

单词 立例

External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 有否計劃將海㆘灣列為海洋保護區, 立例 禁 止 ㆒切危害海洋生態的活動如拖 網捕魚等;若有,如何實行;若否,原因何在?
(b) whether any plan has been drawn up to declare Hoi Ha Wan a marine conservation
[...] zone and introduce legislative measures to prohibit [...]
all activities, including
trawling, which would endanger the marine ecosystem of the area; if so, in what manner these measures would be implemented; if not, what the justification for not doing so is?
另一方面,筆者從來不贊成由政 立例 管 制 傳媒如何報導民意調查,因為這個涉及言論自由的問題。
On the other hand, the author has never agreed that the government should enact laws to regulate the report of public opinion surveys, since this involves the question of freedom of speech.
(1) 准则 4.3.2 所载的原则不适用于这样的情况,即出于某种原因,只有各缔约 方一致接受保留,保留才能“立” , 例 如 条 约必须完整适用的情况。
(1) The principle set out in guideline 4.3.2 is not applicable in cases in which, for one reason or another, unanimous acceptance by the
contracting parties is
[...] required in order to “establish” the reservation, as in the case of a treaty that must be applied in its entirety,663 for example.
尽管这一法律还立例执行 ,但是该法的许多方面已经通过现 行的《刑法》规定加以执行。
Although it has yet to be
[...] enforced through regulations, many aspects [...]
of it are enforced through existing Criminal Code provisions.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減低空氣、噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式破碎機;
增加空氣污染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消減空氣污染滋擾通知書的手續;管 制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將
[...] 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以立例管制 化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。
They cover controls of hand held percussion breakers; increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance of waste treatment plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for
treating of industrial effluent to
[...] specified quality and regulations to control the disposal [...]
of chemical waste and charge for it.
這 是 現
[...] 實 情 況 , 易 於 說 明 , 但 難立 例 管 理
This is a reality that is easy to
[...] state though difficult to regulate.
自那時起, 另有十個國家亦隨立例把打 屁股列為非法。
Since then, ten other countries have also passed laws to make spanking illegal.
(i) 食典商品标准中的指标基础已经立 ( 例 如 在此基础上,是否批量中的每一件 [...]
商品或相当一部分商品符合标准中的规定,或者是否一批商品中抽取的样品的 平均水平必须符合标准的规定,如果必须符合,是否(视情而定)给定最小或 最大的容许量
(i) the basis on which the criteria in the Codex Commodity
[...] standards have been drawn up (e.g. whether on [...]
the basis that every item in a lot, or a
specified high proportion, shall comply with the provision in the standard or whether the average of a set of samples extracted from a lot must comply and, if so, whether a minimum or maximum tolerance, as appropriate, is to be given)
一旦事实和法律影响在相 关的司法管辖区立――例如, 公司管理层面临刑事起诉与行政罚款的风险,该 公司将需要决定是否申请从宽处理或进行辩护,这将是一个非常困难的、多方面 的决定。
Once the facts and legal
[...] implications − for example, criminal exposure of the company's management and its exposure to administrative fines − were established for the jurisdictions [...]
concerned, the company
would need to decide whether to apply for leniency or defend the case, a very difficult and multifaceted decision.
出于某种原因,只有各缔约方一致接受保留,保留才能 立 , 例 如 有 限参 与条约的情况。
(1) The principle set out in guideline 4.3.2 is not applicable in cases in which, for one reason or another, unanimous
acceptance by the contracting parties is
[...] required in order to “establish” the reservation, [...]
as in the case of a treaty that must
be applied in its entirety,13 for example.
D. 奧地利革命 a. 奧地利帝國 i. 各地均要求立﹐例如匈 牙利的馬札爾人(Magyar)﹑意大利的意大利人 [...]
(Italian)﹑加里西亞(Galicia)的波蘭人﹑波希米亞(Bohemia)的捷克人 (Czech)﹐以及克羅埃西亞(Croatia)的塞爾維亞人(Serb)。
i. There were
[...] demands for national independence, such as Magyars [...]
in Hungary; Italians in Italy; Poles in Galicia; Czechs
in Bohemia as well as Serbs in Croatia.
立 例 規 定 在 某 些 案 件 中 可 以 強 制 夫 妻 一 方 針 對 另 一 方 而 作 證 ( 如 我 們 在 第 1 4 章 所 建 議 的 ) , 那 麼 現 有 的 ‚ 特 權 ‛ ( 那 基 本 上 尌 是 一 個 不 可 強 制 作 證 的 原 則 ) 應 當 撤 銷 還 是 維 持 不 變 ?
If a spouse is to be made compellable to testify against the other spouse in certain cases (as recommended in chapter 14), should the existing ‘privilege' (which is essentially a rule of non-compellability) give way or be allowed to stand?
王康力先生于1997年加入南通经济技术开发区管委会,期间参与众多项目的商谈并参与区内不同行业内的项目报批 立例 如 医 药、特种材料,食品和营养品等行业。
Mr. Wang joined NETDA  industrial zone in 1997 and has since been involved
with various project negotiation and setup
[...] assistance to serve a variety of industries [...]
such as pharmaceuticals, advanced
materials & specialty chemicals, food and nutritions etc. He is  ...             [detail
使 用方便的监测工具已经立,例如核 对表, 可据以核实下列情况:征聘管理人员对照规 [...]
定的要求,以客观、公平、透明的方式对所 有候选人进行评估;评估工作在空缺职位申 请截止日期之后才开始;符合审查条件的所 有候选人均应邀接受评估;评价准则中要求
的评估方法已予应用;评估小组依照适用的 规定组成;由同一评估小组负责审议某一空 缺职位的所有申请人的资格
Easy to use monitoring tools have been developed such as checklists
[...] verifying for example that: all candidates [...]
have been assessed by the hiring manager
in an objective, fair and transparent manner against the stipulated requirements; the assessment exercise did not begin prior to the deadline date of the job opening; all candidates who merit consideration have been invited to undergo the assessment; the assessment method indicated in the evaluation criteria has been applied; the assessment panel was composed in line with the applicable provisions; and the same assessment panel considered all applicants for one particular job opening
2005 年 12 月批准的 13392 号行政335 令要求 公共机构任命一位首席信息自由权官,该官员将被赋予诸多责任来保障本法律的恰当实施,
[...] 其手段包括:监控该法的实施;对必须实行的变革提出建议以及培养公众理解 立例 外 规则 的目的(第 2(a) and (b)节)。
Various promotional measures are required under the RTI Law and derivative rules. Executive Order 13392, adopted in December 2005,335 requires public bodies to appoint a Chief FOIA Officer with broad responsibilities for ensuring appropriate implementation of the Law, including by monitoring implementation, by making
recommendations as to necessary changes and by fostering public awareness of the
[...] purposes of the exceptions (paragraphs 2(a) [...]
and (b)).
各種應用都可以在知識基礎上立, 例 如 要 建立一個電子商務系統,我們可以根據業務需求定義不同的主題分 類,然後用分類建立不同的導航選項(參見圖 4),另外還可以根據業務規則把產品分配到相應的選項內(例 如,根據什麼條件把一個產品分類至「熱賣 」選項內)。
Products are assigned to the taxonomies by business rules (e.g., conditions under which a product should be assigned to the “Bargain” category).
[...] -但这些系统是什么有趣的是: *他们可以是难以立(例如, 以处理大量用户的需求,并提供始终以能力)。
There are lots of other examples - and you will find out more about them in this course! - but what is interesting about
these systems is:* They can be difficult
[...] to build (e.g. so as to handle demands [...]
from massive numbers of users, and to provide always-on capability).
斐济政府认为,上述与下列现行立法,加上目前拟订 立 法( 例 如 打击恐怖 主义示范法案/生物安全示范法案)的颁布,也有助于执行部分第 3 段各项规定的 实施。
The Government of Fiji considers that existing legislation of above and below, together with the enactment of legislation currently under development (e.g., Model counter-terrorism Bill/Biosecurity Bill), also contributes to implementation of requirements in OP 3.
也是在通过该决定草案之前,美国代表作了发 言,指出 E/CN.15/2011/L.2 号决定草案和 E/CN.15/2011/L.3 号决议草案(见下文 第 22
[...] 段)的提案国都倾向两份文件先送全体委员会审议,虽然对此程序没有异 议,但不应将此视为立了先例。
) Also prior to the adoption of the draft decision, the representative of the United States made a statement indicating that both of the sponsors of draft decision E/CN.15/2011/L.2 and of draft resolution E/CN.15/2011/L.3 (see para. 22 below) would have preferred that the two documents had first been sent to the Committee of the Whole for its
consideration and that, while there was no objection to the procedure followed, it should not
[...] be seen as setting a precedent.
用于定向干预行动;(b)加强本区域的法医信息能力;(c)应用先进侦查技术;(d) 在本区域各进口港(包括铁路和无水港)制订有效的集装箱管制方案;(e)防止
[...] 滥用 1975 年《国际公路货运公约》和《阿富汗过境贸易协定》,确保国 立法 和条例经过 评估并符合这些协定的规定。
The following supporting actions were also identified: (a) to enhance the collection, analysis and dissemination of operational information in the region for target-oriented intervention actions; (b) to enhance forensic information capacity in the region; (c) to apply advanced investigative techniques; (d) to establish effective container control programmes at ports of entry (including railway and dry ports) in the region and; (e) to prevent the misuse of the 1975 TIR Convention and the Afghan
Transit Trade Agreement by ensuring
[...] that national legislation and regulations are assessed and [...]
brought in line with the provisions of those agreements.
[...] 庭(尤其是塞拉利昂问题特别法庭)也承认设立一个专责被告方事务的办公室的 重要性,但这是这种承认首次导致设立一个与检察官办公室平行的 立 机 构例。
While other existing courts (in particular, the Special Court for Sierra Leone) also recognize the importance of an office dedicated to defence matters, this is the
first time that that recognition has
[...] led to the establishment of an independent organ on a [...]
par with the Office of the Prosecutor.
[...] 而且该提案的核准可能被看成为核准类似项目 立 了 一个 先 例 , 但 其他代表认为,这项研 究可以提供有用的信息,以帮助中国和其他第 [...]
5 条国家管理 HCFC 的使用。
Although some representatives expressed concern that the proposal as submitted did not currently qualify for funding under the
rules of the Fund and that its approval
[...] might be seen as a precedent for the approval of [...]
similar projects, others felt that
the study could provide useful information to help both China and other Article 5 countries manage the use of HCFCs.
在基 础设施和机构建设或参加政策制定或评估的社会变革
[...] 管理计划网络方面的影响具体体现在以下方面:109 多个国家参与了社会变革管理项目, 立 了 各 种机 构例如:50 多个社会变革管理计划联络委员会、澳 [...]
大利亚亚太地区社会变革研究中心、各种关于社会变 革问题的大学教席和东欧的社会变革管理计划暑期学 校。
The impact in terms of infrastructure and institution-building, or in terms of MOST networks participating in policyformulation or evaluation can be shown concretely by pointing to more than 109 countries participating in MOST projects, and
by referring to the different
[...] institutions that have been established, such as the over [...]
50 MOST Liaison Committees, the
Centre for Asia Pacific Social Transformation Studies in Australia, the various University Chairs on Social Transformations issues, and the MOST Summer School in Eastern Europe.
取得的成果包括:从制度规范角度巩固了对法案进行性别鉴定的程序和机 制;为其实行奠定了方法论基础;对《宪法》,一系列法典、法律和法案进行性
[...] 共和国议会形成了必须获得《法律草案性别鉴定结论》的惯例;推广了使用按性 别划分的统计信息的例;建立了监 测和评估妇女地位的国家体系;根据《北京 [...]
行动纲要》、《消除对妇女一切形式歧视公约》和《千年发展目标》制订了相应 的性别指标。
The results: there has been an institutional and normative strengthening of procedures and mechanisms for the assessment of draft laws and regulations from a gender perspective; a methodological basis for such assessments has been created; the Constitution, a number of codes, laws and legislation are now subject to assessment from a gender perspective; the President’s national council on questions relating to women, the family and gender mainstreaming is now functioning; it has become the practice of the Parliament to receive an assessment of proposed legislation from a gender perspective; the use of
gender-disaggregated statistics has grown; a system of
[...] national mechanisms has been set up to monitor [...]
and evaluate the status of women; and
standardized gender indicators have been produced on the basis of the Beijing Platform for Action, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and the Millennium Development Goals.
柬埔寨的案例突出显示了一些 措施的重要性例如:设立一个 国家主管机构,领导、协调和监管排雷行动部 门;制定国家排雷行动标准,作为协调政策和援助的唯一战略框架。
The Cambodian case highlighted the
importance of measures
[...] taken such as the establishment of a national authority to lead, coordinate and regulate the mine action [...]
sector and the adoption
of national mine action standards (NMAS) as a single strategic framework for policy and assistance coordination.
环境部已确保并且保证今后将通过一切必要的国家法 律和例,包括建立进口许可证制度,该制度将确定智利每年受《蒙特利尔议定书》及其 修正案和附件管制的各类物质的最高允许进口量,并为该国的氟氯烃控制奠定基础。
The Ministry of Environment has ensured -and will assure in the future-
passage of all necessary
[...] national laws and regulations, including establishing an import licensing system which allows to establish annual maximum [...]
admissible import
quantities for Chile of substances that are regulated under the Montreal Protocol, its amendments and its annexes and set the basis for control of HCFCs into the country.
(c) 於有關期間(惟不包括股東名冊暫停辦理登記之時間),股東可於營業時 間免費查閱本公司存置於香港之任何股東名冊,亦可要求本公司向其提供 股東名冊之副本或摘要,猶如本公司乃根據公司 例 註 冊 成 立 而 須 遵守當 中規定。
(c) During the Relevant Period (except when the Register is closed), any Shareholder may inspect during business hours any Register maintained in Hong Kong without charge and require the provision to him of copies or
extracts thereof in all respects as if
[...] the Company were incorporated under and were subject to the Companies Ordinance.
该国政府提到了最近采取的几项将强迫失踪的犯罪者绳之以法的措施例 如建立全国 紧急搜寻机制;成立法律技术委员会;改进调查策略;支助受害者家 [...]
属;要求拒绝重新审理失踪案件的检察官提供证明拒绝合理的声明;以及成立人 道主义起诉事务科。
The Government referred to several measures currently undertaken to bring to justice those responsible
for enforced disappearances, such as the nationwide urgent search
[...] mechanism; the establishment of technical [...]
legal committees; better
investigative strategies; the provision of support for the families of victims; the request to prosecutors who refuse to reopen cases of disappearances to provide a statement justifying the grounds for the refusal; and the creation of Prosecution Services for Humanitarian Affairs.
有團體建議,當政府修改《空氣污染管制 例 》 , 立 法 管制兩家電力公司二氧化硫、氮氧化物、同可吸入懸浮粒子呢三種空氣污染物排放上限既時候,政府應同時立法管制電力公司既二氧化碳排放量。
The government is about to amend the Air
[...] Pollution Control Ordinance and propose to [...]
cap emissions of three types of air pollutants,
namely sulfur dioxide, nitrogen oxide and respirable suspended particulates, from the two electricity companies.
[...] 年颁布的《禁止体育暴力法》和2011年3月28 日颁布的 (第 5771-2011号) 《扩增充实公务部门埃塞俄比亚裔族群人员供职 例( 立法修订 案 ) 法》。
The Committee welcomes the enactment of the 2008 Prohibition of Violence in Sport Law and the enactment of the Expansion of Adequate Representation
for Persons of the Ethiopian Community in the
[...] Public Service (Legislative Amendments) Law (57712011) on March 28, 2011.




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