

单词 第一流

See also:


number one

第一 adv

firstly adv

一流 adj

first-rate adj

External sources (not reviewed)

这里提第一流的地 中海和国际美食,多种精心准备的菜肴使用的都是最好的食材,同时还有最好的芝士、蜂蜜和水果。
Serving first-class Mediterranean and [...]
international cuisine, it offers a wide variety of sophisticated dishes prepared with
the finest ingredients, as well as a superb selection of cheeses, preserves, honey and fruit.
在英超联赛仅剩下13场比赛中,每一分都是至关重要 第一流 可 能是他们的生存处于危险之中,如果他们继续滴点。
With only 13 games remaining in the Premier League, each point is crucial and their survival in the top-flight may be in jeopardy if they keep dropping points.
我们还派遣我第一流专家 协助控制日本核反应堆受到的破坏。
We’ve also deployed some of our leading experts to help contain the damage at Japan’s nuclear reactors.
10 perfect nails是香第一流的連鎖式美甲專門店,除了擁有在行內首屈一指的光療樹脂殖甲技術外,亦提供全面呵護手足的療程讓顧客選擇。
10 perfect nails, Hong
[...] Kong’s leading nail spa chain, known as one of the pioneers [...]
in gel nail technology. 10 offers a treatment
menu representing the height of pampering and care for hands and feet.
As such Version 5 allows you to edit formatted text with all the
[...] attributes expected in a first-class word processing [...]
也許是掏膛的標準到了那時已經不是那麼嚴格的, 第一流 的 製玉作坊在不顯露的肩部內,未臻於完善也可以。
It would seem that a choice has been made, perhaps indicating that standards of hollowing have declined a little and less-than-impeccable detailing has become acceptable.
優美、綠色的自然環境及優質的土壤成就了最佳的奶源,也使荷蘭可以生產出世 第一流 的 高 品質奶粉。
After World War II develops Nutricia is increasingly becoming a manufacturer of knowledge-intensive foods, with its own research department and a pilot plant.
如可行的話,應為旗艦藝 團提供永久的場地,以及導引和鼓勵軟件的發展,因為有關場 地建成後,便可吸引本地和外地最優秀的人才,在港舉 第一 流的文化節目。
Where feasible, a permanent base should be provided for flagship performing groups and for spearheading and encouraging the development of software as it will attract the best foreign and local cultural events and talents.
该中心的核心活动将是运行 一架十分重要第一流天文学望远镜。
The core activity of the centre would be the
[...] operation of a first-class major astronomical [...]
简要来说,OpenCM提供第一流的重命名、配置、加密认证和访问控制 第一流 的 分 支。
[...] OpenCM provides first-class support for renames and configuration, cryptographic authentication and access control, and first-class branches.
通过 TCC,特 吕茨勒非织造事业部成为这一行业中 唯一的拥有自己针布生产商的公司,
[...] 具有明显的优势:针布完美地配合 所有机器型号,确保得第一流的效 果。
With TCC, Trützschler Nonwovens is the only company in the industry that has its own clothing
manufacturer, which is a clear advantage: Clothings that are perfectly matched to all machine
[...] types, ensuring firstclass results.
不管你是承包商、供应商还是俱乐部业主,你都能信赖 Har-Tru 在安装前、安装中和安装后深入细致的技术支持、定制的解决方案 第一流 的 服 务。
Whether you’re a contractor, supplier or club owner, you can count on Har-Tru for in-depth technical assistance, customized solutions and top-notch service before, during and after your installation.
[...] 我認同局長所 言 , 認為香港的機場確第一流 的機場, 設施非常 好 , 亦 得到很 [...]
多 美 譽 。
Furthermore, I agree with the Secretary that Hong Kong's
[...] airport is really a first-class airport with [...]
excellent facilities and it has won a lot of acclaim.
由於大多數大專院校的 經費都來自政府撥款,所以這個單一資源便局限了大學的資源,令香港
[...] 的大學不能以非常高的薪酬吸引一些國際頂級學者來港執教,這亦令香 港的大學難以踏上世第一流大學 的階梯。
As a result, the universities in Hong Kong are unable to attract certain internationally renowned scholars to teach in Hong Kong by offering them very high salaries, and this
also hinders the universities in Hong Kong from climbing up the
[...] echelon to be the first-class universities [...]
in the world.
continoMIXX,完全由不锈钢制造 第一流 的 机 器,将均匀混合与高效揉捏相结合。
The continoMIXX, a top-quality machine made exclusively of stainless steel, combines homogeneous mixing with efficient kneading.
我们之所以敢这么说,是因为我们胸有成竹,是因为我们信心百倍,更重要的是因为我们 第一流 的 硬 件设施做保障,是因为我们 第一流 的 科 技研发做先锋,是因为我们 第一流 的 产 品设备做基石,是因为我们 第一流 的 销 售精英做开拓,是因为我们 第一流 的 售 后服务做后盾,我们相信这些优越之处定会使我们在矿山机械行业中成为永久的佼佼者,上海世邦,品质之光闪耀世界!
We dare say, because we have the answers, because we are full of confidence,
more importantly,
[...] because we have a first class hardware facilities to do security, because we have a first-class R & D pioneer, because we have first class equipment to do the cornerstone, because we have a first-class elite sales do open up, because we have a first-class after-sales [...]
service backing, we
believe that these advantages will certainly keep us become a permanent leader in the mining machinery industry, Shanghai World states, the quality of light shining world!
整个该地区没有任何教育规划培训中心或机构,只有为数非常少的几个国别培训课 程,没有能力第一流的专 业水平在短期内为各国和该地区培养出一大批足以构成教育规划 [...]
There are no educational planning training centres or institutions and only a
few scanty national programmes in the entire
[...] region on which one could build in order [...]
to develop the necessary training capacity
to state-of-the-art professional standards for a number of persons sufficiently large to constitute a critical mass of planners in their own countries and for the region, and in a reasonably short time.
主席,世界上一些大的 金
融 中心,例如 紐 約、倫 敦 等 , 它
[...] 們本身 的 開放 程 度 及 自 由競爭程 度 , 是 與它們具有國第 一 流 的 監 管 水 平相適應 的,而 且 這些超級 金 融 市場資 金 的成交量 [...]
非常龐 大 , 香港市場的成交量
只 有 紐 約 的 幾 個 百 分 點。
Moreover, the transaction volume of these super financial markets is enormous.
香港毗連中國內地,具備有利營商的環境、穩定的政府管治、高透明度並獨立的司法系統、資訊自由流通、及可靠的電力供應,並具備世 第一流 的 資訊及電訊科技基礎設施,出現天災的風險亦甚低。
Hong Kong benefits from its proximity to the Mainland, a conducive business environment, a stable government, a
transparent and independent legal
[...] system, free flow of information, reliable power supply, sound [...]
telecommunications infrastructure
and low risk of natural disasters.
劉漢銓議員:主席,《紐 約時報》的評 述 提 到 , 考
[...] 克斯報告雖 然 試 圖 寫 成 一第 一 流 的 間 諜 故 事,但由於 邏 [...]
輯 不 通 , 充其量不過是 一本有頭 無 尾 的 驚 險 小 說 , 這本《天方 夜 譚》在 美
國 已 經 引 起 主 流 媒 體 和社會 各 界 的 質 疑 。
New York Times remarked that though the Cox Report was an
[...] attempt at writing a first-rate spy story, [...]
as it turned out, it is no more than a thriller
without any conclusion because of its illogicality.
1873 年 福伊特 安装第一台混流式水 轮机,随后对原来的设计进行改进,采用可调节的活动导叶来控制水轮机。
In 1873 Voith installed the first Francis turbine and [...]
had improved the original design by applying movable wicket gates
for the control of the turbine.
但是有些非 政府组织认为,鉴于艾滋病毒/艾滋病 一流 行 病 的严重性和急迫性,有必要将其作为在 31 C/4 所涉时期结束之前第三个横向专题。
Some NGOs however felt that
[...] the gravity and urgency of the HIV/AIDS pandemic might warrant the introduction of a third crosscutting theme before the end of the [...]
31 C/4 period.
(h) 与和平探索和利用外层空间有关的国家立法方面 一 般 信息 交 流 (见 A/AC.105/990,第 143-153 段,以及附件三)。
(h) General exchange of information on national
legislation relevant to the peaceful exploration
[...] and use of outer space (see A/AC.105/990, paras. 143-153, and annex III).
試看上一世紀,民主政治先後遭遇兩大 流, 第一個大逆流是上一世紀上半期的法西斯主義,亦即那些掛着愛國主 [...]
義、民族主義、國家主義的旗幟,然後搖身一變而成極端的法西斯主 義,繼而侵略其他國家,這還不算是恐怖?
The first was Fascism in the first half of the [...]
last century when those who hoisted banners of patriotism, ethnism and nationalism
suddenly turned into extreme Fascists and proceeded with invasion into other countries.
政府已经调动资源缓解一状况 ,抑制人 流 动 , 首先是平 息冲突和加大安保力度第二, 满足迁移过程导致的迫切的人道主义需求第 三,保护流离失 所者的财产免遭袭击,以便鼓励他们自愿返回。
The Government mobilized its resources to resolve the
situation and to stem
[...] the tide of displacement, firstly, by defusing the conflict and stepping up security, secondly, by meeting the urgent humanitarian needs created by the displacement process and, thirdly, by preventing attacks against the property of displaced persons in [...]
order to encourage voluntary returns.
建议书呼吁会员国“……采一切适 当措施,促进艺术家在国际范围内的自由运动, 不阻碍他们在自己选择的国家里进行艺术活动的自由……”并敦促会员“……采取措施鼓励 艺术家进行国际旅行和流”(第 iV.1 (K)段)。
The Recommendation calls upon Member States to “… take all appropriate steps to
[...] promote the free international movement of artists and not to hinder the freedom of artists to practice their art in the country of their choice …” and urges Member States to “take measures to encourage international travel and exchange by artists” (paragraph iV.1 (K)).
决议一步敦 促委员会继续同各国积极接触,促 进流第 1540(2004)号决议所涉领域中的经验、教训 和有效做法,并且就执行工作同各国进行对话,包括 应邀访问各国。
The resolution further urges the Committee to continue to engage actively with States to promote the sharing of experience, lessons learned and effective practices in the areas covered by resolution 1540 (2004) and to dialogue with States on implementation, including through visits to States at their invitation.
在第五十七次会议上审议《2009-2011 三年期财务规划》的背景下,执行委员会决 定,除其他外,根据收取的利息、以前从未捐款的国家所缴付的捐款,以及任何因不缴款 或固定汇率机制所导致的任何损失,在 2011 年第一次会议上审议 2011 年预算的现流 量供应情况(第 57/4(h)号决定)。
In the context of its consideration of Financial Planning for the 2009-2011 triennium at its 57th Meeting, the Executive Committee decided, inter alia, to consider the availability of cash flow for the 2011 budget at the first meeting of the Executive Committee in 2011 in light of the collection of interest, the payment of contributions from countries that had not previously paid, and any losses due to non-payment or the FERM (decision 57/4(h)).
他突出说明了三个重要的讨论要点 第一 是 把教育促进可持续 发展纳入教育的流;第二, 需要采取哪些教育方法,包括有必要考虑到教育的 不同形式,例如正规、非正规和非正式教育;最后一点是,如何构建区域合作, 以推动采取这种综合教育方法。
First, Mr. Richmond addressed the mainstreaming of education for sustainable development into education; secondly, what types of [...]
education pedagogy are
required, including the necessity to consider the different forms that education takes such as formal, non-formal, and informal; and lastly, how to build regional cooperation to advance this type of comprehensive approach to education.
会议决定监测多年期协定中年度付款供资的分配,以确保尽可能多的国家能在三年期 内获得资金,实施尽可能多的氟氯烃淘汰计划,在2011年 第一 次 会 议上审议2011年可动 用的现流动(第57/4号决定)。
It was decided to monitor the impact of the allocation of annual tranche funding in MYAs so as to enable as many HCFC phase-out plans for as many countries as possible to be accommodated during the
triennium and to
[...] consider the availability of cash flow for the 2011 budget at the first Meeting in 2011 (decision 57/4).




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