世界贫困率最低国家之一。
Belarus had the second highest gross domestic product [...]
per capita in the Commonwealth of Independent States and one of the
lowest poverty rates in the world.
[...] 方米的新建政府建築物,均須達至香港綠色建築議會授予的 「 BEAM Plus」綠色建築表現評估系統下不低 第二高 級別 的評級。
Furthermore, all newly-built government buildings with construction floor areas of
more than 10 000 square metres are
[...] required to obtain the second highest grade or above under [...]
the “BEAM Plus” green building
rating system conferred by the HKGBC.
作為第一位華人及女性出任香港政 第二高 的 職位,各界皆肯定陳方安生女士的卓越成就,包括其爭取性別平等、新聞自由及普世的自由價值。
The first woman and
[...] the first Chinese to hold the second-highest governmental [...]
position in Hong Kong, Mrs Chan is being recognized
for her distinguished career and her major contribution to the promotion of gender equality, freedom of press and democratic debate, values of universal significance.
当2012年奥运在伦敦闭幕时,中国得到38面金牌、27面银牌,以及22面铜牌,是获得奖牌数 第二高 的 国 家。
As the 2012 Olympic Games came
to a close in London, China finished with 38 gold, 27 silver and 22 bronze
[...] medals, putting it second on the medal table.
在供职SAIC之前,欧先生是美国参谋长联席会议副主席——美国官 第二高 的 军 官,领导了重组冷战后美国武装力量的工作。
Prior to joining Nortel, Mr. Owens was chief executive officer and chairman of Teledesic LLC and before that, he was the president, chief operating officer and vice chairman of Science Applications
International Corporation (SAIC), the
[...] largest employee-owned high-technology company in [...]
the U.S. Prior to joining SAIC, Mr.
Owens was vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the second-ranking military officer in the U.S. He had responsibility for the reorganization and restructuring of the armed forces in the post-Cold War era.
同一时期总完成率(I T )为 89%,而上一个两年期为 90%。这是秘书处 所达到第二高完成率。
This is the second highest implementation [...]
rate ever achieved by the Secretariat.
(e) 根據擬議第35A(7)條,如議席空缺沒有由獲交付通
[...] 知的人填補而在有關候選人名單上,有最少另一名 符合資格的人,選舉主任須將通知交付予在名單上 排第二高的候選人;及
(e) under the proposed section 35A(7), if the vacancy was not filled by a person to whom a notice was delivered and there was at least one other person on the relevant list of
candidates who was eligible, the RO should deliver the notice to the
[...] candidate who ranked second highest on the list; and
我 留 意 到 近 期 香 港 特別行 政 區( “ 特 區")政 府對於 本港貨 櫃 碼 頭 處 理 費 高 企 的 問 題作出回應時, 指 出 香 港和深 圳 貨 櫃 碼 頭 的 收費水 平 已 經 逐 步 拉 近 ; 不過, 深 圳 的 港 口 碼 頭 處 理 費 是 繼 香 港之後亞 洲 地第 二高企 的事實 , 正 反映出其實 香 港和深 圳 的 收費水 平 均 是 不 合 理的高 企 。
As far as I have noticed, when the SAR Government recently responded to the problem of high THC of Hong Kong, it said that the levels of charges of the container terminals in Hong Kong and Shenzhen were narrowing.
花旗分析員預期,2013年紐西蘭經濟或 增長2.6% (圖3),優於大部份主流國家。所以,紐西蘭 央行年內未必有需要作出減息,息率或維持於2.5厘, 為主流貨幣第二高,紐元或可受惠。
As Kuroda tends to maintain a highlyaccommodative policy stance, Citi analysts expect the BOJ to further expand its asset-purchase program by 20-30 trillion yen, which may weigh on the JPY.
[...] 官選舉,假如在第一輪的投票後沒有候選人當選,除了得 票高及第二高的候 選人可進入下一輪投票外,所有其他 [...]
Under a contested CE Election, after the first round of voting, if no
candidate is elected, the candidates
[...] with the highest and second highest number of [...]
votes will proceed to the next round
of voting while the other candidates will be eliminated.
根 據 研 究 所 見 , 五 所 參 與 研 究 的 中 學 只 在 初 中 推 行 普 教 中 , 其 原 因 有 二 : 第 一 、 學 生 使 用 普 通 話
[...] [...] 應 考 公 開 試 , 在 口 試 和 聆 聽 兩 方 面 的 表 現 可 能 較 以 普 通 話 為 母 語 的 學 生 遜 色第 二 、 高 中 中 國 語 文 科 教 師 為 了 迎 接 新 高 中 的 課 程 , 在 普 教 中 一 事 上 未 做 好 充 分 的 準 備 。
Second, as CLS teachers of senior secondary level had to prepare for the new senior secondary curriculum, they were not yet fully ready for PMIC.
其實,政府於 2006 年曾委託顧問公司研究車用燃油市場的壟斷情況, 當時的《車用燃油零售市場研究報告》比較香港與 12 個城市在 2005 年 10 月 的汽油價格,結果是香港的零售價是 13 個城市第二高。
Actually, a consultant was commissioned by the Government in 2006 to conduct a study on monopoly in the auto-fuel market.




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