单词 | 窥豹一斑 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 窥豹一斑 —lit. see one spot on a leopard (idiom); fig. a restricted |
文化并未明确出现在大多数联发援 框架中,但在促进旅游和良政等优先重点中可 以 窥 其 一斑。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Culture did not appear explicitly in the majority of UNDAFs, but could be considered indirectly in some priorities such as tourism promotion or good governance. unesdoc.unesco.org |
z 在加拿大北极区和格陵兰的一些地 区,北极 环 斑 海 豹 及 白鲸体内汞的水平在过去25年内已经增加2到4 倍。 zeromercury.org | z The levels of mercury in Arctic ringed seals and beluga whales have increased by 2 to 4 times over the last 25 years in some areas of the Canadian Arctic and Greenland. zeromercury.org |
船上的游客希望一睹罕见的塞马环斑 海 豹 , 却 遇到 了 一 只 游 泳的麋鹿。 visitfinland.com | The group of tourists in the boat was hoping to catch a glimpse of the rare Saimaa ringed seal, but instead met a swimming elk. visitfinland.com |
不过,从 这些样本中积累了资料,可以窥见国 家 一 级 条 款类型 的 一斑。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, an indication of the kind of provisions that are in place at the domestic level were be garnered from this sample. daccess-ods.un.org |
塞马湖环斑海豹 (pusa hispida saimensis) 是海豹科的一种动物,只生活在芬兰的塞马湖地区。 visitfinland.com | The Saimaa Ringed Seal (pusa hispida saimensis) is a sub-species of the ringed seal that lives only in the lakes of the Saimaa region of Finland. visitfinland.com |
芬兰东部的湖区叫塞马湖 (Saimaa),那是芬兰最大的湖,这是塞马湖环斑海豹栖息的地方;塞马湖 环 斑 海 豹 是 一 种 世界濒危的物种。 visitfinland.com | Lakeland in Eastern Finland is where Saimaa, the country’s greatest lake, is situated. visitfinland.com |
专家组于 2010 年 2 月发现,乌阿兹-CI 公司违反制裁制度,将一台相同类型的发 动机进口至科特迪瓦,供科特迪瓦安全部队的美 洲 豹 直 升 机使用。 daccess-ods.un.org | In February 2010, the Group found that the company UAZ-CI [...] violated the [...] sanctions regime by importing into Côte d’Ivoire an engine of the same type for the Puma helicopters of the Ivorian security forces. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,特别报告员仍认为,通过用水、卫生设施和卫生状况,管 窥成见影响的一斑,可 着重透视成见阻碍民众有尊严地享受生活的普遍性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | Still, the Special Rapporteur believes that exploring the impacts of stigma through the lens of water, sanitation and hygiene highlights its pervasive nature in preventing people from leading a life in dignity. daccess-ods.un.org |
请点击图片观看成为腕表灵感来源的传奇赛季, 并 一 同 窥 探 崭新的设计特点。 oris.ch | To see the season that inspired the watch, and to discover the new design features, please visit the gallery. oris.ch |
C-X75 电动概念车在 [...] 2010 年巴黎车展上亮相获得交口称赞,让人们得 以 窥 见 捷 豹 的 未 来,令人激动不已。 jaguar.com | The C-X75 electric concept car, [...] unveiled to universal acclaim at the 2010 Paris Motor Show, gave an exciting [...] glimpse into what the future holds for Jaguar. jaguar.com |
这个大型酒吧充满了快乐和异域的风格,独居特色的 猎 豹斑 纹 主题地毯和玻璃隔断,两色海龟壳风格的舞池,充满动感的雕刻和刷黄铜的墙壁。 msccruises.com.cn | This large bar and lounge area exudes a fun, ethnic [...] atmosphere thanks to the leopard-skin motif of its [...]carpet and glass partitions, the two-tone [...]tortoise-shell dance floor, the dramatic sculpted walls in brushed brass and the ethnic-design chandeliers and appliqués fashioned in black Murano glass and gilded metal. msccruises.com.eg |
专家组能够以文件证明乌阿兹-CI 公司(卡皮罗所有)试图进口一台用 于美洲 豹直升机的 Turmo 4C 型发动机。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Group of Experts was able to document the failed attempt by the company UAZ-CI (owned by Mr. Kapylou) to import a Turmo 4C engine for Puma helicopters. daccess-ods.un.org |
这在以测试为导向的教学风格中即可 窥 见 一斑 , 这种教学 风格的产物就是,应试教育和死记硬背,而不是开发学习者享受某种程度的批判 性思维的能力。 daccess-ods.un.org | This is reflected in a teaching style that is assessment-oriented, resulting in teaching-to-the-test and rote memorization rather than developing the ability of learners to indulge in some level of critical thinking. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于该脆弱的生态环境只能承受小型有导游的参观团体,因此有必要在其西端建立一个可以向公众介绍生态知识,并让大 家 一窥 园 景的陈列观察设施。 chinese-architects.com | Since the fragile ecological system can only afford guided tours of small groups, it is necessary to establish an exhibition /observation center at its west side for the public to use. chinese-architects.com |
而从公司一直小心保管的昔日产品目录和广告文案, 可 一窥 O r i s早 期的广告策略,是采用传统的产品导向来进行沟通。 oris.ch | Old catalogues and advertising [...] documents, which have been carefully [...] archived, illustrate that Oris has used [...]original product-oriented communications from the outset. oris.ch |
透过Saxonia Annual Calendar 的蓝宝石水晶表底盖可一窥设计 精巧的机芯。 wthejournal.com | A glance through the sapphire-crystal caseback of the Saxonia Annual Calendar reveals the magnificently finished movement. wthejournal.com |
要启用窥探程 序通过并行端口发送打印机状态命令,请 在发送打印任务前向打印机发送以下命令。 printronix.cn | To enable a snooper to send the printer status command through embedded an Ethernet card, send the following command to the printer before sending the job. printronix.cn |
据估计,现时只约有三百只环斑海豹 仍 然 生存。 visitfinland.com | It is estimated that there are only about 300 Saimaa Ringed Seals left. visitfinland.com |
大型的野生动物种类(如鹰、海豹)捕 食同为捕食者的鱼类,如鳟鱼和鲑鱼,而小型的食鱼野生动物(如翠鸟)则倾向于捕食较小的饵料鱼, 一项研 究已经发现这些饵料鱼中汞的组织水平更高(US EPA,1997)。 zeromercury.org | The larger wildlife species (such as eagles, seals) prey on fish that are also predators, such as trout and salmon, whereas smaller fish-eating wildlife (such as kingfishers) tend to feed on the smaller forage fish, which have been found in a study to have higher tissue levels of mercury (US EPA, 1997). zeromercury.org |
应为 NCCP 患者保存内窥镜检 查结果,警报 症状包括吞咽困难、吞咽痛、体重减轻或贫血。 iasp-pain.org | Endoscopy should be reserved for patients with NCCP and alarm symptoms including dysphagia, odynophagia, weight loss, or anemia. iasp-pain.org |
当地的合作伙伴为:印度(拉达卡)--山地研究所和雪 豹保护 组织;伊朗—伊朗旅游和旅游业组织;哈萨克斯坦—哈萨克登山基金会(KMF); 吉尔吉斯坦—新游牧民生态旅游开发公司;尼泊尔—尼泊尔信托基金 ( 一 家 位于尼泊尔的非 政府机构);巴基斯坦--阿加罕乡村支持计划和期特拉山区旅游协会(CAMAT);以及塔 吉克斯坦--技术合作和发展援助机构(ACTED )。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The local partners are: India (Ladakh) – The Mountain Institute and Snow Leopard Conservancy; Islamic Republic of Iran – Iran Touring and Tourism Organization); Kazakhstan – Kazakh Mountaineering Foundation (KMF); Kyrgyzstan – Novinomad Ecotourism [...] Development Company; Nepal – the Nepal Trust (the Nepal Trust, a Nepal-based NGO); Pakistan – Aga Khan Rural Support Programme and the Chitral Association for Mountain Area [...]Tourism (CAMAT); Tajikistan – ACTED (Agence d’Aide à la Coopération Technique et au Développement). unesdoc.unesco.org |
但是,一些有 历史的渔业,例如鳕鱼、美首鲽和平鲉依然 没有恢复,或有限恢复,原因可能是不利的海洋条件以及 海 豹 、 鲭 鱼和鲱鱼数量 增加造成的高自然死亡率。 fao.org | However, some historical fisheries such as cod, witch flounder and redfish still evidence lack of recovery, or limited recovery, which may be the result of unfavourable oceanographic conditions and the high natural morality caused by increasing numbers of seals, mackerel and [...] herring. fao.org |
法庭檢控主任一直勝任其職,這不單從其日常工作反映出 來,從偏低的案件上訴率亦可見一斑。 legco.gov.hk | CPs did a fair job as reflected not only on their day-to-day work, but also on the low appeal rate. legco.gov.hk |
这主要是由于以下原因导致的所需费用减少:(a) 不包括 向部队派遣国进行补充支付的所需经费,该经费仅在 2011/12 年期间获得核准; (b) 对军事特遣队人员估计数适用了 20%的延迟部署系数,而 2011/12 年期间该 系数为 18%;(c) 军事特遣队人员的轮调差旅更多地使用了联合国飞机;(d) 联 黎部队直升机机队重组,部署两架价格较低的贝尔-212 型直升机而不是两架超级 美洲豹直升 机,因为航空市场上买不到 后 一 类 直 升机。 daccess-ods.un.org | The decrease is primarily attributable to reduced requirements resulting from: (a) exclusion of the provision for a supplemental payment to troop-contributing countries, which was approved for the 2011/12 period only; (b) application of a 20 per cent delayed deployment factor on estimates for military contingent personnel, as compared with 18 per cent in the 2011/12 period; (c) increased utilization of United Nations aircraft for the rotation travel of military contingent personnel; and (d) reconfiguration of the Force’s helicopter fleet, by the deployment of two less costly Bell 212 helicopters instead of two Super Puma helicopters because of the unavailability of the latter type of helicopter. daccess-ods.un.org |
中國俗語有云:“管窺全豹”,即是說透過一個小孔看 一隻豹,只能看到一點,對於真正廣闊天空或偌大範圍內所發生的事 情,卻視而不見,這是非常可惜的事。 legco.gov.hk | The Chinese idiom of [...] "looking at a leopard through a tube" means that a person looking at a leopard through a small hole can only see a little part of a leopard, but not [...]seeing the real wide sky [...]or broader issues far beyond his horizons, and this is regrettable. legco.gov.hk |
独自在丛林中,泰山被追求的萨波的 豹 权 利 的 一 个 多岩石的地方,被称为黑暗的山区,居住着两个人沉重的,被宠坏的大猩猩兄弟,反对派与加护亚依(讲由Brad [...] Garrett和罗恩·帕尔曼),和他们的控制,过保护妈妈滚打(埃斯特尔·哈里斯表示)。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Alone in the jungle, Tarzan gets [...] pursued by Sabor the leopard right to a rocky [...]place known as the Dark Mountain, inhabited [...]by two hulking, spoiled gorilla brothers, Uto and Kago (voiced by Brad Garrett and Ron Perlman), and their controlling, over-protective Mama Gunda (voiced by Estelle Harris). seekcartoon.com |