单词 | 空置 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 空置adjective—vacantadj(often used)less common: unoccupiedadj 空置noun—vacancyn空置—idle unused set sth.aside let sth.lie idle Examples:空置率n—vacancy raten
目前正在继续开展工作,将空置的军事基地的地段转交社区所有或交由其他 的中央政府当局管理。 daccess-ods.un.org | Work is continuing to transfer [...] the territories of empty military bases to [...]communal ownership or to place them under the [...]management of other central Government authorities. daccess-ods.un.org |
即未被使用的楼面面积,可能已售/已租或尚未租售(无论是因为租户暂未使用、正在装 修或业主有意空置)。 hsbc.com.cn | It may be being marketed, or it may not [...] (whether because a lessee is not occupying, it is being refurbished or it is [...] deliberately being leftempty by thelandlord). hsbc.com.cn |
对於部分业主(如期望重 建的业主及空置/出租单 位的业主),楼宇管理及维 修并不能带来实际益处。 devb.gov.hk | The cost of management and maintenance is spread out over time, and is more predictable than would be the case with haphazard maintenance and remedial works. devb.gov.hk |
晚上7时30分点算开始时,集会人士主要聚集在最接近舞台的两个足球场,而第三个足球场则约半空置。 hkupop.hku.hk | When the headcount began at 7:30pm, most of the participants were mainly assembled at the two soccer pitches closest to the stage. hkupop.hku.hk |
(4) 取得属於本公司之任何樓宇或土地之空置管有权、就此目的支付补偿、拆卸该 等樓宇以及为建筑目的对属於本公司或本公司(无論以拥有人、承租人、承建 [...] 商或其他身份)拥有权益之任何土地进行平整及预备工作。 ckh.com.hk | (4) To obtain vacantpossession of any buildings [...] or lands belonging to the Company, to pay compensation therefore, to demolish [...]the same and to lay out and prepare for building purposes any lands belonging to or in which the Company is interested, either as owners, lessees, contractors or otherwise. ckh.com.hk |
4. D 型公寓楼坐落在边缘地区,空置率高,维修不能跟进,使用效 率高但是缺乏便利设施。 remminternational.com | 4) Class D apartment buildings are older buildings in marginal [...] areas withhighervacancies,deferred maintenance. remminternational.com |
商用与公用两部分中已售出或租出面积和空置面积的总量。 hsbc.com.cn | Total accommodation in the commercial and public [...] sectors both occupied and vacant. hsbc.com.cn |
近东救济工程处还表示,人力资源部已编写地区工作人员空置率月度报 告,并向总部部门主管分发,因此,负责招聘管理人员将与人力资源部合作,提 [...] 出相应征聘计划。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, UNRWA stated that the [...] Human Resources Department had created a [...] monthlyarea staff vacancyratereportwhich [...]was circulated to headquarters department [...]heads and as a result hiring managers were expected to cooperate with the Human Resources Department with a responding recruitment plan. daccess-ods.un.org |
这个营地有以前公司雇员的住所,还有营地使用时开展 行政和技术活动但现已空置的办公室。 daccess-ods.un.org | This camp consists of former housing for SODEMI [...] employees and the emptyoffices fromwhich [...]administrative and technical operations [...]were conducted when the camp was in operation. daccess-ods.un.org |
步 骤 五 : 如 获 批 准 [...] 的 项 目 须 租 用 房 屋 委 员 会 / 房 屋 协 会 管 理 的 处 所 [...] ( 例 如 公 共 屋 邨的空 置舖位或 工 厂 大 厦 单 [...]位 ) , 审 批 小 组 秘 书 处 会 把 项 目 的 详 情 告 知 房 屋 [...]委 员 会 / 房 屋 协 会 , 以 便 该 委 员 会 / 协 会 考 虑 获 资 助 机 构 提 出 的 租 用 处 所 申 请 。 ecf.gov.hk | Step 5: If the approved project requires the use of premises [...] under the management of the Housing [...] Authority/Society (e.g.vacant shop atpublic [...]housing estates, factory unit), the Vetting [...]Sub-committee Secretariat will inform the Housing Authority/Society of details of the project to facilitate the Authority/Society’s consideration of the recipient organisation’s application for leasing premises. ecf.gov.hk |
另一方面,伊格的死了,请参阅君士坦丁堡现在真的空置;神职人员一个不容置疑的权利选举他们自己的族长;拒绝到承认将有挑起一个与东方新鲜违反Photius,会不会有阻止他的职业见,并会给予他的政党(包括皇帝),只是一个争吵的原因。 mb-soft.com | On the other hand, by Ignatius's death the See of Constantinople [...] was now reallyvacant;theclergy had [...]an undoubted right to elect their own patriarch; [...]to refuse to acknowledge Photius would have provoked a fresh breach with the East, would not have prevented his occupation of the see, and would have given his party (including the emperor) just reason for a quarrel. mb-soft.com |
其余 5%(总建筑面 积约为 35,263 平方尺 (3,276.01 平方米))於 估值日期空置。 wingtaiproperties.com | The remaining 5% of the workshop comprising a total gross floor area of approximately 35,263ft² [...] (3,276.01m²)was vacant as at thedate of [...]valuation. wingtaiproperties.com |
尽管经济低迷,房委会商业楼宇的空置率,一直只是私人商业楼宇的一半。 housingauthority.gov.hk | At the same time and despite the economic [...] doldrums, the vacancy rate in our commercial [...]premises has been held at half that in the private sector. housingauthority.gov.hk |
本 集 团 估 计 公 [...] 允 价 值 的 主 要 假 设 包 括 於 相 同 地 点 及 条 件 下 同 类 物 业 的 市 场 租 金、贴 现 率、空 置率、预 期 未 来 的 市 场 租 金 及 维 修 成 本。 zte.com.cn | Major assumptions adopted by the Group in estimating the fair value include market rental level [...] for similar [...] properties at thesamelocation and under the same conditions, discounted rate, vacancy rate, expected future [...]market rental level and maintenance costs. wwwen.zte.com.cn |
特区政府也应针对 [...] 个别社区文化设施不足的问题,例如新界西北及将军澳,增建文化中心及表演 场地, 及把空置的政府物业改作文化艺术用途。 procommons.org.hk | The Government should also invest in areas comparatively lacking cultural and arts facilities such as the Northwest New Territories and Tseung Kwan O, where additional [...] cultural centres and performance venues should [...] be built, andidle premises be revitalized [...]for cultural and arts purposes. procommons.org.hk |
(b) 截 至 2012 年 2 月 [...] , 未 拨 用 及 未 批 租 政 府 土 地 的 总 面 积 为 32 276 公 顷 , 当 中 包 括 各 类 空 地如空 置的政府 用 地 、 天 然 斜 坡 、 荒 岛 及 偏 远 地 区的空 置土地。 devb.gov.hk | (b) As of February 2012, the total area of unallocated and unleased government land [...] is 32 276 ha [...] which includesopen spaces such as vacant government sites, natural slopes, barren islands and unoccupied land in remote areas. devb.gov.hk |
选址时要考虑多种因素,包括是否 有公共交通到达;空置的处所的空间和建筑结构是否均能符合消防安全;无障碍 通道、通风和天然照明系统的法定要求;处所是否有足够空间提供全套服务,例 [...] 如在住宿床位配套外的日间训练服务。 daccess-ods.un.org | We need to take into consideration a number of factors, including whether the site is [...] accessible by public transport, [...] whetherthe space and building structureof the vacantpremises can conform [...]to the statutory requirements [...]on fire safety, barrier-free access, ventilation and natural lighting, whether there is sufficient space to provide the full range of services, e.g. space for matching day training services in addition to bed space, etc. In this regard, SWD will continue to step up efforts in identifying on an ongoing basis suitable sites at the planning stage of development projects and vacant premises and public housing units for conversion into RCHDs and other rehabilitation service units. daccess-ods.un.org |
差强人意的管理是不为其所管理的 [...] 房产做维修、美化、和翻新,这些会直接导致房产本身吸引力下降,造成较 低的租金和较高的空置率。remminternational.com | Poor management which does not make repairs, does not improve the landscaping and does not keep the property [...] looking new, will result in diminishing the attractiveness of the property, resulting in lower [...] rentsand higher vacancy. remminternational.com |
根据《劳工法》第64条,如果因不可抗力、国家或公休假日之前或之后工 [...] 作场所暂时关闭,或类似原因,或是应雇员请求放假,造成完成的工作量大大低 于正常工作时间,或是完全停止,雇主可在两月内要求为空置时间做出补偿工作 。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to Article 64 of the Labour Law, in case work is performed substantially below normal working periods or completely stopped as a result of force majeure, temporary closure of the workplace prior to or after national or general holidays, or similar reasons, or the employee [...] goes on a leave upon his/her request, the employer may instigate [...] compensation work forvacant periods within two months. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管经常性租金收益将会因出售该项物业而有所减少, 但由於利息支出减少,而其他物业租金收入因荃湾国际讯通 中心空置楼面受惠於香港经济强劲反弹而大幅减少得以改 善,均可弥补部份因出售该物业所带来之短期租金收入减少。 wingtaiproperties.com | There will be a loss of recurring rental income as a result of the disposal but the short term impact thereofwill bepartly mitigated by reduced interest expenses and improved rental income from the remaining properties, the latter benefiting from the take-up of spaces in Global Gateway (Hong Kong) induced by the strong upturn in the Hong Kong economy. wingtaiproperties.com |
该 物 业 仍为空 置土地, 有 待 进 行 土地出 让 程 序 [...] 及 办 理 所 有 权 证 书 申 请 。 cigyangtzeports.com | The Property is stilla vacantland pending to [...] process the land grant procedures and application of title certificate. cigyangtzeports.com |
(2) 利用空置校舍为新來港人士安排认識本地文化、职业 训練及提升英语能力等课程,及资助他们參加普及文 [...] 化艺术活动。 communitycarefund.hk | (2) To use vacantcampuses toarrange [...] courses on local culture, occupational training, English enhancement, etc for NAs, [...]and to provide them with subsidy to participate in popular art and cultural activities. communitycarefund.hk |
先前合同」 指 [...] 业主与承租人於二零一一年十一月二十二日就租赁一幅空置土地(连同於其上将兴建的厂房及配套基础建设及设施)而订 [...]立的租赁合同,由二零一一年十一月二十二日起为期15年, 进一步详情载列於日期为二零一一年十一月二十二日的本公 司公布 cre8ir.com | Previous Agreement’’ the lease agreement dated 22 November 2011 made between [...] the Landlord and the Tenant for the [...] lease of apieceof vacantland together with [...]a factory and ancillary infrastructures [...]and facilities to be constructed thereon for a term of 15 years commencing from 22 November 2011, further details of which are set out in the Company’s announcement dated 22 November 2011 cre8ir.com |
此外,虽然专业 员额空缺率反映了比上一个两年期减少,一般事务及 [...] 相关职类员额空缺率却增加,其中有些员额已经空置较长时间,这也令人感到关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, while the vacancy rate for Professional posts reflected a decrease as compared to the previous biennium, the increase in the vacancy rate for posts in the General [...] Service and related categories, some of [...] which hadremained vacantfor an extended [...]period of time, was a matter of concern. daccess-ods.un.org |
1986 年,做出了修建新楼的决定,资金一部分来自出售一幢 [...] 旧楼(现世界贸易组织(WTO)总部所在地),一部分来自国际组织不动产基金的一笔贷款— 这是一家靠各种租赁(空置楼房、停车场、会议厅等)筹集资金的瑞士机构。 unesdoc.unesco.org | In 1968 a decision was made to construct a new building, financed by the sale of an older building (currently the headquarters of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and a loan from the Fondation des Immeubles pour les Organisations [...] Internationales, a Swiss agency whose funds come from various [...] types of rentals (vacant premises, car parks, [...]conference rooms, etc.). unesdoc.unesco.org |
根据这个意念,他们只要能够负担,便可以选择购买各类单位,例如居屋、公屋转作居屋的大厦,以至在租者置其屋计划下准备出售的屋邨空置单位,更可购买在第二市塲推出的居屋及租者置其屋单位。 housingauthority.gov.hk | The idea would be that they could choose to buy, subject to affordability, from a range of flats [...] from HOS, through [...] transfer blocksto vacantflatsin estates [...]scheduled for sale under the TPS, and eventually flats available in the secondary HOS and TPSmarkets. housingauthority.gov.hk |
FRIOCLIMA 生产的主要系统有容量在 1 冷冻吨到 5 冷冻 吨的分裂部件,其 HCFC-22 负载在 0.25 至 12 公斤之间;用于中等容量制冷的冷凝装置、屋顶空调装置、空气处理器、直接蒸发装置和水冷却器,容量从 35 冷冻吨到 200 冷 冻吨不等,HCFC-22 负载高于 5 公斤。 multilateralfund.org | The main systems manufactured by FRIOCLIMA are split units with capacities between 1 ton of refrigeration (TR) and 5 TR with HCFC-22 charges between 0.25 and 12 kgs; condensing units for medium capacity refrigeration, roof topair-conditioning units,air handler, direct expansion units and water coolers from 35 TR to 200 TR with HCFC-22 charges above 5 kgs. multilateralfund.org |