单词 | 穿衣 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 穿衣 verb —dress v穿衣 —clothingless common: wear clothes Examples:不穿衣服的 adj—bare adj See also:穿—pass through • put on • penetrate • thread • pierce • bore through • perforate 衣 n—dress n • clothes n 衣 pl—robes pl 衣—put on (clothes)
看 護護理是指不需要受過訓練的醫療或醫療輔助人員持續監督的個人照護,例如協助您進行洗澡 或穿 衣等日常活動的護理。 lacare.org | Custodial care is personal care that does not require the continuing attention of trained [...] medical or paramedical personnel, such as care that helps you with activities of daily [...] living, such as bathing or dressing. lacare.org |
提交人看她的儿子只穿了一件运动裤和一件 T 恤,就要军人给他点时间 穿衣服。 daccess-ods.un.org | As her son was wearing only a tracksuit and tee-shirt, the author asked the soldiers to allow him time to dress. daccess-ods.un.org |
它是在地球上空,它的居民是“有光明和永 生 穿衣 服 ,吃的生命树”(同上lviii。 mb-soft.com | It is above the earth, and its inhabitants [...] are "clothed with garments of light and eternal [...]life, and eat of the tree of life" [...](ib. lviii. 3) in the company of the Lord and His anointed. mb-soft.com |
但是也許有一些的鑽石會穿衣的情 況下。 zh.horloger-paris.com | But maybe some diamonds that would dress case. en.horloger-paris.com |
(d) "樂 齡 健保計劃": 於 2002年設立的殘 疾 保險計劃,旨在 為 那 些 不 [...] 能進行基本日常 生 活活動( 例如進食 、 穿衣和 如 廁 )的 長者提供經濟保障。 legco.gov.hk | (d) ElderShield: It is a disability insurance scheme set up in 2002 to provide financial [...] protection for the elderly who are unable to perform basic activities of daily living [...] such as eating, dressing and toileting. legco.gov.hk |
手提箱在船舱中翻滚,船壁咯吱直响,让人难以入睡 - 该出来透透气了!没有人能站得住脚跟,只能坐 着 穿衣 服 , 每次移动我都想呕吐。 voith.com | The suitcases perform witches' dances in the cabin, the walls moan and groan, it is impossible to sleep - time to get out! voith.com |
他们喜欢简单的“穿穿衣”玩 偶,还会扮给玩偶洗澡,尤其是可清洗和可浸水 的玩偶。 cpsc.gov | They like simple dress-me dolls and will pretend to bathe dolls, especially ones that are washable and submersible. cpsc.gov |
重申大会第 63/241 号决议第 17 至 26 段、2006 年 12 月 19 日第 61/146 号决议中以儿童与贫穷为主题的第 42 至 52 段以及 2005 年 12 月 23 日第 60/231 号决议中以受艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染和影响的儿童为主题的第 37 至 42 段,吁请 [...] 各国和国际社会创造一个保障儿童福祉的环境,包括为此加强这一领域的国际合 作,并履行其以往的承诺,确保消除贫穷,享有受教育权利,享受能达到的最高 标准身心健康的权利,包括努力解决受艾滋病毒/艾滋病感染或影响儿童的情况 [...] 并消除艾滋病毒的母幼传染,保障人人享有食物权和适当生活标准的权利,包括 住房和穿衣 daccess-ods.un.org | Reaffirms paragraphs 17 to 26 of its resolution 63/241, paragraphs 42 to 52 of its resolution 61/146 of 19 December 2006, on the theme of children and poverty, and paragraphs 37 to 42 of its resolution 60/231 of 23 December 2005, on the theme of children infected with and affected by HIV/AIDS, and calls upon all States and the international community to create an environment in which the well-being of the child is ensured, including by strengthening international cooperation in this field and by implementing their previous commitments relating to poverty eradication, the right to education, the right to the enjoyment of the highest attainable standard of physical and mental health, including efforts to address the situation of children living with or affected by HIV/AIDS and to eliminate mother-to-child [...] transmission of HIV, the right to food for all and the right to an adequate standard of living, [...] including housing and clothing daccess-ods.un.org |
妇女要给孩子喂饭 穿衣,照顾他们,不光要干所有的活,而且非干不可, 但她们却得不到丈夫工作的福利,在第三世界国家尤 [...] 其如此。 daccess-ods.un.org | Women end up feeding, clothing and looking after [...] children, not only doing all the work but having to do it; yet they do [...]not get the benefit of their husbands’ employment, especially not in the Third World. daccess-ods.un.org |
(a) 「高度照顧殘疾人士院舍」是指提供住宿照顧、 監管及指導予殘疾人士的機構,而該等殘疾人士 一般健康欠佳、缺乏基本的自我照顧技巧,並在 處理日常起居方面需要專人照顧、料理和協助, 例如穿衣、如 廁及用膳方面,但不需要高度的專 業醫療或護理 legco.gov.hk | (a) a “high-care-level” home, namely an establishment providing residential care, supervision and guidance for PWDs who are generally weak in health, lack basic self-care skills, and require intensive personal care, attention and assistance in activities of daily living, such as dressing, toileting and meals, but do not require a high degree of professional medical or nursing care legco.gov.hk |
其中提到,犯 人被普遍剥夺吃饭、穿衣、看 书及其他基本需求,而且还指控待遇和条件相当于 虐待或残酷、非人道或有辱人格的待遇或惩罚。 daccess-ods.un.org | While general [...] deprivations of food, clothes, books and other basic [...]needs were noted, testimony also consisted of allegations [...]of treatment and conditions that would amount to torture or cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment. daccess-ods.un.org |
在过去的一年里,泰勒·斯威夫特不止一次被认定为最 佳 穿衣 典 范 之一,但显然,这是不够的。 citij.com | Within the passed year, Taylor Swift was recognized as one of the very best-dressed not once, but apparently, this is not enough for her. citij.com |
例如,特需助理可以在上下学校巴士, 书写,饮食,穿衣及个 人卫生等方面给孩子们以帮 助。 jrs.ie | For example, the Special Needs Assistant [...] can help children with getting on and off the school bus and can help with [...] writing, feeding, clothing and general hygiene. jrs.ie |
中国以占世界 6%的淡水和 [...] 9%的耕地,满足了世 界 20%人口吃饭和穿衣的需 求,并业已实现千年发展 目标 1(消除赤贫)。 daccess-ods.un.org | His country, with 6 per cent of the world’s fresh water [...] and 9 per cent of its farming land, had [...] met the food and clothing needs of its population, [...]which accounted for 20 per cent [...]of the world’s total, and had already achieved MDG 1, eradication of extreme poverty. daccess-ods.un.org |
除了通过美术和手工刺激视觉,感觉和让肢体做精细动作,我们也训练孩子掌握简单的生活技能, 如 穿衣 、 打 扫卫生、洗衣服和做饭。 reachsegamat.com | Besides using art and craft to stimulate visual, sensory and [...] motor skills, our children are also trained in simple life skills like dressing up, [...] cleaning, doing laundry and cooking. reachsegamat.com |
依靠他人帮助才能完成日常活动(穿衣 、 吃饭、洗澡、在室内活动、需 要他人随时在场,如该条例所述)的儿童(从 [...] 3 岁起),这种情况的严重 程度远远超过同龄人的正常水平 daccess-ods.un.org | A child (from age 3) dependent on the [...] help of others for the performance of [...] everyday functions (dressing, eating, washing, [...]mobility in the home and the permanent [...]presence of another, as defined in the regulations) to a degree significantly greater than is normal for his/her age group daccess-ods.un.org |
孩子必須具備以 下條件才合資格﹕是卑詩省居民﹑與家長或監護人同住家中﹑18 歲或以下(領取暫代照顧福利)或17 歲 [...] 或以下(領取醫療福利)﹑以及被評定為在日常生活的四個範疇(這四個範疇是指﹕進食 ﹑ 穿衣 ﹑ 如 廁﹑洗 澡)之中有至少三個是要倚賴他人。 bcepilepsy.com | To qualify the child must be: a resident of BC, living at home with a parent or guardian, age 18 or younger for respite benefits, age 17 or younger for medical benefits, and assessed as [...] dependant in at least three of four areas of daily living (these are defined [...] as: eating, dressing, toileting, [...]and washing). bcepilepsy.com |
冲水、洗头发、洗身子……完成这个任务后,继续专注下一个任务— — 穿衣 , 然后再专注下一个任务——吃早餐,或乘电梯下楼。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Then, focus on the next mission – getting dressed, then breakfast, or going down in the elevator. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
他们也喜欢玩“穿穿衣”玩 偶,喜欢穿卡片、鞋子和珠子。 cpsc.gov | They also enjoy playing with dress-me dolls, lacing cards or shoes, and stringing beads. cpsc.gov |
受害人没穿衣服,她的个人物品散落在单元房各处。 daccess-ods.un.org | The victim was undressed and her personal belongings were scattered all over the apartment. daccess-ods.un.org |
长期护理的具体方式在于提供 日常活动方面的帮助,例如洗澡、 穿衣 、 做 饭等等。 daccess-ods.un.org | Long-term care is manifested in the provision of help with daily tasks such as bathing, dressing up, cooking and so on. daccess-ods.un.org |
察看与之相关游戏 化妆 : 化妆品游戏, 女孩游戏, 幼儿游戏, 时尚游戏, 服装游戏, 理发店游戏, 穿衣游戏 cn.yupis.org | See games related to make up : Aesthetician games, Clothes games, Combing games, Dress up games, Fashion games, Girl games, Girl games, Hairdresser games, Makeup games en.yupis.org |
結集了TK、《Obscura》團隊,以至THINK SILLY Store Buyer的選擇,搜尋了一系列來自日本、歐洲和美國品牌的衣飾,也有為是次企劃特別製作的產物,除此還會透過店內的裝潢,讓各位徹底感受我們 的 穿衣 和 生 活風格,詳細內容請留意刊內的“Style Guide”專題特集。 think-silly.com | Gathering the choices of TK, Obscura team and THINK SIILLY Store buyer, the selection is made up of offerings from Japan, Europe and U.S., as well as limited edition products specially created for this occasion. think-silly.com |
專注於對「紳士」一詞的多方面研究,今回編集部以Gentlemen [...] [...] Style為題製作了一個特集,找來Dunhill的Master Tailor Jonathan Payne、著名日本攝影師及設計師熊谷隆志分別表述個人對Gentlemen Style的定義,和英國傳統紳士的穿衣 準 則;同時以圖文並茂的形式,分享有關於紳士服飾的多個設計起源與相關歷史知識,帶出當中許多值得深究的學問。 think-silly.com | Going into the culture of Gentlemen-wear from the origin of its design to its history, we want to bring to light the wisdom behind this iconic styling. think-silly.com |
除用于军服、赛车服和易燃易爆行业上的作业服外,东丽公司利用PPS纤维的热遮蔽特性,开发出了使用PPS复合丝的隔热保温的轻量衣料,比聚酯纤维衣料提高了30%~40%的保温性,且可以减低 1 6 % 穿衣 时 的 接触冷感。 china-otem.com | Except for the uniforms, racing suits and work clothes on the explosive industry, the use of Toray¡¯s heat shielding properties of PPS fiber, developed PPS composite wire with [...] the insulation of lightweight cloth, [...] polyester fibers than clothing increased by [...]30% to 40% of the insulation, and can reduce [...]the exposure to 16% when cold dress sense. china-otem.com |
这套公寓共有三间卧室,每房两张床,公用的一个卫生间,客厅则摆放了一张三人沙发四张简易坐垫,而在北京奥运会时,公寓内备有餐桌椅、熨衣板、冷热水直饮机、等 量 衣 橱 和 穿衣 镜 、 毛巾衣架一应俱全,甚至应该包括带一个独立的卫生间。 fudafurniture.cn | The apartment has three bedrooms, two beds per room, a public bathroom, living room, placed a three-person sofa four simple cushion in the Beijing Olympic Games, the apartment is equipped with tables and chairs, ironing plate, hot and cold water straight drink machine, the same amount of wardrobe and dressing mirror, towel racks readily available, or even should be included with a separate bathroom. fudafurniture.cn |
罩杯边缘无缝线、不易影响外衣穿搭。 jshoppers.com | The cup edges are seamless, so they [...] don't appear on outer clothing. jshoppers.com |
一般雨衣、防风衣穿在身 上,就像外面下大雨、里面下小雨。 taiwanexcellence.com.tw | When wearing normal raincoats or wind-breakers, [...] it feels like heavy rain outside, and light rain inside. taiwanexcellence.com.tw |
几代人的构成的tannaim和亚摩兰历史框架序列可决定从犹太法典中的典故,轶事和来自院校的故事,文学及其他有价值的材料,它展示的历史条件下,事件和人士的时间,而不是除在该事实已在传说或神话的 外 衣穿 的 案 件。 mb-soft.com | The sequence of generations which constitute the framework of the history of the Tannaim and Amoraim may be determined from the allusions contained in the Talmud, from the anecdotes and stories of the academies, and from other valuable literary material, which exhibit the historical conditions, [...] events, and personages of the time, not excepting cases in which the [...] facts have been clothed in the garb of legend [...]or myth. mb-soft.com |
贝宁政府将一方面努力巩固基本自由,一方面努力改善贝宁公民的生活状 况,确保他们享有基本权利,即:有房住、有医看、有饭吃、 有 衣穿 和 有 学上。 daccess-ods.un.org | As the Government of Benin works to consolidate fundamental freedoms, it will also work to improve the living [...] conditions of its citizens by ensuring their access to basic rights, i.e. to shelter, [...] medical care, food, clothing and education. daccess-ods.un.org |