单词 | 空隙 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 空隙noun—gapnless common: voidn crackn intersticen 空隙—gap in time between two events gap between two objects See also:隙—crevice loophole rift gap or interval discord
气体、 蒸气和液体可以通过这些材料内的空隙迁移。 swagelok.com | Gases, vapors, and liquids may migrate through cores of these materials. swagelok.com |
该选项用于模切标签之间具有衬垫空隙的介质,或者在 白色背景介质上具有凹槽或孔作为标签长度指示符的标签。 printronix.com | Select when using [...] media with a liner spacebetweendie-cut [...]labels or when using tag stock with notches or holes as label [...]length indicators on white background media. printronix.de |
电动循环泵控制器安装到外壳内后,爬电和空 隙距离应符合 EN50020 中 6.4 (表 [...] 4)一节的 要求。 graco.com | After the installation of the Electric [...] Circulation Pump Control into an enclosure the [...] creepage and clearance distances shall [...]meet the requirements of 6.4 (Table 4) of EN50020. graco.com |
而刮刀棒 尖端的形状正好符合刀组与主锅璧间的空隙。 nutrimaxorganic.com | The tip of the spatula is shaped to fit exactly between the mixing knife assembly and the wall of the mixing bowl. nutrimaxorganic.com |
使用多分散的陶土粉末效果较好,因为这些粉末中存在的微小颗粒可以填补较大 颗粒间的空隙,从而减小总的孔隙。 malvern.com.cn | The use of polydisperse ceramic powders can also be advantageous, as [...] the small particles present in these powders [...] will fill the voids between the larger [...]particles, thus reducing the overall pore size. malvern.com |
请确保金属表面光滑平坦与标签紧密贴合,否则过多的空隙会使标 签失谐而降低读取距离。 xerafy.com | Once again, it is important to ensure a flat metallic surface is used [...] to eliminateany gap between thetag [...]and the asset which can lower the read range by detuning the tag. xerafy.com |
将ST防尘条缓慢地贴在轨道上并在轨道两端留出2~3mm 的空隙. rollco-tw.com | Attach the ST tape slowly over the rail length to within 2 or 3 mm from each end of the rail. rollco-tw.com |
之所以在 2005 年成立建设和平委员会,是因为 [...] 我们认识到必须填补维持和平与建设和平之间的空 隙,从而对安全与发展的相互依存性加以补充。 daccess-ods.un.org | The establishment of the PBC in 2005 was a recognition of the [...] need tofill the gapbetweenpeacekeeping [...]and peacebuilding, thus complementing [...]the interdependence between security and development. daccess-ods.un.org |
最佳冷却方法: 采用最佳方法,例如地板空隙密封、机架空位挡板的使用和避免冷热空气混合,可以节省开支。 emerson.com | Cooling Best Practices: Implementing best practices, such [...] as sealing gapsin floors, using blanking panels inopen spacesin racks, and [...]avoiding mixing of [...]hot and cold air, saves money. emerson.com |
另外,黏上假眼睫毛後,可以Pourto 极精细眼线笔 填补睫毛间的空隙,使真假睫毛二合为一,自然迷人。 aster.com.hk | Besides, after false eyelash is sticked, Pourto Liquid [...] Eyeliner canfill the gapbetweeneyelashes. aster.com.hk |
在液压活塞轴的左端,旋上夹头 (117) 和挡板锁紧 螺母 (122) 并用手拧紧,确保挡板锁紧螺母和左侧 夹头头部之间留有一至两圈螺纹的空隙。 graco.com | Spin the clevis (117) and baffle jam nut (122) onto the left end of the hydraulic piston shaft finger-tight, ensuring a gap of one to two threads between the baffle jam nut and thehead ofthe left clevis. graco.com |
矿化作用一般发生形式为与角砾岩化相关的裂隙及开放性裂缝的空隙填料。 glencore.com | The mineralisation generally occurs as infilling of fissures and open fractures associated with the brecciation. glencore.com |
会议还建议,应在本 次会议空隙期间设一联系小组同各执行机构就解决四氯化碳和甲基氯仿数量微不足道的国 家的可能战略问题举行“集思广益”的会议。 multilateralfund.org | It was also suggested that there should be a contact group in the margins of the present meeting that would have “brain-storming” sessions with implementing agencies concerning a possible strategy for addressing countries with nominal levels of CTC and TCA. multilateralfund.org |
换言之,事实证明恐怖分子有非常强的 [...] 应变能力,能够适应不断变化的情况,并利用从我们 共同立场中找到的各种空隙或漏洞。 daccess-ods.un.org | In other words, terrorists have proved to be extremely resilient [...] in their ability to adapt to changing circumstances and [...] to exploit every gap or loopholethey [...]find in our common stance. daccess-ods.un.org |
由孟加拉国、加拿大(协调员)、中国、古巴、日本、毛里求斯、大不列颠及北爱尔兰 联合王国以及美利坚合众国组成的化工生产行业分组在第四十四次会议的空隙期间举行了 会议。 multilateralfund.org | The Subgroup on the Production Sector composed of Bangladesh, Canada (facilitator), China, Cuba, Japan, Mauritius, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and the United States of America met in the margins of the 44th Meeting. multilateralfund.org |
正确置于齿轮锥上的同步环一般有0.050英寸的空隙。 cn.drivelinenews.com | A synchro ring that sits correctly on the cone of the gear usually has a clearance of 0.050 inch. drivelinenews.com |
Steiner-Birmanns [...] 博士称:“紧手铐,例如细而硬的塑料手铐,在手铐与被拘留者双 手之间不留空隙,强力压迫手腕。 daccess-ods.un.org | Dr. Steiner-Birmanns states that: “Tight handcuffs – such as [...] narrow and rigid plastic handcuffs tightened so [...] that there is no spacebetweenthe handcuffs [...]and the detainee’s hands – press strongly against the wrists. daccess-ods.un.org |
女气胸,俗称「塌肺」,是指患者肺部和胸腔之间的空隙被气体渗入,对肺部构成压力而产生。 hsbc.com.hk | A pneumothorax, or collapsed lung, [...] occurs whenair leaks into the space between the [...]lungs and chest wall, creating pressure against the lung. hsbc.com.hk |
这样就能填满现有的任何空隙,形成防潮密封(即使在循环加压时也能保持密封),并能承受一些高性能接头需要经受的最严格测试,例如盐雾测试 [...] MIL-T-7928。 digikey.cn | This action [...] fills any existingvoids andcreates a seal [...]that repels moisture incursion, even during pressure cycling, and [...]stands up to some of the most rigorous tests that can be applied to high-performance splices, such as the salt fog test MIL-T-7928. digikey.be |
因 此 , 我 们 相 信 设 立 按 条 件 收 费 法 援 基 金 , 有 助 填 补 普 通 法 援 [...] 计 划 和 法 援 辅 助 计 划 服 务 之 间的空 隙。hkreform.gov.hk | Hence, we believe the creation of CLAF [...] can helpto fill gaps in theservices [...]provided by OLAS and SLAS. hkreform.gov.hk |
(e) 在月台空隙较阔的月台下装有照明灯光,以及在东铁綫空隙较阔的車站月台边装设闪灯,提示乘客注意月台空隙;及(f) 港铁公司於2010年推出新措施,在个别車站月台安排車站助理 在列車車门即将关上时,举起「停」字牌及按动电哨子,劝喻 乘客切勿试图在列車車门正在关上时走进列車,以确保乘客安 全。 mtr-westislandline.hk | (e) installation of illumination [...] under the platforms andflashing lights at the edge of East Rail Line platforms at locations where the gapbetweenthe platform and the train is relatively wide so that passengers would pay attentionto the gap; and (f) introduction [...]of a new measure [...]in 2010 whereby Station Assistants are deployed on platforms of selected stations to help ensure passenger safety by raising a “Stop” sign and activating an electronic whistle to urge passengers not to rush onto train while the train doors are closing. mtr-westislandline.hk |
空隙或黑色条纹指示一个或 多个喷墨头被堵塞。 graphics.kodak.com | Voids or blank stripes indicate [...] one or more clogged ink jet nozzles. graphics.kodak.com |
根据这些最新情况,并按照以上第15 (a) 段所指联络小组提出的要求,特设 工作组设立了一个法律问题联络小组,请该小组按照《京都议定书》第三条第9 款分析拟议修正案生效所涉法律方面问题,以避免第一个承诺期结束与第二个承 诺期开始之间出现空隙。 daccess-ods.un.org | In light of these updates and in accordance with a request made by the contact group referred to in paragraph 15 (a) above, the AWG-KP established a contact group on legal matters, which was asked to conduct an analysis of the legal aspects of the entry into force of proposed amendments to the daccess-ods.un.org |
生效的任何拖延都可能导致第一个承 诺期结束与第二个承诺期开始之间出现空隙。 daccess-ods.un.org | Any delay in entry into force may result in a gap between the end of the first commitment period and the beginning of the second commitment period. daccess-ods.un.org |
由于滚子轴承有塑料保持架,很容易变形,其的空隙可以很好地被填充.填充进的润滑 [...] 脂可以永久起到润滑作用. sauer-danfoss.com | Thefreespace of a roller bearing [...] can be filled well due to the plastic, easily deformable structure. sauer-danfoss.com |
复合磁芯结构完全封闭了通量线,从而提供特别的 EMI 屏蔽,且在 “屏蔽式”鼓状电感器内不会发现空隙。 digikey.cn | The composite core structure completely encloses flux lines for exceptional EMI shielding without the gaps found in "shielded" drum inductors and without exposed wires as with toroidal inductors, and the rugged, flexible construction is highly resistant to shock and vibration. digikey.be |
聘用退休人员担任临时职 位是一项填补空隙的措施:他们被聘到替补职位,以履行内部经验、知识和机构记忆所要求 的职责,而延聘超过退休年龄的工作人员可确保任命替补人员之前继续履行这些职责,或完 成某个项目。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The employment of retired staff on temporary appointments is a stopgap measure: they are employed in a replacement capacity in functions requiring in-house experience, knowledge and institutional memory, while staff extended beyond retirement age ensure the continuity of functions, or the completion of a project, pending the appointment of a replacement. unesdoc.unesco.org |
保温钢管制作的简易工艺流程:第一步是对防腐钢管进行检验,使之符合制作保温钢管的条件,综合各种条件对钢管进行检验;第二步是除去钢管上的绣,利用某些特殊原料清楚钢管表面的锈迹,使钢管没有被腐蚀的情况;第三步是穿管成型,将除锈防腐后的钢管套在聚乙烯套管内;第四步是封头修补,中间注入聚氨酯泡沫,使之充分填满钢管与聚乙烯套管之间的空隙,使之成为一体;最后一步是成品检验,对制作完成的保温钢管进行成品的检验,符合规格的产品进行出售,不符合的产品进行重新的整修和改进。 bhgdgs.com | Pipe insulation simple process: The first step is to be tested for anti-corrosion steel pipe, so that it meets the conditions of the production of pipe insulation, and all conditions on the inspection of steel tubes; The second step is to remove the embroidery on the steel pipe, the use of some special raw materials clear steel pipe surface rust, no corrosion of steel pipe; third step is to wear a tube forming, rust anti-corrosion steel pipe in the polyethylene casing; fourth step is to head [...] repair the middle injected polyurethane [...] foam, fullyfillthe gapbetween thesteel [...]pipe with polyethylene casing to make it [...]become one; The final step is the finished product inspection, finished product testing of finished pipe insulation to meet the specifications of the products for sale, the product does not meet the re the renovation and improvement. bhgdgs.com |