单词 | 竿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 竿noun—polenExamples:爬竿—climbing pole pole-climbing (as gymnastics or circus act) 桅竿—mast ship mast 竿子—bamboo pole
这在几内亚产生了立竿见影的效果,最终选出临时国家元 首,并任命了一位各方协商产生的总理。 daccess-ods.un.org | It had an immediate effect in Guinea, eventually leading to the selection of an interim Head of State and the appointment of a consensus Prime Minister. daccess-ods.un.org |
冷冻 ICE 系统改善制冰机的性能,在无需用户干预的情况下实现用水和能源节省,效果立竿见影。 antunescontrols.com | The Chill ICE system improves the performance of ice machines and delivers immediate water and energy savings without user intervention. antunescontrols.com |
本双年度出版和发行计划的制定,并将其纳入总体宣传战略,都是对 外聘审计员报告第 6 号建议和第 180 EX/40 号决定的一个立竿见影 的回应,同时亦提供了有 关出版物及其发行工作进展情况的重要信息。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The establishment of the Publication and Distribution Plan for the current biennium, and its placing in the context of the overall communications strategy, is an immediate response to Recommendation No. 6 of the External Auditor’s Report and 180 EX/Decision 40, providing essential information on the progress of publications and their distribution. unesdoc.unesco.org |
笔者在此建议一套方法,希望能收立竿见影 之效。 hkupop.hku.hk | In order to be effective, the author would like to suggest a method below. hkupop.hku.hk |
采用这种做法使 得这些区域在改进政策、战略、方案编制和资源调动以便提供专门知识和实施 方案工作方面出现了具体的、立竿见影的效果。 daccess-ods.un.org | This approach has resulted in concrete, immediate benefits in the regions in terms of improved policy, strategy, programming and mobilization of resources for the provision of expertise and implementation of programmatic work. daccess-ods.un.org |
凭藉一个多世纪以来追求卓越的承诺,UL 被视为信任的标竿并深受全世界的企业、政府和客户所信赖。 ul.com | With a commitment to excellence spanning more than a century, UL is seen as a benchmark of trust and delivers peace of mind to businesses, governments and consumers all over the world. ul.com |
全球创业观察」集合了来自全球 54 个国家超过 300 名学者,在这研究组织的框架之下,香港 中文大学及深圳市社会科学院於 2009 年 5 月至 9 月期间进行了问卷调查,就创业活动进行标竿比较。 gemconsortium.org | Within the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor, a consortium of over 300 scholars from 54 countries world wide, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and the Shenzhen Academy of Social Sciences conducted polls from May through August 2009 to benchmark business start-up activity. gemconsortium.org |
该公司在2010年采购了雷尼绍的新款QC20-W无线球杆仪后,对零件质量和公司利润产生了立竿见影的积极影响。 renishaw.com.cn | The company acquired Renishaw's new QC20-W wireless ballbar in 2010, which immediately had positive impact on part quality and the company's bottom line. renishaw.com |
这类活动在减贫方面可以产生立竿见影的效 果,同时也可以通过为积累实物资本和人力资本创造条件,以及通过鼓励适度承 担风险来为较长期的复原力作出贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | These types of activities have an immediate effect in reducing poverty while they can also contribute to longer term resilience by enabling accumulation of physical and human capital and encouraging moderate risk taking. daccess-ods.un.org |
Aon 全球风险顾问营运持续管理服务,乃依国际标准 BS 25999为持续营运最佳指南,协助企业建立持续营运管理系统最佳标竿,以满足客户、政府、法令与所有相关利益团体各方面需求。 aon.com | Aon Global Risk Consulting BCM services conduct the standard approach to BCM as set out in BS 25999 to be a uniform benchmark in good practice, satisfying the needs of customers, clients, government, regulators and all other interested parties. aon.com |
在这一领域,必须采取彻底的解决办法才能产生立竿见影的成果。 daccess-ods.un.org | Radical solutions capable of producing immediate results were needed in that area. daccess-ods.un.org |
这意味着改革需要包括一些能立竿见影 地给人 们生活带来“看的见、摸的着”影响的措施,如改 善电力供给、改革土地法、改进公共交通、降低通 讯资费、减少一些妨碍人们获得卫生和教育服务的 非正规收费等。 crisisgroup.org | That means including quick-impact measures that produce a tangible effect on their lives, such as improved access to electricity, land law reform, better public transport, cheaper telecommunications and lower informal fees of the kind that block access to health and education services. crisisgroup.org |
Cat® 设备产品系列包含 300 种以上的机器,为业界树立标竿。 taiwan.cat.com | The Cat equipment product line, consisting of more than 300 machines, sets the standard for our industry. taiwan.cat.com |
我们刚刚取得的 IBM 尊荣事业夥伴资格,以及目前正在和 IBM 合作建立的全新端点防护标竿,都是我们希望在 IBM Pulse 2011 年会上展示的成果。 ipress.com.hk | Our newly acquired IBM Premier Business Partner status, along with our work with IBM in creating a new standard for endpoint protection are achievements we are delighted to showcase during IBM Pulse 2011," said Wael Mohamed, executive vice president, corporate strategy, Trend Micro. ipress.com.hk |
Beverly 的努力获得众多肯定,最近一次奖项为犹他州商业杂志之「标竿女性 」(“Woman to Watch”)。 xango.com.hk | She has received widespread acclaim for her efforts, most recently in Utah Business magazine as a “Woman to Watch. xango.com.au |
国际准则及法律事务办公室提供的服务对本组织内部 更好地遵守法律规则产生了立竿见影的效果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The services offered by the Office have immediate impact and result in a better observance of the rule of law within the Organization. unesdoc.unesco.org |
保时捷的研发工程师们特别专注於Panamera的燃油经济性:搭载采用DFI燃油直喷技术的高效能V8动力元件、轻量化工程结构、引擎自动启闭功能、超群的空气力学设计、创新的PDK双离合器自手排变速箱以及多项尖端科技,有效的减少了磨耗与液压损失,从而令Panamera的燃油经济性成为同级四座GT跑车的典范,也再次成为该级距车款中的标竿。 pap.porsche.com | Porsche’s development engineers have given particular attention to the Panamera’s fuel economy: featuring highly efficient V8 power units with Direct Fuel Injection, intelligent lightweight construction, automatic Start-Stop, optimum aerodynamics, Porsche’s innovative Doppelkupplungsgetriebe and various technical features consistently reducing frictional and hydraulic losses, the Panamera offers truly outstanding fuel economy for a four-door Gran Turismo of this calibre, again setting new standards against its direct competitors. pap.porsche.com |
创建青年倡导 者,特别是青年妇女活动家宣传平台带来的一些立竿见影的好处包括在区域和国 家论坛进行动员和宣传。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some immediatebenefits ofcreating the advocacy platform for youth advocates, especially young women activists, have included mobilization and advocacy in regional and national forums. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,我们认为,就这份报告采取的任何后续行 动都应明确确认哪些措施可能有立竿见影的功效,如 在人道主义援助、武器扩散或边境管制方面;哪些措 施从根本上来说需要长期努力方可见效,尤其是那些 旨在促进经济复苏、青年就业和能力建设的措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | We think, therefore, that any follow-up to the report should clearly identify which measures may have an immediate effect — for instance, on humanitarian assistance, arms proliferation or border control — and which ones work essentially in the long run, especially those aimed at economic recovery, youth employment and capacity-building. daccess-ods.un.org |
美国对该条约的承认,是一个亟需的转 折因素:它将对其它拒绝签署或承认该条约的国家产生立竿见影 的影响,并 为核裁军和不扩散努力增添新的重大推动力。 daccess-ods.un.org | U.S. ratification is a critically needed circuit-breaker: it would have an immediate impact on other hold-out states, and add major new momentum to both disarmament and non-proliferation efforts. daccess-ods.un.org |
Momentus XT 固态混合式硬碟机是 7200RPM 硬碟机,容量最高可达 500GB,开机速度比传统的 5400RPM 硬碟机快 50%,成为笔记型电脑与游戏系统现实世界系统效能的新标竿。 seagate.com | The Momentus XT solid state hybrid drive, a 7200RPM drive with up to 500GB of capacity, boots up to 50 percent faster than traditional 5400RPM drives and sets new benchmarks for real-world system performance for laptops and gaming systems. seagate.com |
在不损害任何其他补救措施的情况下,Recruiterz可能终止的材料或这些条款的持续违反由客户或Recruiterz有合理理由相信事件客户的帐户和任何或所有合同和立竿见影的效果服务,客户可以不或将无法偿还其债务。 zh-cn.recruiterz.co.uk | Without prejudice to any other remedy, Recruiterz may terminate the Client's account and any or all contracts and Services with immediate effect in the event of material or persistent breach of these Terms by the Client or if Recruiterz has reasonable grounds to believe that the Client cannot or will not pay its debts. recruiterz.co.uk |
本公司秉持「真心关怀客户」的核心理念,不断创新产品与服务,不但連续第 八年获得《讀者文摘》「信誉品牌」的金奖;更第二度荣登《數位时代》杂志台 湾科技百强第六名,同时也进入亚洲科技百强,且勇夺该杂志「2011 數位服务标竿企业 」资讯通路及通讯产业首奖殊荣。 corp.taiwanmobile.com | TWM’s core value of “truly caring for the customers” and continuous product and service innovations were critical to its winning Reader’s Digest’s “Trusted Brand Gold Award” for the eighth consecutive year, ranking 6th on Business Next magazine’s “Info Tech 100 Taiwan” list and being included oin its “Info Tech 100 Asia”; garnering the top prize in the “2011 Digital Service On Award,” ICT Group, of Business Next magazine’s digital service power survey; as well as an award for “Outstanding IT Applications/ Products” at the 2011 ICT Exhibition. english.taiwanmobile.com |
面对各种问题,所谓的“西方世界”似乎越来越难以找到立竿见影的灵丹妙药,而人们对中国和土耳其的定位一直飘忽不定,前后矛盾。 shanghaibiennale.org | More and more it seems that the so-called West cannot prescribe itself in neat packages and solutions, while the afore-mentioned countries continue to be riddled by moving-target projections and contradictory positions. shanghaibiennale.org |
全 球经济和金融危机产生了立竿见影的影响,促使南方 国家更加紧密团结;同时,南南合作和三角合作对多 边支助的需求也在增加,为交流信息和调集国内资源 促进发展提供了一个创新机制。 daccess-ods.un.org | The global economic and financial crisis had had the immediate effect of causing countries of the South to become more closely integrated; at the same time, there had been an increase in the demand for multilateral support for South-South and triangular cooperation, which offered an innovative mechanism for information exchange and the mobilization of domestic resources for development. daccess-ods.un.org |
Aon重工业之服务团队的成员,皆曾服务众多重工业之标竿企业,我们传递世界级重工业风险管理解决方案,与您的财务及营运策略目标一致。 aon.com | Every member of Aon’s Heavy Industry team has worked for many leading heavy industries. We deliver world-class heavy industry risk management solutions that are consistent with your financial and operational strategies and objectives. aon.com |