

单词 立下



repent and be absolved of one's crimes
lay down butcher's knife, become a Buddha on the spot (idiom); instant rehabilitation

External sources (not reviewed)

安理会立下先例,要求建 立实况调查机制,调查指称的违法行为,为受害者提供赔偿,并推动实行个人刑 [...]
It has already set significant precedents by
[...] requestingtheestablishment of fact-finding [...]
mechanisms to investigate alleged violations,
providing reparations for victims and promoting individual criminal responsibility.
委员会还 决定,鉴于这些划界案按收件顺序仍排为下一个审议对象,委员会将在 立下小组委员会时再考虑这一情况。
It also decided that, since those submissions remained next in line for consideration as queued in the
order in which they were received, it would revisit the situation
[...] at the time of establishmentofits next subcommission.
会议审议了目前的权力下放进程,建议采取更多的措施进一步提高效率:i) 进
一步加强下放办事处的技术能力,尤其要确保向国家办事处提供充分的技术支持; ii) 加强下放办事处及时应对紧急情况和灾害、解决资金投入问题的能力;iii) 实
[...] 施工作人员流动和轮换政策;iv) 立下事处网络,使其在粮农组织内部、与 [...]
The Conference considered the ongoing decentralization and recommended additional measures to further increase efficiency and productivity: i) further strengthening of the technical capacity of the decentralized offices and, in particular, to ensure provision of adequate technical support to country offices; ii) enhancing the capacity of the decentralized offices to provide timely response to emergencies and disasters and address investment issues; iii) implementing staff
mobility and rotation policies; and iv)
[...] developing a decentralizedoffices network [...]
with effective linkages within the Organization,
as well as with the concerned governments, other UN system organizations and development partners.
审议的法律草案和立法议案如内容全面,或可引起争议,抑或需要详细研究,委员会可 立下 员会。
The committees may set up sub-committees when the bills are more comprehensive or controversial or when a more detailed examination of the bill is deemed necessary.
基于上述情况,拟议通过立下额加强稳定支助股:驻金沙萨的 1 个区 域方案顾问员额(P-4)、驻戈马、伊图里和布卡武的 3 个省级协调干事员额 (P-3)(设立 2 个新员额,并将地雷行动联络股的 1 个地雷行动干事员额改为省级 协调干事员额)和驻马涅马省的 1 个稳定支助干事职位(联合国志愿人员),这些 员额将直接向刚果民主共和国东部协调员报告工作,同时与驻金沙萨综合办事处 保持密切协调。
On the basis of theabove,it is proposed to strengthen the Stabilization Support Unit with one post of Regional Programme Adviser (P-4) based in Kinshasa, three Provincial Coordination Officer posts (P-3) (through the establishment of 2 new posts and the reassignment of 1 post of Mine Action Officer from the Mine Action Liaison Unit) to be based in Goma, Ituri and Bukavu, and one position of Stabilization Support Officer (United Nations Volunteer) to be based in Maniema, reporting directly to the Coordinator of the eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo while retaining close coordination with the integrated office in Kinshasa.
联合国宪章和加强联合国作用特别委员会可进行上述提议的研究,可直接进 行这样的研究,或为此立下 设机构。
The Special Committee on the Charter of the United Nations and on the Strengthening of the Role of the Organization could conduct the study proposed above, either acting directly or by creating ad hoc subsidiary bodies.
They come equipped withindividual [...]
saddle transducers at the bridge and a 13-pin output jack, allowing the player to connect
to a multitude of 13-pin devices and computers via Midi.
虽然鲜为人知,但在 Masimo 的发展历程中曾经发生过许多其他事情,都可以证明 20 多年前我们对自立下言。
While less noticeable, there have been many other things that happened along Masimo’s journey that alsostand asproud examples of the promises we made to ourselves over 20 years ago.
开展相关活动的一个重要方面,是 立下约执行机制:国际劳工组织 关于移民就业的第 97 [...]
号公约以及国际劳工组织关于私营就业机构的第 181 号公 约。
An important direction of activity
is the development of implementation
[...] mechanismfor thefollowing Conventions: Convention [...]
No. 97 of the International Labour
Organisation on migration for employment as well as Convention No. 181 of the International Labour Organisation on private employment agencies.
这本新标准不但取代了前述产品类别的原标准,亦为安全标准的发 立下 要的里程碑 ─ 标准的制定自传统的允收性规范陈述 (Prescriptive Approach),转变为以防止潜在危险为基础的全新思维,其强调产品在开发前期即应纳入安全设计的概念。
Not only will this new standard replace the current standards for these product categories, it is also an important milestone for safety standards to move from the traditional, prescriptive approach to a new, hazard-based approach that emphasizes safety design in the early product development phase.
主席团注意到,一旦及时收到秘 书处的完整提案以及可行性研究的结论和协定草案,执行局第一八二届会议就可能审议立 下心的问题:国际水资源综合管理中心(ICIWaRM)(美利坚合众国)、沉淀物、同 位素和腐蚀技术国际培训和研究地区中心(土耳其)、中亚地区冰河学中心(哈萨克斯坦共 和国)、亚太地区生态水文中心(APCE)(印度尼西亚)。
The Bureau noted that the following centres may be considered by the Board at its 182nd session, upon the timely receipt of a full proposal by the Secretariat and the conclusion of the feasibility study and the draft agreement: the International Centre for Integrated Water Resources Management (ICIWaRM) (United States of America); the Regional Centre of International Training and Research on Sediment, Isotope and Erosion Techniques (Turkey); the Central Asian Regional Glaciological Centre (Republic of Kazakhstan); the Asia Pacific Centre for Ecohydrology (APCE) (Indonesia).
外型美观、散热快、坚固耐用、操作简易的按钮备份、荣获奖项的易用备份软体,以及兼顾省电与资料安全性且方便使用的电源开关,这些都是彻底重新开发 Seagate 按钮备份外接式硬碟机所获得的成果 立下机的最高清费性产品设计标准。
With stunning good looks, cool-running ruggedness, easy push-button backup, award-winning easy-to-use backup software, and a convenient on/off switch for power savings and data security, the Seagate Push Button Back-Up External Hard Drive was developed from the ground up to deliver the highest consumer design standards ever seen in a hard drive.
(c) 教科文组织之活动的某一领域中若存在若干单独组
[...] 织,可暂缓个别接纳其进入咨询关系类,以便鼓励 建立一些将这些组织联合在一起并能争取 立下四条所规定的协作关系的骨干组织或协调机构, [...]
(c) where a number of separate organizations exist in any particular field of UNESCO’s activity, their admission to the category of consultative relations on an individual
basis may be deferred with the object of
[...] encouraging the establishment ofumbrella organizations [...]
or coordinating bodies that
are better able to further UNESCO’s aims by bringing all these organizations together and may be entitled to request the establishment of associate relations, as defined in Article 4 below.
兹提述2008年5月14日之持续关连交易公告、2008年12月23日之持续关连交易公告、 2010年1月22日之持续关连交易公告及2010年4月9日之持续关连交易公告,内容有关 (其中包括)本集团与本公司关连人士之联系人 立下 据上市规则第14A章构成本 公司持续关连交易之协议
Reference is made to the 14 May 2008 CCT Announcement, 23 December 2008 CCT Announcement, 22 January 2010 CCT Announcement and 9 April 2010 CCT Announcement in which it was stated that, inter alia, the following agreements were entered into by the Group with associate(s) of connected person(s) of the Company, which constituted continuing connected transactions of the Company under Chapter 14A of the Listing Rules
(iii) 在任何适用法律及法规的要求下,吾等无须事先通知阁下或取得阁下同意的情 下立止 及关闭阁下在吾等开设的帐户
(iii) immediately without giving you prior notice or obtaining your consent where we are required by any Applicable Laws and Regulations to terminate and close the Account(s) you have opened with us.
18.8 指示的弥偿
[...] 在不违反本客户协议任何规定的原则下,阁下应在要 下立时就(a)吾等接受或按任何指示行事;(b) [...]
任何该等指示的撤销或变更;或(c)通过传真及/或其他电子方式(不论该等指示是由阁下还是阁下的获授 权人士及/或由阁下授权作出)发送该等指示的任何错误或遗漏而直接或间接导致吾等遭受或产生的所有
索赔、请求、诉讼、法律程序、损失、罚款、税负、损害、成本、费用和开支(包括所有吾等支付的法 律费用)及任何其他责任作出弥偿及令吾等获得弥偿以及使吾等免受损害。
Without prejudice to any provision in this Client Agreement, you
[...] shall indemnityimmediately on demandand [...]
keep us indemnified at all times against and
save us harmless from, all claims, demands, actions, proceedings, losses, penalties, fines, taxes, damages, costs, charges and expenses (including all legal costs incurred by us) on a full indemnity basis and any liability whatsoever which may be brought against us or suffered or incurred by us either directly or indirectly as a result of or in connection with (a) our accepting of or acting on any Instruction; (b) any revocation or alteration of any such Instruction; or (c) any error or omission in such Instruction given by facsimile transmission and/or such other electronic means (regardless of whether such Instruction was given by you or an Authorized Person and/or properly authorized by you).
如果 Moneybookers
[...] 单方面认为您未遵守这些条件,将在不作出任何通知的情 下立回“推荐好友计划”项下赋予您的任何利益(包括但不限于取消或拒绝向您支付与该计划有关的任何及全部已支付或未支付推荐费用,同时拒绝发出或停止发出任何推荐费用。
If Moneybookers determines in its sole discretion that you have not complied with these conditions, it may, in addition to
any other rights and remedies it may have
[...] againstyou,immediately and without notice [...]
to you, withdraw all benefits to you
under the Refer a Friend Program (including, without limitation, by cancelling or declining to credit any and all referral payments issued or to be issued to you in connection with the program and, by declining to send or stopping from being sent, any referral payments).
Inother cases, legislation reflects the [...]
requirement for continuing legal education for judges, but that requirement is not implemented in practice.
(b) 建立易于使用和有效的机制,据以监测、接受和处理有关歧视的申诉 ( 如在被拒绝入学的情下立出起诉); (c) 采取一切适当措施,例如全面开展公众教育运动,防止和改变对不同 族裔群体的不良社会态度。
(c) Take all appropriate measures, such as comprehensive public education campaigns, to prevent and combat negative societal attitudes towards different ethnic groups.
[...] 应只准许两名赞成和两名反对暂停辩论的代表就这一动议发言,然后在不违反第 29 条规定的情 该动议付诸表决。
In addition to the proposer of the motion, permission to speak on the motion shall be accorded to only two representatives in
favour of and two opposing the adjournment, after which the motion shall, subject to
[...] rule 29,be immediately putto the vote.
此外,《民法典》第 665
[...] 条规定,如果不完全行为人具有立遗嘱的行为能力,那么当他/她需要立遗嘱 时,应到公证处、并在两名公证人员的公 下立:这也是对不完全行为人的 负责。
Finally, article 665 states that where the judgement of incapacity makes no provision regarding the capacity to make a will, and the incapacitated person wishes to make one, the assistance of a notary must be sought to
designate two medical practitioners to guarantee the person's capacity and grant
[...] recognition and authorization asappropriate.
应只准许两名反对结束辩论的代表就该动议发言, 然后在不违反第 28 条的情该动议付诸表决。
Permission to speak on the motion shall be accorded only to two
representatives opposing the closure, after which the motion shall, subject to
[...] rule 28, be immediately put to the vote.
( 2 ) 如 在 发 生 任 何 不 当 情 况 时 便 立 即 提 出 反 对 , 或 在 其 後 切 实 可 行 的 情下 立出 反 对 , 而 不 当 情 况 却 未 予 纠 正 , 则 上 文 第 ( 1 ) ( a ) 款 并 不 适 用 。
(2) Subsection (1)(a) above shall not apply to any irregularity if objection is taken at, or as soon as practicable after, the time it occurs and the irregularity is not corrected.
[...] 充分执行关于将所有苏丹武装部队人员撤出阿卜耶 伊的协议;让流离失所者在联合国保 下立 回阿 卜耶伊;充分执行《全面和平协议》涉及阿卜耶伊的 [...]
所有规定;在南科尔多凡州和青尼罗州举行全民协 商;全部划定北南双方边界;在南科尔多凡州立即停
火;以及准许联合国和其他国际组织向有关地区提供 人道主义援助。
We therefore urge the Council to call for the full and immediate implementation of the agreement to withdraw all Sudanese Armed Forces troops from Abyei; the immediate
return of the displaced
[...] populations to Abyei under United Nations protection; the full implementation [...]
of all CPA provisions
with respect to Abyei; the holding of the popular consultations in both Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile states; the complete demarcation of the North-South border; an immediate ceasefire in Southern Kordofan; and the granting of humanitarian access for United Nations and international organizations into the area.
(F) 在公司法及本公司细之规何董事或候任或拟委 任董事不得因其担任任何职务或受薪职位,或因其卖方或买方身份或其他原因,而丧 失与本公司订约之资格; 任何董事亦毋须避免何方式涉及利益之任何有关 合约或任何其他合约或安排,而合约或涉及上述利益之任何董事亦毋须纯粹 因为拥有上述职务或因此信关系,就有关合约或安排所收取之任何报酬、收 益或其他利益向本公司或其股东交代。
(F) Subject to the Companies Act and to the next paragraph of this Bye-law, no Director or proposed or intended Director shall be disqualified by his office from contracting with the Company, either with regard to his tenure of any office or place of profitor as vendor, purchaser or in any other manner whatever, nor shall any such contract or any other contract or arrangement in which any Director is in any way interested by liable to be avoided, nor [...]
shall any Director so contracting or being
so interested be liable to account to the Company or the shareholders for any remuneration, profit or other benefits realised by any such contract or arrangement, by reason only of such Director holding that office or the fiduciary relationship thereby established.
[...] 尔巴尼亚族领导人在不预设条件和有国际参与的情展有意义的对 话,按照一个明确的时间表,导致结束危机和通过谈判达成科索沃问题的政治解 [...]
其他国际人员的行动自由”;“坚决要求科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人谴责一切恐怖 主义行动”;要求科索沃阿尔巴尼亚族领导人“与争取改善人道主义局势、避免 迫在眉睫的人道主义灾难的国际努力合作”(第 1203(1998)号决议,第 5、6、10 和11段)。
The same resolution also called upon the “Kosovo Albanian
[...] leadershipto enter immediatelyinto a meaningful [...]
dialogue without preconditions and with
international involvement, and to a clear timetable, leading to an end of the crisis and to a negotiated political solution to the issue of Kosovo”; demanded that “the Kosovo Albanian leadership and all others concerned respect the freedom of movement of the OSCE Verification Mission and other international personnel”; “[i]nsist[ed] that the Kosovo Albanian leadership condemn all terrorist actions”; and demanded that the Kosovo Albanian leadership “cooperate with international efforts to improve the humanitarian situation and to avert the impending humanitarian catastrophe” (resolution 1203 (1998), paras. 5, 6, 10 and 11).
[...] 快速干预小组已经在很多危机的情 下立取行 动并紧急实施了若干人权理事会的决议和决定,同 [...]
The rapid response unit
[...] had responded immediately inmany crisis [...]
situations and had allowed for the emergency application
of various Human Rights Council resolutions and decisions, at the request of countries and peacekeeping missions with which cooperation had been strengthened.
与此 相应,它们敦促秘书长和 1995
[...] 年决议的提案国在同 中东各国协商的情下立始进行必要筹备,以便 于 2012 [...]
年就建立中东无核武器和所有其他大规模杀 伤性武器区的问题召开一次有中东各国参加的会议。
Accordingly, they urge the Secretary General and the sponsors of the 1995 resolution, in
consultation with the States of the region,
[...] to commence immediatelynecessary preparations [...]
to convene a conference in 2012,
to be attended by all States of the Middle East, on the establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction.




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