单词 | 笨重 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 笨重adjective—bulkyadjheavyadj笨重—unwieldy cumbersome Examples:大而笨重的adj—cumbersomeadj 笨重地移动 ...v—lump sth.v See also:笨—clumsy silly foolish slow-witted
易于扩展:JDK支持多日历系统是通过Calendar的子类来实现,这样就显示的非常 笨重而且 事实上要实现其它日历系统是很困难的。 javakaiyuan.com | Easy expansion : JDK support multiple [...] calendar system is a subclass of Calendar to [...] achieve,so veryheavy andin fact display [...]to achieve the other calendar system is very difficult . javakaiyuan.com |
若要相同公称尺寸的内螺纹和外螺纹拥有相 [...] 同的压力额定值、内螺纹往往需要更厚的管壁、可能会造成接头 过大和过于笨重以至于无法使用。 swagelok.com | For female and male pipe threads to have the same pressure rating in the [...] same nominal pipe size, the female thread [...] wouldrequire aheavier wall, resulting [...]in a fitting too large and bulky to be practical. swagelok.com |
这些拖拉物很笨重,在经过河流弯曲处时缓慢而又困难。 voith.com | These tows areunwieldy,sluggish and difficult to maneuver through river bends. voith.com |
虽然技术进步减小了设备大小, 但很多遥感系统依然十分笨重,因而只能从装有 它们的专用飞机中使用。 itopf.com | While advances in technology have reduced the size of equipment, many remote sensing systems are bulky and can only be used from dedicated aircraft into which they are installed. itopf.com |
曾经笨重无比、只能传送语音的庞然大物,如今已发展为具有多种功能(例如相机、GPS 和 MP3 播放器)的时尚手机。 digikey.cn | What startedas a clunky voice-only device is now a sleek handset withmultiple functions [...] such as cameras, GPS and MP3 players. digikey.ca |
在矿物质方面,具有打火石锋利耀眼效果的气息,并没有 笨重感。 hk.eternal.hk | The mineral aspect, characterised by a note of flint in all its sharp luminous effect, is [...] established without being heavy-handed. hk.eternal.hk |
如果操作似乎很笨重,我们建议使用我们的产品阵容中的其它移位机和转移辅助工具。 liko.com | If the operationsseem heavy, we recommend [...] using other lift and transfer aids in our range. liko.com |
此外,工作区配 备黑色的键盘和鼠标,与笨重的米色 PC 相比更能体现出动感 的效果。 igel.com | Additionally, the workplaces are equipped with a black keyboard and mouse and thus convey a dynamic impression compared to the beige colored, bulky PCs. igel.com |
您不需要一款感觉重达千斤的笨重耳机。 jabra.cn | And you can’t have a headset [...] that feels like it weighs aton. jabra.com |
使用RJ-45连接头及Cat 5e/6连接线,ATEN管理方案可提供相较於传统 笨重线材更快速且更可靠的资料传输,并确保整齐、有效率及洁净的工作环境。 aten.com.tw | By using RJ-45 connectors and Cat 5e/6 cable ATEN solutions permit faster, more reliable data throughput than traditional bulky cables, while providing a neat, efficient, uncluttered work environment. aten.com |
它可放在钱夹或背包中随身携带,集成的高速 USB 2.0 电缆可即插即用,无需再携带笨重的AC 适配器。 lacie.com | It was made to be carried in a purse or backpack and has an [...] integrated Hi-Speed USB 2.0 cable for instant plug-and-play use [...] without the need tocarry around a cumbersome [...]AC adapter. lacie.com |
布和轻塑料做的书对 6 个月及以上的婴儿较为合适,而纸板做 的则会太笨重,小孩用起来不方便。 cpsc.gov | Cloth and light plastic books are suitable for children 6 months and older; [...] cardboard maybe too heavyand unwieldy for [...]these children. cpsc.gov |
另外,还应停止印制发行笨重的大 部头书籍,而应在网上挂出全 面、公开、可检索且实时更新的数据库。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the [...] publicationof unwieldy printed volumes [...]should be discontinued and an integrated, publicly available, searchable [...]and constantly updated database should be put online. daccess-ods.un.org |
所以早期的 Maxi 比较笨重,速 度不是很快,负荷高、操作沉重、安全系数低,与今天圆滑、碳纤维构造的设计有很大差别,今天的船速度快、相对灵活,如果船员操作熟练,船能像小艇一样航行。 regattanews.com | These early Maxiswereheavy and notparticularly [...] fast; loads were high, manoeuvres ponderous and safety margins slim. A [...]far cry from the sleek, carbon fibre-built designs of today that are fast, agile and in the right hands appear to be sailed like dinghies. regattanews.com |
可长距离传输,取代传统笨重的线材,提供一个乾净、整洁、高效率的工作环境。 aten.com.tw | Allow long distance transmission and eliminate bulky traditional cables to provide a neat, efficient, uncluttered work environment. aten.co.uk |
布和轻塑料做的书对此阶段的婴儿较为合适, 而纸板做的则会太笨重。 cpsc.gov | Cloth and light plastic books are suitable for children in this age bracket, but [...] cardboardmay betoo heavy and unwieldy. cpsc.gov |
当中一款名为S.A.F.S. (Super Armored Fighting Suit) 的战斗装甲,凭着前卫构思、笨重的人形坦克形态,以及在理论上能够实践的机体设定,诞生27年依然备受注目。 think-silly.com | The S.A.F.S. (Super Armored Fighting Suit) armor is an avant-garde concept — the theoretically feasible man-tank design is still attracting much attention after 27 years. think-silly.com |
CoolSpot Anywhere 是 USB 驱动型,因此不需要随身携带其他电缆或 笨重的电 池组,只需将其插入您的笔记本电脑然后启动散热。 belkin.com | CoolSpot Anywhere is USB-powered, so there’s no need to carry around extra cords or a bulky battery pack—just plug it into your laptop and start cooling. belkin.com |
不锈钢 Lifeline 4 拉线/按钮操作系统可沿笨重的机器(如传送带)或在其周围进行安装,提供随时可接触的紧急停止装置。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | The stainless steel Lifeline 4 cable/push button operated system can be installed along or around awkward machinery such as conveyors and provides a constant emergency stop access. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
体育摄影师虽然使用笨重的长焦镜头,但却需要闪电般的反应和定位速度,因此独脚架深受他们的喜爱。 manfrotto.cn | Your first choice is between heads designed for photographic use (such as three-way, geared, ball or pano heads) and heads for video... manfrotto.us |
2号为寻觅坚固但不笨重三脚架的摄影师提供了理想解决方案。 gitzo.cn | Series 2 is the ideal solution for photographers that are looking for a solid [...] tripod without sacrificingweight. gitzo.us |
当时大部份的开篷车的车顶,大都相当 笨重,需 集最少二人之力,才可将其敞开或关上。 hkcarworld.com | Most ragtops of the [...] period wereso clumsythat youneeded [...]at least two people to fold or unfold them. hkcarworld.com |
十分笨重,因为它需要在每次佩戴时进行调节。 bigboxx.com | usually has to be done every time you use them. bigboxx.com |
此前,前置放大器有点笨重,其直径往往远大于传声器,从而严重干扰了声场。 bksv.cn | Previously, preamplifiers had been bulky, often with a diameter much larger than the microphone and, thereby, disturbing the sound-field severely. bksv.ru |
TSI的DustTrak气溶胶监测仪能够 实时 检测即时空气质量,包括直径小于1微米的、直径小于2.5微米的、可吸入的、直径小于10微米的颗粒物以及总颗粒物浓度,并且无需使用 笨重且对粒度有要求的入口调节器。 tsi.com | TSI’s DustTrak Aerosol monitors provide simultaneous air quality measurements of PM1, PM2.5, PM Respirable, PM10 and Total PM in real-time without the use of cumbersome size-selective inlet conditioners. tsi.com |
人们难免觉得,联合国在实地的存在是一个笨重的官僚机构而不是一个能够迅速适应环境和作出反 应的精干机构。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is hard to avoid the feeling that the United Nations presence on the ground isaponderous bureaucracy rather than a lean institution that is quick to adapt and respond. daccess-ods.un.org |
并能减少萤幕厚度带来的笨重感,打造出更为纤薄的机种,并且提供给您更锐活的影像呈现、更节能的家电选择。 benq.com.tw | The new ultra-slim design reduces [...] the thickness and weightofthe screen; [...]and presents sharper motion images. ap.benq.com |
无论是在折扣仓储店帮助顾客搬运笨重、难以够到的商品,使店内通信更迅速更有效,还是提高结帐速度,Connect-LX自始至终都是Indyme公司解决方案的一部分,它有助于构建一个更流畅、更高效、更有利的购物环境,以吸引更多顾客。 analog.com | From beginning to end - whether [...] helping customers withheavy,hard-to-reach merchandise [...]in discount warehouse-type discounters, [...]making in-store communications faster and more efficient, or increasing checkout speed - the Connect-LX is part of the Indyme solution building a more streamlined, productive, profitable environment that attracts more customers. analog.com |
即使交出占有权是可行的,有担保债权人通常也无法对体积笨重的资产加以储存、维护和承保(关于占有式质押优劣之处的讨论,见 《指南》第一章第 51-59 段)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Even when delivery of possession is feasible, the secured creditor normally will not be in a position or wish to store, maintain and insure bulky assets (for a discussion of the advantages and disadvantages of possessory pledges, see the daccess-ods.un.org |