

单词 笑逐颜开

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伊达武将队全体队员边说着「ZUNDAMOTI!」 开笑颜 一 起 合照,再次的对每一个人传达仙台/东北的红叶之美,以及摘取新鲜水果等之乐趣。
Every member of Date Busyoutai devotedly
explained how beautiful Sendai/Tohoku could be
[...] in autumn with colored leaves or fun [...]
activities such as fruit picking to each one of visitors there.
它鼓励乍 得落实其增进各项人权的意愿,鼓励乍得努力向所有 开 放 高等教育,并承逐 步改善学生的社会状况。
It encouraged Chad to put into practice its willingness to promote all human rights, congratulated it on the efforts to
make higher education accessible to all and for
[...] the commitment to improve progressively the social situation of [...]
以前的董建華是笑話,現在的特首的政制發展 不但成為香港的笑話、台灣笑話, 也 逐 漸 成 為國際 笑 柄。
In the past, TUNG Chee-hwa was a joke, and the present constitutional development
of the Chief
[...] Executive is also a joke ― a joke not only in Hong Kong or in Taiwan, but it has gradually developed into an international laughing stock now.
芳香的簇状花朵,随时间的推移渐 开 放 , 并 逐 步 改 变 颜 色。
Its fragrant flowers grow in tight
[...] clusters and open progressively and change colour [...]
over time.
在充填 时,颜料阀打开;在 达到充填体积时关闭。
The new color valve opens during the Fill Time [...]
and closes when the fill volume is reached.
老 實 說,我 所 接 觸 到 的一些低收入人士,譬如清潔工人, 他們確笑逐顏開
For some low-income individuals whom I have talked to, such as cleaning workers, they are certainly delighted with the handout.
销售活动有一种魔力,使T台的闪耀成为主题,照片成为彩色的卡片,记者的评论成为 逐 数 量 、深度 颜 色 、 尺寸的订单。
The sales campaign has the magic of a limbo in which the glitter of the catwalks  becomes matter, photos become
color charts, journalists’ reviews become orders on which numbers,
[...] depths, changes of colors and sizes chase themselves.
在就职典礼上,开玩笑说, 我们家族用了100年走过了一英里 - 从我祖父做家仆的房子到华盛顿州州长所住的房子。
During my inauguration I joked that it took our [...]
family 100 years to travel one mile -- from the house where my grandfather
was a servant to the house where the Governor of the State of Washington lived.
本杰明“本”丁尼生本被证明是一个骄傲的,不成熟的男孩,上面没有享受的关注和喜 开 玩 笑 , 甚 至在战斗。
Benjamin “Ben” Tennyson: Ben is shown to be a cocky, immature boy, who is not above enjoying attention
[...] and enjoys making jokes even during fights.
他们是由一群十几岁的男孩所组成,就像其他男孩队伍一样, 开 玩 笑 爱 玩 耍,爱互相聚在一起。
They are a bunch of teen-age boys, just like any other
[...] team of boys who joke and play and bond [...]
with each other, Nokulung said.
软过 渡是指,镜片上明暗之间有个过渡带,暗 颜 色 逐 渐 过渡透明,从而把滤镜的效果隐藏起 来。
The soft transition has a band in which the color blends smoothly into the clear, allowing the effect to be hidden within the scene.
世人的嘲 笑越来越激烈,因为那些“基督再临论者” 一次又一次地预言失事事件和世界的毁灭, 但是他们的预言一次又一次地落空了——直
[...] 到现在,特别提及的日期预言一般都遭受到 怀疑的笑和公开的轻 蔑,一些熟知预言和 年表是上帝启示重要组成部分的基督徒甚至 [...]
The scorn of the world grew more and more intense, as time after time they foretold a wreck of matter and a crush of worlds, and time after time their predictions failed—until now the very mention of prophetic
time is received very generally
[...] with an incredulous smile, or with open contempt, even [...]
by Christians who well know that prophecy
and chronology constitute a large proportion of God’s revelation.
随着涂层中的树脂被慢慢侵蚀,虽然不锈 颜 料 会 逐 渐 暴露,但它们仍能为剩余的涂层以及 其下的底材提供持续的保护。
As erosion of the coating binder progresses in service, the stainless steel particles become more and more exposed, providing continued protection for the remainder of the coating and substrate beneath.
况且,根据 注重结果的管理理念,计划专家为了实现预期的计划结果选择新的、更加有效的方式来使用 预算,这种做法已经被普遍接受,而这一般也会导致 逐 项 分 析 开 支 时出 现 开 支 和 最初预算 间的更大差异。
Further, in light of the results-based management, it has been generally accepted that the programme specialists opt for alternative and more efficient ways of spending the budget in order to achieve the expected results of the programmes, which generally leads to larger gaps between the expenditures and the initial budgets when analysed by item of expenditure.
然后与会开玩笑地扮 演了失业者、飞行员或残疾人的角⾊,再⾃ ⼰判断在哪个社会领域,虚构的人物会前来参与。
Participants then slipped playfully into the role of the unemployed, pilots or people with disabilities, and then judged for themselves in which social areas the fictional person could come forward and participate.
她发现自己陷入钻石头饰和银勺在可爱的ceañera的庆祝,并试图 开 之 前 ,她是 笑。
She finds herself caught within the Cute-ceañera celebration for Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon,
[...] and tries to leave before she is ridiculed.
开启颜色 属性定义了标记非零时要使用的颜色。
The ON Colors property defines the colors to be used [...]
when the tag is non-zero.
江苏省镇江市是中国第一个利用环境监测数据对工业企业的环境绩效实 颜 色 评 级并 开报 道颜色评价结果的城市。
But Zhenjiang city, Jiangsu province was the first city in China that made use of
environmental monitoring data to color rate industrial firms’
[...] environmental performance and publicly reported the color coded [...]
我们希望能迎接大挑战,诸开发像 颜 料 一 样便宜的太阳能电池;发明使健康细胞不受伤害的抗癌药物;以及设计不损害人体健康的清洁、有效的炉灶。
We hope to meet grand challenges such as developing solar cells as cheap as paint; inventing anti-cancer drugs that spare healthy cells; and designing clean and efficient cook stoves that don’t harm one’s health.
本手册包含以下重要信息:如何发表趣味或生动的演讲、材料来源、如何让听 开 关 大 笑 及 晚 餐后邀请您演讲的注意 事项。
This manual includes valuable information on how to give an entertaining or
dramatic speech, where to find material, how to
[...] make an audience laugh and what to do when [...]
you’re asked to speak after dinner.
意大利建议,沙特阿拉伯:(a) 首先考 虑 第一步 , 修订国内关于死 刑 的立法,限制死 刑范围 , 参 照关于死 刑 的国际最低 标准调整立法,并考虑暂停采用死刑,以期废除死刑;(b)
在批准《消除对妇女一 切 形式歧视公约 》时所作的一般 性保留,从而一旦 伊斯兰教 法 规 定与公 约 条款发 生抵触时,
[...] 即依前述法律行事;(c) 改革关于宗教自由的立法,以确保充分保护所 有的宗教少数,以逐渐允许公开皈 依 其他的信仰。
It recommended that Saudi Arabia: (a) consider, as a first step, amending domestic legislation on the death penalty in order to restrict its scope and adjust it to the international minimum standards on the death penalty and consider establishing a moratorium on the use of the death penalty with a view to its abolition; (b) consider the withdrawal of the general reservation made upon ratification of CEDAW, whereby, in the event of a conflict between the provisions of Islamic law and those of the Convention, the former shall prevail; (c) reform its legislation on religious freedom in order to ensure adequate
protection for all religious
[...] minorities, with a view to gradually allowing public practice of [...]
other faiths and beliefs.
[...] 了质疑,并指出提出该提案时,非按第 5 条第 1 款行事的缔约方正开始逐步 淘 汰氟氯烃,且之前在此方面并未考虑过此类提案,大多数的上述缔约方确已 [...]
In response, the representative who had sought clarification questioned the timing and equity of the proposal, noting that it came as the HCFC phase-out by parties not operating under
paragraph 1 of article 5 of the Montreal
[...] Protocol was set to begin and saying that no [...]
such proposal had been contemplated for the
phase-out by parties not so operating, many of whom had indeed adopted high-GWP alternatives.
首先,財政司司長將薪俸稅邊際稅率及稅階回復至 2002-2003 年度水 平,退回 2006-2007 年度一半的薪俸稅及個人入息稅,上限是 15,000 元, 這令有繳納薪俸稅的中產階笑逐顏 開
First of all, the Financial Secretary will revert the marginal bands and marginal rates for salaries tax to their 2002-2003 levels so as to reduce the salaries tax and tax under personal assessment for 2006-2007 by 50%, subject to a ceiling of $15,000.
財爺”宣布當天, 我剛剛出席一個有十多席的晚宴活動,在致辭時也順道把這個消息向 在場的嘉賓介紹,原本平淡的氣氛,突然間掌聲雷動,人 笑逐 顏 開, 我還沒試過有這麼多人為我鼓掌的。
On the day when the Financial Secretary made the announcement, I was at a dinner reception with a dozen or so tables of guests.
刑法》第 174 条定有对“破 坏种族、宗教、族裔或其他附属关系声誉行为”的处罚,规定任何人以种族、肤 色、宗教、国籍、族裔来源或其他个人特征为理由, 开 嘲 笑 某 一 个人或某一群 人,应处以罚金或不超过一年的监禁。
Article 174 of the Criminal Code stipulates a penalty for “ruining the reputation for racial, religious, ethnic or other affiliation”, specifying that whoever publicly ridicules an individual or group of persons on grounds of race, colour, religion, nationality, ethnic origin or other personal characteristic, shall be punished with a fine or imprisonment up to one year.
缔约国逐渐开始在 一系列广泛的 有关《公约》执行的问题上依靠执行支助股,例如,就有关遵约问题寻求咨询意 [...]
见,在很好地利用《公约》的非正式或正式会议方面要求提供资料或援助,要求 提供《公约》各条款执行状况的信息等。
States Parties have increasingly come to rely on [...]
the ISU to support them on a wide range of matters as concerns the implementation
of the Convention, for example, seeking advice on matters related to compliance, requesting information or assistance in making good use of the Convention’s informal or formal meetings, asking for information on the status of implementation of various provisions of the Convention, et cetera.
除了国家《宪法》提供的落实保障之外,吉布提 逐 步 开 始 将某些国际文 书条款融入立法中,特别是《儿童权利公约》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公 [...]
In addition to the guarantee of
implementation given by the Constitution,
[...] Djibouti has also gradually incorporated into [...]
its legislation the provisions of certain international
instruments, in particular the Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the ILO Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138).
虽然欧共体代表团不反对通过该标准,但在一些添加剂,特别是酸度调节剂颜 料、 防腐剂和增稠剂的使用上表达了强烈的保留意见,因为没有正当的技术理由在标准 涵盖的产品中使用这些添加剂,而这些产品由特定群体大量消耗,尤其是儿童。
The Delegation of the European Community, while not opposing the adoption of the Standard, expressed its strong reservation on the use of some additives, particularly acidity regulators, colours, preservatives and thickeners, as there was no technological justification for their use in the products covered by the Standard and these products were consumed in large amounts by certain population groups, especially children.
减轻风险概念允许 从刚果(金)武装部队犯罪网络活动区域采购矿物的公司继续进行采购,条件是它们 制定一个有时限的开战略,以便逐 渐 减少军方的参与和从中获得的好处。
Mitigation allows companies that purchase from mines where FARDC criminal networks are in operation to continue purchasing provided they
have put in place
[...] time-bound and publicly available strategies to progressively decrease the involvement [...]
and benefit of military actors.




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