

单词 空气缓冲间

External sources (not reviewed)

这项做法的另㆒个好处,是乘客可以逗留在空气缓冲内,直到接 载他们的交通工具抵达。
A further benefit of this approach is that passengers could
[...] remain in the air-conditionedBuffer Halluntil their [...]
transport arrives.
设定紧急情况许可超载量旨在为泥头车司机提供一缓冲空间应付雨天等 不可预见的情况,这种增加建筑废物的总重量。
The purpose of the contingency
allowance is to
[...] provide dump truck drivers a bufferagainst unforeseen situations like rainy weather which may increase the [...]
overall weight of the construction waste.
领取这项支援,其实是令他们空间以重新站起来,面对家 人,协助家人,这并非羞愧的事情。
In fact, receiving this kind of assistance will give them a breather, so that they can get up again, then face and help their family members.
It has benefited the acousticians that theair filter comes with its dampening effect [...]
of the in-house development and manufacturing.
Besides, in terms of various kinds of public policies, another survey in late April showed that, among the 25 issues, the 11 issues which people are most concerned with, in the priority
from 1 to 10, are 1)
[...] increasing job opportunities and alleviating theunemployment problem, 2) lifting the leading ability of the government, 3) improving airquality, 4) improving public health mechanism, [...]
5) poverty problem,
6) improving relations between the executive and legislative branches, 7) implementing small-class teaching in primary schools, 8) reforming the CSSA system. 9) re-developing old districts, 10) setting up a centralized slaughtering system for poultry and "up and down" bus fare adjustment mechanism.
[...] 中,政府必须为受影响的业界和年长的烟民提供一空间缓冲这样才 能够减少社会的摩擦。
However, in this course, the Government
[...] must allow some roomand bufferfortrades affected [...]
and elderly smokers, for only this
can avoid conflicts in society.
香港高楼处处,空气污染问题和热岛效应的影响甚为严重,而 种植树木可以达到改空气素、效应及降低市区气 温的效果,改善市区的环境;进行绿化也可以改善社区的景观 和市民的居住环境,提升生活质素;全面的树木护养及管理制 度是绿化过程中不可或缺的一环;完善的树木管理可以在保育 树木和保障市民生命财产安全平衡,亦可减少政府当 局将来处理树木风险管理和危险树木的机会及减省开支;就 此,为进一步完善香港的树木护养及管理制度,本会促请政府
That with the presence of high-rise buildings everywhere, air pollution and the heat island effect are very serious in Hong Kong, and planting
trees may achieve the effects ofimprovingair quality, alleviating thegreenhouse effect and lowering the temperature in urban areas, and improve the urban environment; greening may also improve community landscape as well as people's living environment, thereby upgrading quality of life; a comprehensive system of tree preservation and management is an indispensible segment of the greening process; while proper tree management may strike a balance betweenconserving trees and protecting people's lives and properties, it can also reduce the chances of the Administration having to handle tree risk management and hazardous trees in the future and reduce expenditures; in this connection, in order to further perfect Hong Kong's tree preservation and management system, this Council urges the Government to
(b) 长 远 而 言 ,考虑停止以预约册作缓冲,应付 日 益增加的工作量。
(b) in the longer term, consider stopping the practice of using the
[...] appointment register as abuffer against increasing caseload.
在考虑公务员应否被停职时,有关的局/部门须研究所 有相关因素,包括:指称的不当行为或刑事控罪的性质和严 重程度、有关公务员的不当行为与其公务产生该员如获准留任会否重蹈覆辙、是否有其他职位适合调 派该员担任、人手和虑因素、会否损害或危及市民 大众、市民大众对该员留任的反应和观感等。
When considering whether a civil servant should be interdicted, the concerned bureau/department is required to look at all relevant factors, including the nature and gravity of the
alleged misconduct or
[...] criminal charge, possible conflict between the civil servant’s misconduct and his official duties, possibility of recurrence of the same misconduct or offence if he is allowed to remain in his office, availability of suitable alternative posting, manpower and morale consideration, [...]
likely harm or
risk posed to the general public, public reaction and perception, etc.
实践 上述目标将有助明显改善珠江三角洲(珠三角)空气素和问题。
Achieving these targets will help improve
[...] significantly the air quality of the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region and relievethe regional smog [...]
a. 大学教育资助委员会(
[...] 下称" 教资会")应作为大专院校与政府"缓冲"方面保障院校的学术自由及自主,另一方 [...]
a. The University Grants Committee (UGC)
[...] should actas a"buffer" betweenthe tertiary [...]
institutions and the Government, safeguarding
the academic freedom and autonomy of the institutions on the one hand, and ensuring value for money for the taxpayers on the other.
实践上述目标不但有助本港达到空气质素指标,还可大大 改善珠三角空气素,的烟雾问题。
Achieving these targets will not
only enable Hong Kong to
[...] meet its air quality objectives but also significantly improve the air quality of the PRD andrelieve the regional [...]
smog problem.
根据边境禁区政策, 当局把香港人烟较稠密的地方与当时中、英边界些地区划为 边境禁区,目的是提供一缓冲,协助保安部队维持香港与内地界完整,以及打击非法入境活动和其他跨境犯罪活动。
Under the FCA policy, certain areas between the populated
territory of Hong Kong
[...] and the then Sino-British border was declared to be the FCA to providea bufferzone tohelp the security forces to maintain the integrity of the boundary [...]
between Hong Kong
and the Mainland and to combat illegal immigration and other cross boundary criminal activities.
(a) 车辆排放废气没有首先被障碍物散开而直近易空气影响的受体
(a) emissions from traffic impinging directly on nearby sensitive receivers without being first dispersed by obstacles
教资会於是便在政府与院校缓冲, ㆒方面维护各院校在学术及管理方面的自主权,另㆒方面确保纳税㆟的金钱用得合 [...]
The UPGC has
[...] therefore actedas a buffer betweenthe Government [...]
and the institutions, safeguarding the academic and management
autonomy of the institutions on the one hand, and ensuring value for money for taxpayers on the other.
程式从缓冲份磁区,因而在快照时将完整备份该所有磁 区,并建立一个与该磁碟分割完全相同的「影像」。
The program backs up the sectors from the buffer, so thatall the partition sectors of the point-in-time [...]
when the snapshot
was taken will be backed up intact and an exact "image" of the partition will be created.
[...] 设计大楼时已回应他们就保存沿工地旁马路生长的树木和 拟建大楼对邻近环境影响的关注,把大楼向後移离马路, 并在两座大楼之间提供更缓冲空间
No objection to the project has been raised, and the concerns of some staff members and students about the preservation of trees along the roads next to the site and the impact of the new buildings on the neighbouring environment have been
addressed in the design by setting back the new buildings from the roads and
[...] providing more bufferspace between the buildings.
这项政 策跟局长现时所 说 的 改空气,是否矛盾?
Is there any conflict and contradiction between this policy and the
[...] policies on improvement of airqualitysuggested by the Secretary?
(三 ) 政府有何实质措施尽快缓空气的问题,以及如何评估 该等措施的成效?
(c) of the Government's concrete measures
[...] to alleviate the airpollutionproblem [...]
expeditiously, as well as how it assesses
the effectiveness of such measures?
於任 何工厂,任何人员不应且不允许进入该等密闭空间,直至已采取一切可行
[...] 措施消除可能存在的气体并防止任何气体进入,且除非(aa)主管人士已基於 彼进行的测试出具书面证明,证明空间在危适合人进入, 或(bb)工人配带适合的呼吸器具且缚有与绳子一端相连的安全带,绳子的 [...]
No personinany factory shall enter or be permitted to enter any such confined space until all practicable measures have been taken to remove any fumes which may be present and to prevent any ingress of fumes and unless either (aa) a certificate in writing has been given by a competent person,
based on a test carried out
[...] by himself, thatthespace is free fromdangerous fumesand fitfor persons [...]
to enter, or (bb) the
worker is wearing suitable breathing apparatus and a belt securely attached to a rope, the free end of which is held by a person standing outside the confined space.
(b) 提供资料文件,说明《建筑物能源守则》(“能源守则”)
[...] 及强制实施该守则的建议如何有助於减少能源消耗,因 而改空气素并暖化;同时说明能源守则会 否适用於建筑物的设计,若然,应考虑鼓励有良好通风 [...]
(b) provide an information paper on Building Energy Codes (BEC) and how the proposed mandatory implementation of BEC
could help reduce power consumption,
[...] therebyimproving airquality and alleviating global warming. [...]
To also advise whether BEC
would apply to designs of buildings and if so, consideration should be given to encouraging designs which allowed for better ventilation such that air-conditioning was required only when necessary; and
By launching a riveting discourse about the role
[...] and impactof publicspaces,Beyond Zuccotti Park [...]
not only encourages us to reflect
upon the rights we have as citizens of a democracy, but to also get on our feet and seize the opportunity to fully the embrace these rights in order to create positive change in our communities.
尤其是中国大陆 的影响 澳洲受到击可能非常重大 欧元区仅占澳洲商品出 口的 4% 澳元的贬值 某种程度上将有助於 至少经济不然澳元在 2011 年 7 月达到历史高点 但目前由於因欧洲 而对全球成长 及商品 展望产生之疑虑 澳 元走势略趋疲软
A fall in the AUD would help mitigate to some extent at least an economic slump in Europe. While the AUD reached a record high in July 2011 there is now some modest weakening as a consequence of concerns arising from Europe on the global growth (and commodity) outlook.
最低限 度 之 消 防 装 置 及 设 备守则》对供水 缸 容 量 的 分 级 要求,是消 防 处
根据以 往 的 灭 火 经 验 , 考虑到 在不 同面积的 楼 宇发生火 警
[...] 时,所需的 灭 火 喉 数 量缓 冲及 经 和 业 界 与其他政 [...]
府部门( 包括香港建 筑 师 学 会 、香港工 程 师 学 会 、香港保
险 业 联 会 、 屋宇署 、 建 筑 署 等 ) 商 议 後 , 在 1966 年 厘 定的,行 之 有效。
The different levels of supply tank capacity requirements stipulated in the Code of Practice for Minimum Fire Service Installations and Equipment have been drawn up by the FSD taking into account its past experience of
fire-fighting, the number of fire-fighting
[...] jets and length of bufferperiod required for [...]
buildings with different floor areas
and its consultations with the trade and other government departments (including the Hong Kong Institute of Architects, Hong Kong Institute of Engineers, Hong Kong Federation of Insurers, Buildings Department and Architectural Services Department).
陈先生在随後提交的陈述书提述李教授的言论时他说在表达其对日後发展的意愿之前,政府已有意 要两间院校协作。
In a subsequent statement, Mr Chan slightly toned down what Professor Li had said by saying that an intention of collaboration was formed by the Government before either establishment had made expressed wishes of the way forward.
至於其他 少 於 10%的单位 ,发展商须 为 它 们 提施, 为 它 们 安 装 合 适 的 隔音窗户和以 减低单 位面对 的交通噪音水 平 。
For the remaining less than 10%, the
[...] developer was required by the Master Layout Plan to provide indirect noisemitigation measures in the form of suitable insulated [...]
windows and
air-conditioners to reduce the traffic noise levels to which they might be exposed.
2009~2011年间台隆节能科技CALMSYS™热交换系统,在台湾电信客户的大哥大基地站测试做到大於50% 及大於40%电量节省的验证成果,在大陆最大的电信公司的交货售後验证更达到大於65% 及大於50%电量节省的傲人成绩获得客户的首选与青睐。
Test results from across China and Taiwan show up to 56% savings on electricity usage and over 70% reduction on AC usage in day-to-day operation, resulting in significant ROI for any current/planning IDC/ICT with CALMSYS thermal management solution.
每间工厂应制定有效及合适的条文规定保证及维持每个(i)足够的通风设 备保持新空气;及(ii)合适的温度将保证其中的工人处於合理的舒适条件中,以 防止危害健康,尤其是(i)墙壁及屋顶应采用特殊材料及设计以保证温度不会过高并尽 [...]
尽量采取适当措施通过绝缘发热部件或以其他有效方法使工人远离产生高温的车间, 从而保护工人。
Effective and suitable provisions shall be made in every factory for
securing and maintaining in
[...] every work-room (i)adequate ventilation by the circulationof fresh air; and (ii)such [...]
temperatures as will secure
to workers therein reasonable conditions of comfort and which will prevent injury to health, and in particular, (i) the walls and roof shall be of such material and so designed that such temperature shall not be exceeded but be kept as low as practicable; (ii) where the nature of the work carried on in the factory involves, or is likely to involve, the production of excessively high temperature, such adequate measures as are practicable, shall be taken to protect the workers therefrom by separating the process which produces such temperature from the work-room by insulating the hot parts or by other effective means.




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