单词 | 笨嘴拙腮 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 笨嘴拙腮—awkwardless common: poor speaker clumsy in speech See also:笨拙—clumsy awkward 笨拙adj—stupidadj 笨拙n—clumsinessn ineptituden 拙笨—clumsy awkward lacking skill
每个 IGEL 瘦客户机均配有通用电源线,这样无需寻找新的电源线,亦 无需配备庞大笨拙的电源变压器。 igel.com | Each IGEL thin client also came with a universal power cord, eliminating the hassle of looking for new cords or tinkering with over-sized power bricks. igel.com |
如果模式仍不够窄,略微增加喷枪空 气压力或使用尺寸不同的喷嘴。 graco.com | If pattern is still not narrow enough, increase air pressure to gun slightly or use different size tip. graco.com |
制裁是一种笨拙的工具,使用制裁会引发基本的民族问题,比如使目标国 家的弱势群体蒙受苦难是否是施加压力的合法手段。 daccess-ods.un.org | Sanctions are a blunt instrument, the use of which raises fundamental ethical questions of whether sufferings inflicted on vulnerable groups in the target country are legitimate means of exerting pressure. daccess-ods.un.org |
有了这款私人助手,只需简单几步,你便可以随意改变你的发型、睫毛、耳环、眉毛, 眼罩、配饰帽子、隐形眼镜、嘴唇、项链、腮红、眼镜......它将帮助你确定今天的造型装扮。 hair-master.cn.uptodown.com | HairStyle, eyelashes, [...] earrings, eyebrows, eyeshades, accessories, hat, [...]lens, lips, necklace,rouges,glasses,... Decide what you want [...]to wear today and know how you will look. hair-master.en.uptodown.com |
不过,为了确定第 21 条 第 1 [...] 款的适用范围,《维也纳公约》有点笨拙地提及关于保留允许性(第 19 条)、同意保留(第 [...]20 条)和保留形式(第 23 条)的规定,而不更详细地解释这些规 定的相互关系。 daccess-ods.un.org | As for the scope of application of article 21, [...] paragraph 1, the Vienna Conventions [...] merely make a ratherclumsy reference to provisions [...]concerning the permissibility of [...]a reservation (art. 19), consent to a reservation (art. 20) and the form of a reservation (art. 23), without explaining the interrelation of those provisions in greater detail. daccess-ods.un.org |
但海地也 [...] 可以说,在灾后援助方面,那些不受制于僵硬、复杂和笨拙的公事程序的资金支出都是最符合需要的。 daccess-ods.un.org | But Haiti can also say that in post-disaster assistance, the [...] disbursement of funds that are not subject to [...] inflexible, complex and clumsyred tape are those [...]that are best adapted to needs. daccess-ods.un.org |
此信企图回应我针对亚美尼亚武装部队大屠杀 19 周年给你的一封信,但这种企图笨拙无比。我在信中指出,亚美尼亚武装部队杀害了阿塞拜疆共和国纳戈尔诺卡 拉巴赫地区霍贾里镇阿塞拜疆平民和保卫者(A/65/755-S/2011/92)。 daccess-ods.un.org | That letter makes a clumsy attempt to respond to my letter addressed to you in connection with the nineteenth anniversary of the massacre committed by the Armenian armed forces against the Azerbaijani civilian population and defenders of the town of Khojaly, situated in the Daghlyq Garabagh (Nagorno Karabakh) region of the Republic of Azerbaijan (A/65/755-S/2011/92). daccess-ods.un.org |
风疹、麻疹和腮腺炎疫苗接种只有哈留县低于世卫组织要求(92.6%,要求 [...] 为 95.0%)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Vaccination against rubella, [...] measles and mumpsis lower than [...]the WHO requirement only in Harju County (92.6%, requirement 95.0%). daccess-ods.un.org |
如丝般触感的轻盈腮红,内含矿物质和植物萃取精华。 clarinsusa.com | A silky, [...] lightweight powder blush containing the [...]perfect combination of mineral and plant extracts. clarinsusa.com |
水痘、麻疹和腮腺炎具有高度传染性,有些患儿会病得很重,可能需要住院,而且有严重的永久性并发症。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Chickenpox, [...] measlesandmumps are highly contagious [...]and some children can become very ill, may require hospitalization and [...]have serious permanent complications. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
儿童基金会同卫生部和近东救济工程处一道开展了一次麻疹、腮腺炎和风疹 达标活动,惠及前几轮活动期间漏掉的 [...] 117 000 名 7 年级和 9 年级学生。 daccess-ods.un.org | With the Ministry of Health and UNRWA, UNICEF conducted a [...] catch-up measles, mumps andrubella [...]campaign that reached 117,000 students in grades [...]7 and 9 who had been missed in earlier rounds. daccess-ods.un.org |
但 是,这种笨拙的捏造在事实面前,就象小孩用纸牌塔成的房子一样,很易倒塌, 因为事实证明情况正好完全相反;亚美尼亚常驻代表团毫无根据地指称阿塞拜疆 向亚美尼亚发动“宣传战”,是毫无意义的。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, such awkward fabrication easily collapses like a house of cards against the [...] background of facts that testify to [...]a diametrically opposite situation, and it makes no sense at all for Azerbaijan to launch “propagandistic war” against Armenia, as the latter’s Permanent Mission groundlessly asserts. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们笨拙地摸索着,开始讲述、表达和交换各自的故事。 shanghaibiennale.org | Even in their maladroit groping manner, they narrate, express and exchange their stories. shanghaibiennale.org |
在报告所涉期间,1 周岁以上儿童肺结核免疫率为 98.8%至 99.2%;白 [...] 喉、破伤风和百日咳疫苗接种率为 96%至 98%;小儿麻痹症(急性骨髓灰白质炎) 免疫率为 97.3%至 98.5%;麻疹免疫率为 89.1%至 96.9%;病毒性乙型肝炎免疫 [...] 率为 98.8%至 99.2%;腮腺炎免疫率为 93.2%到 [...]96.9%。 daccess-ods.un.org | Children that have reached the age of 1 year varied during the reporting period: against tuberculosis between 98.8% and 99.2%, against diphtheria-perthussis-tetanus between 96% and 98%, against poliomyelitis between 97.3% and 98.5%, [...] against rubeola between 89.1% and 96.9%, against viral hepatitis B between 98.8% [...] and 99.2%and mumps between 93.2% [...]and 96.9%. daccess-ods.un.org |
测量 PH 值低于 6 或高于 9,对鱼表皮和腮造成伤害的可能性是不能排除的,在这种极端的情况下,这些值可引起鱼灾。 oase-livingwater.com | At measured values below pH 6 and above pH 9 the possibility of harm to skin and gills of the fish cannot be excluded, and in the extreme case these values can cause fish kill. oase-livingwater.com |
当被要求说明此推进系统地优点时,德里克勒达夫,美国救火船 [...] 的一名船长说:“常规的船移动起来像笨拙的泰迪熊,而我的船像是一名优雅的芭蕾舞女演员在跳舞,这都是因为福伊特施耐德推进器。 voith.com | When asked to explain the advantages of this propulsion solution, Derek LeDuff, one of the captains of this US [...] fireboat, responds: "While conventional [...] boats move like clumsy teddy bears, my [...]ship dances like a graceful ballerina thanks [...]to the Voith Schneider Propellers. voith.com |
你可能已经看到,手动的启动服务器实际上是笨拙的,剪切并粘贴 IOR 字符串,假定传递给客户程序的参数向量中有 IOR 字符串,接下来最大的问题是:我怎么知道客户程序想要请求哪个服务器、以及服务器的 IOR 如何传递给客户程序? bsdmap.com | As tou might have seen it's really cumbersome to start the server by hand, cut'n'paste the IOR string, assume where in the argument vector the IOR string is passed to the client, and the biggest question: How should i know which server the client requires and how is the IOR string of the server is passed to the client? bsdmap.com |
神经肌肉和骨骼:手颤抖、行动笨拙或不稳、迟发性异动症(如脸、舌 头、手臂、手掌、头或身体有不寻常的动作)、异常的疲惫、虚脱或麻 [...] 痹眼睛:视力模糊 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | Neuromuscular and skeletal: Increase [...] hand tremors,clumsiness or unsteadiness, [...]uncontrolled movements of the body (including [...]face, tongue, arms, hands, head and upper body), unusual tiredness/weakness and numbness. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
精密混合头 MK 400 和 MK 600 [...] 的专利高压水冲洗系统、流量控制技术以 及免维护的喷嘴紧锁系统, 这些技术创新加之模块化的结构和可靠的工艺流 [...]程, 都高度保证了您的投资将有高的回报率。 sonderhoff.com | Technical innovations such as our patented high-pressure water rinsing system of the Sonderhoff precision mixing heads MK 400 and MK 600, our [...] flow control system, and our drip- and [...] maintenance-free nozzleclosuresystem, [...]modular design and reliable procedures all [...]ensure a profitable return on your investment. sonderhoff.com |