

单词 窃听器


给...装窃听器 v

bug v

See also:

窃听 v

bug v
tap v





External sources (not reviewed)

内部安保在所有主要宾馆都有相当强的影响,宾馆客房有时会安 窃听器 , 搜 查以寻找敏感或私人的材料。
All major hotels had a sizable
internal security presence, and hotel guestrooms
[...] were sometimes bugged and searched for [...]
sensitive or proprietary materials.
国际间谍博物馆 这座独一无二的博物馆展示了世界各地不同时期的间谍情报技术,您可以尝试200多种情报工具 窃听器 , 照相机和各类武器。
International Spy Museum  This one-of-a-kind museum highlights the tradecraft that spies have used around the world.
追逐, 柯南, 侦探, 外交官, 免疫, 窃听器, 目标, 十几岁的男孩
chase, conan, detective,
[...] diplomat, immunity, listening device, target, teenage boy
该 组织指 出,哥伦比亚情报部门对最高法 院 法官和 反 对 党 成员、人权维护者和新闻 工作者进行电窃听。
It noted the telephone tapping by Colombian information services against magistrates of the Supreme Court, and against members of the opposition, human rights defenders and journalists.
现在听器使用 者可以享受耳麦带来的所有健康好处和更高的工作效率。
Now hearing aid users can enjoy [...]
all the health benefits and increased work efficiencies that headsets bring.
国家安全部实施的非法活动包窃听 电 话和因特网线路,监视、恐吓和威 胁、窃取情报以及闯入办公室和住所。
Illegal activities by
[...] DAS included wiretapping of phones and Internet lines, surveillance, harassment and threats, theft of information [...]
and break-ins into offices and homes.
请注意,SESP 网站与大多数互联网应用程序一样,会遭受各种各样的安全威胁并可能遭到破坏,这些包括但不限于各 窃听 、 电 子非法侵入、非法侦测、溢发信息、蓝屏炸弹攻击、黑客攻击、电子欺骗(假冒)、“替换体”冒用、破解密码、骚扰、欺诈、伪造和系统污染(包括但不限于使用病毒、蠕虫和特洛伊木马程序导致非法授权和有害访问),以及/或者从用户计算机中检索并窃取信息和数据或从 SESP 服器中检 索并窃取用户信息和数据,或者从事其它形式的非法活动从而导致不安全隐患。
Please note that the SESP Website, as with most Internet applications, is vulnerable to various security issues
including without limitation
[...] various eavesdropping, electronic trespassing, sniffing, spamming, nuking, hacking, spoofing, "impostoring", breaking passwords, harassment, fraud, forgery and system contamination including without limitation use of viruses, worms and Trojan horses causing unauthorized, damaging harmful access and/or retrieval of information and data on the User's computer or the User's information and data on SESP servers and other forms [...]
of activities that
may even be considered unlawful, and hence should be considered unsecured.
根据巴拿马刑法规定,凡接收、储存、交易、转换或转让资金、证券、财产 或其他财政资源,且明知它们源自与贩毒、诈骗、非法 器 贩 运 、贩运人口、 绑架、勒索、贪污、腐蚀公职人员、恐怖主义行为、 窃 或 国际贩运车辆有 关的活动,而且其目的是隐藏或掩盖其非法来源或协助逃避此种犯罪的法律 后果的,应处以 5 至 12 年监禁和 100 [...]
至 200 天的罚款。
Anyone who receives, deposits, trades in, converts or transfers money, securities, property or other financial resources in the knowledge that they are derived from activities related to
drug trafficking,
[...] fraud, illicit arms trafficking, trafficking in persons, kidnapping, extortion, embezzlement, corruption of public servants, terrorist acts, theft or international [...]
trafficking in vehicles,
as provided for under Panamanian criminal law, with the aim of hiding or concealing their illicit origin or of helping to evade the legal consequences of such crimes shall be sentenced to 5 to 12 years’ imprisonment and a fine of 100 to 200 days.
奴役人口是指强迫他人从事卖淫和接 受其他形式的性奴役、奴隶劳动(服务)、人身依附状态,以 窃 取 人 口 器 官 或组 织等。
Exploitation means the use of persons to engage in prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation, slave labour or services, servitude or the removal of organs or tissues.
(b) 根据国际法,阿根廷政府应对大肆违反外交法负责,尤其 窃听 伊 朗 驻 布宜诺斯艾利斯大使馆的通讯,阿根廷应对参与这些非法行动的个人绳之以法, [...]
(b) The Government of Argentina is responsible under international law for extensive
violations of diplomatic law,
[...] particularly the eavesdropping on communications [...]
of the Iranian Embassy in Buenos Aires, and it
should hold accountable those individuals involved in those unlawful actions and prevent the continuation of such interferences
它通过为 WSDL 端口地址创建听器、接 受请求并将请求分派到服务实现 Bean 上实现这一点。
It does this by creating a listener for the WSDL port address, receiving requests and dispatching them on a Service Implementation Bean.
[...] 可以阻隔环境背景噪音,同时提高电话的音质,为 听器 佩 戴 者带来更清晰、更干净的电话通话,没有恼人的背景噪音。
The telecoil cancels out surrounding background sound while
heightening the sound quality from the
[...] telephone, giving hearing aid users clearer, [...]
crisper phone conversations free from interfering background noise.
此外,还在搜集和交流 有关信息,以确定那些犯下窃、绑 架、勒索以及贩运人口、 器 和 毒 品等罪行 的犯罪帮派或组织出现的原因及其影响,以及他们的结构和活动情况。
Furthermore, information was being gathered and exchanged to establish the causes and effects of the emergence of criminal
gangs or organizations
[...] engaged in vehicle theft, kidnapping, extortion and trafficking in people, weapons and drugs, and [...]
to establish their structure and operations.
许多院校为有需要的残疾学生或患有慢性病的学生提供学业援助服务,其中可能包括语音识别软件、 听器 或 记 笔记服务。
Many institutions offer services for students who
[...] require assistance with their studies [...]
because of a disability or chronic medical condition.
确保埃及遵守国际义务,包括防止非法或未经授权获取核材料的义务, 以及防止干预合法使用此类材料的义务,此类材料包括 窃 、 虚 报、威 胁、破坏和非法贩运等刑事犯罪活动所涉及的核材料和设施;确保安全 处理所有领域中各类电离辐射源,以便保证对个人、社会和环境的保护, 并确保在核或放射材料器具、设备和技术方面不开展任何活动,但监 管当局授权的除外。
To ensure compliance with Egypt’s international obligations, including the obligation to prevent the illegal or unauthorized acquisition of nuclear material; prevent interference with authorized uses of nuclear material and facilities
arising from criminal
[...] activities such as theft, misrepresentation, threats, sabotage and illicit trafficking; and ensure the safe handling of sources of ionizing radiation of all types in all fields so as to guarantee the protection of individuals, society and the environment and to ensure that no activity is undertaken in connection with nuclear or radiation [...]
material, equipment and
technologies, except as authorized by the regulatory authority.
意图破坏他人之私人生活,泄露与家庭生活或性生活隐私有关的事实,根 据《刑法典》第186 条可被科处刑罚,其规范的犯罪行为包括:未经同意下截 取、录音取得、记录、使用、传送或泄露谈话内容或电话通讯;未经同意下以相 机摄取、获取或泄露他人之肖像;偷窥在私人地方之人, 窃听 其 说话;以及泄 露关于他人之私人生活或严重疾病之事实。
The disclosure of facts relative to the intimacy of family or sex life, with the intention of breaching a person’s private life, is punishable under article 186 – interception, listening to, recording, use, transmission or dissemination of a private conversation or communication without the consent of the participants; recording, capturing or dissemination of people’s images without their consent.
刑法》将一系列与人员隐私直接相关的行为视作不法行为:发现和揭露秘 密(第 182 s 条),破坏工作场合的机密或者违反职业机密(第 190 条和第 191 条),侵犯住所,侵犯邮政及电子通信(第 349 条)以及公务员进行非窃听(第 350 条)。
Article 71 of the Civil Service Act states that a lack of discretion and reserve in respect of subjects familiar to officials by virtue of their place of work is considered as very serious misconduct when it is the cause of serious damage to the Administration or to citizens.
故障后与普通物化程序和一个小错误,奇和Yu mi 被 窃听 了 , 结束了在彼此的身体。
After a malfunction and a little bug with the regular materialization program, Odd
[...] and Yumi are bugged up, ending up [...]
in each other’s bodies.
以色列情报机构还指示其特工在 Hazimiyah 地区建立一个发射站,作 为 Jabal al-Baruk
[...] 站和贝鲁特及其郊区服务站之间的链接,以便随后用发射站 进窃听。
The Israeli intelligence agencies also instructed their agents to establish a transmission station in the Hazimiyah area to serve as a link between the
Jabal al-Baruk station and the stations serving Beirut and its suburbs in order to use it
[...] subsequently for eavesdropping.
10 月,司法总长制裁了7 名前国家保安部官员,一名信息和财政分析股的
[...] 官员,一名总统办公室的人员,指控他们严重违反了关于电 窃听 和 非 法监督方 面的纪律规定。
In October, the Procurator General sanctioned seven former DAS officials, an official from the Information and Financial
Analysis Unit and one from the President’s office for serious breaches of
[...] discipline for wiretapping and illegal [...]
美国必须清理海军对别克斯岛造成的污染,不 强行实行死刑,尊重刑事案件中的保释权利,并停 止电窃听。
The United States must clean the Navy contamination of Vieques, not impose the death penalty, respect the right to bail in criminal cases and cease phone-tapping.
除其他外,实行 这种封锁将能防止外国份子进入,并能防止 器 弹药窃和输送给武装集团,从而使过去 20 多年来肆 虐该国的战事得以结束。
Among other things, such a blockade would make it possible to
prevent the entry of foreign
[...] elements and the theft and transfer of weapons and ammunition [...]
to armed groups, thereby leading
to an end to the fighting that has ravaged the country for just over two decades.
这包括特定于容器的 Web 服务类和 Web
[...] 服务引用类的生成、为每个端口的配置服务器 SOAP 请求听器、Web 服务的发布和定位,还有 J2EE [...]
This includes the generation of container specific classes for the Web services and Web
service references, configuration of the
[...] server's SOAP request listeners for each port, [...]
publication and location of Web services,
as well as the normal responsibilities defined by the J2EE specification.
绿色和平组织在一份报告中援引了以下消息来 源:意大利一个议会委员会的证词;宣称一份 1996 年的文件据称授权建立一个
[...] 废物处理设施;一名意大利检察官发现证据,包括被指控罪犯的谈 窃听 录 音; 秘书长索马里问题特别代表在 [...]
2008 年对索马里可能发生非法捕捞和非法倾倒的 警告。
In its report, Greenpeace cited the following sources: testimony from an Italian parliamentary commission; documentation from 1996 purportedly authorizing a waste treatment facility;
evidence uncovered by an Italian
[...] prosecutor, including wiretapped conversations [...]
with alleged offenders; and warnings by
the Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia in 2008 of possible illegal fishing and illegal dumping in Somalia.
听器等电 声装置的性能受到声学及机械反馈量的严重限制,这是电声系统的典型问题。
The performance of
[...] electroacoustic devices such as hearing aids is severely limited [...]
by the amount of acoustical and mechanical
feedback typically experienced within the electroacoustic system.
2011年7月13 日,首相宣布,莱文森大法官将主持对电 窃听 的 调 查,查 证已经曝光的《世界新闻报》可能例行雇佣私家侦 窃听 名 人和其他知名新闻当 事人的语音邮件信息一事。
On 13th July 2011, the Prime Minister announced that Lord Justice Leveson would chair an Inquiry into phone hacking following revelations that the News of the World may have routinely paid private investigators to hack into voicemail messages of celebrities and of other people involved in high profile news stories.
此外,在马西西的刚果(金)武装部队军官称,Karangwa 上校在叛变前从第 810 团窃了大量武器,包括 1 门 60 毫米迫击炮、1 挺 12.7 [...]
毫米机枪以及若干 PKM 机枪和火箭榴弹。
Karangwa had stolen large amounts of weapons, including one [...]
60 mm mortar, one 12.7 mm machine gun and several PKMs and RPGs from the 810th regiment.
联合国议定书》要求缔约方通过立法防止武器 的转移;将消除武器标识的行为定罪;保存必要的记
[...] 录以便对武器进行跟踪;防止重新启用已废除的武 器;促进监测武器流动的合作机制;防止 器 偷 窃行 为和建立跨国执法能力。
The United Nations Protocol requires parties to adopt legislation to prevent gun diversion and to criminalize the removal of the markings on guns, keep records necessary to trace them, prevent the reactivation of disabled guns,
promote cooperative regimes to monitor gun flows,
[...] prevent weapons theft and build law enforcement [...]
capacity across borders.
您确认已知悉安全和隐私的局限性,包括但不限于:(i)本系统的安全、隐私和身份验证措施和功能的局限性;和(ii)网站上的数据或信息可能会 窃听 、 探 查、欺骗、伪造、滥发、“冒充”、窜改、破解密码、骚扰、欺诈、电子入侵、黑客攻击、系统瘫痪、系统污染(包括但不限于病毒、蠕虫和木马),或造成未经授权、破坏性或有害性登录的其它技术,和/或检索您电脑中的信息和数据,可能因此须承受其它安全或隐私风险,或可能无法到达其目的地,或可能寄送至错误的地址或收件人。
You acknowledge that you are aware of security and privacy limitations, including but not limited to: (i) the limitation of security, privacy and authentication measures and features in this system; and (ii)
that data or information on the Website may
[...] be subject to eavesdropping, sniffing, spoofing, [...]
forgery, spamming, “impostering”,
tampering, breaking passwords, harassment, fraud, electronic trespassing, hacking, nuking, system contamination (including, without limitation, viruses, worms, and Trojan horses) or other techniques causing unauthorised, damaging or harmful access and/or retrieval of information and data on your computer, may be subject to other security or privacy hazards or may not reach its destination or may reach an erroneous address or recipient.
人权高专办哥伦比亚办事处所得到的资料证实,存在一种国家保安部官员 在其上司的指示下实行电窃听、追 踪、监督和有系统的骚扰的惯常情况,这些 [...]
The information received by OHCHR-Colombia confirms the existence of a
[...] pattern of wiretapping, surveillance [...]
and systematic harassment by DAS officials,
under orders from their superiors, to whom they reported their findings.




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