单词 | 空手 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 空手—karateless common: empty-handed unarmed Examples:空手道—karate 妙手空空—petty thief (lit. quick fingered and vanish) having nothing empty-handed 赤手空拳—unarmed and defenseless empty hand, empty fist (idiom); having nothing rely on
说服儿童的家人后,我们不会只是空手送还儿童。 unicef.org | After convincing the families, we don’t just [...] give the childrenback empty-handed,”shesays. unicef.org |
许多年来我几乎每一天游泳,我也做了功夫和空手道了近十年。 luxe-immo.com | For many years I used to swim nearly every day and I have also [...] done kungfu andkarate for nearly ten years. luxe-immo.com |
打屁股在此界定为「以轻微至中 等力度空手拍打屁股或肢体一两下而不造成身体上的伤 [...] 害」。 yorkcas.org | w Spanking – defined as the administration of one or two mild to moderate [...] smacks withan openhand on the buttocks [...]or extremities which does not cause physical harm – is not child abuse. yorkcas.org |
最近,她参加了 [...] Providência 社区警方安抚小组开设的空手道课程,还在比赛中赢得了奖牌。 daccess-ods.un.org | Currently, shetakes karateclasses offered [...] by the police pacifying units in Providência and has even won medals in competitions. daccess-ods.un.org |
制定了充分的预防性管制和空中安全战略,严格执 行《联利特派团航空标准和程序》建立的全面程序, 以确保联利特派团的所有航空活动做到安全、高效, [...] 并符合国际民用航空组织的标准和建议做法、《利比 里亚航空资料汇编》、《维持和平行动部航空手册》及相关航空标准。 daccess-ods.un.org | Adequate preventive control and air safety strategies are in place through strict implementation of comprehensive procedures established in the UNMIL aviation standards and procedures to ensure that all UNMIL aviation activities are safe, efficient and in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization standards and recommended practices, the Liberian [...] aeronautical information publication, the Department of Peacekeeping [...] Operations Aviation Manualand relevant aviation [...]standards. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们极真空手部,是对除脸部以外的部位,毫不留情全力击打的全接触式空手道的先驱。 tohoku.ac.jp | Kyokushin Karate is a pioneer in the full contact Karate that allows to hitthe opponent except the face at full power. tohoku.ac.jp |
在此之后,制 定了航空手册,确定了对相关流程的更改,后勤支助司也开发了应对实行 ISO 9001 [...] 国际标准方面各种挑战的基本能力,因此,该司将继续进行核查和认证。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given that theaviation manual andchanges to [...] related processes have since been established and that the Division has developed [...]basic capabilities to handle the challenges of implementing the ISO 9001 standards, the Division would advance with the verification and certification. daccess-ods.un.org |
丽塔察觉,并计划把它用在她的新怪物,伪装的动物,被称为黑暗的战士! 比利生病的散在他的头骨采摘,并决定重新注册在杰森的空手道类。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | Rita spots it, and plans to use it on her new monster, the camouflaged creature known as the Dark Warrior! seekcartoon.com |
大部分时间,像普拉波尔这样的孩子,不得不沿着附近危险的铁路线寻找水源,有时候他们要在邻近的水泵等好几个小时,但是如果那里的管理人员不允许的话,他们不得不空手而返。 unicef.org | Most days, children like Prabir must trek down dangerous railway lines nearby and sometimes wait hours at a neighbouring pump, only to be turned away if authorities there object. unicef.org |
1991: 率先在喷涂机器人中采用中空手腕,使机器人手部的运动速度更快、更灵活。 abb.com.cn | 1991: Unique hollow wrist introduced [...] on painting robots, allows faster and more agile motions. abb.pl |
由于其非常的灵活,Octopus真空手柄杆可以垂直、水平、倾斜以及相对于各种类型和材质的物体进行平台操控,因此不需要一个特外的排除,不需要更换或者调整吸盘位置,以及当吸盘表面只占整个面积的5 [...] ÷ 10 %,不用担心其使用。 vuototecnica.biz | Thanks to their extreme [...] flexibility,Octopusvacuum grippingbars can operate [...]correctly either vertically, horizontally, [...]tilted or upside down to the gripping surface and allow gripping objects of any shape or size, provided that they do not have an excessive transpiration, without having to change or replace vacuum cups, even when their surface occupies only 5 ÷ 10 % of the entire suction plate. vuototecnica.biz |
航空手提行李全天候专利防雨罩数码单反相机超袖珍傻瓜相机手机MP3播放器相片 浏览器闪光灯登山包,顾名思义是登山者用来装载物资装备的背囊。 tw.evershooting.com | Airlines handluggageweather patented rain cover digital SLR camera super pocket shoot camera mobile phone MP3player [...] photo browser flash mountaineering [...]bags, as the name suggests is used to load supplies and equipment rucksack. climbers backpack is loaded with all kinds of travel goods equipment, travel essential we can backpack, clothing, food, shoes backpack and sleeping bags as a field trip the five elements of a good backpack is a good partner, traveler who attaches great importance to and cherish their own backpack. except for mountaineering, adventure sports (such as rafting through the desert, etc.) and long-distance travel is also widely used. evershooting.com |
自1848年成立至今,瑞士顶级钟表品牌欧米茄一直在制表领域中傲视同侪,从时计精确度、各类型比赛、运动项目计时、至专业太空手表和潜水表的设计奖项均屡创佳绩。 sogo.com.hk | The prestige watch manufacturer OMEGA was founded in Switzerland in 1848 and since then has continually set the pace in the many [...] fields of watchmaking, from sports timekeeping and design [...] awards to watches for professional use in space or underwater. sogo.com.hk |
内疚和宽恕的复杂性,在这里仔细探讨,同时也经常被占领的刻板印象彻底康复专业的社会工作者 [...] - 最卖座的电影之一的节日复古, 价格分布莫名其妙地空手而归。 benjamin-gruber.com | The complexity of guilt and forgiveness is here explored carefully and simultaneously the too often occupied with stereotypes profession of social worker thoroughly [...] rehabilitated - one of the highest grossing films of the festival vintage, of the price [...] distribution inexplicably empty handed. benjamin-gruber.com |
展览结束后被揭发原来他并未为计划筹得足够的经费,所有参与计划制作的人员最后亦无奈地空手而回,而意大利当局亦把作品扣押了五年。 venicebiennale.hk | He had failed to raise funds for the project, a fact discovered only after the exhibition closed, when no one involved in the project´s production was paid and the Italian authorities impounded the art for five years. venicebiennale.hk |
然而,这通常是一个糟糕的经历,你需要一只手空闲的助手的帮助。 bksv.cn | However, it is a universal experience that nothing is worse than an [...] assistantwith one handunoccupied. bksv.ru |
表达上述意见的代表团还认为,接手空间物体的运 营商所属的非发射国本身也要承担责任。 daccess-ods.un.org | The delegation expressing that view was also of the [...] view that a non-launching State whose [...] operator took over a space object took on [...]an additional responsibility in its own right. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 1979 至 1985 [...] 年解放之后,国家第一次不得不应对最坏的局面,当 时,赤手空拳,百 废待兴,饥饿、 威 胁 、 混 [...]乱 、战争 与 和平并存 。 daccess-ods.un.org | After the liberation from 1979 to 1985, it was the first time that the Nation had to [...] challenge the worst situation, as it had to [...] start everything with emptyhand, hunger, threat, [...]turmoil, and the situation of having [...]both peace and war at the same time. daccess-ods.un.org |
不久之前我们谈到的还是赤手空拳的抗议者,今 天他们变成了起义,开始拿起武器。 daccess-ods.un.org | Until recently, we spoke of [...] protesterswith barehands;today they have [...]become a rebellion, having begun to take up arms. daccess-ods.un.org |
1983年陈爱华与丈夫决定 带子女移民来美国,「我挨了八年共产政权,没有工作,卖了自己的积蓄,卖黄金换食物,来美国时两手空空。 ktsf.com | Escaping from the communist regime, Quach and her husband immigrated to the United States with their children in 1983. ktsf.com |
各地区赤手空拳的平民时常密切监 测联黎部队的业务活动。 daccess-ods.un.org | On occasion, the operational activities of UNIFIL were [...] closely monitored by unarmedciviliansin various areas. daccess-ods.un.org |
扩大监督团的第二个备选是部署一个具备必要规模的武装部队,即保护单 位,为赤手空拳的观察员和文职工作人员开展工作提供安全保障。 daccess-ods.un.org | A second option for bolstering the Mission would entail the deployment of a necessarily [...] sizeable armed force-protection element as a security guarantor for [...] the workof the unarmedobserversand civilian staff. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果说少数 [...] 人诉诸了暴力,绝大多数叙利亚人却是赤手空拳走上 街头示威的,这与叙利亚政权滥用暴力形成对比。 daccess-ods.un.org | If a minority resorts to violence, the vast majority of Syrians who [...] demonstrate doso barehanded in the streets, [...]as compared with the indiscriminate violence of the regime. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,美 国代表团担心,除非立即填补关键的人手空缺,尤其 是专题专家和软件专家,否则将再次证明修订后的时 间表无法实现。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, his delegation was concerned that unless critical staffing gaps were addressed immediately, particularly in the area of subject-matter and software experts, the revised timelines would again prove unachievable. daccess-ods.un.org |
当野兽的攻击,贝奥武夫攻击他赤手空拳,赤身露体,确定自格伦德尔似乎是免疫致命的武器,不携带武器,他自己的,盔甲和剑将是毫无意义的斗争中。 zh-cn.seekcartoon.com | When the beast does attack, [...] Beowulf attacks him unarmed and naked, determining [...]that since Grendel seems to be immune to [...]mortal weapons and carries no weapons of his own, armour and a sword would be pointless in the fight. seekcartoon.com |
狂欢从Una Discoteca in [...] Maschera开始,所有来宾在深夜时分佩戴银色面具,烟花从舞台上落下,歌剧歌手、空中表演者和舞蹈者穿戴着威尼斯化妆舞会的服饰隆重登场,音乐DJ [...]Alex Gaudino播放着Nessun Dorma。 tipschina.gov.cn | The event was brought to life with three key 'Acts,' Una Discoteca in Maschera, and at midnight all guests wore silver [...] masquerade masks as fireworks fell from the [...] stage andOpera singers, Aerial performers and [...]dancers wearing Venetian masquerade costumes [...]kicked off the global event while DJ Alex Gaudino spun Nessun Dorma. tipschina.gov.cn |