

单词 立足





rooted the spot (idiom); too terrified to move

External sources (not reviewed)

需有效执法,特别注重立足执行情况监测能力;还应注意执行有 关禁止由未成年人销售烟草制品的法律。
Effective enforcement, with a
[...] particularfocus on adequatecapacity for monitoring [...]
implementation, is needed; attention
should also be given to the enforcement of laws against the sale of tobacco products by minors.
(b) 人道主义问题的解立足类人权挑战,包括解决由于朝鲜战争分 裂的家庭困境;解决韩战时期的战俘问题,及其后遭绑架的大韩民国国民问题; 强调朝鲜民主主义人民共和国境内的人权是一个普遍价值观问题;基于人道主义 为该国提供援助;和援助来自该国的寻求庇护者。
(b) The resolution of humanitarian issues is anchored on various human rights challenges, including resolution of theplight [...]
of families separated
by the Korean war; resolution of the question of prisoners of war from that era and subsequent abductions of nationals of the Republic of Korea; emphasis on human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea as a matter of universal value; provision of aid to that country on the basis of humanitarianism; and assistance for asylum-seekers from there.
小农耕作引 进现代科学技术应该考虑到这些特点,并立足作知识网、比较完善的基础 设施以及一种将作物轮作、综合作物和原料生产结合起来的系统途径。
Introductions of modern science and technology to smallholder farming should take into account these characteristics and be based on farmer knowledge networks, better infrastructure, and a system approach involving crop rotation and integrated crop and feedstock production.
In emergency situations, high-quality education should reflect the
specific living conditions of the child and
[...] should be child-centred, rights-based, [...]
protective, adaptable, inclusive and participatory.
保护这种情况下的 儿童的最佳途径是,确保移徙政策一般不将移徙人员定为罪犯,其目的和效果不 具有歧视性,从儿童和性别的角度处理整个移徙过程,确保政立足重人权 规范和标准,以证据为依托,并在所有相关利益攸关方之间协调执行。
The best way to protect the rights of the child in this context is to ensure that migration policies in general do not criminalize migrants, are non-discriminatory in purpose and effect, address the entire process of migration from a child and gender perspective, arepremised onand respectful of human rights norms and standards, and are evidence-based and coordinated between all relevant stakeholders.
(b) 在研究条例草案附表2第 91条所载《物业转 易及财产条例》(第 219章 )第 16条的拟议修 订 (条例草案附表2的标明修订事项文本(立
法会CB(1)2109/03-04(02)号文件)第 139页 )
[...] 时,助理法律顾问认为,若条例草案第14 及 21 条已就藉注册转移权益立足定,便应在《物业转易及财产条例》第16 [...]
条中订明有关转移“不适用於属《土地业权 条例》(2002年第
号 ) 所指的注册土地的 土地”,否则便会引起混淆。
(b) In examining the proposed amendments to section 16 of the Conveyancing and Property Ordinance (CPO) (Cap. 219) set out in section 91 of Schedule 2 to the Bill (page 139 of the marked-up copy of Schedule 2 to the Bill (LC Paper No. CB(1)2109/03-04(02))), the Assistant Legal Adviser (ALA) opined that
if the transfer of interests by
[...] registration had beensufficiently provided forunder [...]
clauses 14 and 21 of the Bill, it
should be stated in section 16 that it “shall not apply to land which is registered land within the meaning of the Land Titles Ordinance ( of 2002)”, or else there would be confusion.
(b) 为了参与组织的立法机关能充分而有效地利用联检组报告,联检组报告所载的建议必 须(a) 旨在纠正明显的缺失,并提出能解决重大问题的切合实际和侧重行动的措施;(b) 具有说服力,报告立足和作出分析;(c) 在所涉的资源承担和技术能力方面要切 合实际;(d) 具有成本效益;(e) 具体说明应采取的行动,以及由何人负责采取行动,以 便清楚追踪执行情况及所造成的影响。
(b) In order for the JIU reports to be thoroughly and effectively utilized by the UNESCO legislative organs, the recommendations contained therein must be: (a) directed at correcting clear deficiencies with practical, action-oriented measures to solve significant problems; (b) convincing and well-supported by the facts and analysis in the report; (c) realistic in terms of implied resource commitments and technical capabilities; (d) cost-effective; and (e) specific regarding actions to be taken, and those responsible for taking actions, so that implementation and resulting impact can be clearly tracked.
这一点特别是通过以下的行动而得以实现的,即把促进古迹遗产保护和修复的行动与该 行动所需的传统技术和专门知识结合起来,为促进可持续发展的文化旅游业开展新辟文化旅 游线路项目,通过开发工艺品或建立地区性与全国性的博物馆,或两者兼而有之的方法提立足国的创收能力。
In particular, this has been achieved by linking actions for the safeguarding and rehabilitation of monumental heritage with the traditional skills and associated know-how, and projects creating cultural itineraries for sustainable cultural tourism with the promotion of endogenous capacities for income generation through crafts and/or local and national museum development.
[...] 为港岛提供一个发挥功能及均衡的道路网,为此,主干道 沿途亦需立足进出口连接到商业中心区,以减轻走 廊的交通压力。
The Trunk Road is needed to ensure the provision of a functional and balanced road network on Hong Kong Island and, to
do this, the Trunk Road
[...] also needsto haveadequate intermediate access [...]
points toserve the CBD so as to alleviate the burden of the Corridor.
以下所列述各项次级方案立足对发展所受到的各种威胁、 并已考虑到秘书长所订立的各项发展优先重点的总体目标,为此将努 力取得下列各项发展成果:(a) 各成员国政府制订出从多学科视角出发 解决发展问题的更有效的、更包容的和更可持续的发展政策,以期缩 小发展方面的差距并建立抵御各种灾害的能力;(b) 确立更为有利的和 协调划一的区域立场,从而推动形成全球性进程,并在执行各项国际 承诺方面向本区域各国提供支持;(c) 建立各种区域合作机制和体制框 架,用以推进区域一体化进程和努力实现包容性发展。
With the overall goals of addressing development threats and taking note of the development priorities of the Secretary-General, the subprogrammes aim to achieve the following development results: (a) Governments of member States have more effective, inclusive and sustainable development policies for addressing development from a multidisciplinary perspective, to narrow development gaps and build resiliency; (b) global processes are shaped by a stronger coordinated regional voice and countries are supported in implementing international commitments; and (c) regional cooperation mechanisms and institutional frameworks are in place, supported and implemented to promote regional integration and inclusive development.
请注意:如果您已经在加拿大安立足能返回您的原居住国,因为您在那里不 被承认是一名公民,或那里没有政府负责,您则应该申请 H&C。
Please note:
[...] If you are already establishedin Canadaand can’t [...]
return to your home country because you are not recognized
as a citizen there or there is no government in charge, you should apply for H&C.
执行委员会希望,委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔共和国将继续实施计划的活动并取得突出进展, 继续保持立足前消耗臭氧层物质的削减水平。
The Committee is hopeful that the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela will continue the implementation of its planned activities with outstanding progress, and will sustain and build upon its current levels of reductions in ODS.
我们将在南南合作框架范围内立足结合作,努力实现最不发达国家在国家发展计划和优先事项中提出的具体发展 成果。
We seek to achieve specific development results as articulated in least developed countries’ national development plans and priorities, based on solidarity and partnership within the context of South-South cooperation.
指出文化多样性是人类的共同财产,信息社会立足鼓励尊重文化特 性、文化和语言多样性、各种传统和宗教,并促进不同文化和文明之间的对话, [...]
并指出,正如各方已商定的联合国相关文件,包括联合国教育、科学及文化组织 《世界文化多样性宣言》1 所反映,促进、肯定和维护各种不同文化特性和语言,
Noting that cultural diversity is the common
heritage of humankind and that the information
[...] society should be founded on and [...]
stimulate respect for cultural identity, cultural
and linguistic diversity, traditions and religions and foster dialogue among cultures and civilizations, and noting also that the promotion, affirmation and preservation of diverse cultural identities and languages as reflected in relevant agreed United Nations documents, including the Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization,1 will further enrich the information society
即使在民间社会在冲突后和平建设中的角色得到承认的情况 下,仍然不能与妇女组织立足联系。
Even where the role of civil society in postconflict peacebuilding was recognized,
[...] the networkingwith women’s organizations was inadequate.
然 而委员会关注缔约国越来越依赖非政府组织,同时还将其根据《公约》应承担的
[...] 许多执行工作任务下放给包括非政府组织在内的民间团体,但却没有建立必要框 架或能力,为儿童提立足的支助。
However, it is concerned that the State party is more and more dependent on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and that it delegates many of its implementation obligations under the Convention to the
civil society, including NGOs, without ensuring the necessary
[...] framework or capacitiesfor rights-based support [...]
to children.
(a) 在那些断定国外融资对增长有重大作用的人看来,对策应立足复危机前的资本流入水平,并改进流入的管理
(a) For those concluding that foreign finance had a relevant impact on growth, policy responses should be based on achieving the pre-crisis levels of capital inflows and better managing them
第四,现代冲突需要采取复杂的战略和全面的解 决办法,立足该是:目标统一;物质、技术和 财政支助的可预测性;军事和民事稳定努力的有效结 合;以及密切协调,同时亦顾及区域情况以及区域组 织根据《联合国宪章》第八章以最好的方式进行参与。
Fourthly, modern conflicts require complex strategies and comprehensive solutions based on theunity ofobjectives; the predictability of material, technical and financial support; the effective combination of military and civil stabilization efforts; and close coordination, taking into account regional contexts and the optimal involvement of the potential of regional organizations pursuant to Chapter VIII of the United Nations Charter.
美利坚合众国政府重立足采取行动,保 护生物多样性,因此支持建立生物多样性和生态系 统服务政府间科学政策平台,并期待在遵守釜山成 [...]
果规定(UNEP/IPBES/3/L.2/Rev.1)方面与大会和联 合国其他机构,特别是环境署、联合国教育、科学
及文化组织(教科文组织)、联合国粮食及农业组织 (粮农组织)以及联合国开发计划署(开发署)合作。
His Government focused on science-based action
to conserve biodiversity and
[...] therefore supportedtheestablishment of an Intergovernmental [...]
Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity
and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) and looked forward to cooperating with the General Assembly and other United Nations bodies, specifically UNEP, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), in keeping with the provisions of the Busan outcome (UNEP/IPBES/3/L.2/Rev.1).
会议还注意到,需制定出合理应对 这一情况的办法,牢立足公约》的宗旨和目标,而且不损害尽快销毁雷区 内所有杀伤人员地雷的法律义务。
The Meeting further noted a need to develop a rational response to such situations which is firmly anchored in the object and purpose of the Convention and which does not undermine the legal obligations to destroy all anti-personnel mines in mined areas as soon as possible.
[...] 规定允许冻结被指认者的资产,但这些规定还可进一步加强,例如立足法 律保障,使被指认个人或实体能够就指认提出上诉或请求对被冻结的资金给予人 [...]
The four States also have provisions that allow the freezing of assets of designated persons, but these
might be strengthened by, for instance,
[...] putting in placesufficient legal safeguards [...]
enabling designated individuals or entities
to appeal their designations or to request humanitarian exemptions on the frozen funds.
(j) 该大学的工作方立足伯国家内政部长理事会的建议和意见、该 大学组织的大会和专题讨论会上提出的建议,以及阿拉伯国家发生的事件或阿 拉伯国家安全组织和刑事司法管理局的专家向该大学介绍的其他国际事件所归 纳的建议。
(j) The work programme of theUniversity is based on the recommendations and suggestions made by the Councilof Arab Ministers of the Interior, proposals from conferences and symposiums organized by the University and recommendations emerging from events in the Arab world or other international events which have been presented to the university by experts involved in security organizations and the administration of criminal justice in Arab countries.
正如上一份报告中指出的,一些会员国向秘书处表示,视听图书馆是联 合国的一项核心活动,应该用经常预算供资,以便在目前和将来立足实的 基础上,并要求将其意见转达给咨询委员会(A/64/495,第 27 段)。
As indicated in the previous report, a number of Member States expressed the view to the Secretariat that the Audiovisual Library was a core activity of the United Nations which should be placed on a solid foundation for the present and the future by means of funding under the regular budget, and requested that their view be conveyed to the Advisory Committee (A/64/495, para. 27).
因此,绿色发展战略的重点是可持续的基础设施-立足穷人提 供基本服务 - 以及综合性土地和水资源管理,这可大大有助于实现千年发展 目标和应对气候变化,同时作为经济增长的引擎以克服当前的经济危机。
Therefore, green growth strategies focusing on sustainable infrastructure— anchored to the provision of basic services to the poor—and on integrated land and water resource management can greatly contribute to achieving the Millennium Development Goals and addressing climate change while serving as an engine of economic growth to overcome the current economic crisis.
关于预防冲突,非洲联盟认为,增加联合国维持 和平行动预算应该是更多关注建设和平和预防冲突
[...] 的另一原因,目的是超越传统的冲突管理做法,而在 这方面立足合国自 1992 年布特罗斯-加利秘书 [...]
长题为“和平纲领——预防性外交、建立和平与维持 和平”的报告(A/47/277-S/24111)以来所采取的措施。
On conflict prevention, the African Union believes that the increasing budget for United Nations peacekeeping operations should be an additional reason for devoting more attention to peacebuilding and conflict prevention, in order to
move beyond the traditional conflict
[...] management approach, building on the steps [...]
taken by the United Nations in this regard
since the 1992 report of Secretary-General BoutrosGhali entitled “An Agenda for Peace: Preventive diplomacy, peacemaking and peace-keeping” (S/24111).
这 些努力的中心是妇女和青年,立足区和当地的发展办法采取的系统性办法 将强调发表意见、自给自足、性别公平和开发社会资本。
Women and youth will be central to these efforts, and a systemic approach to community- and local-based development approaches will emphasize voice, self-reliance, gender equity and the development of social capital.
会议认识到,已经有了一系列双边、区域和多边的援助、合作和伙伴关 系,但是在发展用于和平目的的生物科学和技术的国际合作、援助和交流方面仍
[...] 然存在有待克服的各种挑战,而解决这些问题、挑战、需要和限制,将有助于缔 约国在疾病监测、检测、诊断和遏制方面立足能力。
The Conference, while noting existing bilateral, regional and multilateral assistance, cooperation and partnerships, recognizes, however, that there still remain challenges to be overcome in developing international cooperation, assistance and exchange in biological sciences and technology for peaceful purposes and that addressing such problems, challenges,
needs and restrictions will help States
[...] Parties to buildsufficient capacityfor disease [...]
surveillance, detection, diagnosis and containment.
常设论坛在其报告(E/2009/43)第 7 段中欣见土着和地方社区、工商界以及 生物多样性框架公约组织 2009 年 5 月 12
日和 13 日在纽约联合国总部举行的协 商等举措,认为这是私营部门与土着人民之间有益的对话,并鼓励进一步开展讨
[...] 论,确保有效实施《联合国土着人民权利宣言》,同时通过这种富有创意的合作 伙伴关系,促立足可持续方式利用生物多样性的社区企业。
In paragraph 7 of the report (E/2009/43), the Permanent Forum welcomed such initiatives as the indigenous and local community, business and biodiversity consultation, held at United Nations Headquarters in New York on 12 and 13 May 2009, as a useful dialogue between the private sector and indigenous peoples, and encouraged further discussions with a view to ensuring the effective implementation of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples while
stimulating community-level businesses based on the sustainable use of biodiversity
[...] through such creativepartnerships.




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