

单词 空集


集体空间 n

space community n

External sources (not reviewed)

歡迎蒞臨 G16 貴賓室,國泰空集團在 香港國際機場所設的其中一個貴賓室。
Welcome to the G16 Lounge, one of the three
[...] Cathay Pacific Group lounges at the [...]
Hong Kong International Airport.
未 加 入 香 港 尚 健
[...] 前 , 陆 先 生 在 法空 集 团 不 同 的 子 公 司 工 [...]
作 了 15 年 。
Prior to joining Celki in Hong Kong, Mr. Rouvier had been working in different
[...] subsidiaries of Air Liquide Healthcare for [...]
15 years.
该项目减少了以下各地工厂间往来的空卡车 空集 装 箱 数量:佛罗里达州的彭沙科拉城、阿拉巴马州的洛克斯利以及路易斯安那州的新奥尔良。
The project reduced
[...] the number of empty trucks and containers [...]
that travel between facilities in Pensacola, Florida; Loxley,
Alabama; and New Orleans, Louisiana.
寰宇一家」聯屬成員的港龍航空,為國泰 空集 團 的 一員,是一家以香港爲基地的國際航空公司。
Dragonair, an affiliate member of oneworld, is a Hong Kong-based
[...] international airline, and a member of the Cathay Pacific Group.
(21) 經營作為船舶經紀、海空財險經紀、貨運承包商、海、陸、空貨運及客運公 司、駁船船東、碼頭裝運公司、海、陸 空集 運 及 客運代理、冰塊供應商、 冷藏庫營運商、貨倉營運商、碼頭營運商及運輸公司總代理之所有或任何業 務。
(21) To carry on all or any of the business of shipbrokers, insurance
brokers of shipping
[...] and aviation property, freight contractors, carriers of goods and passengers by land, sea and air in whatever form, [...]
barge owners, lightermen,
stevedores, forwarding and passenger agents by land, sea or air, ice merchants, refrigerating storekeepers, warehousemen, wharfingers and general agents of transportation companies.
目前在中国的几家运营商包括:中国公务 空集 团 、 金鹿公务机、总部位于香港的BAA [...]
Jet Management和Metrojet以及Asia Jet等。
Some local and foreign China-based companies include
[...] China Business Aviation Group, Deerjet, [...]
Metrojet, BAA Jet Management and Asia Jet.
[...] 1,788,059,796 股 H 股中不包含代中国空(集 团)有限公司持有的 166,852,000 股。
The 1,788,059,796 H Shares held by it in the
Company does not include the 166,852,000 Shares held by it as nominee of
[...] China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited.
四川空集團公司總裁藍新國表示:「合作組建四川太古飛機工程服務有限公司,是 川航配合四川省打造工業強省重大戰略實施,抓住成都市強力打造航太 空 產 業 集群 有 利契機,響應民航局鼓勵發展西部民航的號召,合理利用外資,立足航空運輸主 業、發展航空上下游的重要戰略組成部分;川航對四川和西南地區航空經濟產業的發 展充滿信心,各方投資者也相當看好未來的市場前景。
Sichuan Airlines is highly confident about the future of the aviation industry in Sichuan and Southwest China, and our partners in Taikoo Sichuan Aircraft Engineering Services Company Limited are all equally optimistic about the long-term [...]
market outlook.
Calima 西班牙空集团为世界各地客户提供服务,服务项目包括包机、出租飞机、航空业管理、咨询、飞机销售和再营销.
Calima is
[...] a Spanish based aviation group serving clients [...]
across the globe, in all aspects of aircraft charter, leasing,
flight management, consulting, aircraft sales and re-marketing.
公司、Swire Aviation Limited、Swire Finance Limited、國泰航空有限公司(「國泰航空」)及中信泰富有限公司(作為賣方)於二零一零年五月二十五日與怡和有限公司、九龍倉集團有限公司、Mosgen Limited、和記港口集團有限公司及中國 空 ( 集 團 ) 有限公司(作為買方)訂立買賣協議,公司以港幣十二億八千萬元的代價,將其於香港空運貨站有限公司(「香港空運貨站」)及 Hactl Investment Holdings Limited(「HIHL」)全部百分之十九點九九八的權益售出。
Limited, The Wharf (Holdings) Limited, Mosgen Limited, Hutchison Port Holdings Limited and China National Aviation Corporation (Group) Limited (as purchasers) on 25th May 2010 for the Company to sell its entire 19.998% interests in Hong Kong Air Cargo Terminals Limited ("Hactl") and Hactl Investment Holdings Limited ("HIHL") for a consideration of HK$1,280 million.
四川空集團公司現擁有鷹聯航空 20% 和東北航空 33.5%的股權。
Sichuan Airlines Group currently holds a 20% stake in United Eagle Airlines and a 33.5% [...]
interest in Northeast Airlines.
2001年4月27日,中国民航总局(CAAC)宣布把旗下直接管理的九家航空公司合并成三大 空集 团 , 即中国南方 空集 团 有 限公司、中国东方 空集 团 有 限公司和中国国航 空集 团 有 限公司。
On 27 April, 2001, the Civil Aviation Administration of China (CAAC) announced the merger of nine airlines under its direct administration into three giants known as China Southern Airlines Group, China Eastern Airlines Group and Air China Group.
應 佔 聯 屬 公 司 溢 利 減 虧 損 , 包 括 國 泰空 集 團 出 售 於 Equant N.V. 之 投 資 所 帶 來 之 應 佔 溢 利 港 幣 二 億 一 千 七 百 萬 元 , 以 及 與 香 港 飛 機 工 程 公 司 進 行 裁 員 所 付 之 遣 散 費 有 關 之 應 佔 虧 損 港 幣 三 千 五 百 萬 元 。
The share of profits less losses of associated companies includes an attributable profit of HK$217 million arising on sale of investments in Equant N.V. by Cathay Pacific Airways group and an attributable loss of HK$35 million relating to severance payments arising from staff retrenchment in Hong Kong Aircraft Engineering Company.
根据 2004 年 11 月 20 日本公司与中航集团、中国空(集 团 ) 有限公司签署的《重组协议》, 中航集团向本公司承诺,其将协助本公司自本公司成立日起的六个月或一年内,将其作为出资 投入本公司的土地使用权和房产的土地使用权证和房产证办理至本公司名下。
The Company entered into a reorganization agreement dated 20 November 2004 with CNAHC and CNACG, pursuant to which, CNAHC undertook to the Company that within a period of six months or one year from the date of establishment of the Company, it would assist in transferring to the Company the land use rights, the land use right certificates and the property ownership certificates of the properties as its investment in the Company.
阿聯酋空集團和 航空公司主席兼行政總裁雅麥通酋長(HH Sheikh Ahmed [...]
bin Saeed Al-Maktoum)表示:「我們很高興成為全球首間航空公司把A380客機服務引入美洲大陸,並深信投入該新客機能令乘客體驗更闊寬及舒適的空間。
HH Sheikh Ahmed bin Saeed Al-Maktoum, Chairman and Chief
[...] Executive, Emirates Airline & Group said: ¡§The [...]
Americas represent a key focus area in Emirates¡¦
route development plans, and we are delighted to be the first airline to launch commercial A380 services to the continent.
GA Telesis首席执行官Abdol Moabery;首席商业官Andrew Toutt;北京集安董事长张杨;国航总裁蔡剑江;中国 空集 团 公 司的其他高管以及中国民航、海关检查局、中国银行及波音公司的高层领导。
GA Telesis CEO, Abdol Moabery, CCO Andrew Toutt, Chairwoman of GA
Innovation China, Zhang Yang,
[...] along with Air China President Cai JianJiang and other Senior Executives of Air China Group, top leadership [...]
of the CAAC, the customs
and inspection bureau, Bank of China, the Boeing Company.
環境局局長補充,環保署人員一直日夜不停工 作,集空氣質 素的數據,而政府當局亦已舉行跨部門會議, [...]
SEN added that EPD staff had been working round
[...] the clock to gather data on air quality, and inter-departmental [...]
meetings were held to
coordinate the release of updated information to the public.
勞 工處職員亦會視乎工作地點進行的工序性質,在現場集 空氣樣 本以量度石棉纖維在空氣中的濃度,評估工人在工 [...]
Depending on the nature of the work being
conducted at the workplace, the officers of
[...] the LD will also collect air samples on site [...]
to measure the concentration of asbestos
fibre in air so as to evaluate the risk of asbestos exposure of the workers at work.
准则吸取了世界各地的经 验,利用了各国开展的大量典型研究,以便 集空 间 管 理措施治理机制的信息。
They draw on experiences from around the world and make use of a number
of national case studies conducted
[...] in order to gather information on governance regimes of spatial management measures.
但是,联刚特派团将继续更多使用陆路和水路等其他运输手 段,尽量减少大量集空中活 动带来的风险。
However, MONUC will continue to increase utilization
of alternative means of transportation by land and water to minimize risks connected to
[...] massive and intense air activity.
持续 不断的集空袭威 胁着平民和联合国工作人员的生 命。有一枚炸弹落在了距离联合国苏丹特派团(联苏 [...]
特派团)驻卡乌达大院仅 100 米的地方。
The Sudanese Armed Forces have shelled
and bombed the areas around Kadugli,
[...] ongoing and intense aerial bombardments threaten [...]
the lives of civilians and United
Nations personnel and a bomb fell just 100 metres from the compound of the United Nations Mission in the Sudan (UNMIS) in Kauda.
集空调系 统产生的热量并用于烧开水,以供员工日常使用
Collect heat generated by air-conditioning system [...]
and use the heat to boil water for staff daily use
15 公釐高的 1 TB 機型,是第一部適用於集、空間有 限之資料中心的容量最佳化 2.5 吋硬碟機。
With its 15mm z-height, the 1TB model is the first 2.5-inch hard drive
[...] capacity-optimized for dense, space-constrained data centers.
業界首款適用於集、空間有 限資料中心的 2.5 吋 1 TB 容量最佳化硬碟機,讓您能以相同空間儲存兩倍的資料量。
2.5-inch 1TB capacity-optimized
[...] drive for dense, space-constrained data centers allows [...]
you to store twice as much data in the same footprint
集空缺职 位方面的综合并具有透明度的年度信息既可以:(i) 增加职员对工作分配进程和地理 [...]
Provision of annual, complete and transparent
[...] information about vacant posts could both [...]
(i) increase staff confidence in the
process of recruitment and geographical mobility and (ii) strengthen staff members’ perception that mobility is an essential part of their job as an international civil servant.
謹以自己、佛菩薩、眾生三世所 集空 無 自 性的功 德,惟願空無自性的我,成就上師本尊空無自性的 覺位,獨力令空無自性的有情,臻至空無自性的佛 果位。
Due to all the three times merits accumulated by myself, the Buddhas,
Bodhisattvas, and sentient
[...] beings, which is empty from its own side, may the I which is empty from it's own [...]
side, achieve the guru-deity's
enlightenment which is empty from it's own side in order to lead all sentient beings who are empty from their own side to that enlightened state which is empty from it's own side by my self alone.
(a) 制訂新法例,進㆒步減空氣、 噪音和水污染,包括:管制手提撞擊式破碎機; 增空氣污 染罪行的刑罰和簡化有關發出消 空 氣 污 染滋擾通知書的手續;管 制石棉的使用;管制廢物處理裝置的使用和維修,並訂立條文規定樓宇業主將 廢物排放入公共污水渠;設立㆒項收費制度,就處理工業污水,使之符合標準 而徵收費用,以及立例管制化學廢物的處理,並徵收費用。
They cover controls of hand held
percussion breakers;
[...] increases in penalties and improvements in the procedure for abatement notices to air pollution offences; controls on the use of asbestos; controls on the use and maintenance [...]
of waste treatment
plants, provision to direct property owners to discharge wastes into public sewers; for a system of charging for treating of industrial effluent to specified quality and regulations to control the disposal of chemical waste and charge for it.




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