

单词 空中格斗

See also:

空中 n

air n

空中 adj

aerial adj

空中 adv

airborne adj



External sources (not reviewed)

创新的设计结合红外线技术,使得该飞行器玩具还具 格斗 功 能 ,使用两架FlyTech Bladestar飞行器可以空中对战游戏。
Innovative design coupled with
infrared technology
[...] also allow for dueling capabilities, enabling two FlyTech Bladestar flyers to faceoff in aerial combat.
采用旋转装货设备:这些设备用来将产品均匀分散到轨道 中 , 避 免了以前装货时由于形成锥形而存在的未用 斗 车 空 间 , 从而增加了装货量。
Implement spin loaders: These devices were used to increase
loads by evenly
[...] spreading product into a railcar, eliminating unused hopper car space that previously existed when product was [...]
loaded and formed into a conical shape.
如果需要在条形中输入空格,您 需要输入或者打印"="(等号)来替代对应的空白字符,或者您可以使用我们提供的Font [...]
To print the barcode
[...] symbol representing a space you will need to type [...]
or print "=" (the equal character) instead of a space
character or use our Font Automation Tools to perform automatic conversion.
新西兰:“球门线格斗”实 验活动包括11场比赛,一个数据获取机械运 中 心 广 告,客户、供应商和媒体招待会,旗手学校项目,奖杯搭载“阿联酋 空 ” 新型A380抵达,以及传统的毛利人欢迎仪式。
New Zealand – Try Line Tussle experiential activity was delivered at 11 games with a data capture mechanic, transport hub advertising, VIP hospitality for customers, suppliers and media, flag bearers schools [...]
programme and Cup arrived
on Emirates new A380 and was given a traditional Maori welcome
经过了西班牙内战的战火洗礼,在第二次世界大战末期战斗机进入喷气时代,Bf109仍然是德 空 军 战 斗 机 部队 的 中 流 砥 柱。
Having gone through its baptism of fire in the Spanish Civil War, the Bf 109 was still in service at the
dawn of the jet age at the end of World War II, during which it
[...] was the backbone of the German Luftwaffe fighter force.
b如何发挥: [/b ]箭头键:-在地图上移动你的英雄-在菜单上移动光标-选择您的目标,在 斗中空 间 或 输入:-地图或 CTRL 交谈的人-确认菜单选项-确认目标Esc 键或 ALT:-接听起来,虽然你是在地图上的菜单-取消任何选择-搁置下来就跑开了战 (ESC)F12 键:-以 BMP 格式的屏幕截图。
How to play: Arrow keys: - Move your hero on the map - Move the
cursor on menus - Pick
[...] your target in battle Space or Enter: - Talk to people on the map or CTRL - Confirm menu choices - Confirm targets ESC or ALT: - Calls up the menu while you are on the map - Cancels any choice - Hold down to run away in battle (ESC only) F12: - Take Screenshot in BMP format.
TOP GUN 海军空战部队学校于1969 在加州的米拉玛成立,其目的是让海军飞行员掌握成功 空中 战 斗 战 术
Top Gun was founded in 1969, in Miramar, California, in order to build Navy pilot
[...] skills in successful air combat tactics.
鑑於定價將根據正常商業條款或更有利於合營集團的條款(惟關於辦空 間的服務除外,有關定價將為當前的價格水平及市場 格中 之 較 低者)釐定,吾等 認為,交接期間服務協議項下的條款乃按正常商業條款商定並屬公平合理。
Given the pricing will be determined based on normal commercial terms or on terms more beneficial to the JV Group (except for
the prices for
[...] services relating to office space, which shall be the lower of the prior price level and the market price), we are of [...]
the view that the terms
of the Transitional Services Agreement are on normal commercial terms and are fair and reasonable.
兼容的指令 必须遵循严格的语法要求,命令中 不 允 许多余的字符,命令树与参数之间只允许一空格隔开 ,参数后不允许多余的字符等,否则蜂鸣器会报警,表示当前命令产生了错误。
The compatible commands must follow the syntax strictly, for instance, unwanted characters are not allowed in
command trees;
[...] command trees and parameters should be separated by a space, unwanted characters are also not allowed to follow [...]
parameters, or else
the instrument will beep to alarm for an execution error.
表格名中还可以 使用 SFCC,字符间不允许空格。
No spaces are allowed between any of the Form Name characters.
[...] 同文明间对话的行动,并强调了这种对话在消除不同民族和不同文化之间的不信任以及在解 决冲突和反斗争中的关键作用。
As regards future orientations, several Member States commended the initiative taken by the Director-General to promote a dialogue among civilizations, including at the regional and interregional levels, and emphasized the critical role such a dialogue could play in overcoming
mistrust between peoples and cultures as well as in the context of conflict
[...] resolution and the fight against terrorism.
斯诺格拉斯 少校:绝对是!小时候我有一次偶然在德克萨斯州的一场飞行表演秀上看到一架美 空 军 战 斗 机 的 表演,自此以后我就非常想成为一名飞行员。
[...] Commander Guy M. Snodgrass: Absolutely! Ever since as a kid I happened to see a U.S. Air Force fighter jet at an air show in Texas I wanted to become a pilot.
可以在自定义变量列中加入 这个变量,输入一个 名称(变量的名称必须是一个不包 空格 的 单 词),合适的值,以及此变量开始生效的起始 期数。
You can add this in the Custom Variables
list, provide it
[...] a name (a variable’s name must be a single word without spaces), the appropriate value, and the starting step when this [...]
value becomes effective.
請 閣下於隨本函附上的回條上適空格 內 劃上「√」號,簽署後請使用回條下方的郵寄標籤將回條寄回本公司的股份過戶登 記處,地址爲香港灣仔皇后大道東 183 號合中心 17M 樓 (如在香港投寄則毋須貼上郵票)。
Please mark (√) in the appropriate box on the enclosed reply form (“Reply Form”) and sign and return it to the Company’s Hong Kong branch share registrar, at 17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen’s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, using the mailing label at the bottom of the Reply Form (a stamp is not needed if posted in Hong Kong).
Excel学生花名册的学生姓名用中有 空格 , 而且 空 格 的 位 置不确定,空格的数量也不确定,这使姓名这列数据很不整齐、不协调。
Excel students register the names of students used the
[...] word in the space, and the location of a space of uncertainty, [...]
not to determine the number
of spaces, which makes the name of this data is very neat, non-conforming.
七人中有五人在斗中受伤 ,他们在得到草草急救后被转移到阿萨 布的一处羁押设施,他们在那里受到讯问并被羁押了近两个月。
Five of the
[...] seven had been injured during the fighting and received [...]
superficial first aid before being transferred to a
holding facility in Assab, where they were interrogated and remained in detention for almost two months.
钩洒自己与天衣的仙尘,斗彼得在 空 气 中 , 减弱他温迪最终放弃他,忘记他,当她长大的嘲讽。
Hook sprinkles himself with Tink’s
[...] fairy dust, and duels Peter in the air, weakening him [...]
with taunts about Wendy abandoning
him and eventually forgetting about him when she grows up.
他知道,他的日常演习可是很多普通人的终极梦想。飞行结束,斯诺 格 拉 斯 少校驾驶着F/A-18E 战斗机在航空母舰 上方盘旋着缓缓下降,如此一来他就可以在降低高度的同时进行减速。
At the close of a flight, Snodgrass pulls the F/A-18E downwards and circles around the aircraft carrier, so he can lose both elevation and speed.
第1步:实现在单格中分行的效果:我们首先在单 格中 输 入 “性别”,这时候按回车键的话,光标就会转到其他单 格中 去 了 ,所以必须按住“Alt”键的同时按回车键,光标转到下一行,接着输入“姓名”,然后再在“性别”前加入若 空格 键 , 即可达到如图2的效果。
Step 1: the realization of the cell
branches in the results: we
[...] first cell type in the "gender", this time, then press the Enter key, the cursor will be transferred to other cells, so must hold down the " Alt "key and press the Enter key, the cursor to the next line, and then enter the" name ", and then in the" gender "by adding a number of space bar, you can achieve the effect in Figure 2.
该决定草案要求各缔约方酌情 在数据汇报表的每个单格中都填 上数字,包括填上数字零,而不是将单元格 留白,并请秘书处要求任何提交了包 空 白 单元格的汇报表的缔约方做出澄清。
The draft decision requested parties to enter a number in each cell in the data reporting forms that they submitted,
including zero, where appropriate, rather
[...] than leaving the cell blank, and asked the Secretariat to request clarification from any party that submitted a reporting form containing a blank cell.
在图形传中,删 除最后一个字母数字元素的尾 空格。
Trailing spaces are deleted from the last alphanumeric element in a graphics pass.
在「連拍張數」空格中,輸 入您一次想擷取的畫面數量。
In the Number of
[...] Pictures box, specify the number of [...]
images you want to capture.
下一步将按照之间的良好和邪恶的精神,其中后者将亡的最后 斗中 , 所有的除外阿里曼和蛇Azhi,其破坏是保留给阿胡拉马自达和Scraosha,牧师,神。
Next will follow the final combat between the good and the evil spirits, in which the latter will perish, all except Ahriman and the serpent Azhi, whose destruction is reserved to Ahura Mazda and Scraosha, the priest-god.
在恐吓性飞越方面,专家组证实 2010 年 6 月 13 日下午约 1
[...] 点 30 分有两架 政府的苏霍伊 25 型斗机进行空中示威 ,超低空掠过埃代因的达尔富尔混合行 [...]
In relation to intimidating overflights, the Panel confirmed
aerial demonstrations conducted by two
[...] Government Sukhoi 25-fighter jets very close to [...]
the tops of tents at the UNAMID team
site in Ed Daein on 13 June 2010 at about 1.30 p.m. The exercise took about 30 minutes.
在我结束发言之前,我要就最近在摩加迪沙和刚 果民主共和国发生的袭击事件表示哀悼,还要缅怀两 周前发生在刚果民主共和国的徒手 斗中 为 联 合国 维和行动牺牲的三名印度维和人员。
Before I conclude, I would like to offer my condolences on the recent attacks in Mogadishu and in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and to also salute the memories of three Indian peacekeepers who died in hand-to-hand combat under the United Nations flag, two weeks ago, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
在中国期间,丽贝卡将住在当地人家里,参观当地工厂,她自己拥有和希望拥有的很多东西(时装、手机、平板电视)都是中国制造,她还将亲眼见证一个人口大国朝着同一个目标齐心协力所取得的成就:个人在大规模生产、组织和 斗中 取 得 进步。
While Rebekkah is in China she will stay with a host family, visit factories where much of the objects she owns or aspires to own (fashion clothing, mobile phones, flat-screen TVs) are produced and witness first hand what can be achieved when a massive-scale, national population pulls together towards one common goal: individual improvement through mass production, organization and hard work.
两个三方委员会的规则与程序已经商定,任务分别为:(a) 处理以前 被认定为战争俘虏但目前依然下落不明的失踪人员案件;和(b) 处理在斗中丧 生 或失踪的人员案件,包括找回、验明和移交人体遗骸。
Agreement was reached on the rules and procedures of two tripartite committees that have the respective tasks of resolving: (a) cases of former and presumed prisoners of war still unaccounted for; and (b) cases of persons missing or killed in combat, including the recovery, identification and handover of human remains.
在Winamp 5.0中的新 功能包括支持经典的Winamp的1.x/2.x/2.9x的外观和Winamp 3(“现代”)的外观,更加强大的媒体库,支持CD抓轨(AAC @ 2倍的免费版本,MP3在无限的速度在Pro),支持CD刻录(限2倍的免费版本),高级职称格式支持的文件类型的逻辑,巨大的AVS更新,支持播放AAC和VP6,全局热键支持NSV文件/流, Studio的新的信号处理DSP插件,代理图标的使用winamp的系统托盘图标,优化Winamp的负载的需求逻辑的产品配置选项来禁用插件的异常处理对于开发商来说,新的Winamp的图标,添加XP的manifest.xml winamp.exe,变得更快,更可靠的Winamp的内部子菜单管理,补充皮肤的字体覆盖的喜好,并添 空格 键 显 示当前的播放列表项目,在播放列表编辑器。
New features in Winamp 5.0 include support
for classic
[...] Winamp 1.x/2.x/2.9x skins and Winamp 3 ("Modern") skins, vastly more powerful media library, CD ripping support (AAC@2x in free version, MP3 at unlimited speeds in pro), CD burning support (limited to 2x in free version), advanced title formatting logic for file types that support it, huge AVS updates, support for playback of AAC and VP6 in NSV files/streams, global hotkey support, new Signal Processing Studio DSP plug-in, options to disable plugin exception handling for developers, new Winamp icon, added XP Manifest.xml to winamp.exe, made agent icon use configured winamp system tray icon, optimized winamp's load titles on demand logic, made faster, made winamp's internal submenu management more reliable, added skin font override preferences, and added spacebar shows current playlist [...]
item in playlist editor.
通过使用Aspose.Pdf能对各种文本进行调整(左对齐,右对齐,居中),用户可对PDF文档中的所有文本进行调整和调节,可以创建左挂的文本段落,文 中 的 空格 可 以 被保留,文本格式可以设置和从DOM (Document Object Model)的子节点继承,可对文件的所有段进行文本格式化处理(包括下划线,上划线或删除线),可以改变文本的前景和背景颜色,在相应的文本内容运行时能够使用被允许的更换符号。
Pdf text alignment e.g. right, left, center,
justify or full justify can
[...] be applied to all text within a PDF document, left hanging text paragraphs can be created, white space in text can be preserved, text format can be set [...]
and inherited from child
nodes of the PDF DOM (Document Object Model), text formatting for all segments of a document including the ability to change text to underline, overline or strikeout.




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