单词 | 窘 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 窘—distressedless common: embarrassed Examples:窘迫n—embarrassmentn discomfortn 窘境n—dilemman 窘境—predicament awkward situation
许多乘客说,他们发现在媒体以及有 时敌意人群前“展示”让人困窘不安。 daccess-ods.un.org | Many passengers said that they found the experience of being “paraded” before the media and the sometimes hostile crowds unsettling and humiliating. daccess-ods.un.org |
这令人鼓舞,但值得关切的是,许多重债穷 国在达到完成点之后继续表现出债务困窘的迹象。 daccess-ods.un.org | While this is encouraging, there is concern that a number of post-completion-point HIPCs continue to show signs of debt distress. daccess-ods.un.org |
当前政策只会带来更多的国际窘境与批评,增加中国的外交负担,破坏中国积极 树立大国形象的努力。 crisisgroup.org | The pursuit of its current policy will only lead to more [...] internationalembarrassment and criticism, [...]further burdening Chinese diplomacy as [...]it tries to portray China’s emergence as a great power in a positive light. crisisgroup.org |
此外,如 果国际责任在作出决定时产生,国际组织就必须避免将成员国置于困窘的位置, 使它们违背该决定所规定的义务或引起该国际组织的国际义务,同时也有可能引 起自己的责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | Moreover, if international responsibility arises at the time of the taking of the decision, the international organization would have to refrain from placing its members in the uncomfortable position of either infringing their obligations under the decision or causing the international responsibility of the international organization, as well as possibly incurring their own responsibility. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了进一步鼓励发展中国家制作富有创造性和文 化多样性的产品,教科文组织参与了多部记录片的合作制作,其中有“反对贫困的斗争” (马里);获得两项泛非电影电视节奖的“Eya 的困窘”(2003 年 3 月);“尼日利亚的传 统音乐”;“Afro@digital(刚果民主共和国);”2003 年嘎纳电影节和国际广播电视大学 (URTI)大奖参赛作品“S21-红色高棉的屠杀机器”;“战争与和平中的人的故事”(亚 美尼亚)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | As a means of further encouraging the production of creative, culturally diverse content in developing countries, UNESCO co-produced such documentaries as La lutte contre les pauvres (the struggle against the poor) (Mali); Le dilemme d’Eya (Eya’s dilemma) (Togo) which were awarded two prizes at FESPACO (March 2003), “Traditional Music of Nigeria”; Afro@digital (Democratic Republic of Congo); “S21 – The Khmer Rouge Killing Machine” (Cambodia) which was selected for the 2003 Cannes Festival and for the grand prize of the International Radio and Television University (URTI); and “A story of people in war and peace” (Armenia). unesdoc.unesco.org |
人群以极其缓慢的速度移动,在这里及其他出发点,数以千计的人困于这样的窘境。 unicef.org | Yet movement of people has been excruciatingly slow, here and at other departure points, where thousands more are stranded. unicef.org |
这一道德窘境以及我们对于没有所有国家的可持续发展就没有 世界和平与安全的信念,是使整个国际社会团结在一 起的政治契约的核心,我们今天来到这里正是要对此 进行审议。 daccess-ods.un.org | That moral quandary and the conviction that world peace and security cannot be achieved without sustainable development for all are at the heart of the political compact uniting the whole international community, which we have come here today to consider. daccess-ods.un.org |
尤其值得一提的是贫民窟居民的窘境,他们得 不到基本服务而且环境十分恶劣,所以最为痛苦。 daccess-ods.un.org | In particular, the plight of slum dwellers, who suffered the most by exclusion from basic services and from poor environmental conditions, was highlighted. daccess-ods.un.org |
( 第十条) 委员会建议缔约国修订《能力和监护法》,使六岁以下子女的监护权不一定判给 母亲,并确保子女抚养负担不致使父亲的生活陷于困窘。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee recommends that the State party amend the Capacity and Guardianship Law so that custody of children up to the age of six is not always given to mothers, and ensure that child support awards do not lead to an inadequate standard of living for the father. daccess-ods.un.org |
有此信心,他们才可以与其代表及行政管理部门一道来面对可能出现的困难,开 展富有成果的对话,而不是陷于人人相互猜疑的窘境。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Armed with this confidence, they will therefore be able, alongside their representatives and the Administration, to meet potential difficulties and benefit from a meaningful dialogue, to prevent each party from being deadlocked in mutual distrust. unesdoc.unesco.org |
委员会虽 注意到发放了儿童津贴并为有子女家庭发放了其它福利金,然而,对三、四名子 女的家庭或单亲家庭仍陷于颇为严重的贫困窘境感到关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | While noting the provision of child allowances and other benefits to families with children, the Committee is concerned about the situation of families with three or more children and single-parent households, who continue to be disproportionately affected by poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
此後,发达经济体系的政府至今仍处於如何维持消费及投资增长,而另一方面意欲关注债券市场以减 低 主 权 债 务的窘境。 glencore.com | The dilemma for governments of developed economies since then has been and remains how to maintain consumption and investment growth while attempting to signal serious intent to the bond markets about reducing sovereign debt. glencore.com |
通过这些进步,已经打破了多年以来缺乏效率且充斥着陈腐因素的司法困 局,扭转了延拓数十年的侵犯人权、人权案件不断被提交到国际人权组织商讨审 理的窘迫局面。 daccess-ods.un.org | These improvements mark the end of a slow, antiquated and corrupt justice system in which human rights were repeatedly violated and court cases were for decades the subject of complaints to international human rights bodies. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文旨於描述中产阶级在经济低迷的环境下,生活的各种困窘。 hkupop.hku.hk | This article pointed out the various hardshipsfaced bythe middle class under such economic downturn. hkupop.hku.hk |
人感染禽流感病毒的症状包括典型的类似流感的症状(如发烧、咽喉痛、咳嗽和肌肉疼痛),并可进一步发展成肺炎和急性呼吸窘迫等更加严重的呼吸系统疾病和其他并发症。 tipschina.gov.cn | Symptoms of avian influenza virus in humans have included typical influenza-like symptoms (e.g., fever, sore throat, cough, and muscle aches) which progress to more severe respiratory conditions such as pneumonia and acute respiratory distress and other complications. tipschina.gov.cn |
使 妻 子 陷於窘境,要 在 指 证 丈 夫 有 罪 与 自 己 犯 伪 证 罪 之 间 作 出 抉 择 , 实 在 不 对 。 hkreform.gov.hk | It is wrong to put a wife into a position where she may have to choose between incriminating her husband and committing perjury. hkreform.gov.hk |
在无法提供面对面培训而又要让国家办事处进行主题讨论时,则规划了在线 模块,使工作人员参与讨论道德操守方面的两难窘境,并提供材料以帮助解决这 类两难窘境。 daccess-ods.un.org | In order to bring topical discussion to country offices, when it is not possible to provide face-to-face training, online modules are planned that would engage staff in discussions of ethical dilemmas, with material to support the resolution of these dilemmas. daccess-ods.un.org |
因害 怕和窘迫,女性受害者很 少 揭 发此类 事件,因此, 家 庭 暴 力发案 率 没 有准确的统 计 数 字 。 daccess-ods.un.org | Due to the embarrassmentand fear, victim women seldom disclose this problem and that is the reason of no accurate statistic on the rate of the domestic violence. daccess-ods.un.org |
在全球金融危机时期,尤其重要的是促进妇女参与劳动力,可有助于减 轻妇女及其家人的贫穷窘境和经济依赖状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | Especially important in a time of global financial crisis, promoting women’s involvement in the workforce can serve to relieve women and their families of the stifling conditions of poverty and economic dependence. daccess-ods.un.org |
宝马i3将会设有纯电能及充电式混能版本选择,故此选购後者的买家将无须面对缺乏电源的窘境。 hkcarworld.com | We bet there will be lot of pioneers willing to put their money where their mouth is and buy the i3. hkcarworld.com |
不 管 在 理 论 上 或 在 实 际 上 , 我 们 都 找 不 到 任 何 证 据 , 足 以 显 示 目 前 关 於 《 汇 票 条 例 》 第 4 9 ( l ) 条 的 法 律 对 真 正 的 已 付 价 值 持 有 人 造成窘境,或 令 他 们 的 申 索 失 败 。 hkreform.gov.hk | We have found no evidence that the present state of the law relating to section 49(1) of the Bills of Exchange Ordinance, either in theory or practice, has created hardship or defeated the claims of bona fide holders of value. hkreform.gov.hk |
Metrorail经营国内都市通勤火车网路,隶属於运输部下辖的国有事业「南非客运铁路协会」(PRASA),周间每日服务170万人次,九零年代时,因为南非通勤铁路网(及其他基础建设)投资不足,Metrorail陆续出现载运量不堪负荷、设备与技术过时等窘境,维修只能事後补救,无法事前预防,导致时常人满为患,服务品质低落,也产生治安及安全疑虑,班次亦时常误点,开普敦市运输局成立後,势必得施压改善服务。 thisbigcity.net | Metrorail operates the country’s urban rail commuter networks, and is owned by the Passenger Rail Association of South Africa (PRASA), a state-owned enterprise under the auspices of the Department of Transport. thisbigcity.net |
武装冲突中的平民无疑是被迫卷入窘迫局势的, 但必须承认,难民和境内流离失所者一般来说处境更 加岌岌可危。 daccess-ods.un.org | While there is no doubt that civilians in armed conflict are forced into vulnerable situations, it must be acknowledged that refugees and internally displaced persons (IDPs) are generally in even more precarious conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,大部分的临床表徵是偶发性的,在 APS 病患中盛行率只有 5%,几乎所有器官都可能因为 APS 而受损,在某些情况下,APS 的症状可能会以不同型式表现,例如:舞蹈症、心脏腔室中的血栓、急性呼吸窘迫症候群、艾迪森氏症、Budd-Chiari 症候群、骨内缺血性坏死、产妇症候群等。 immunocap.nl | However, a large variety of clinical manifestations have been occasionally described in pateints with APS, with prevalences lower than 5%. Virtually any organ, system or tissue of the body can be affected and the APS be manifested in such diverse conditions as chorea, intracardiac thrombus, ARDS, Addison's disease, Budd-Chiari syndrome, AVN of bone or HELLP syndrome, to name just a few. immunocap.nl |
全国有众多的国家和地方机构监督血站的 工作,但我们并不清楚哪个机构是否会对每次献血进行跟踪或对所有血站的采血资格进行鉴定审 查。112 制定更加集中有效的血液供应管理计划,有助于避免血液供应受到污染,同时也使经济窘迫的医院很难在这样的制度体系中非法买卖血液。 asiacatalyst.org | Blood collection stations are overseen by a multitude of national and local agencies, and it is not clear if any central facility tracks each blood donation or accredits all blood stations.6 Creating a plan that would move the blood supply toward a more centralized and efficient system of control would help to avoid contamination of the supply, and would also make it more difficult for cash-strapped hospitals to introduce illegally purchased blood into the system. asiacatalyst.org |