单词 | 空气动力 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 空气动力 adjective —aerodynamic adj空气动力 —aerodynamic forceExamples:空气动力的 adj—aerodynamic adj 空气动力学—aerodynamics See also:空气—atmosphere 气动 adj—aerodynamic adj 气动 adv—pneumatically adv 气动 pl—pneumatics pl
提高乘客和货物运输速度及安全性有赖于 动力 学、空气动力学以 及交通安全技术的广泛应用——在高 速列车和低噪音轨道车辆研发领域尤其如此。 contitech.cn | The faster, safer transportation of people and goods is a question of dynamics, aerodynamics and travel security – especially in the development of high-speed trains and low-noise railway vehicles. contitech.cn |
每一款车型都将最高效的发动机与最新的智 能 空气动力 学 和 能量管理措施相结合。 mercedes-benz.com.cn | Each model combines the most efficient engine with intelligent, [...] latest-generation aerodynamic and energy-management [...]measures. mercedes-benz.com.cn |
我的埃德的关键:另一项发明“可怕的错误,并结束与Ed飙升超碳酸苏打通 过 空气动力。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Key to My Ed: Another invention goes horribly wrong, and ends with Ed being [...] rocketed through the air powered by ultra-fizzy soda. seekcartoon.com |
技术注释: 建模特别包括该系统的空气动力及热 力分析。 daccess-ods.un.org | The modelling includes in [...] particular the aerodynamic and thermodynamic analysis [...]of the systems. daccess-ods.un.org |
计时航空Plus是特意根据空气动力学设 计,确保车手可以达到最高的速度从头盔尽可能用尽可能少风的阻力。 chainssprockets.com | The Chrono Aero Plus has been purposely designed for maximum aerodynamics ensuring [...] the rider can reach the highest possible [...]speeds with as little wind resistance from the helmet as possible. chainssprockets.com |
声音和振动测量和分析系统正被用于风动测试,以检测模型 的 空气动力 噪 声 来源。 bksv.cn | The sound and vibration measurement and analysis systems are being used in wind tunnel tests [...] to detect the aerodynamic noise sources [...]of models. bksv.com |
三分离高效选粉机是国际最先进选粉原理的基础上,采用航 空 空气动力 学 分 析方法研制开发出的最新科技产品。 mayastar.com.cn | Three separation efficiency powder [...] selecting machine is a [...] new technology products that adopts the aviation air dynamics analysis method [...]on the basis of the [...]principle of the most advanced choosing powder in international. mayastar.com.cn |
目前,人们正努力开发下一代低噪声火车,这可通过专注于降 低 空气动力 噪 声 实现。 bksv.cn | Presently, efforts are being taken to develop the next [...] generation of low-noise trains, which would be [...] possible by focusing on the difficult task of reducing aerodynamic noise. bksv.com |
我们专注硬度和润度,使得Flow能够击败市面上 的 空气动力 学 牙 盘。 chainssprockets.com | Our focus on stiffness and functionality, allow the Flow to match [...] and even beat full aero cranks in the real world. chainssprockets.com |
结合多种选粉原理,采用航空 空气动力 学 分 析方法对整个流场进行了优化设计,使得设备阻力显著减小,选粉效率更高。 mayastar.com.cn | Advanced classification principle: combined with a variety of [...] powder selecting principle, the [...] machine adopts aviation air dynamics analysis method [...]to make the optimal design for the [...]flow field, and the resistance of this equipment reduces significantly, the efficient of powder selecting is higher. mayastar.com.cn |
同前部一样,Veneno 的后部也经过优化,底部配备 空气动力 装 置 ,可在高速行驶下稳定转弯。 lamborghini.com | Just like the front end, the rear of the Veneno has also been optimized [...] for underbody aerodynamics and high speed [...]cornering stability. lamborghini.com |
PowaPak Air Ultra - 新型的高效空气动力三级液压扭矩扳手泵,提供行业领先的性能和最佳的动力和速度。 hydratight.com | PowaPak Air Ultra - A new high efficiency air powered, three stage [...] hydraulic torque wrench pump designed to give industry [...]leading performance with optimum power and speed. hydratight.com |
作为瑞士联邦多数控股的军用和民用航空公司,和RUAG的合作旨在提高飞行员Don Vito Wypraechtiger的飞机的空气动力性能 ,以确保在2012年9月的雷诺飞行比赛中能登上领奖台。 oris.ch | The partnership [...] worked to enhance the aerodynamics of pilot’s Don Vito [...]Wypraechtiger’s plane, the Scarlet Screamer, upgrading [...]it to ensure a place on the podium at the Reno Races in September 2012. oris.ch |
最后,后扰流器的尺寸有所增加,以提高车身产生的下压力,进而补偿前导流板 的 空气动力 效 应。 maserati.com.cn | Last but not least, the rear spoiler is [...] larger in size to [...] increase the down force generated by the profile, to compensate the aerodynamic effect of [...]the front splitter. web.maserati.com |
汽车的外形轮廓也经过了深入的 空气动力 学 研究,从而打造出与众不同的侧通气口,并与新型门下侧梁相连。 maserati.com.cn | The car’s profile has also been the subject of [...] in-depth aerodynamic analysis, leading to the introduction of unusual side air vents, linked [...]to the new under-door side sills. web.maserati.com |
除了协助威廉姆斯车队程序开发之外,她也从事FW34赛 车 空气动力 测 试 和全程测试。 oris.ch | Assisting Williams with development, she [...] also undertakes aerodynamic testing of the [...]FW34 and a full track test. oris.ch |
总体而言,在保证了强大抓地力的同时,极限速度下的操控稳定性得到了进一步优化,这全部得益于超高 的 空气动力 学 效 率,相比 Aventador LP 700-4提升超过50%。 lamborghini.com | Overall, handling stability at extreme speeds has been optimized without impacting [...] drag characteristics due to an increase of more [...] than 50% in the aerodynamic efficiency compared [...]to the Aventador LP 700-4. lamborghini.com |
110座和130座的C系列飞机家族拥有无可伦比的乘客舒适度、飞行性能和运营经济性,这些得益于最新科技成果的运用:第四 代 空气动力 学 ; 在结构中应用更多复合材料与铝锂合金材料;最新的系统技术,包括电传操纵、电刹车以及新一代的发动机——普拉特·惠特尼公司静洁动力(PurePower™)PW1000G。 cn.bombardier.com | The 110-seat and 130-seat CSeries family of aircraft brings unmatched passenger comfort, performance, and operating economics, benefiting from the latest [...] technological advancements, including: [...] fourth-generation aerodynamics; increased use [...]of composites and advanced aluminium alloys [...]in structures; the very latest in system technologies, such as fly-by-wire, electric brakes, and a next-generation engine – the Pratt & Whitney PurePower™ PW1000G engine. cn.bombardier.com |
豪雅打造了第二代奢华智能手机——符 合 空气动力 学 的豪雅RACER手机,这是一款创新型奢华智能手机,运用赛车知识,采用最先进的航空材质。 tagheuer.cn | TAG Heuer drives into a next generation [...] telephony with the aerodynamic TAG Heuer RACER, an innovation-driven luxury smart phone steeped in motor-racing lore [...]and constructed from [...]the most advanced materials in aeronautics. tagheuer.cn |
而有别于帕加尼Zonda系列的是,Huayra装载了更为积极 的 空气动力 系 统 ,它可以改变车身前部离地的高度,独立依靠车后部和前部的四轮全速驰骋。 vantageshanghai.com | Unlike the Pagani Zonda, the Huayra [...] incorporates active aerodynamics, it is capable of changing [...]the height of the front from the [...]ground and independently operating four flaps placed at the rear and front of the car. vantageshanghai.com |
功率密度提高、机油容量减少、 空气动力 学 和 噪音屏蔽设计改进(传动系周围的冷却空气量减少),这些因素都对车桥和变速器提出了更多的要求。 cn.drivelinenews.com | The increase in power density, lower oil volume, [...] improved aerodynamics and noise shielding (reducing the amount of cooling air around the [...]driveline) all place [...]additional demands on axles and transmissions. drivelinenews.com |
亚联环保的科学家和工程师们根 据当前最先进的技术和空气动力学原 理,并结合我们广泛的工业经验和最 新研究发现,研制开发了亚联技术烟 气脱硫系统。 apagroup.biz | Recently, our scientists and engineers have improved our new APATech FGD System on the basis of modern technology, principles of aerodynamics, our wide-ranging industrial experiences and the latest research findings. apagroup.biz |
除此之外,我们还将多年来在人体工程学 、 空气动力 学 与 可靠性方面的测试结果融入设计当中,一切都是为了确保提供一个内外兼修的驾驶环境。 scania.com.cn | On top of this, we add generations of testing in ergonomics, aerodynamics and reliability. scania.com |
为 1.A.或 [...] 19.A.2 所述系统专门设计或修改以整合飞行器机身、推力系 统及升力控制面、优化无人驾驶航空飞行器在飞行过程中 的 空气动力性 能的设计“技术”。 daccess-ods.un.org | E.1. Design "technology" for [...] integration of air vehicle fuselage, propulsion system and lifting control surfaces, [...]designed or modified [...]for the systems specified in 1. daccess-ods.un.org |
全新一代ES总工程师旭利夫表示:“全新一代 ES是LEXUS雷克萨斯秉承创新造车理念研发出的一款全新中级豪华轿车,配备全新家族前脸纺锤形格栅,并应用先进 的 空气动力 学 设 计出优雅动感的外观。 lexus.com.cn | Mr. Toshio Asahi, Chief Engineer of the new generation ES, said, “The upgraded ES is a brand new C-Class luxury sedan shaped by Lexus’ creative approach to car making. The new generation ES is equipped [...] with the distinctive [...] Lexus signature front face spindle grille, and an elegant and dynamic exterior design [...]featuring advanced aerody lexus.com.cn |
昂贵的高效粒子空气过滤器能挡住 空气动力 学 直 径为 0.2 微米(200 纳米 )的可吸 入颗粒物,一些国家的装填公司申请了该过滤器,并将之列入供资提案。 multilateralfund.org | Costly HEPA air filters, able to retain particulate matter with aerodynamic diameters [...] as small as 0.2 micron (200 nm.) have [...]been requested by fillers in some countries and placed in funding proposals. multilateralfund.org |