单词 | 窜 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 窜 —amend or editless common: exile or banish • scuttle Examples:窜改—tamper • modify 窜改 v—alter v • change v 乱窜 n—scatter n
此外,已加强过境点安 [...] 保力量,以限制格鲁吉亚边境的非法越境,防止罪犯,包括恐怖分 子 窜 入 格 鲁吉 亚领土。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, security has been enhanced at the border crossing points to limit illegal [...] crossings of the Georgian border and to prevent the flow of criminals, [...] including terrorists, into the territory [...]of Georgia. daccess-ods.un.org |
当前努力的目标是解除流窜 和残余的武装人员的最后几个抵抗据点的战斗力,从 而消除对和平的所有威胁。 daccess-ods.un.org | Ongoing efforts are aimed at neutralizing the last pockets of resistance of roving, residual armed elements in order to eliminate all threats to peace. daccess-ods.un.org |
自1983年起,她便跻身全球模特儿界迅 速 窜 红 的 明星模特儿之列,经常亮相于众多知名时尚杂志的封面。 clarinsusa.com | From 1983 on she became one of the quickest rising stars of the international modeling world, being featured on the covers of numerous international fashion magazines. clarinsusa.com |
专家组在沙本达访谈的父母并不认为这有什么错,其中一人解释说,“让我们的 男孩参加会让 Raïa Mutomboki 提供更多保护,不让卢民主力量流窜 人 员 抢我们的 牲口。 daccess-ods.un.org | Parents interviewed in Shabunda saw nothing wrong, as one explained, “offering our boys guaranteed stronger protection by Raïa Mutomboki against the marauding FDLR elements that raid our livestock”. daccess-ods.un.org |
临时增派的 3 085 名军事人员和建制警务人员将重新平衡军事和警察构成部 分,使其更加灵活和灵敏,更有能力履行新任务,诸如防止被赶出南北基伍的外 国武装团体流窜到马 涅马省和加丹加省。 daccess-ods.un.org | The temporary surge of 3,085 additional troops and formed police personnel will rebalance the military and police components, giving them more flexibility and agility and increasing their ability to perform new tasks, such as preventing the spillover of foreign armed groups from being pushed out of the Kivus to Maniema and Katanga provinces. daccess-ods.un.org |
5)关于安全对策的实施 我们公司,为了确保个人信息的正确性及安全性实施安全对策,防止对个人信息的不正当访问,个人信息的遗失,破坏 , 窜 改 及 泄漏等的同时,在必要的情况下进行改善。 chuozuken.co.jp | (5) Regarding implementation of safety precautions We implement the safety precautions to meet the accuracy and security of personal information, prevent unauthorized access to personal information, loss of personal information, destruction, manipulation and leak, and take actions to improve when required. chuozuken.co.jp |
但为了保护这个宇宙,他最辉煌的一,分配单独的(职责和)职业那些谁从他的嘴里,手臂,大腿和 脚 窜 出。 mb-soft.com | But in order to protect this universe He, the most [...] resplendent one, assigned separate (duties and) occupations to [...] those who sprang from his mouth, arms, thighs, [...]and feet. mb-soft.com |
联刚特派团估计,刚果民主共和国境内仍然有不 到 100 名上帝抵抗军人员,另外大约有 300 至 350 名上帝抵抗军人员分为小团伙继 续在刚果民主共和国、中非共和国和苏丹之间 流 窜 , 最 远可能 流 窜 到 乍 得。 daccess-ods.un.org | MONUC estimates that less than 100 LRA elements remain in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and some 300 to 350 LRA elements continue to move in small groups between the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic and the Sudan, and possibly as far as Chad. daccess-ods.un.org |
有时, 在使用教科文组织的徽标时对其进行 了 窜 改 或 变形。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Sometimes, the UNESCO emblem is presented in a garbled or distorted form. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该部门特别着力于总结在执行计划 31 C/5 过程中应汲取的经验教 训,并对如何运用它们来改进对 32C/5(2004--2005)的执行工作统一了思想认识,找出了 本部门计划好几个领域中窜在的 优势和不足,并确定了应采取的主要改进措施。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Sector made a particular effort to distil the lessons learned in the implementation of the programme during the 31 C/5 period and arrived at a consensus on how to apply them to the execution of the programme in document 32 C/5 (2004-2005). unesdoc.unesco.org |
这位牧师希望能培育出一种体型小巧、耐力持久、适于狩猎的狗狗,而且要十分勇敢,敢于追逐一条在地面上 逃 窜 的 狐 狸。 eukanuba.com.cn | The Reverend wanted to breed a small terrier that had high stamina for the hunt, as well as being brave and able to chase out foxes that had gone to ground. fr.eukanuba.ch |
凭借称为IBIN的一个新国际刑警组织计划,各个国家通过向警察们提供应对当今在世界各地到处 流 窜 的 罪 犯和恐怖分子所需的工具,可以将破案能力提高到新的高度。 tipschina.gov.cn | Through a new INTERPOL program called IBIN, countries can take crime solving to new heights by giving police the tools that they need to deal with highly mobile criminals and terrorists operating throughout regions of the world today. tipschina.gov.cn |
本网站采取了安全措施,以防止我们所掌握的信息出现丢失、滥用或 被 窜 改 等 现象。 mdsol.com | This Site has security measures in place to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control. mdsol.com |
此外,为防止对网络的不正当利用和由此造成的对个人信息的 非法获取、数据窜改、 或者内部泄露,要设法制定出包括信息系统的安全管理在内的安全 [...] 对策。 jima.or.jp | Security [...] measures, including safe management of [...]information systems, are implemented to prevent illicit acquisition of personal [...]information, data tampering, and internal leaks that may occur as a result of illicit access. jima.or.jp |
另外,将RFID、云计算技术投入实用,带来的不单纯只有效能的提升,也不仅是替代了条码技术,而是更进一步改变了供应链的管理内涵,使得传统供应链的单向式管理,进化为既可实现供应追踪、 防 窜 货 , 又兼顾质量溯源,还可全方位防伪防盗。 intech.cn | In addition, RFID, cloud computing technology put into practical use, is not simply bring performance improvement, not only replace the bar code technology, but further changed the connotation of management of the supply chain, making the traditional supply chain unidirectional management evolved into not only achieve the supply tracking Cuanhuo, but also take into account the quality of traceability, but also the full range of security burglar. intech.cn |
2010 年,金价在前11 个月里平均窜升至每金衡盎司1,200 多美元5 (比2000 年代以来的平均价格高一倍多) 。 daccess-ods.un.org | In 2010, the average gold price surged to an average of more than $1,200 per troy ounce during the first 11 months of the year, (more than double its average price over the 2000s). daccess-ods.un.org |
匀墨辊是用于匀墨的,通过转动和窜 动 的 合成运动形式实现。 schaeffler.cn | Distributor rollers are used for even ink distribution, which is achieved with rotation by superimposing an oscillating motion. schaeffler.us |
犯罪分子和其它高速公路劫匪能够很便捷地彼 此互通,而且从一国流窜到另 一国易如反掌,这就要 求开展多层面合作,以使所采取的各项举措能够达到 预期目标。 daccess-ods.un.org | The ease with which criminals and other highway bandits communicate and move from one country to another requires the establishment of multifaceted cooperation in order to make it possible for the various initiatives undertaken to achieve the anticipated goals. daccess-ods.un.org |
他把农具放在一边,自己则坐在树桩旁边的田埂上,专门等待野兔 子 窜 出 来。 chinesestoryonline.com | So from then on he gave up farming, and simply sat by the stump waiting for another rabbit to come and knocked against it. chinesestoryonline.com |
如何确保企业实施满足组织的迫切需要,同时又能控 制 窜 升 的 IT成本? pactera.com | How do you ensure your enterprise implementation meets your organization’s pressing needs while simultaneously controlling skyrocketing IT costs? pactera.com |
诱捕笼的出口和转移布袋的口完全对接,此时一名志愿者要用力将诱捕笼压住转移 布袋的下边上,另一名志愿者需要将转移布袋的上边紧紧压在诱捕笼上,以免猫咪 从诱捕笼窜入转 移布袋时力气过大冲开转移布袋而跑掉。 animalsasia.org | Completely connect the exit of the trapping cage and entrance of the transfer bag. At this time one volunteer must hold the cage strongly to the bottom of the bag and the ground while another volunteer pushes on the bag from the top to avoid the cat escaping. animalsasia.org |
在此过程中,分接开关在支架上要安放牢固,不 得窜 动。 highvolt.de | For this purpose the tap changer has to be attached to the supporting structure in such a way that it cannot be displaced. highvolt.de |
本公司,努力保持个人信息的正确性的同时,为了个人信息的安全管理的实施安全对策,防止对个人信息的不正当访问,个人信息的遗失,破坏 , 窜 改 及 泄漏的同时,必要的情况进行改善。 mihasi.co.jp | The security precaution is executed at the same time as making an effort to keep the accuracy of individual information for the safety management of individual information, the loss of unlawful computer access to individual information and individual [...] information, destruction, falsifications, and the leakages are prevented, and when it is [...] necessary, our company improves it. mihasi.co.jp |
5)因电子邮件地址以及密码的泄漏、不正当使用,以及对用户的发信、数据等的未经授权的访问 或 窜 改 等 而发生的损害,日本国际交流基金会概不承担任何责任。 erin.ne.jp | (5) The Japan Foundation bears no responsibility for any damage caused through violation and/or the unlawful use of e-mail addresses and/or passwords, and unlawful access or alteration to user data or correspondence. erin.ne.jp |
由于他和Miles Davis一起工作,在1960年突然窜起。 oris.ch | He came to prominence in [...] the 1960s due to his work with Miles Davis. oris.ch |
曜越Tt eSPORTS PRIME Team– 韩国顶尖《星际争霸II》 职业电竞战队成立于2010年,不过其辉煌的战绩,很快 就 窜 红 在星际界中,成为国际星际赛事中大家所热烈讨论的知名战队之一;2012年,台北国际电玩展(Taipei Game Show)中,曜越科技Tt eSPORTS正式与韩国顶尖职业电竞战队 [...] [...] PRIME Team签约,在有曜越Tt eSPORTS的电竞配备加持下,Tt eSPORTS PRIME Team于2010的《星际争霸II:自由之翼》大赛中崭露头角,接着更以黑马姿态在大型国际星海赛事中锋芒毕露,其战无不胜的成绩,迅速累积名气,成为星海迷们的瞩目焦点英雄;近期在内华达州拉斯韦加斯的 IPL4 国际星际争霸 II联赛,PRIME Team最终也抱走高逹USD25,00的冠军奖金及奖杯,证明其日不落的实力。 ttesports.com.cn | Established in 2010, PRIME quickly became an international force following two successful GSL 2nd place finishes by popular player MarineKing. ttesports.es |
公司生产的气缸套,自购货之日起两个月或5000公里以内,用户正常使用条件下,如果无拉缸、无缺水、空气滤清器正常、活塞环 不 窜 气 、 无严重水垢、装配符合技术要求时出现断头、早期磨损等机损事故,确属产品制造质量问题的,公司负责免费调换。 hwcylinder.com | Company production of cylinder liner, since the date of purchase 5000 km within two months or under normal use for users, if no, no shortage of cylinder-scoring was normal, piston, air filter, no serious agent does not meet the technical requirements, scale, early when wear ends, it is casualty products manufacturing quality problem, the company responsible for the free exchange. hwcylinder.com |