

单词 第一天



first under heaven
number one in the country

See also:

第一 adj

first adj


number one

第一 adv

firstly adv

External sources (not reviewed)

第一天用于 介绍迄今所开展的活动、讨论所编制的报告以及进一步完善行动计划,第二 [...]
The first day of the meeting was [...]
devoted to the presentation of the activities carried out so far to discussions on the
reports produced and to further refinement of the Action Plan, while the second day consisted in the elaboration of recommendations for implementing the second phase of the Action Plan.
支持同时显示多个月份日历,标记特殊日期,易于通过CSS定制外观,自定义周 第一天 , 自 定义月份和星期的显示名称。
Support simultaneous display of multiple month calendar , mark a special
date , easy to customize the appearance via CSS to
[...] customize the first day of week , month [...]
and week's custom display name .
第一天,一系列 串珠環的金黃色,白色或紅色,捲曲或不是鑽石,單獨佩戴或在數量上,已經成為一本暢銷書的起跑點上。
The First Day, a series of beaded [...]
rings in yellow gold, white or red, crimped or not diamonds, to wear alone or in number,
is already on the starting blocks to become a bestseller.
朝鲜政府自分裂发生第一天起,就 不遗余力地争取实现统一。
Since the first day of division, the [...]
Government had spared no effort to translate reunifications into reality.
一开始,他们希望我在孤儿院多与她相处,让她慢慢习惯,但 第一天 刚 结 束,她就舍不得离开我了。
At first they wanted me to spend more
time with her at the orphanage so she could get used to me, but at
[...] the end of the first day, she did not want [...]
to leave me.
[...] 做法是,在每届会议第一周和第二周 第一天 议 程 中提供一个时间段与非政府组 织进行公开非正式会议。
In the past few years, the practice of the Committee has been to provide a time slot for its public informal
meeting with non-governmental organizations in its
[...] agenda on the first day of the first and [...]
second week of each session.
(d) 依據(c)段産生的各項中國工商銀行(亞洲)儲備金的款額、名稱及 性質,就所有方面而言均須與緊接在中國工商銀行(亞洲)上述會 計第一天之前 華比銀行香港分行相應的現有儲備金的款額、名 稱及性質一樣,而各項成文法則及法律規則適用于中國工商銀行 (亞洲)的上述各項儲備金或就其適用的方式,就所有方面而言, 均須與緊接在中國工商銀行(亞洲)上述會計 第一天 之 前 適用于 華比銀行香港分行相應的現有儲備金或就其適用的方式一樣。
(d) the amount, description and character of every reserve of ICBC (Asia) which shall come into being pursuant to paragraph (c) shall be the same in all respects as those of the corresponding existing reserve of Belgian Bank,
Hong Kong Branch
[...] immediately before the first day of such accounting period of ICBC (Asia), and all enactments and rules of law shall apply to or in respect of every such reserve of ICBC (Asia) in the same manner in all respects as they applied to or in respect of the corresponding existing reserve of Belgian Bank, Hong Kong Branch immediately before the first day of such accounting [...]
period of ICBC (Asia).
我想強調,我們這羣人由審議 第一天 開 始,已經清楚表明想深入條例 來進行審議,希望政府不要把現時條例的主要精神廢除,要把“封頂”和保 [...]
I wish to emphasize that we Members already made it clear
[...] right from the first day of the scrutiny [...]
that we wished to examine the Ordinance
in depth, hoping that the Government would not repeal the main spirit of the existing Ordinance and that it would retain the "cap" as well as the rent policy which safeguards the tenants.
除产妇补助金外,还会自孩 子出生之后一个月第一天开始 直至从此日算起 20 个月为止支付生育津贴。
The childbirth allowance is paid, in
addition to the maternity grant, for the
[...] period from the first day of the month following [...]
the birth, up until 20 months from that date.
非政府国际组织-教科文组织联络委员会主席 Bernard Loing 先生强调指第一天圆桌 的 成功,即会议通过传播工具向全世界公开,以及执行局非政府组织委员会工作的积极发展。
Mr Bernard Loing, President of the
NGO-UNESCO Liaison Committee, highlighted the
[...] success of the first day’s Round Table, [...]
openness to the world through the use of
communication tools and positive developments in the work of the Executive Board’s NGO Committee.
从政变第一天起就 发生了针对 塞拉亚总统支持者的暴力行为,包括镇压支持塞拉亚总统的示威活动,以及军方 [...]
Violence against supporters of President Zelaya
[...] occurred from the first day of the coup, including [...]
through the repression of demonstrations
in his support and the forceful occupation by military agents of some media outlets.
第一天上班 ,工头在我身旁教导我筛选苹果的注意事项。
It was my first day at work, so the [...]
agent was standing by my side teaching me how to make a thoroughly check on apples.
2010 年 5 月 3
[...] 日,即在不扩散条约缔约国 2010 年审议大会第一天,日本 与联合国裁军事务厅共同举办招待会和音乐会,款待 [...]
1945 年日本原子弹爆炸幸 存者,并表彰他们为提高对核武器危险的认识与青年人开展的工作。
Japan hosted a reception and concert together with the Office for
Disarmament Affairs of the United Nations on 3
[...] May 2010, the first day of the 2010 NPT [...]
Review Conference, in honour of the Hibakusha
(people who survived the 1945 atomic bombings of Japan) and their work with young people to raise awareness of the dangers of nuclear weapons.
[...] 定了行动措施,比如说,各方就观察员互致信函第一天就宣 布联合边境委员会/边境军事委员会会 [...]
It mapped out measures to be taken, for example, with an exchange of letters on observers and
[...] announcement of new GBC/JBC meetings on day one.
如果手錶給天權,它表示的天數,因為在今年 第一天 , 不 是很實用時,我們只是想知道的日期。
If the watch gives the right day, it indicates the
[...] number of days since the first day of the year, [...]
not very practical when we just want to know the date.
一位成员建议,在下次执行委员会会议 第一天 , 召 开一次非正式小组会议,可 通过电话召开和/或人员直接参加。
One Member suggested that an informal group be convened to consult, by telephone, and/or meet in person on the first day of the next Executive [...]
Committee Meeting.
(d) 委员会今后的各届会议,上半年举行阶段会议之前,将举行有口译的 非正式会前磋商,时间定于阶段会 第一天 的 前 一个工作日,使会员国有机会 就决议草案以及委员会下届会议临时议程等事项进行非正式磋商
(d) For future sessions of the Commission, the
[...] part of the session held in the first half of the year will be preceded by informal pre-session consultations, with interpretation, to be held on the working day preceding [...]
the first day of that part of the session.
Ḥisda的答案,为什么尼散月15日,在逾越节 第一天 , 是 不是做出了“新的一年的节日”,而baraita表明这一观点是由他自己颁布西麦贲yoḥai查询。
Ḥisda's answer to the query why
[...] Nisan 15, the first day of the Feast [...]
of Passover, was not made the "new year of the feasts,"
while a baraita shows that this view was promulgated by Simeon ben Yoḥai himself.
有关该行动的初步报告是积极的 第一天 在 平加 就有 27 名卢民主力量干部携带 12 支自动步枪和弹药 投降,第二天又在 Luvingi 抓获 3 名携带武器的卢民 主力量干部。
The initial reports of the operation are positive, with 27 FDLR cadres with 12 automatic rifles and ammunition surrendering at Pinga on the first day, and three FDLR cadres, with firearms, being apprehended on the second day in Luvingi.
[...] 成员进行深入的指导,让它们熟悉安理会的做法、程 序和工作方法,为它们提供帮助,使其从任期 第一 天开始就能胜任工作。
Its purpose is to give the new members an in-depth orientation and familiarization with
the practices, procedures and working methods of the Council in order to help them
[...] to be ready from day one of their term.
这一决议草案将呼吁在国家、次区域和区域各级加大努力,以 期在这一五年时期内深化空间技术和地理信息系统对减少和管理灾害
[...] 风险及促进可持续发展的贡献——这一时期将自 2012 年世界空间周第一天(10 月 4 日)开始。
The draft resolution would call for enhanced efforts at the national, subregional and regional levels to deepen the contribution of space technologies and geographic information systems for the purpose of addressing disaster risk reduction and
management and sustainable development for a five-year period
[...] starting on the first day of World Space [...]
Week in 2012 (4 October).
(d) 委员会今后的各届会议,上半年举行届会阶段会议之前,将举行有口 译的非正式会前磋商,时间定于阶段会 第一天 的 前 一个工作日。
(d) For future sessions of the Commission, the part of the session held in the first half of the year will be preceded by informal
pre-session consultations, with interpretation, to be held on
[...] the working day preceding the first day of that part of the session.
遵循扭紧说明 (第 18 页)在操第一天之后,应重新拧紧紧固件。
After the first day of operation, retorque [...]
the fasteners.
第一天结束 时,由英国驻哥斯达黎加使馆的代表作了一次专门的多媒体介 [...]
The first day ended with a special [...]
multimedia presentation by representatives of the British Embassy in Costa Rica, which
promoted awareness-raising activities targeting children and young people.
在雇用工作能力有至少 50%改变的人的情况下,可以从民营企业家的收入
[...] 中减去每月支付给每个雇员的工资,但最多达到该 第一天 开 始有效的月最低工 资金额(2010 年,最低工资是 [...]
73 500 福林)。
Private entrepreneurs may reduce their revenues — in the case of employing people with work capacity changed at least at 50% — with the wage paid to the employee every month per person,
but at most with the monthly minimum wage
[...] valid on the first day of the month (in [...]
2010 the minimum wage is HUF 73,500).
第一天讨论的议题包括:竞争政策、有利的商务环境和竞争力之间的关 系;竞争主管机构之间的区域合作、阿拉伯地区竞争法实施和执法工作趋势;竞 [...]
The issues
[...] discussed on the first day of the event included [...]
the relationship between competition policy, enabling business
environment and competitiveness; regional cooperation of competition authorities and trends in competition law implementation and enforcement in the Arab region; the interface between competition policies and consumer protection; anti-competitive agreements; and the institutional framework for competition law enforcement.
Nowotny 的演讲之后第一天的专 家小组讨论会,带来了一长串有意思也有启发的讨论:奥地利国际银行董事会顾问、SWIFT [...]
监事会成员 Günther Gall、德意志联邦银行支付与结算系统总监 Jochen Metzger、德国商业银行首席信息官、德国
SWIFT 全国会员组主席 Stephan Müller 以及奥地利国民银行行长、欧洲中央银行 (ECB) 治理委员会成员 Ewald Nowotny 参加了由 SWIFT 欧中非地区中东欧总监 Christian Kothe 主持的一项讨论,议题为“新金融格局”。
The panel discussion that followed Nowotny’s
[...] speech on the first day opened up a long string [...]
of interesting and informative discussions:
Günther Gall, Advisor to the Board of Raiffeisenbank International and Supervisory Board Member of SWIFT, Jochen Metzger, Head of Payments and Settlement Systems at Deutsche Bundesbank, Stephan Müller, Chief Information Officer of Commerzbank AG and Chairman of the SWIFT National Member Group for Germany, as well as Ewald Nowotny, Governor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank and Member of the Governing Council of the ECB, participated in a discussion moderated by Christian Kothe, Head of Central and Eastern Europe EMEA at SWIFT, on the topic, “The new financial landscape.
在工作场所就业并获得养恤金保险的雇员将有 资格自第一天工作开始获得养恤金拨款;拨款将于以下两个日期中在先的那一 天发放:就职三个月后追加发放或者在每个税收年度末发放。
An employee, who began his/her employment in a workplace and
has pension insurance, will
[...] be entitled to pension allocation from the first day of his/her employment; [...]
the carrying out of
the allocation will begin either after three months of employment retroactively, or at the end of the tax year, whichever is earlier.




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