

单词 第三者


third person
third party (in dispute)
the other woman
disinterested party
number three in a list
the other man
sb.who is romantically involved with sb.already in a
committed relationship

See also:







External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 会和(或)其他有关机构应采取必要的措施,禁止未经正式授权第三者和使用 这类混合域名。
The Secretariat, National Commissions and/or other
competent bodies shall take all appropriate
[...] measures to prevent thirdpartiesnot expressly [...]
authorized from registering and using such combined domain names.
10.6 根据第 10.2 及 10.3
[...] 条,在适用法律的允许下,顾客或任第三者使用 网站、透过府上送货服务购买任何货品或货品付运或因使用或误用 [...]
货品而 直接或间接造成的任何损失或损坏,港龙不会为此负责。
10.6 To such extent as permissible by applicable law and subject to clauses 10.2 and
10.3, Dragonair shall not be liable to the
[...] Customeror any thirdparty forany loss [...]
or damage however caused which may be
directly or indirectly suffered in connection with use of the website, any purchases of items for Home Delivery Service or the delivery of such items or caused by any use or misuse of the goods.
2.10.5 至於其他个别人士的意见、见解等,部门亦应注意 《守则》第 2.14 段第三者密情况下给予的资料提供的 保障。
2.10.5 In so far as advice, opinions, etc., of other individuals are concerned, departments
should also have regard to
[...] paragraph 2.14 of the Code which provides protection for information given in confidence bya thirdparty.
本人亦明确 表示同意上述的
[...] 有关政府部门、公/私营机构及任何拥有关於本人的个人资料/资料第三者他们拥有关於 本人的个人资料/资料,提供给香港房屋委员会/房屋署及其获授权人士,用作比较及核实本申 [...]
I also explicitly agree that the said government departments,
[...] organisations or any other thirdparty in possession [...]
of my personal data/informationmay disclose my personal data/information
in their possession to HA/HD and its authorised officers to facilitate comparison and verification of such information entered in this application form.
这确保了保健机构可以更 灵活的条件为第三者投保,同时确保落实患者因可能受到的健康损害获得 赔偿的权利。
This has ensured more flexible conditions for the
[...] establishment to insure its third party liability and at the same time secures the patient’s right [...]
to a compensation for
possible damage to their health.
本集团并无定期举办内部培训计划 ,惟本集团会因应新发展或新设施提供特定的培训 ,以及赞助雇员 参加第三者与彼等履行职务有关及对事业发展有帮助的职业训练课程 。
The Group does not operate an in-house regular training programme. However, the Group does providead hoc training on new developments or facilities and sponsors employees to attend external vocational training that is relevant to the discharge of their duties and their career progression.
限额借款,并且抵押或押记本公司的业务、财产(包括现有或将来的财产)和未 催缴股本或其任何部分,并且发行债券、公司债券、债权股证及(须该条例第 57B
[...] 条的规定)可转换债券和可转换债权股证及不论是直接的或作为本公司或任第三者何负债、债务或债项的抵押品的其他证券。
The Board may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow money for the purposes of the Company, without limit and upon such terms as they may think fit, and to mortgage or charge its undertaking, property (both present and future) and uncalled capital, or any part thereof, and to issue bonds, debentures, debenture stock, and, subject to section 57B of the Ordinance, convertible debentures and convertible debenture stock and
other securities whether outright or as security for any debt, liability or obligation
[...] of the Company orof any thirdparty.
[...] 应明确违犯行为的目的性,规定加重处罚的情节,将试图实施酷刑包含其中,亦 将以威吓受第三者其施加压力为目的的行为包含其中,并应将任何歧 [...]
The Committee emphasizes that the definition of torture should set out clearly the purpose of the offence, provide for aggravating circumstances, include the attempt to commit torture as well
as acts intended to intimidate or
[...] coerce the victim ora thirdperson,and refer [...]
to discrimination of any kind as a motive
or reason for inflicting torture.
惟「「生」会承担「会员」第三者使假卡而蒙受之直接损失(只限由此而错误记入「会员」「专用卡户口」之数额及任何附带利 [...]
Provided that Hang Seng will bear the [...]
direct loss suffered by the Cardmember (to the extent of any amount wrongly posted
to the Card Account and any interest thereon) arising from the use of counterfeit Card by a third party.
[...] 」定义为(i)核准借出代理人以代理 人 身 份第 三 者而 该 代 理 人 获 授 [...]
权 借 出 之 股 份,以 及 可 以 根 据 证 券 借 贷 规 则 规 定 借 出 之 其 他 股 份;及(ii)核 准
借出 代理人 已经 借出 之 股份,但 只限 核 准借出 代 理 人 要求 交 还 有 关股 份 之权 利尚 未 失 效 者。
The term “lending pool” is defined as (i)
shares that the approved lending agent holds
[...] as agent for a thirdpartywhichhe is [...]
authorised to lend and other shares that
can be lent according to the requirements of the Securities Borrowing and Lending Rules; and (ii) shares that have been lent by the approved lending agent and only if the right of the approved lending agent to require the return of the shares has not yet been extinguished.
董事会可代表公司行使所有公司借款或按揭或抵押公司所有或任何部分的 业务、财产及未催缴资本的权力,并且除规程细则就配发债权证以转换股份的规 定外,董事会可发行债权证及其它证券,作为公司或任第三者何债项、债 务或责任的全部或附属抵押品。
The Board on behalf of the Company may exercise all the powers of the Company to borrow any sum or sums of money, to guarantee and to mortgage or charge its undertaking, property and uncalled capital, or any part thereof, and (subject to the provisions of the Statutes regarding authority to allot debentures convertible into shares) to create and issue debentures and other securities whether outright or as collateral security for any debt, liability or obligation of the Company or of any third party.
会员」需对所有因使用其「专用卡」及/或与其「马会」会员身份有关(不论是否已获授权亦不论是否经第三者使(除非第18(b) 项条文适用))而产生之债项及负债及所进行之交易负全责,及「「生」因执行「本章则」及/或追讨「会员」欠下「「生」之任何款 项而由此合理产生之所有成本、支出、收费及费用(包括但不限於以完全弥偿基准计算之法律费用)。
Each Cardmember shall assume full responsibility for all debts and liabilities incurred and transactions effected by the use of his/her Card and/or in connection with his/her membership with the Club (whether or not authorised or whether such use is by a third party unless Clause 18(b) applies) and for all costs, expenses, charges and fees in respect thereof (including, without limitation, legal fees on a full indemnity basis) reasonably incurred by Hang Seng in enforcing these Terms and/or recovering any sum owed by the Cardmember to Hang Seng.
The registration feecovers third party personal [...]
accident damage only.
(b) 与可识别之个人有关联的人类基因数据、人类蛋白质组数据和生物标本不应第三者别是雇主、保险公司、教育机构和家庭披露,也不应让他们查询,除非由于重大公共 [...]
(b) Human genetic data, human proteomic data and biological samples linked to an
identifiable person should not be
[...] disclosedor made accessibletothird parties,in particular, [...]
employers, insurance companies,
educational institutions and the family, except for an important public interest reason in cases restrictively provided for by domestic law consistent with the international law of human rights or where the prior, free, informed and express consent of the person concerned has been obtained provided that such consent is in accordance with domestic law and the international law of human rights.
(iv) 项目本身或进行项目所设
[...] 计、开发、制造或创造的项 目成果或材料或其任何部 分,侵犯或被指称侵犯-46三者識产权。
(iv) the project or the project deliverables or materials developed or produced or created
in the project or any part thereof infringes or is alleged to infringe the
[...] intellectual property rights of athird party.
(a) 《禁止酷刑公约》第1 条所述的恐吓和胁迫,包括对受第三者体健全状态的严重和可信威胁,以及死亡威胁,可以构成残忍、不人道或有 辱人格的待遇或酷刑
(a) Intimidation and coercion, as
[...] described inarticle 1 ofthe Convention against Torture, including serious and credible threats, as well as death threats, to the physical integrity of the victim or of a third [...]
person can amount to cruel,
inhuman or degrading treatment or to torture
CNNIC 可信网络服务中心控制以外的情况包括但不限于互联网或电信或 其它基础设施系统的不可用,或天灾、战争、军事行动、国家紧急状态、疫
[...] 症、火灾、水灾、地震、罢工或暴乱或其它证书持有者或其第三者忽 或蓄意不当行为。
The situations beyond the control of CNNIC Trusted Network Service Center include but not limited to the unavailability of internet, telecommunications and other infrastructures, or natural disaster, war, military action, national emergency, disease, fire,
flood, earthquake, strike, riot or omission or intentional behavior of other
[...] certificate holdersor other thirdparties.
10.4.9 有 责 任 不 接第 三 者董 事 的 职 位 而 [...]
给 予 该 董 事 的 个 人 利 益 。
10.4.9 Duty not to accept
[...] personal benefit from third parties conferred [...]
because of position as a director.
阁下同意、承认及确认,本行毋须对第三者括但不限於任何结构性产品的发行机构 或交易对手)处获得或发放并提供予阁下的结构性产品的规格、描述、招募书、发售或组 [...]
You agree confirm
[...] and acknowledge that weacceptno liability for [...]
the accuracy or correctness of any information, whether
in the relevant specifications, descriptions, prospectus, offering or constitution documents or otherwise, obtained or originated from third parties (including the issuer or counterparty of any of the Structured Product) which may be provided to you.
(二) 本人明白香港房屋委员会/房屋署及其获授权人士在审核此申请时,或会将此申请书上的个人
[...] 资料,向上述的有关政府部门、公/私营机构及任何拥有关於本人的个人资料第三者
(2) I understand that in vetting this application, HA/HD and its authorised officers may disclose the personal data provided herein to
the said government departments, public/private
[...] organisations and any other thirdparty in possession [...]
of my personal data.
本人授权警务处处长,或其代表,向警务处牌照课发放任何及全部有关本人的刑事定罪记 錄的资料;以及向任第三者及/或查询任何和全部有关本人的资料(包括本人的医療报告 等),作为调查及/或执行任何与本人的申请/牌照/豁免有关的事宜之用。
I hereby authorize the Commissioner of Police, or his representative, to release full particulars of any and all criminal
convictions recorded
[...] against meto Police Licensing Office, and to obtain information and/or to inquire into any and allmy personal data [...]
(including my medical
reports, etc) from any third party for the purpose of investigation into and/or enforcing any matters relating to my application/licence/exemption.
( f ) 被 告 人 和 配 偶 共 同 受
[...] 审 的 诉 讼 与 被 告 人第 三 者受 审 的 诉 讼 。
(f) Proceedings against an accused tried jointly with the spouse and proceedings against an
[...] accused tried jointlywitha thirdparty.
凭证机构或注册中心必须依照 6.1.3 节规定透过安全管道向 可信赖第三者用户之公开金钥,用户不必证明拥有相对应 之私密金钥,但必须依照 3.1.8、3.1.9 [...]
及 3.1.10 节规定接受身分 监别,以取得私密金钥及启动资料,且私密金钥应依照
6.1.2 节 规定传送给用户。
The CA or RA shall obtain the subscriber public key
[...] from arelying third party through the secure channel in accordance with section [...]
6.1.3; the subscriber
is not required to certify ownership of the corresponding private key but shall accept identity authentication in accordance with stipulations in sections 3.1.8, 3.1.9 and 3.1.10 and obtain the private key and activation data, and the private key shall be delivered to the subscriber in accordance with section 6.1.2.
(b) 本公司或其任何附属公司就本公司或其任何附属公司的债务或 责任而第三者任何抵押或赔偿保证的任何合约或安排,当 [...]
中董事或其联系人士本身根据担保或赔偿保证或透过作出抵押 单独或合共承担全部或部份责任; (c) 董事或其联系人士认购根据向股东或债券持有人或公众作出,且
并无向董事或其联系人士提供任何其他股东或债券持有人或公 众未获提供之任何特权之任何要约或邀请而将发行的本公司或 其任何附属公司股份或债券或其他证券之任何合约或安排
(b) any contract or arrangement for the giving by the Company or
any of its subsidiaries of any security or
[...] indemnity to a third party inrespect [...]
of a debt or obligation of the Company or
any of its subsidiaries for which the Director or his associate(s) has himself/themselves assumed responsibility in whole or in part whether alone or jointly under a guarantee or indemnity or by the giving of security
(I) 只要在(但仅只要在)一名董事連同其任何聯系人士(不論直接或间接)於一间公 司(或其/其与任何聯系人士之权益乃通过其所衍生第三者)之任何類别 权益资本之已发行股份或该公司股东所获的表决权中持有或实益拥有百分之 五 (5%) 或以上的权益之情况下,则该公司须被视为一间由一名董事連同其任 何聯系人士於该公司任何权益资本之已发行股份或该公司任何類别股份的表 决权实益拥有百分之五 (5%) 或以上的权益之公司。
(I) A company shall be deemed to be a company in which a Director together with any of his associates owns five (5) per cent. or more of the issued shares of any class of the equity share capital of such company orof the voting rights of any class of shares of such company if and so long as (but only if and so long as) he together with his associates is (either directly or indirectly) the holder of or beneficially interested in five (5) per cent. or more of any class of the equity share capital of such company (or of any third company through which his interest is derived) or of the voting rights of any class of shares available to shareholders of the company.
(c) 有关任何其他公司之建议,而董事或其联系人士仅以高级职 员、行政人员或股东身份直接或间接於该公司拥有权益或董事 或其联系人士实益拥有该公司股份;惟董事及其任何联系人士
[...] 并非於该公司(或其藉以获得有关权益之任第三者)之 任何类别已发行股份或随附之投票权实益拥有合共 [...]
(c) any proposal concerning any other company in which the Director or his associate(s) is/are interested only, whether directly or indirectly, as an officer or executive or shareholder or in which the Director or his associate(s) is/are beneficially interested in shares of that company, provided that the Director and any of his associates are not in aggregate beneficially interested in 5% or more of
the issued shares of any class of such
[...] company (orof any thirdcompanythrough [...]
which his interest or that of his associate(s)
is derived) or of the voting rights
(b) 本公司或其任何附属公司就本公司或其任何附属公司的 债务或责任而第三者任何抵押或赔偿保证的任何 合约或安排,当中董事或其联系人士本身根据担保或赔偿 [...]
(b) any contract or arrangement for the giving by the Company or
any of its subsidiaries of any security or
[...] indemnity to a thirdparty in respect [...]
of a debt or obligation of the Company or
any of its subsidiaries for which the Director or his associate(s) has himself/themselves assumed responsibility in whole or in part whether alone or jointly under a guarantee or indemnity or by the giving of security
(5) 董事或其联系人士仅因於本公司或其附属公司之股份或债 券或其他证券拥有权益及/或其就购买或有效收购该等股 份、债券或其他证券而身为要约人或要约人之一或於其中一 名要约人拥有权益,而与本公司或其附属公司股份或债券或 其他证券之其他持有人同样以相同方式拥有权益之任何合 约或安排; (6)
有关董事(不论以董事及/或雇员及/或股东身份)直接 或间接拥有权益之任何公司,惟不包括该等董事连同其任何
[...] 联系人士拥有该公司(或该董事藉此获得权益之任第三者)附有投票权股本或任何类别股份(不包括於股东大会 [...]
上无投票权,及并无只有零碎股息及退还股本权利之股份, 亦不包括透过本公司直接或间接持有之股份)投票权百分之
(6) any contract or arrangement concerning any company in which the Director or his associate(s) is/are interested only, directly or indirectly as an officer and/or an employee and/or a shareholder, other than a company in which the Director and any of his associate(s), are not in aggregate beneficially interested in five (5) per cent. or more of the issued shares or voting
rights of any class of shares of such
[...] company (or of any third company through [...]
which his interest is derived) other than
shares which carry no voting rights at general meetings and with no or nugatory dividend and return of capital rights, and excluding shares held directly or indirectly through the Company




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