单词 | 竭诚 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 竭诚 —wholeheartedlySee also:诚 adj—true adj 诚—honest
但是,教科文组织将忠于职 守,继续在其主管领域内竭诚地支 持中东的和平与和解。 unesdoc.unesco.org | True to its mission, UNESCO will continue to make every effort in support of peace and reconciliation in the Middle East in its fields of competence. unesdoc.unesco.org |
我们竭诚为您 提供动态的、简洁的、清晰的高品质图像。 chinese-architects.com | We strive to give you dynamic, clean, crisp imagery to the highest standard. chinese-architects.com |
凭借丰富的产品组合、出色的制造能力 和 竭诚 的 客 户服务,Aavid 得以从众多热管理解决方案提供商中脱颖而出。 digikey.cn | This integration of a broad product offering, manufacturing excellence and a commitment to customer service differentiates Aavid from other thermal solution providers. digikey.ca |
预计经过充分审查后,研究所将率 先动员其有关合作伙伴竭诚通过提供技术支持来实施其各项方案目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is expected that, when fully reviewed, the Institute will be at the [...] forefront to mobilize goodwill from its [...] relevant partners for the implementation [...]of its programme goals through the provision of technical support. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您对本声明或NSK处理您的个人信息存有疑问,我们的网络团队 将 竭诚 回 答 您的问题。 china.nsk-dental.com | Questions about this statement or about NSK's handling of your information would be answered by our team with pleasure. spain.nsk-dental.com |
我们的服务产品包罗万象 - 从工程设计到技术清洗 - 我们的专家随时随地竭诚为您服务。 voith.com | With our comprehensive portfolio - from engineering to technical cleaning - our experts are at your disposal, all over the globe and round the clock. voith.com |
隶属于戴姆勒金融服务集团的梅赛德斯-奔驰汽车金融有限公司(简称“奔驰金融”),通过全国约200个城市,超过200家梅赛德斯-奔驰授权经销商 , 竭诚 为 中国消费者提供零售金融贷款支持及车辆保险服务。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Supported by more than 200 authorized dealers nationwide, MBAFC offers a broad range of automotive finance and insurance solutions for customers in China. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
当您需要与 Novell 支持工程师对话时,我们拥有一支出色的、获得认证的专家团队,他们随时准备 好 竭诚 相 助 ,即使是最困难的问题也能迎刃而解。 novell.com | And when you need to speak to a Novell support engineer, we have an outstanding team of certified professionals ready and willing to assist you with your most critical issues. novell.com |
即使不论问题现实的紧迫性,就是这些问题植根于不同人类社会文化、哲理和宗教理 念基础的深度和广度这一个方面,就足以要求作为唯一集社会科学和人文科学于一身 、 竭诚 履行 自己伦理使命的教科文组织,在这样一种行动中要责无旁贷地站在最前列。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Apart from the fact that these issues are highly topical, the depth and extent of their roots in the cultural, philosophical and religious bedrocks of various human communities are reason enough for UNESCO, the only organization whose fields of competence include the social and human sciences, true to its ethical vocation, to take the lead in this initiative. unesdoc.unesco.org |
国际社会随时 准备提供外交和技术性的支持,但各方都必须愿 意竭 诚进行谈判,解决这些困难的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | The international community stands ready to provide diplomatic and technical support, but the parties themselves must be willing to negotiate in earnest to resolve these difficult issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会赞扬在最困难和最危险的地方为联合 国 竭诚 服 务 的工作人员,并认 识到现在是审查帮助这些地点工作人员的方式的适当时机。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Commission paid tribute to the dedicated staff serving in the most difficult and dangerous places in the service of the organization and recognized that this was an appropriate time for it to examine ways in which it might assist staff in such locations. daccess-ods.un.org |
他们将竭诚帮助 您选择最符合您的要求的Twaron黑色长丝系列产品。 teijinaramid.com | They will be happy to help you select the Twaron black yarn type that precisely meets your requirements. teijinaramid.com |
德立位于柏林、慕尼黑和上海的公司面向欧洲、亚洲和近东地区 , 竭诚 为 来 自工业、政界、社会团体和 科学界的客户打造精品项目。 triad.de | In our offices in Berlin and Shanghai, we take care of projects for customers representing industry, parties and government, society, and science in Europe, Asia, and the Middle East. triad.de |
我们也要感谢霍姆斯先生的竭诚服务,并祝愿他在今 后的工作中取得圆满成功。 daccess-ods.un.org | We further thank Mr. Holmes for his dedicated service and wish him the very best in his future endeavours. daccess-ods.un.org |
在上述栏目中刊登和发表信息属博信欧亚经贸中心的免费服务项目, 国内外读者均可使用上述信息!竭诚 欢 迎 来函表明您的愿望和刊登您 的信息广告。 maxicom.de | Maxicom provides the service of publishing these offers free of charge, even to newsletter readers at home and abroad. maxicom.de |
如果您需要的服务尚未陈列于此,请联系我们,我们 将 竭诚 为 您 提供最完美的入住体验。 shangri-la.com | If you require a service not listed here, please contact us and we will do our best to assist you. shangri-la.com |
因此,每个会员都应积 极参与所属委员会开展的标准化活动 , 竭诚 为 标 准化工作做出贡献。 astm.org | Each member is expected to participate and contribute in good faith to the standardization activities undertaken by the committee(s) to which they belong. astm.org |
我们将竭诚确保 您获得所需的本地化支持服务和信息,帮助您的项目顺利完工。 cn.lubrizol.com | And we want to make sure you get the localized support and information you need to take your project from blueprint to completion. lubrizol.com |
提高中国加工行业从业人员的安全、质量和环保技能”项目是由荷兰VAPRO公司和中国上海信息技术学校合作并各自向本国政府申请,经中荷两国政府批准为2006年首批获得“亚洲协作-中国”援助资金支持的5个项目之一,从2006年3月项目开幕到2008年2月结束的两年中,项目各合作 方 竭诚 协 作 ,以极大的热诚付出努力,圆满完成了各项计划中的任务,成功地达到了项目既定的目标。 vapro.cn | The “Increasing Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality Skills for operators and technicians in the Chemical and Processing Industry in China” project, is one of the five “Asia Cooperation- China” projects, executed in 2006 by VAPRO-OVP and SITC with the cooperation of the Chinese and the Dutch Government. vapro.cn |
如果有延迟抵达,我们将竭诚为您 等候在任何时间,只需告知我们,请与我们数短TXT等按摩 instantworldbooking.com | If there is delay on arrival we will be happy to wait you at any hour, just inform us please with a short TXT massage on our number! instantworldbooking.com |
从那时起,我们一直致力于业务开拓 , 竭诚 为 客 户提供最佳的购物体验。 hk.ashford.com | Since then we have been striving to build the business and provide the best possible customer experience. ashford.com |
法国巴黎银行为客户竭诚服务 之余,不忘克尽社会责任,最近就于《Vigeo》「全球120大企业社会责任指数」中名列全球银行之首。 bnpparibas.com.cn | Commitment to clients and a responsible ethos [...] are integral to the organisation: BNP Paribas was recently named the number [...]one global bank in the Vigeo World 120 Corporate and Social Responsibility Index. bnpparibas.co.in |
同时,艾默生环境优化技术将竭诚为 暖通空调及制冷行业提供行业领先的创新解决方案,为提升人们的生活舒适度、保障食品安全和保护环境不懈努力 emerson.com | In parallel, Emerson Climate Technologies also remains committed to continuing the development of industry-leading solutions that improve human comfort, ensure food safety and protect the environment. emerson.com |
酒店管理层的竭诚服务 是您舒适入住的保障。 shangri-la.com | Our dedicated executive staff guarantees the comfort of your stay. shangri-la.com |
我们竭诚为您提供最好的解决方案。 gpsolar.de | We are happy to provide you the best solution possible. gpsolar.de |
若您还有疑问或是在使用上有任何不了解的地方,都欢迎和我们连络,我们的客服人员 会 竭诚 快 速 地回复。 aten.com.cn | If you have any questions or are uncertain of how this policy operates, please do not hesitate to contact us and our customer service representatives will give you an answer as soon as possible. eng.aten.eu |
集设计,生产和服务为一体工厂的分布于美国,英国,墨西哥以及中国等地,并且我们销售中心遍布于欧洲,北美洲以及亚洲,我们 将 竭诚 为 您 服务! spellmanhv.cn | With design, manufacturing and service facilities in the US, UK, Mexico, China and Japan, and direct sales offices throughout Europe, Asia and North America, Spellman is committed to supporting advanced system providers and their customers throughout the world. spellmanhv.com |
英隆”将竭诚为您提供最好的瓦楞行业专用薄刀和砂轮。 经过多年的创新与发展,我厂完全可以生产和提供与国内外著名的瓦楞生产线相配套的刀片及砂轮:例如BHS, JUSTU, HSIEH HSU, JINGSHAN, MARQUIP, FOSBER, AGNATI, MINGWEI, K & H, TCY, ISOWA等等。 sino-corrugated.com | Our Products Slitter Knives and Grinding Wheels can be Produced and Applied in Many Famous Corrugated Lines: BHS, JUSTU, HSIEH HSU, JINGSHAN, MARQUIP, FOSBER, AGNATI, MINGWEI, K & H, TCY, ISOWA etc. All the Products could be Produced According to the Specific Requirements of Customers. sino-corrugated.com |
1972年以来我们已经走过漫长的道路,但是,如果我 们 竭诚 对 待我们的承诺,想要跨越我们现在的挑战提升双边关系,帮助两国充分发挥其潜力,我们所有人还有更多事情要做。 embassyusa.cn | We have come a long way since 1972, but more will be required of all of [...] us if we are sincere in our commitment [...]to elevate this bilateral relationship [...]above and beyond our current challenges and help both countries reach their full potential. eng.embassyusa.cn |
Kao博士已经发现了专门针对流感病毒生命周期中的一个独特部分的新型化学物质,我们 将 竭诚 与 他 合作,将新化学物质推进到临床研究领域。 tipschina.gov.cn | Dr. Kao has identified novel chemical matter that targets a unique component of the influenza virus life cycle and we are diligently working with him to advance the lead molecules into clinical development. tipschina.gov.cn |